STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Ok ladies, I have been having my 12 yr old Granddaughter watching over my shoulder every once in a while and I don't want her to see what I write on these boards so, If I can stay away that long - I will be MIA for a bit.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Sorry for the jargon, thanks Julianna for clarifying. So, this is our surgery schedule:

    Jo was Saturday: TAH/BSO

    Mostlymom tomorrow, Tuesday: TAH/BSO

    Flowers  this Thursday, July 18th at 7:30 am Texas time: BSO.

    In your pocket Mostlymom, I'll bring the ice cream. Please let us know how you are doing as soon as you can. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Good Morning Hooooligans=it's a nice morning in upper Illinois near the windy city of Chicago.

    Chevy maybe when u'r DH gets his teeth the hot spot will kick in for u.--I basically thing that doesn't really ever end for men, maybe not often, but think about it--from the very first after birth they are always preoccupied with it. They are always touching themselves for one reason or another and women don't do that--well at least in public, unless u'r getting paid for it--Shut up Chevy.So Chevy how long can it take--just go with it.

    OK more opinion--I followed the trial but not as vigilant cuz it made me sick--but I don't know exactly what he was charged for and if it was first degree, there are certain rules to bide for in any degree and if there is someone who doubts that feeling of intent it has to be not guilty, if it wad manslaughter , again degrees that's another whole thing. That in a way what happened to Casey Anthony if she was charged with a lesser charge they could prove that but intent is very hard to prove and hence a not guilty verdict would have to be decided. Their are overanxious prosecutors who want to make a name for themselves very good politically, so they go overboard, and if they lessened the charge they could have gotten a guilty with the judge throwing the maximun at him. I know I make no sense.

    Chevy I'm still in pain all I can do is some upper excercises for my PT and I go tomorrow. So I have to tell her how stupid I am overdoing, now she'll have proof. And u and u't chickens did u take those 3 eggs. U'r neighbors are going to think they are not puutin' out for them. U'd better leave some.==Haha they know (the chickens) that u've spoiled them now.

    OK Mostlymomwho'sgettingoperatied on.--Now what method do they use now--this is all new to me--I had laprascopy--don't know what they call it now and I'm sure they are even better at all these things now aren't they? Cuz mine didn't hurt at all, just uncomfortable--so I hope u'rs is unevenful and not so bad. Make sure before u get put out remind them to wash their hands really good.

    Hey Chevy did u ever try Surgeons hand stick? It's thick like a stick of deordorant and stay on pretty good for things on u'r hands??? I don't know I'm just thinking (Shut up Chevy)I was starting to get those ugly things on my elbows, and after 3 days they were gone. I for got I had it.

    Sas I hope u gice u'rself a break from thinking today I can teach u that really easy---Now again when is that test u'r having or am I confused again.???(This time I don't blame u Chevy)

    Chick is almost done YYAAAYY

    Phylopervert when are u done--shouldn't it be soon? Things have changed in just a few yrs. I had almost 2 yrs of chemo and finished with Herceptin they threw everything at me--I think I was a guinie Pig, or some kind of pig. OK someone give me suggestions on what to change to from aromasin (which has done loads od damage) to what Armidex, Femara--I need a name to act like I'm smart. Acting is a strong point for me. But I do have to have a script. Like any excelent actor, not speller but actor.

    OK I'll check back later--Love u guys u make me laugh and u all have wonderful attitudes that's why I know u will come thru this like champs. 

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,371
    edited July 2013

    Stopping in to say good morning from one who is from the cave days when it was total hysterectomy. 

    Hate to put it so indelicately but I think the geezers that just keep it up ad-infinitum Chevy, are so afraid they they will seem un-manly or if they don't get rid of that stuff it will back up in them and do some sort of damage. are always sweet and funny.  I hope you can get it all back together today. 

    Going to be muggy here today....Blech.

    See you.


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    Am so far doing ok, not breathing well, they are going to take the fluid out of my right lung tomorrow (plural effusion), (was my left one last year) am sitting on my bed trying not to do much, chemo again on wednesday then my week is everyone?

    going to catch up now!!!

    thanks for betty boop, one of my favorite....

    chickie thanks for checking in, hope you are doing mary and phyllie are you still doing chemo? 

