STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Mostlymombetternow, glad you are home and doing okay.  Please take care of yourself.  Don't be afraid to take your pain meds, drink your fluids and take meds for constipation.  We will be waiting with you for the results on Friday.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    1987 GINGER--where did the ripple begin------my dad was a renal dialysis patient. Brought him home from the hospital in dry heaves-staff said they could do nothing to control it. He needed dialysis, but was told someone needed it more then him. He could wait till next dialysis treatment. ---If you have ever had dry heaves---------------

    My belief in nursing was so blown and the docs. He's blowing his guts and they didn't care. they discharged him.

    The next morning, I took a turn to the health food store, versus work. I asked what do you have for nausea. They suggested GINGER TEA, I was shocked. This was 1987. I'd been "in the business" since 1969. Always thought that what i was giving to my patient's was a mild soda, but it that was the carbonation that was calming their stomachs,

    Told by this wonderful person name unknown to use 1Tsp of ginger in a cup of water.

    Went home, Mom meet me at the door, her panic was in her eyes. Dad was even worse than when I left. On the pot with a pot in front of him heaving. I turned and made the ginger tea. He drank it. Before my eyes his dry heaves stopped. Shock and Joy. He still needed dialysis , but is heaving was stopped.

    Dad couldn't even have a burp after that , whithout one of asking if he needed  ginger tea. It was included with every meal. He never had dry heaves again. Whith each hospital admission we made sure it was included with each meal.

    Fast forward why does this mean anything to the BC community.

    Dear twin 1996: nothing was making her nausea better. They didn't have the drugs they have now. Her nausea was hatefull. She turned to ginger. It worked for her. She had bottles everywhere. Ginger wasn't recognize in the Bc treatment of nauses as a resource. It spread by word of mouth. Did it begin with sister twin who knew dad's story and spread the story as far as she could, and others that then spread the story that ginger works. Then it was picked up by centers and they started recommeneding it that it may info.Could it have come from multilpe sources, Yes--Cool The bottom line, if we think something we are doing makes a change we may never know it, but unless we express it, we don't know what the ripple affect may be.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Mostlymom-YAY I know yayayayayayayyayayayyayayayayayy sounds  good. On all ends. One sugesstion when you get up to walk stand straight --the typical posture scenario--shoulders back. hips tight. Tummy tucked.    Keeps internal scarring from occurring. You will feel a tighestness every time you get up. The tissues are trying to tighten down. When you stand up it will occur----but important to recovery that you stand straight with good posture. Also, walk allot sheila

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Mary, it's understandable that you are concerned, I don't blame you. There are many conditions that can cause dizziness. An MRI is a good step to take. Here is a website that explains vertigo -

    💛💛💛 Veggeronni  💛💛💛

    Flowers - thinking of you.

    Mostlymom - so happy you are home so soon.

    Blondiee - please check in with us tomorrow

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    sassy, thanks for posting your ginger story.  I forgot to post mine!  After you told me about your dad and sister, in the middle of our conversation, we hung up so I could go make some ginger tea.  That day I was not sure if it was the zofran and compazine or the tea that helped.  After that day, (Sunday maybe) I'm sure it was the tea.  I made up some ginger tea with a light simple syrup.  I mix that with green tea and water and sip it during the day.  I have not had a nausea spell since the first tea on Sunday.  I'm convinced! For me it means two more constipating meds out of my schedule for now.  Yippee!

    In case anyone wants the recipe:

    1" piece of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced thin, then pounded to release oils and juices (you can substitute 1 tsp. ground ginger)

    4 cups of water

    bring to a boil, then reduce heat to a simmer. Simmer for 15 minutes.  Remove from heat and cool.

    simple syrup (optional) - 1/8 to 1/4 cup sugar with 1 cup water - dissolve and bring to boil.  Add to ginger tea.

    I add the syrup to the ginger tea, but you could also add it to the green tea (whatever strength you like) if you use that.

    For a 12 oz glass of this refreshing beverage I use about 1/4 cup of the ginger tea and 1/4 cup of the green tea, add a little ice and fill the glass with water. I have a 72 oz pitcher of water that I drink every day.  I add the tea to each glass of water that I drink. (That ends up being about 12 oz of the ginger tea each day.) That works better for me than drinking a whole cup of hot tea.

    This does the trick and is not so strong that it is overpowering.  Seems to be perfect for the Xeloda.  Next week we'll see if it also works with the Ixempra.

    missmarywh  - good luck with the MRI

    flowers and surgery girls - good luck and fast healing!

    blondie - hope the lung thingy went well and they let you chemo! 

    veggie - sorry your doc is being a dipsh*t!

    sweetiepea - sorry Austin has been sick while you're going back to work.  Hope he's better soon!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Giving a call out to rennamr..hope our hooliganistic behavior and renaming didn't scare you away.

