STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Oh ladies - you are all suffering so much - I feel for all - Pain is the real pits and sometimes the meds are even worse than the pain.. Comforting hugs out to all of you -

    Blondiex - I'm in your pocket girl! scarf is being made today while I stay out of the heat

    Flowers and Phgraham - your scarves are on there way - mailed yesterday

    And Veggy - for you: Edit: I disagree with the picture but thought it was cute I wish I could be an iguana!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    good morning goohlihans!  Today is my dyslexia day apparently.  But I came with a gift for Chevy - her very own chevy mug

    '55 Chevy Mug

    Why, you ask?  I have NFI!  I guess I'm just a nice person.  Embarassed

    Yesterday I went and saw my LE therapist.  WE HAD A MIRACLE!  Well, to me it was sort of a miracle.  The truncal LE that we were worrying was developing on my right side under my scar is most likely onle EDEMA  not LymphEDEMA.!  It's from the mastectomy.  I've got a concrete slab like area in my armpit that is being stubborn that may be keeping the fluid from draining properly.  4 months out from surgery, I thought I would be CURED!  Silly me.  Anyway the good news for me is that I do not have to wear compression tanks any more.  I don't even have to wear my sleeve unless something is funky or I'm picking up grandkids and throwing them in the pool, or maybe trimming trees or housework!  I was happy with that news.  Here is my takeaway - I cannot clean house unless I put on my sleeve.  How often is THAT gonna happen???  Especially since I just hid them. I sure hope it's right!

    I would like to say that I am SO happy that we have two lifeguards here on this thread.  Two that can shower and save themselves.  That is AMAZING.  And swimming while laughing, that is so awesome.

    I'm a little worried about our little blondie today.  Aren't they sticking a needle in her lung?  Yikes! It would be less worrysome if they could just put a towel on her chest and charm the fluid out by ....what's that word....osmosis?  So today they will stick in a big fat needle (I'm making this up - no idea how they do it) and take fluid out of her lung.  Then tomorrow they put in another needle and give her more chemo juice.  This is not fair!  I bet they don't even use the same needle hole.

    mostlymom and other surgery ladies -  best of luck, lovely drugs and quick healing to you.

    cammi - my app will probably take longer because they still have me staged as IIa. That may put me back at the end of the line I'll just have to see.  Every day is a new adventure!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    Today I am going to play in traffic, run with scissors, put my head in the oven, jump out of my bedroom window, or just have myself committed. Maybe I'll just bang my head against a wall. I'll shut up now!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    No, Veggy!!!!!we need you!!!!! C'om on, spill!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Vggy if I could run, it would definitely be with scissors in my hand. Love u'r attitude.

    PhylonoLE---good for u--great news--hide those damn things and forget the housework. I hope Blondie is about done with that drain thing, I have no idea how that works and I don't want to know. She's getting hit 2 days in a row. Phylosnapapicture---did u take that picture cuz it really is a pretty view--and even tho they are yellow I know they are not dandelions right, BTW I like the meaning of lifeguard, someone who takes a shower on their own. LOL it's true around here. I felt so bad when my OT said I should get a seat in the shower, cuz my mom got one when she was like 85--OMG I didn't tell anyone especially my kids--My body is so old not like my brain (shut up Chevy) I still think silly and goofy and then I walk and it's so hard then I feel so so old. Bwaaaaaaaaa. that's a sad cry. I go to PT today next week I have Drs. and Pt 3 days in a row, Why do I hate this so much I reall didn't have a problem a couple of years ago, now I don't want to be bothered by any one of them. I know I shouldn't complain cuz cancer wise I'm doing good but so much else is going around me and I'm always with some Dr. now--I had 4 Drs. before and to me that was plenty, now I have 7 and that bothers me--Sorry I'm on a rant today, my pain meds are wearing off hahahaha OK I'll STFU cuz I hate being like this with u guys--I'm always so nice especially to littleold Chevy.  OH no I'm in trouble now.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Healing thoughts for everyone, for sx's and procedure. Nappy allot. Overdid exercizing, many body parts unhappy. Thinking of you all :)