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Good morning hoolies! This morning I called my LTD carrier and got the ball rolling on applying for SS disability. They contract with a group of attys to help with the application process. Just got my first 18 page email. Oh yippee.

    I'm heading off to an appt with my LE therapist. It's about an hour away through beautiful rolling plains. I love the drive.

    Have a good day!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Blondie sweetheart I hope you feel much better after your effusion is drained. I've had those a number of times - they suck. Take it easy today, okay? Perhaps tomorrow you will breathe easier.

    Enjoying everyone's comments about men's preoccupations, ROFLing!

    Back to clinical today - this is my last week, will be done on Friday. Need to eat breakfast and head out the door soon - just needed to do a Hoolie check-in.

    Dammit Cammi you make a lot of sense so STFU. No, I don't really mean that - please don't ever STFU. You are too precious for words.

    ~ Michelle

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    Chevy - I think no age is too old for a man. There is a line in one of my fav movies "Parenthood" where doc says to Steve Martin character that Picasso had children well into his 80's as a comfort to the character who's wife is PG in her 40's. So I think "hot spots" at his age are a good thing for him. The good old testerosterone is flowing along. Their hormone producing capabilities ages better than women. And I think looking at sexy pictures (not so much into porno just because of the business it supports) is certainly OK. Try it together and see what it gets. Trust me one of these threads - OK I will admit I lurk there on "What about drinking" - one gal posts some great sexy men pictures, clothed or at least artfully posed with assets covered.

    Cami - there is no way I can get out of pool without ladder or steps. These arms ain't gonna push this body up. It's a hoot and a holler trying to get out of a canoe. Heck, DH removed the step on his pickup thinking he was selling it. I told him in no uncertain terms put that thing back on. Pole vauting into the front seat was no fun. A while back he detailed it out with ArmourAll on the vinyl floor - this is a very basic truck. I kid you not I could not get in the passenger seat since my feet slipped so bad.  He lost the pass. side step a long time ago I think to a tire in the road. He had to shove my butt up in it. Again not pretty! Hope your exercise pain is better. I'm not trying to push the evagelical end but I have been exercising with program on Christian Television Network. The program varies from balance/light weights/chair/floor/exercise ball. I think it is helping my balance and strength. I taped (no DVR here) the yoga on another channel but I'm not that flexible. I do have a DVD I need to watch - Essential Flow Yoga since I've never done yoga. Hope your pain has subsided since your exciting weekend.

    As I understand Aromasin is different from Femara/Arimidex which are both very similar and that it works differently. Done a lot of damage how? Osteoporosis type damage? Might ask about Tamoxifen esp. since you've had hyster. It is bone protective but then again I'm no doc, just what I've read about.

    Blondie - Good thoughts/prayers for your effusion drainage tomorrow.

    Shellsmartone - "just get through this week". Wow, can't believe you're already done. Then where do you go? Did the hospice job work out? Compliance officer is some work. Ours was Masters prepared, working on PhD. Asian, very smart but impossibly hard to understand. I could never meet her standards and truthfully none in my company could. Congrats.

    Flowers and MostlyMom - You've got this under control. In your pockets from Texas - well Flowers short hop for me! Enjoying this rainy weather?

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2013

    Mostlymom, Just keep repeating how nervous you are when you're in pre-op. They might give you some joy juice ahead of time to calm you down. Not enough to knock you out, but enough that you won't really care.

    In lots of pockets today.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2013

    Chevy, I don't think it ever goes away for me. I hear old guys in nursing homes are pinching the young aides. What helps me get in the mood is to think back to the time when we couldn't keep our hands off each other.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Wren and Littlegoats!  I know!  I'm okay, once we get going, but I could think of a million things I would rather be doing, than that!   I think if he went about it differently, then maybe I would be a little more  co-operative....Wink   Oh God, I only hope Mr. Sir Charles isn't logging in any time soon...Ha!   What I MEAN is, I would have liked for it to be like we used to be, like cuddling, and kissing, and THAT stuff.... But it has gotten to be  like "Come here, let's have sex."  Well,  I don't consider myself exactly COLD, but that just don't  DO it! 

    Maybe I should consider ourselves lucky, that we can even STAND each other, after 56 years, right?     And Wren, maybe I should go walk around a nursing home, Ha!  And have some old guy smack ME on the butt....!  Might be fun!    Me and Cammi could go do a "walk-through!"  Scare them all half to death! 