    MaryLW/Mary2, oh where are you?

    Please let us know you are okay. Or tell us to STFU!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Hope everyone is having a better morning! 

    group hugs

    We are having some forest fires around me - chest tight, feel like I can't breathe and the swell from the heat - Oh boy - today has to be better - right??? Oh did I tell you I'm also itching all over especially my swell areas.. I see my favorite NP today (no sarcasim) I get to see her until my New PCP arrives - My BS wanted me to check in about the USs I had done - He wanted me to get a second opinion on what to do next... and wanted me to have her check out my ankle/calf swelling while I was there.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Miss Sassy for the info on bumps and dermatologist prescribed a vajayjay cream for my head which worked in one day....dried up the bumps! 

    Miss easy my lovelies! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    I lost my post waaaaaaa and I was almost done.

    Spookie those fuzzy naile do look cute actually.

    And Phyloknowitall I had a whole bunct to say to u. But it's lost in comouter waves.

    I know Blondie has chemo today so I hope we hear from her later. She had to be in pain last night. Oh I hope she's OK.

    Hey Luv thnks for showing a pic. of those nails more interesting than I pictured.

    I told u guys I was in the hospita for about 5 or 6 hrs yesterday--I start with PT and end up getting all screwed up. OH well my Pain pikls wilk continue I call it an abomidable scan cuz of the drink. ick, but it is better made now--I had rasberry. still ick=so everything is all screwed up in my colon, pushing on my liver and my ribs--WTF just more pain and of course an infection amdist all that that my dr. didn't like--I asked her do u usually like my infections.? If I told u all this just don't read, I totally was screwed up and went to bed early last night. So I see my onc and a big debate is going on about my PT cuz of all this they have to watch it. WTF do u watch, well it;s the amount of pain I have and now my Drs, said they see that I tolerate alot of pain well so I hve to be very vigilant--I don't like any responsiblity for my health.But at this point they have to do more figuring it out or something that sounds like one of my usual crazy things. Please Sas don't go to any trouble with this cuz it's not worth u;r time really.

    But Chevy u have to be nice to me I'm supoosed to be calm and resting--but I can vent about u all I want hahahahaha--Oh Chevy if u r kind it'll scare the hell out of me so things are as usual.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    good morning all of you lovely hooliganites!  I don't know if any of you noticed that I was up at like 4 a.m. posting stupid recipes here!  WTF!?  I could have at least added some recipes for refreshing ADULT beverages or tips to hide your ankle monitor while wearing shorts.  I must have thought I was in the Hawaii time zone.  I should have just called Shells or said something funny....or something. 

    Where is Chevy this morning?  AWOL?

    Cammihoneydarlingsweetheart - I am so sorry that you have something NEW to worry about (or not worry about) but mainly that you are having MORE of the 4-letter P word.  Especially in your GUT!  Guts are very delicate things and your doctors are quite right to watch it closely.  It might SOUND like it's being a bully and pushing on your ribs and liver, but it might be in trouble and needs help.  Like a big, painful baby.  Doctors can help with that.  I'm glad they told you to rest and relax!  No lifeguarding or showers for you today, missy!  Maybe you can just tell me how to remember to put some makeup on now and then when I leave the house.  I have the stuff, I just can never remember where it goes in my meds schedule.  Do you ever have that problem?  Maybe I'm putting too much emphasis on my meds and not enough on my beautiful face!  Anyway, when you feel up to it, I would appreciate any direction you can give.

    I would have more to say but yesterday I talked to sassy (hope it's okay to say that) and she listened to me rambling, griping, complaining and pontificating.  YES!  Like the pope!  My message may not have been as uplifting as his, but I get points for enthusiasm!  It was quite cathartic.  So now you ladies don't have to skip over all of that crap.  Just THIS crap!   Ahhhhh, it feels good.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Phyloboringrecipe, yes I notice 1,000 word about tea--Excuse me it was of no interest, now if it was about any alcoholic beverage--(especially all these new ones) believe u me I'd be all over it ad most of us would. But TEA, since that is something alot of us had to substitute for coffee at time of our lives--u can pretty much sum everything up in 3 sentences. But for some reason u insisted about alking about it like it was so new medical breakthru.But u are a good typist.

    Now about u'r beauty--ypu are so beautiful wothout any make-up I can only answer what u ask and wonder why but I would help u in anyway I can.If u in fact really need it.

