STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited July 2013

    I once served on a murder case and understand reasonable doubt.  It was a murkey case with what to me was missing evidence.  To me that 911 call is grounds for a Federal and/or civil trial for violation of cival rights. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013

    Morning from Lillieland.  Hmmmm, that verdict.  I'm with Ducky too.  GZ was told to stay in his car and that the police would handle it.  The minute I heard that --- that GZ ignored the instructions he was given just spoke for itself.

    I do think there is already some poetic justice going on.  GZ is not free to move around.  He fears for his own protection and safety.  At least there is that but he should have gotten at least manslaughter...don't know if that has degrees. 

    I also think too often right and wrong is not based on the full incident, but on who has the cleverest lawyers.  Sad -- very sad.  Still I think Mr. Z is in a pretty un-enviable corner.  He does not really have the freedom he once enjoyed....personally, I hope he never does.  What a thing to have on your conscience. 

    Chevy...too funny about the hot spots for people.  I don't think anyone in this house knows much about that anymore.  Oh the joys of hormones kicking out rather than in. 

    Hope you all have a great Sunday.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    The minute he stepped out of that truck after being told "do not follow him", was when he made the decision to be"the law"........

    Why did TM not have the right to defend himself from a stranger coming after him.....if GZ was that "soft",then why would you persue someone who could possibly do YOU bodily harm.........

    And when was the last time anyone of us went to any grocery store armed with. 9mm gun, fully loaded, and concealed.


    What were those 6 women thinking. ONE LIFE HAS BEEN DESTROYED...WHY RUIN ANOTHER.....I could not sleep at night knowing I set a man free who clearly deserved to pay for what he did.....I do hope the TM family takes this further.......that was a good family......they deserved better........God help them......

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    THEN he hides, he won't talk to his own lawyers, gets caught with $$$ trying leave, THEN talks to Sean Hannity. STFU!  It is all wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Imagine how different things would be had GZ "offered TM a ride to his house so he could get out of the rain"............

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Google and read......"What charges were brought against Shellie Zimmerman by Judge Lester"......she was locked up for perjury about their status.......amazing........

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    GZ will be a prisoner of fear for the rest of his life for shooting a scared boy in the heart. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Flowers, did you say "BTW was that a job offer, when you(MO) said-- Our new Nutritionist". So, happy you enjoyed the experience :) Sorry about the pain. Please, I don't mean to sound like a broken record. But study the stuff I wrote about Fentanyl. The beauty of it is it maintains a better, more even blood level than any other delivery system. It, also, at the correct dosage for you, will not make your head screwy like OXY does. Starting at a low dose like 12.5 mg with the ability to add another 12.5mg if your pain scale doesn't come into acceptable range, is now and in the long term better for you. Also, consider one of the drugs that helps with fibromyagia, after having been examined for the problem. I met the criteria for fibro since the criteria was written. It wasn't until Arimidex, that it just went off the charts. Between Fentanyl and Savella SSNRI, the pain came into manageable range. Savella is very expensive, my doc has always provided samples(bless her). There are other drugs available. Cymbalta SSNRI. Lyrica. Good luck:)

    Phyllisleeper, waiting till you wake up. Had a nice, nice visit with DS. He didn't just come home b/c of the thyroid thing. It was a planned visit to get stuff for his new office. Bugger sold the beautiful crystal liquor decanters i thrifted. He's just to used to me thrifting beautiful things. He thinks there available all the time. Found a crystal humidor, just stunning. This one told him no way can he sell. KIDS.

    Philly please, post that bleep about the woman getting twenty years. GZ is guilty as sin. Haven't checked the news to see if there's any riots.

    Shells and Julianna Thanks.:)

    Lillie, such a harrowing experience for you. My 30 lb rapid weight gain could be part of the scenario, don't know yet. Some other things are kaflooey too., but will wait and see. Basically, this was a "good catch" by the yearly work up and due dillegence by the radiologist :). If it is TC. Things are very early, but very suspicious. Suspicious enough the docs haven't even seen me and are making all the cooperative moves to get things done. Tells me even more that the words on the report aren't good. But I'm happy, I know that sounds strange. I look at it as find it early and get it out.

    Had the preop workup today(SUN). My PCP's office has 7 docs and several ARNP's. 2 offices. One office open 7 days a week, the other office 6 days a week. Each doc has private patients, but it's a full service walkin /urgent care center too. So, no matter if my doc's not on duty, I can be seen by someone. It took a little cajoling to get them to do the workup today, but it's done:) Now the only thing to do is cardio. I'm going to wait and see on that one.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Hello Hoolies--I've been gone for 2 days no one noticed Hmmmm  Well I will not remember all I read and I don't know how to double screen it, I can say it, but don't even know what it is.

    OK Chevy, I did note that in 2 posts u said u were going crazy and going nuts--That drive has ended. U are there. So accept it.

    And the 5 yr Euro-plan I thought it was real and I was just ahead of times, bit I guess I'm not ahead of anything--(shut up Chevy_

    Sas u have so much wonderful info-u are a charm.