    Blondie!  I'm so sorry for your breathing problems!  I hope they can help you!  I'm just glad you are still posting.

    It's getting ready to pour here again.....  But we need it..... that's what I'm supposed to say.....  Wink

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Mostlymom it's very east to be anxious before surgery--so it's easy to show.

    Chevy why are we talking about u'r sex life? Do u really think that a big problem--just do what u've done for years fake it and it's over before u know it. WTF u think u'r the only one. Just out the TV on and lay in a position that u can watch it.

    Luvmygogo--I think, don't know, but aromasin has done damage to my back--Degenerative spine.with 2 lower discs, scoliosis, and made my arthritis severe, cuz now everything is severe and that was not the case before the aromasin. So that's why thinking about another one, One that's less on my old bones. I have no idea what's going on. I have PT 4 more times?? WTF is that going to do, I canhardly walk. $$$$$$ I think that too.

    Oh Lillieweatherwoman--it's muggy here too and supposed to get hotter this week, sob, I hate that.

    And Blondie why did I think u were going today to get that stuff sucked out, I wish u had and it was over for u.

    Ok Sending everyone Love, well maybe Not

    Chevy, she has enough going on.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Oh Miss are in rare form lately...are we the only +++ girls here?

    Oh oh oh..Miss Chevy...nough said...I have to get you a photo of my onc

    Where are the rest of you hoolies?

    Went to neurologist today for my back....finally pain patches...yay.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    Just dropping in to say hi. It's going to in the 90's here the rest of the week. I'm going to be miserable.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Cammi, you little brat!  Well, I don't fake it, but sometimes it's a thought.....  You know, I didn't know about your back.... Did you talk about it before?  I had surgery for the Ls4 & 5....  But this was many years ago....  It worked really well.... I wish you could get some relief... Are you sure it is the Aromasin?  Or everything else wrong with it? 

    Maybe just drink more.... Drink and smoke....  And carrouse!  Maybe that'll help!

    I don't have anything going on today.... I'm working on making a little fairy garden, you know, with tiny succulents, miniature garden stuff, and this piece of driftwood that I got years ago....   Everytime I THINK of putting it together, I get a new idea....  So it'll take awhile..... but keeps me off the streets..... shut up cammi.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Oh!  I was on the last page!    So Hi Chickie and Veggy!  Pain Patches?  Is that new?  Are they like those patches I get and put like on my knee?  I know THOSE work!    I think they are called Salonpas....?  I hope they work for you!  xoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    ChevySealedmy lips are sealed--It's so hard not to respond to certain things u say. I'm trying to respect the elderly side of u.

    Oh I thought they were talk about the Fentynel patch--a real zinger--I used it for some months- to much for me, helps the pain tho. LOL

    Chevy I don't know what all this back stuff is from, but I never had a back problem before now I have 3 major things wrong in just a short time so I blame it on something ro do with all the chemo, rads and aromasin--have to blame it on something. I tried to blame it on u, but my Dr. said I can't do that. In fact I told my Dr. my side has so much pain and u have something to do with it and she dismissed my theory. So Aromasin is my monster. Not tht u;r a monster Chevy, never meant to compare u that way so don't or do get u;r panties in an uproar depending on how u'r DH feels.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    cause Cammie they told me it was going to be today!!!

    BB whenever I can!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh Blondie so timorrow u'r lung and Wed. u'r Chemo. Chit

    Phylopaperwork----Geeze when I applies for SSD it took 2 weeks with the Dr. filling out a form and me filling out a form, talk to them over the phone and that was it.??? Maybe cuz I'm old

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Blondiee please post us as soon as you are home and resting after your pleural tap tomorrow. 

    Mostlymom, pocket party, we'll be there with you. Pls put the worrying out of your mind - in my experience the worrying is always twice as bad as the actual experience you're worried about.  Nurses are very good about making sure you get your pain meds when you need them - be sure to tell them yes and no heroics - don't let the pain get so that you are uncomfortable. Please sleep well and restfully tonight knowing that you will have happy juice given to you right before you go to the OR, and you will wake after surgery thinking "oh my gosh - that was fast - is it over already?" Then you will get some morphine  in your IV and be very comfortable.