    And yea where is the Chevygirl??? She's better be all right--CHECK IN MISSY--like she can hear me--She probably wouldn't hear me if I was standing next to her. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2013

    Wow !!!  Impressed with the "ginger" story.  You learn so much here.  Sas....funny, some of those long ago, probably passed down from a number of generations, can still be a little better than the "best" that we have now. 

    Mostly mom.....hope being home is going to work out really well and that you practise that posture which will make almost perfect, eh !!!!


  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2013

    Hello fellow hooligans, I hope u have not forgotten me because I am always around- just not big on writing everyday. Well I need some advice

    I met this guy on Christian Mingle 4weeks ago. so far we have communicated only through email and now phone and text. He asked to meet once but I told him I wasn't ready. Okay I am now. We have talked about many things and had many laughs together and talking up to 4 to 5 times a day. I really like him and i think he really likes me. He is out of town this week and I will be out of town next week. We plan on meeting as soon as I am back. Okay but I have not told him about the BC and the process with the TE I am undergoing. How should I tell him when we meet? Do you think I will have to worry about him losing interest in me? Heck there is no way to keep it hidden , I'm blown up on one side and whop sided. Well, I'm interested in how I should break the news. Any suggestions r welcome.

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2013

    Shellshine- just read about your success. Isn't that the most wonder feeling in the world? Congrats! I hope you are still glowing and celebrating..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Little Dwill...or is that Dill.... as in pickle???  Honey, TELL him....tell him before you meet him.... Send a picture, and lay it all on the line.  Don't YOU go laying on the line.... just tell him all this before the big meet!  And have him send YOU a picture.... and have him tell you if he is close to 95.  YOU know.... important things like that.... OH!  And ask if he wears his teeth.... ALL the time.... 

    Tell him about your surgery.... and all you are going through.... I think you should be honest....  Maybe he has 3 arms, for all we know!  It's much easier to tell him by email....  Rather than on the phone!   Good luck kiddo!

    And Cammi!  You little brat!  WHAT are you doing all this time fooling around in the hospital.... Did you say you were screwed up?  Or what was that you were trying to get out of?   Little Sweetheart.... honey bears..... YOU know how much I care about you.... Just don't go a gettin' on me.   There.... I was nice.   You are on the last page, and if I look back, I will lose this.  This is important.... Better to get scre---.... oh, never mind.

    Don't go back to the hospital.... no matter what!  They will only tell you you are sick.... and to take an Aspirin, and go to bed..... alone.  Don't go gettin' anyone ELSE sick with whatever you have.  So that's why "alone." 

    I just made a "Fairy Garden"..... So Cammi, the big beautiful little fairy I put in there, is "you."  I'll take pictures when it is finished.  

    You want me to tell you a chicken story?  Is that what this is all about?  Will it make you feel better? 

    Feel better now?  Or are you ready to reach through this computer and come and get me?  Wink xoxoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013
    Oh ChickachickaBLUEtoes!  That is so cute!  My feet do not resemble that in the least.... not at all...... they are prettier...  JUST kidding!

    My toe... is crooked.... actually I have more than one, but one of them is crooked..... and my toe-nails need filing with an electric sander.


    Littlegoats!  I'm going to try those stick-on polish strips!  I thought I was allergic to all my polishes, and acrylics, so now I have some, and when I quite wearing so much cream on my hands, I'm going to stick them on! 


    Little Sass.... You told Veggy to go in the closet and scream.... "IN A PILLOW"..... DANG!  She will smother!  She will not be able to breathe.  She will be  one big lump of breathless, laying with a pillow on top of her!   Just go out-doors and scream....!  Loudly.  Then the Police will come, probably with Phyllianklemonitor in the back-seat, and they will take you away!  With her!


    Oh Chabba, you are a BIG help, Ha!  "her voice will get lost"....  Ha, ha! 

    Sass, we don't blame you.... damn hole...!  I'm sorry.... We all want this to be over for you.... Just don't go back in the closet... You can rant all you want.... Leave the pillow behind.


    Sweet Pea.... sorry about Austin....   Did you get a Harley tattooed on your back?  Oh hey, if you are walking through fire, with veggy, I'm not with you guys.....  Leave me by a lake somewhere....


    Welcome back Mostlymom!  Just take it easy now.... 


    Hi Foley and Julianna!   And yes.... Miss Lillie... That is like Miss what's her name on Gunsmoke?  Who WAS that? 

    Okay.... I'm done.... xoxoxo
  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Miss Kitty - Chevy!Laughing

    Ok I am back from my visit at the Primary's office with my favorite FNP - The surgeon talked to her... She has told me to 'Just take your pain pills and don't worry about getting addicted to them".. That has always been my fear - as a teen I was addicted to codeine - it was horrible the ways I would find that drug....