    And Lillie I have to agree Lawyers mean more than anyone thinks--if u'r lawyer is better than the prosecutor u'll no doubt win. It's the way it is. That's why there is a demand for the best when u'r under the gun. It has so much to do with attorney it's unbelievable and don't forget the jury does not always hear what we hear and they are sworn to go by exactly what happens in court, not ourside of court-and the jurors are hand picked and agreed upon--with the idea that they could be swayed one way or another--so of u'r a stronger attorney u will have the edge.

    My brain has not caught up with things yet, so I feel all over the place. I went to my oldest DD's for 2 day and actually went in the swimming pool after years of not swimming. And yes Chevy I did sink to the bottom and was appointed a lifeguard (one of my cousins) I kept falling over backwords the water would just take me. hahaha I was in mostly excercising for over 3 hrs. and I could move my legs and felt so so good--of coirse I needed 3 people to get me in and 4 ro get me out cuz my legs stopped working out of the water. Now today the pain is unreal, but I did ezcercise for hrs. and not sunburn, my DD was constantly putting stuff on me, even my head--I wanted to slap her. I did have a great time my cousins hare such a hoot even when I thought I was drowing we still laughed. My lifeguard was to busy laughing at me when I'd go under--so I had to use a floater like a kid, but I kicked my legs like crazy cuz i could. hahaha--I did overdue but I had fun in the sun. Now I'm lazy again.

    So I'll BBL and really catch up.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Cammi - you're not going nuts, you're already nuts, along with the rest of us in our own little Nut Bin. Here's a picture of Red's Nut Bin posted in April (Hooligan Nut Bin before thread):

    photo ScreenShot2013-04-18at102418AM_zpsf56d71b7.png

    Thread members before joining - It looks like they are neatly organized but there are definately mixed up nuts in here.

    photo 7e10c4e4-4d05-4e93-bc90-c39963b5dd9b_zpsba083b37.jpg

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Sassy, I'll skip posting that here and just annoy people on FB instead. Ha!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Shellgoofierthanme---Altho I do believe those pictures represent us--I SAID Chevy was crazy and nuts---everyone know I am I don't have to keep on reminding anybody.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Philyyeveraware---wish you posted about the woman that got 20years for shooting a spouse that she had a protection order against in Jacksonville florida. She felt in fear of her life, a protection order existed. She's in jail. GZ was instructed not to follow--he went against the instructions. A person died. IF GZ had followed instructions and waited for the police to do their job. We wouldn't even be discussing this. GZ is  free. He was a wannabbee cop. In EMS circles(my history), this type of person was/is considered a danger. In police circles I'm guessing the same(twin agrees , she was a cop). But the Game isn't over yet. I've learned stuff from DS whose a lawyer that things can be done to set aside the verdict. So, time will tell.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Cami-------ohwww pain.... not so much at one time. My biggest learning experience this last week of exercising. DO not take a pain pill before exercising. Absence of pain gives the illusion that you can do more------paid for that one big time.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited July 2013

    Watched John Guys opening argument today...missed it the first time......if those jurors were truly listening to him, there is no way they could have found GZ not guilty......WTH were they listening to.....I did see the closing argument while it was happening......again, they had to be morons......also.....

    If he has not already, GZ will get his gun back saw that today on CNN......and someone better get his brother off TV before he starts a riot ..........

    All I can say is ......GZ is still alive, while TM is dead.......but is GZ, or is he just existing, looking over his shoulder, wondering constantly which day may be his last.........that is not living........

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013

    Something I left elsewhere today:

    I mentioned a while back as well.....Zimmerman may have not got court sanctioned justice for what he did, but he will be taking on a great good deal of poetic justice as he has to sleep with one and a half eyes open at all times and know great fear every time he exercises his constitutional right to once again come and go as he pleases.  Good Luck, George.


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Damn you I want NUTS!

    I know a couple of you are having surgery this week...lots of prayers going out to you...please check in as soon as you can so we know you are ok....♥

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    CamiouchIdidtoomuch, Welcome back.  Glad you had a good time.

    Mostlymom, Are you ready for your surgery tomorrow (Monday)?  I'll be there on your health team's shoulders (no pockets in those crazy hospital gownsSealed)  They better give you plenty of TLC and pain meds or I'll slap them upside the head.  Let us know as soon as you can how you are doing.  We tend to get antsy if one of us is missing more than a couple of days.

    Flowers, How are you doing?  Still wilting with the pain?  Hope not.

    BTW, Sweet Pea, Blondie and dwili- where are you?  How are you?  I think everyone else is accounted for- help me out if I missed anyone.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Smart AND Honest - What a wonderful combination you are cammyurightonthemoney

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Shell whatever I said, glad u think I'm smart and honest. hahaha

    OK who's got surgery this week? I hope no one but I know someone does--but it's time to get it over with. And who's having what. I don't know anything about lumpectamies, but if u giving up a boob or 2, piece of cake no pain so that parts good. Drains are just a pain in the ass, but no pain.

    I can't get myself in order today, I don't know why just seems strange maybe I'm not used to being with so many people laughing at me at one time.

    Jackie good decription of this thread.:) I forgetSmile

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Jo had her TAH/BSO yesterday and may have been able to go home today.