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Need all of you in my pocket thurs. too. scheduled for a brain scan due to debilitating dizziness. Veggy I need to be with you...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Mary, make sure you get a doc that know's how to test for crystals in the labirynth. Both Shells DH, and I had it at the same time. We were lucky to both have doc's that did the test early. Therefore, we had diagnoses early. MY MRI always shows a shadow on the mastoid. The ENT doc always says"I keep trying to teach them it's a shadow,'its a shadow". ENT doc Indian, always repeats every thing twice LOL. So, IF they give you a dx of mastoiditis get a disk and take it to the ENT doc. Tell them when you go in you would like a disk Cd to take to ENT doc.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Isn't a Labyrinth some sort of cave?   Mary has a cave in her head?  Just WONdering.    Marywiththecave.... My GF had so many dizzy spells, and all sorts of tests, and yes they did find something, but they just treat her with pills.... She had BC also, and was afraid, of course, that it was the same thing.... For awhile she could not drive.... and spent a lot of time in bed, but the medication is helping....   But Mary, we ARE all with you!  I'll say a prayer for you.... or many!  xoxoxo

    Phylliroastbeef!  We have 2 life-guards?  A lot of good THAT is going to do us, beins' as how we don't even go in the water.... unless someone PUSHES us!  You have a concrete slab?  Don't those belong outdoors?  Somewhere?   I have compression stockings that I'm not wearing right now either.... We could keep our compression garments together!    And I LOVE my Chevy cup!  How sweet of you!  Cammi would have given me coal... in a Christmas stocking.

    Veggy.... what happened?  Are you serious?  Are you temporarily at the end of your rope?  Can we help you somehow?  I can make you 1/2 a toasted sesame bagel, with peanut butter and cherry marmalade!  I just had one.... and you would have liked it too.

    Cammi!  Damnit!   You lost your clicker?  AND your mind?  And I didn't know you could read!    Much LESS type.... Ha, ha!    And I'LL give YOU "down-right old!"    Actually, my age SOUNDS so old, but when I look at myself in the mirror, the flower-rimmed mirror, I see a beautiful intelligent graceful woman in there!  Then I put that picture down, and find the real mirror.    Wink    OH!  By the way....Just have to tell you, that it cracks me up when I read what you post.... That is if I can understand anything that you write.... you being OLD and all.  (love you little Cam!)

    Merlecat!  You need a chauffer, babe!  Some nice looking dude to cart those kids all over the place! No, wait...... You need a Limo!  One with a stocked Bar, and a pole.... The pole is  NOT for you,  but for the guy that it's stocked with.    The van is for the kids....the Limo is for you.

    Good to see you GrammiFoley....  everything okay now?  Yes, We are all with Blondie....

    Hi Shells and Spookie! 

    Took DH to the Dentist.... He has the Titanium bridge plate made for the lower jaw, and it fits real good.... Will look REAL good with teeth in it!

    Took impressions of the top.... Glad he is taking the time, because DH's jaw just quit hurting up on the top!   So we go again Monday, for another fitting, and in about 12 years, he will have his teeth.    Just kidding.... In 2 weeks he said.... They are coming from Tibet.... by fishing boat. 

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2013

    Bringing a little friend to say hi with me today.

    Thinking of everyone with tests, proedures, operations.  Sending vibes that all goes well.


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Veggy, I'm braiding more rope for you. How else can I/we help?

    Chevycanfixit, thanks for the picture posting lesson. I'll give it a try..thanks for the cup of coffee too

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    I'm sick and tired of the BS cancer keeps throwing in my face.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Hi Juliaanna!  Try this!

    It automatically scans your computer for any pictures you have on your hard drive....  You can also "upload" your pictures to a "web-album" that you have signed in for, and then you can post pictures of YOURS to all of us here!...  Like this...

    I took this in May, before the tomatoes grew huge! 

    Are you using a Desk-top computer?  That's what I have....  good luck!

    Veggy!  We're holding on to the end of your rope, so you can't slide off!  Man, I remember climbing the ropes at Grade School, all the way to the ceiling....  (Well, where ELSE would they be?)  Didn't fall off either....  That's when I had no fear.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    Can someone put a trampoline under me incase I fall off? That way it might make it easier to bounce back.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    My sexy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    WTF I leave for a few hrs. all all hell brakes loose and whose fault is it--no nmaes mentioned but it reminds u of a CAR.