    Anyway, I am on the highest dose of gabapentin I can handle and the FNP said now its time for more pain meds.  I know tylenol #3 works, I just don't like taking them all the time... We had a long talk about it and I had to promise I would take them for at least 2 weeks - regularly.. She also said to talk to my pain doc and if I have fears of using them unwisely tell the pain doc that he needs to watch me..  

    It is hard to resign yourself to being on drugs indefinitely(probably for the rest of my life). I was also reminded "pain is the pits but you ARE Cancer Free. I know this pain is horrible but take your pain meds...promise me you will take them.." I said ok - and am having trouble with "Just dealing" with the after effects of Rads..

    I will not compare myself to anyone "worse" than me anymore... Its not fair to do that - we are all struggling... But I will apologize for bringing us down - I don't feel like encouraging anyone right now..I will STFU now.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Dwilette - this is a conundrum. Tell now or tell later. Really, it's none of his business right now - you are just checking each other out. I'm assuming he's Christian and that you're Christian, so unlikely you will be doing it on the first date. Get to know him first. Wear a prosthesis to fill out the other side and focus on the important parts of getting to know someone: their intelligence, values, eyes, humor, habits, life philosophy. For all you know he could have one testicle - but he wouldn't be sharing that with you NOW.

    As you get to know each other, you can share your BC story with him - and that you are in the process of reconstruction. Be solid, whole and strong when you share your journey with him later. If he backs off - GOOD RIDDANCE. BC and reconstruction sucks, but it is a wonderful litmus test to weed out the uglies. Too bad we didn't have a good test we could administer when we were younger and inexperienced. My married friend wore a bra the first few times she was made love with her husband after BMX/TE surgery. She said he was loving and supportive  and it was nice. She ditched the bra after a few times.

    Have fun!  Meet for coffee and go for a walk! Can we hide in the bushes and check him out?


    Phyllazingiberaceae (Latin for ginger) - I cut and paste your recipe into my recipe folder. TYVM. I'm a gingerholic. Here's the recipe for my favorite ginger dressing for tofu. I don't use measures in my cooking so you folks gotta figure it out fer yerselves (shut up Cammi):

    Ginger Peanut Awake Sauce

    In blender or food processor, grind together:

    A hunk of peeled fresh ginger, cut in smaller pieces

    A small dash of vinegar

    A dash of olive oil

    A dash of soy sauce or better yet, Bragg Liquid Aminos


    Add a handful of coarsely chopped peanuts– blend again so the pieces are crunchy but not pulverized

    --Taste it and adjust to your preferences--

    Add a tiny touch of cayenne and/or sweetener (agave is good, use very little)

    Slice your tofu in half lengthwise and drain it between plates in the fridge, put a can on top of the plates to speed it up.

    Pour off the liquid, cube it, and serve cold with sauce. Can garnish with scallions from your garden. 


    In your pocket Flowergirl. Post when you are up to it. Will be thinking of you tomorrow.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Shellbigwords---don't worry bout me copying the recipe and tryn' to use my judgement on sizes of amounts.

    OK Dwill--this is stymied me for a couple of reasons. Some of the sights are wonderful and I know people who have met great people, but for some reason I fear them, I watch to many crime shows so I am of mixed feelings. But I would tell him only because that would weed him out if illness makes him sick. U don't have to go into specifics but u can tell him that u have been dealing with this damn disease and get a feeling of what kind of person he is right up front and it's cost u an arm and a leg and a breast--no that part--so u'r trying to recover what's it's done to u. Now again I sound like a bitch, but I am -I am not a big truster of people easily so if u meet him make sure it's very public and gon on u'r own way for a bit.

    Chevy see how u are, I told u not to be nice to me or I would feel like u talk to a Dr. and something is really wrong--then I saw the the stupid chicken pic and felt better. I'll be fine, I always get set backs and that's how I look at it so be normal with me or I'll puke.

    My comp got screwed up--it took me 2 hrs to fix it. Anyone else probably about 2 mins. I still don't have it the way I want it to be. but it's good enough for now--I'm afraid to do anything else.

  • SweetheartinTX
    SweetheartinTX Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2013

    I am back! I hope I didn't worry y'all too much. I had a heck of a time with the side effects for about 4 days. And since then, I have gotten a rash and some heart palpitations. So my Oncologist is referring me to a Cardiologist ( fuck me, more doctors) LOL. But besides that I am doing great. I am so glad to be able to get back on here with you crazy ladies 😋

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Sweetheartinpalpatations-Glad to hear from you.  Sorry you had a rough go.  Hope the new doc can figure it out for you.  