    Flowers  (cmbernardi) has BSO this Thursday, July 18th at 7:30 am Texas time.

    I think one more of us is having surgery, but my brain just went kaput. Hoolies, help remember if we have another of our sisters having upcoming surgery.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    WTF is a tho/bco====bullchit--Boy Shell u'r sure showin' off/

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2013

    Yes, you left me in the dust with jargon also.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Please let me translate:  Total Abdominal Hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy- removal of uterus, tubes and ovaries.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    They don't just call it a full hysterectomy, like they used to.

    Thanks Wren.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited July 2013

    That's what I'm having tomorrow - it's nice to know the name for it - tah/bso instead of just being neutered....  Bring lots of snacks, pocket peeps, cause I've been on all clear liquids today with a desert of an enema....  Who has more fun??  I've told them the only way to keep me on the gurney is to hold my hand while I'm being put out so if you see me running down the hall with my gown flapping in the wind, you'll know why.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013
    Morning gals!  So wait.... let me digress.... I'm back on the last page.


    So does anyone know, (probably not) how old is tooo old to mess around, for a man?   I'm not complaining, mind you, but DH seems to have this weekly "hot-spot" in his brain.  So I'm asking, does it ever shut off?   I WISH I would get a hot-spot at the same time he does, but it just takes convincing my brain that I WANT to ..... Is this normal?  Do I have to resort to saying "Hold on a minute, maybe I can look up something pornographic on the Internet to wake up this old head of mine."  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    Moving on.... Still unbelievable about Zimmerman.....  I have never heard of anyone, ever, who was THERE, who admitted to it, and then found not guilty.  But we could kick this around forever, and never find justice.  Not unless it is overturned, and I don't think that could ever happen.


    Sass.... I hope everything is going good for you.... If ANYone is on top of it, you are!


    Cammi!  YES we noticed you were gone....  we all cried.  Then we sent out for Pizza.  WHAT were you doing, other than going sinking...I mean swimming?   That was so funny about you telling what you did !

    I hope you are not in anymore pain?  Or is that wishful thinking?  Poor little Cammi.... I will make you toast and milk. 


    I remember one time at the beach in Florida... (WELL of course it wouldn't be HERE, because we have no WATER!)  But I was with our 2 Daughters & a Grand-son, and they were TRYing to show me how to get on this "boogie-board"...  Yeah, right!..... And so the waves and them took me out further.... I started to get water up my nose, and I became .... let's say afraid, (instead of panicked, which I really was) and finally I wanted OFF of that damn thing!  They were laughing, and I was sputtering, and slowly drowning.....  (I think it was intentional) And finally the oldest one said "MOM!.... Put your feet DOWN, you can STAND up now."   So I did.... and I was alive.   So Cammi!  Our drowning abilities are going good!  Although our prowess as water nymphs has left the building.....  We are no longer capable of  anything close to looking gorgeous in the water.


    Yes...  I am slowly going nuts....  If it isn't my hands, it's my ears, OR my little dog!  Then of course DH goes in tomorrow for his teeth.  It will probably scare the shit out of me when I see him smile when he comes out of the office... I am so USED to him without any teeth, which I might add is not a pretty sight.....  He will probably feel like he has a mouth full of car-parts when he gets them in.....  But he HAS to wear them, or I will tell him "you ain't going with me without your teeth."  Our Daughter's will break his bones if he doesn't wear them...  "Stubbornness" will have reached it's limit with him... and me!  His Dad went without any teeth and looked like "mush-mouth murphy" ...... So nope!  Maybe I'm worrying about nothing...  I'll find out tomorrow, or the next day...Ha! 


    Hi Shells and Phyllifewwords!  Don't listen to Cammi.... SHE is the one that is joining me in the nut-bin.


    And Lillie!  Man, those nuts looked good!  I love nuts!  Even the sugar-toasted ones from the flea-market...  shut up Cammi.


    Sass!  Did you say Cammi had Pain?  I missed that one.... Now I feel bad.  I will add peanut-butter to that toast.


    Wow Lillie.... that picture of Trayvon...  And so true.


    Oh so Chickers wants nuts?  Where have you been?  Are you doing okay there gal? 

    Hi Julianna....  I'm glad we have you to remind me of who is going in and what for...  and I can't keep track either! 

    And Cammi is right, whoever is going in, we feel bad, and we are with you...  !   We are NOT laughing AT you Cammi.... just WITH you...Or wait, maybe we ARE!  Go get yourself in order.... then order fries.


    Ha, ha!  You guys can't understand Shells!  That's because she's smart!  That was funny.  Thanks for straightening them out Julianna.... I was GOING to, but you beat me to it...

    I know you said what it was, but man, I don't understand those words.  Okay.... a total hysterectomy....


    Geez Mostly Mom....  Yeeee gads!  Tomorrow?  I'll bring mashed potatoes & gravy and a dirty movie!    And Frito's.  Once they put you to sleep, you won't know NOTHIN'..... That's the best part, waking up and it's over.   xoxoxo

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    I googled "good morning hooligans cartoon image" this morning and guess what came up???

    betty boop

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    For all our Hooligans!