    Veggie we're spotting u at the rope, we'll catch u don't worry--we're ll here for u.

    Did anyone hear from Blondie--I'm wondering how she feels after the draining, does it still hurt or is it a relief? I have noe idea what happens.

    Chevy I will say u must have taught someone how to load pics and that is quite an achievment cuz I can not do it at all--so I apologize for thinking u'r useless, oh maybe I shouldn't have said that cuz I don't think I ever wrote it here. ooo good thoughts for u'r DH teeth--maybe there wik be more going on in that room u sleep in, maybe not so much sleepin' will be happening. Nice going Chevy.

    Sas I hope u'r resting cuz there will be more questions for u, I am assuming, there always is so u have to rest u'r brain. Like Chevy and I do so we can be perky for old people.

    BTW who are the lifeguards here--since no one has a pool> I didn't know we had real life guards.

    ChickaDfootfetish--I hate u'r feet--They are so perfect and I love the color--I have that on my nailshahaha--but u could be a foot model. Geeze I can't show my feet to anyone. I bet Chevy has better feet than I do., that's how bad mine are.

    Chevy u do know I just love u--u'r so funny.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    OMD. I was in Walgreens looking for a shampoo for chemo curls and saw


    I touched the sample, it really is fuzzy. The clerk said its flying out the door, the young'uns love it. Thought a few here might be interested too.

    Everybody feel better!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK Spookie I don't want that one, I love the sparkly ones tho and match it to my jewelry. I'm such a blingy person, but not fuzzy--shut up Chevy.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    Looks like lots of tricks to putting it on on the Sally Hansen site. One of many images. I'm doing good if I get polish on my toenails at all. Bending to reach them has become a bi**h. I have to prop my foot up on a step stool. I've only done one pedi and that was after my LX. One of the few things I forgot to do was cut my toenails pre surgery.

    Veggy - Hang on tight. Wanna gripe to us?

    Hope we hear from Blondie soon.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Yeah that's the stuff!!!!

    Cami, I'm innocent, I never mentioned ANY names!!! But I was thinking them.............

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013


    Great looking feet and the nail color-wow!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Veggy, so sorry for being misserable with heat, In florida we are acclimated to it. I keep the Ac at 80 degress and still feel chills. only have been up north a few time since 92. It was horrible to go up north. Please, don't run with sizzors or the other stuff. Sounds good, but the doing is not. Sounds like your wanting to scream b/c all seems out of control. Find a place to scream and use a pillow. I used to go in the closet. The pillow kepts you from loosing your voice. Now idea why? I it did it both ways. First way no pillow, lost my voice for a week. Second way, got the scream out, but no voice loss.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited July 2013

    Sas, the pillow keeps the voice from getting out and getting lost.  Wink   know, my logic is a little warped tonight.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    The reason for screamin gis that I want the hole in my chest closed up. PS wants now to wait until I have my pet scan at the end of August. Its been about months with a hole where my TE was. I'm plenty sick and tired of this crap. He said when i was done with chemo he would sew it up. I want it done now. What if my next set of scans shows the cancer is back? Then what? Wait until I'm done with chemo again? I want one less thing to look at that reminds me of this crap.   That's the end of my rant.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Veggie, that sucks. Would it be worth a second opinion? I can't imagine why the doctor would want to leave it open. Did he give you any reason?

    Lots of hugs. I could braid the rope long enough so you could hang him😈

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2013

    Veggy how frustrating I do not even know what to say?? If u need a trapeze partner I will let u scream and we will both scream and swing but I won't let u fall. We will catch you. I know it is hard but maybe try and tell him why you need this done maybe he will come to a compromise. Hugs ugh wish I could say more.

    Sass sending you hugs any news yet?? I know u are one bad bi**h and can get through anything!!

    How is my surgery ladies?? Jo and Mostlymom please rest, ambulate, take meds, and rest some more.

    Flowers sending you hugs for Thursday ;) I know u will just charge right on through!! Pls let us know u are okay when u can.