    Marywhoamyheadisspinning, I'll be there with you tomorrow during your tests.

    Msflowers, The STFU team of nurses will be watching out for you tomorrow (and the rest of the hooligans, too)  Everybody better do their job right!  Your job-ask for pain medication and take care of yourself.

    Check in when you are able.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Pocket party tomorrow at 5 pm. all of you are invited. Skipping chemo this week. Yay. Just cause I want to. Ive been on it for a year solid next month. Its time for a little break. Im tired of feeling like shit. ok mini-rant over. I will stfu now......

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Dwill, Ive been thinking about your situation and I think as hard as it will be for you, I would be up front with him before you meet in person...give him a little time to digest the information. Its nothing to be ashamed of, but cancer seems to scare the shit out of some people. You might be saving yourself some needless worry. You cant Really be yourself if you're keeping this from him. If hes a good guy he'll accept the information and you can take it from there, if not, at least you'll know...thats what I'd do...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh sweetpalpheart this does happen sometimes and it awful--these effin SE's can be brutal we know and I'm sorry u have to have any of them--Damn cancer

    Marygetsabreak---I don't blame u---I understand--I was on it for 2 yrs, every week but got another operation during that time and I was hppy to get rhe break and thought Geeze yay an operation--this is so sick-I knew what was ahead of me for the operation but since they changed chemo all the time I was always guessing hahaha wait what's going on at 5PM--odd time.

    I bet--takin' bets now----Sas is resting and deserves to so I'm glad about that--she needs to. U know (a little trivia) when I started on BCO I was on the chat line and it and they were very nice but usually there were maybe 12 or more on at one time and I couldn't foklow that quickly, plus u know I'm typing challenged so I came over her still silly typing but i go at my own speed and met a whole new group of nice people. Just thought I'd let u know. Niw didn't that interest u more than the chickens.Tongue Out Chevy

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Happy Thursday my Hoolies....yep up again with Roid to all...trying to fall asleep now...........


  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    I'm off to see the Wizard!

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    I'm off to see the Wizard!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013
    OKAY!  I went back to my last post, and saw the chicken cartoon was red-x'd out!  Cammi, did you do it?  But I just replaced it.... Let's see if you can figure out how to get rid of THAT one!   You had trouble with your computer?   Now there's a surprise.


    Everytime mine gets screwed up, it's because I did it myself!  Usually I tried to "up-date" something, only it is a fart... I mean a farce!   They don't mean it.... "They" want you to download something that you will never need!  Or BUY one of their programs!

    So don't do it...


    GFoley, your Doc probably knows what she is talking about.  At least we hope so... So if the pain pills help, just take them... Like she says.  Just think of it like the folks that have to take heart meds forever, or diabetics have to take their meds!  

    We are here to bring YOU up, so don't worry about what you tell us.  And don't apologize....  We care about you... so does Cammi.

    And I loved that cartoon!  Ha, ha!


    Welcome "home" Sweetheart!  DON'T drink coffee with Palpitations, or Coke, or drink anything with caffeine! 

    There!  that's the extent of my medical training.


    Hi Julianna, and oh yes Maryinyourpocket!   Oh chemo for a year?  So it must be working!  Let us know after your appointment.


    ChickersneedsZzzzzz's!  Did you get enough?   Just take your time, and know we are here.... holding our breath....s! 


    Cammi, you are a genius!  I could never figure out how to do the chat line!  Or maybe it was because no-one was on during the day-time?  Did you KNOW anyone on there?  Or are you just making that up?  

    But yes... that WAS more interesting than chicken-talk!    xoxoxoxo


    Hi Shells!  And WHAT wizard Flowers?  What am I missing.... again?




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning Hoolies--Is the wizard for the chemo>>>

    Chevy sometimes when I try to open thing up for an email--wow it's like all over the place and I can't undo what I didand can't get out of it and turning it off doesn't help it just turns on back right to a scewed up screen--If I knew computers I bet I would love all that this has, bit I don't so I get more frustrated than anything. And no I didn't do anything to u'r checken pickture--I don't think==hmm I wonder now. And yes I was on the chat line, but no one came on till night time not like here that's why there were so many people and hard for me o figure out. When I worked I was on a computer all the time, but not any internet it was the state computer for state of ILL only, I could find out about them but nothing about the world or go into any internet news or anything. I guess the state didn't want us to fool around--well I would have so....I could write to head iffices and Springfield --yes with my typing--but that's about all I could write to but I did figure out how to email my sister so I did, --Well I hope u have a good chicken licker finger day.