    Post when you are able and check in - kay?

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    So big shot of Torodal, 60mg of prednisone todayand a pain patch and I'm awake awake awake...ugh..feel better but my brain feels like a bee hive of activity...what a trade off...ugh  and my eyes are blurry....sometimes this medical crap just

    On Tuesday (hmmm I guess today already) me and Caitie are going to dermatologist for bumps on  my head...then pedicures...then to visit my office

    Good luck Miss BlondeBombShell and Miss AllAmericanMom...good luck with everything....we are all here with you  xoxo

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Chicky-buzzing, sorry for the lousy day. Sounds like tomorrow will be better. Aren't pedicures grand?!

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Hi Miss Jules.....yes very much looking foward to pretty toes!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Do you like dark polish? Sparkly? My favorite is OPI's Strawberries in the Sand..sparkly bright coral. It was 90 degrees today and is still 78-no breeze. Going to be hard to sleep. We don't have air conditioning, just fans.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Love anything sparkly...I usually go toward my favorite purples or corals too!

    I will try and post a pic tomorrow!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    I'm still trying to figure out the posting pictures thing. One step at a time..

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Chickers!  I think they are trying to kill you!  WTF?????????  And 60 mg of Prednisone??????  Your eyes are glazed??????  You're high, big girl!  Just lay back and enjoy it. 

    Let someone ELSE do the polishing, with you being in that state of mind!  You'll have sparkly polish from your eyebrows to your knees, and miss your toenails altogether.

    Did you SEE what Cammi said to me?  She is insinuating that I am old.... or something resembling that!    She has a bad back you know.... Must be all those days catching up to her from being back and forth in that back-seat, and over the front seats.... they didn't recline in those days... I know! And in a 2-door car, those are TRI-C-K-Y!  

    Julianna, are you trying to post pictures from something other than a desk-top computer?  Like those new fangled phones, or tablets, or whatever those things are?

    I have a desk-top, and all the pictures that I have taken are on here, in Picassa!  It's a download, and stores all your pictures, and the ones you "save" from the Internet...  OR I can copy them from Google Images....  You just type in ANYthing, then you will see millions of pictures..  So you click on that,  then right click copy, then come back here, and right click paste.... like this.... Okay, what would we like to see this morning???  Oh, I know!.... 

    It's MAGIC!!!  Ha!  But whenever I see a picture I like, I right click, and click "save-as" and it goes into my Picassa... forever and eternity.Wink

    Yes Blondie and MagicMom.... I mean MostlyMom... Drop us a note.... and we're thinking of you!

    I called Dentist.... Sure, more impressions & fittings he says.... Then two more weeks????  Is he kidding me?  Where are they coming from?  They better be damn good, is all I can say...  I need back-up I think....  I'm trying to not be mad at the delay, but maybe I should ask if he is carving them from the nearest tree?   Impressions, my a$$....  But what do I know...?  Nothing, probably....  Okay, it's a given..... shut up Cammi.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Blessings to al who are having prcedures, chemo, pedicures today.

    Chevy now calm down I did not insinuate u are old, I downright said u are old, but I also said I was too--not as old as u but old. But u do know how to download pics. so I give u credit for that--I barely can, or some reason It doesn;t click.

    It's getting hotter and hotter everyday--Now I'll be complaining--People tell me to just stay in--well the Drs. don't cuz that's who I'm seeing--but just once this week so that;s good-next week 3 times-WTF they're not doing chit for me.

    BTW Chevy when u write to complain about me on the board, I can read it.--Just to let u know.Smile

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Can't sleep - got up to check in - love it - keep it up you two 💛

  • Merlcat
    Merlcat Member Posts: 122
    edited July 2013

    Wow! 10 pages for me to catch up on and no time ...sigh...I drove in excess of 250 miles yesterday and didn't leave the county in which we live just schlepping the kids is even busier. I hope everyone is well and no one has been arrested for beating someone senseless for the stupid a$$ things they do or say! I have a follow up at the reconstructive surgeon later this morning, between dropping off youngest at baseball ( poor kid- it's supposed to be in the upper 90s here) , oldest at internship in silver spring and middle child at dance....

    Hope to 'see' everyone soon!