    Blondie how are u doing?? Well plural effusions are not fun but do able. I bet u are sore, hang in there. So glad they found it!! But I am still pissed about the whole z pack crap. Use spirometer rest turn cough deep breath.

    Sorry, Trying to catch up reading... Austin has been sick I started back at work and things are just crazy. Got tattoos set up for radiation. More drug targeted chemo on Monday Sending healing hugs F-Cancer This journey sucks I wish I could take it all alway!! I am so glad I have you holligans right beside me walking through fire.

    Sweet Pea

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chickiebumpsonyourhead-Had the same scenario --1 chemo, but the infection showed up with arimidex. My solution to the problem was a dilute clorox solution. Phillysoastute picked up on the fact that is was equivalent to the bartenders solution to wipe counters. THAT WAS exactly it. See later.

    I did as you are doing, I went to the dermatologist. After 5 weeks of treatment, based on cultures and sensitives, and drugs appropriate for treatment. Nothing was working. The bacteria I had, I won't even write the name. The Bacteria was so bad it makes MRSA look good. After I found out about dilute bleach baths. I considered what was required by law for restaurants to wipe down tables/bar counters. It was a 10% clorox solution. 1 part clorox to 9 parts water. OSHA Didn't require that restaurant/bar workers wear gloves. My conclusion on this was, it was safe enough to not require gloves. Since I had done an employee health manual, which required me to look at the Code Of Federal Regulations, Osha, and Niosh in a previous job.  I chose to risk a 10% SOLUTION ON MY HEAD, SINSE nothing the dermatologist recommendations was working(5 weeks).

    I did the first treatment on a Monday morning, then the 2nd rinse that night. Tuesday Morning. Wednesday morning. Was recultured Wednesday afternoon, with the cautionary from the dermatologist that the culture would still likely show staph because that's a normal flora. Dermatologist was NOT happy with what I had done. But said we shall see what the new culture results will show. New culture showed NO BACTERIAL GROWTH. I had brought all the literature to the dermatologist in re: to both dilute chlorine baths and  restaurant/bar requirements.

    The bacteria I had cultured at the beginning is one of the WORST to get rid of, It was commonly described as taking MONTHS to get rid of and heavy duty antibiotics. I wasn't willing to risk that high usuage of antibiotics. Antibiotic used in high dosage and long term can weaken the immune system. STFU our immune systems are stressed enough.

    What did I know---the pain an itching were gone with the first application. The three follow up were for security because of understanding bacteria.  I did do follow up applications as my scalp indicated by pain and intching. But they were many months apart.

    Oddly, enoughy when I got the shingles vaccine, which reacted in many strange ways over my body. The queisent site of that BACTERIAL site was very active for a number of days. Can't prove any thing. But what I surmise is that Bacteria was laying quite. Vaccines activate our immune systems. What I believe happened at this site, is the immune system identified this Damn quiet BUGGER  was hiddened and attacked it. It was over days. Hurt like hell. Then got quite because it was finally killed. No problems since. So a story, you may dismiss it, you may is as I told you

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chickie-- my twin who went through chemo sores on her head, wanted me to tell you she used the really good witchhazel i.e no alcohol. I think Dicherson's , Application for 24 hours. She also, said on the mouth sores Use Ginger applied by finger to what can be reached and hold your mouth open. For the back sores use ginger tea And hold and swallow.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited July 2013

    hey guys - thanks for the pocket party.  just got home this evening.  they enjoyed my company so much they didn't want to let me go.  the surgery went fine & the preliminary biopsy results showed "normal" but i have to wait till friday to hear the final results.  my daughter went with me & spent the night in a nearby motel since it's an hour & a half drive home.  i had at least 2 lines in and 3 for a short time since they wanted to be sure 1 was available at all times so i was beginning to feel like a pin cushion.  as hospitals go, the one in tacoma was the most comfortable i've ever been in.  i was able to doze comfortably throughout the night and they were johnny on the spot with pain meds.  the food was even good although i wasn't able to eat much after 2 days on liquids.  it was a looong drive home as my guts were waking up and i had gas pains from the laporscopic surgery.  i'm glad it's over and there's one less thing to worry about.  i'm so thankful my daughter was able to go with me - sure made the whole ordeal much easier to bare.