STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    I'm here and drugged this morning - hoping I don't fall asleep on my keyboard during work this morning.. I have my granddaughter all week and going to take her to see her young cousins while I have her next week.  I actually accrued some PTO so taking half days this week and vacation next monday-thurs when I'm with all the grandkids.  Hoping the pain meds work, but I need to be alert enough to drive 3.5 hours on sunday.. any ideas on how to do that??? 

    A funny - after my doc appt I told my granddaughter that I would take her to lunch where ever she wanted to go - She said, "Grammie, I've NEVER been to Sonic Drive-in.  Can we go there??"  Never been to SONIC!!!! oh my - We Went - here is a funny pic of us waiting for the gal on rollerskates to bring us our food - she was new and actually crashed into our car.. but she didn't spill our drinks LOL.. She was very embarrassed..

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OhGmagreatgrammau went to sonic sounds good to me---haha the girl ran into u'r car and she's not on meds--I hope. Just don't take anything that makes u really sleepy if u'r driving tht far. Be careful and enjoy u'r grandkids. I love love u'r picture. She's adorable.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    She is taller than me now!!! She is as tall as my son now - definitely takes after him... Unfortunately, because of divorce, he only gets her 3 weeks out of the summer.. Never took ex to court, told us GD needs her mommy too, I won't do that to her.. and let her go.. I hate to see his face every year when he puts her back on the plane... its too much for this mom to bear... Oops forgot about that SE - pain pills make me depressed Cry... Well my DS is a great man, always thinking of others and sacrificing himself... More people should take after him... I am very proud... Ok - lets end with a pic of my GD and DS together making fun of Grammie's hat!!! Yes he is wearing it for the picture at one of his football games - this was last summer.. she is now as tall as him, this summer, well almost about an inch shorter LOL

    ben allie

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Wow did she grow alot. And those circumstances are sad--no one should only see a parent so little. And that means u too. Spoil her like crazy is the right thing to do.----Oh u get depressed on pain meds??? Hmmm I wonder what;s in them to do that? Sometimes I get depressed cuz i have to take them all the time, but they do not depress me.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Cami for bringing that up.. It might just be circumstances right now too (just saw my DMIL probably for the last time at the family reunion) and the reality that I will be on pain meds the rest of my life, seeing the FNP yesterday.. AND everytime I think about how much time we actually have with GD and time is going by so fast.. I guess maybe its not the pain meds...  Ok I'm just depressed and have to get it together before GD wakes up... Crap!!!! STFU!! Crap!!!! STFU!! Crap!!!! STFU!! Crap!!!! STFU!!

    Ok tears are subsiding... Give me a funny please!!!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    This made me laugh so I thought I would share it

    If a man says something in the woods and there are no women there, is he still wrong?

    My favorite though is:  Men, You can't live with them and you can't run over them with a lawnmower.

    And no, I don't hate men.  They are very useful...for many things.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Not sure where the rest of my post went.  Just want to clarify that I do not hate men.  I like them!  They are people just like us!  However, that was just too funny.

  • SweetheartinTX
    SweetheartinTX Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2013

    LMAO, thank you ladies for your superior wisdom! I made notes 😉 and YES the man in the woods is still wrong! Lol

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Good One!

    ChevyCammi - Flowers is having surgery to have her ovaries removed today, actually, right now, so hop in her pocket with us quick and don't make a ruckus (that was dumb, like tellin you two not to breathe).

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    Gma - You've probably said this b4 but have you tried Fentanyl patches? They come low dose 12.5 mg/72 hours but I think Sas leaves (or left she might not still be on them) her's on a bit longer. They are expensive but there is a generic. Duragesic is the brand name most associated with it. You would have to become acclimated to it b4 driving for sure. Since I come at it from a hospice background most of my patients did/could not drive so not a problem. There is also long acting morphine usually taken every 12 hours and it can be also made low dose and graduated upward. Many people say they don't tolerate morphine but that usually comes from IV doses and it does make people loopy. It is usually the first med. used for sustained pain (abbr. MSSR) with an immediate release morphine (abbr. MSIR) used for breakthrough or hydrocodone. Don't see tylenol/codeine much in hospice - don't think I ever had a pt on it.

    As for driving 3.5 hours I would take a break every half hour for a short walk/deep breathing/gentle stretches. Caffeine if you tolerate it. Music to tap out beats to think old 70s dance music. Changing arm positions on steering wheel.

    As for ginger tea - the health food stores and heck even big grocery stores have ginger tea for those not disposed to keeping fresh ginger root. Though I must admit the fresh ginger tea sounds delightful. Some of these teas are no caffeine with a few things like lemongrass and licorice root (not the best thing in large quantities but a minor ingred.). I also use peppermint tea for stomach upset. Has anyone had experience with the wrist bands pregnant women use for morning sickness?

    Thinking of Flowers. Should be in surgery about now I should think.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Shells! Your ginger sauce sounds delicious!  It's similar to one I  use for Gingered Long Bean Salad.  Mine adds a little sesame oil and dry mustard but the rest of the ingredients are the same.  I love it.  I can't get the long beans here in NE so I just use regular fresh green beans.  Not as pretty but just as delish.  Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited July 2013

    I am here, welll went to get the lung drained the surgeon said not enough to drain, still can't breathe, waiting for oxygen as I speak and getting a angiogram to make sure I don't have a blood clot in my lung tomorrow at 1130!!!

    Thanks for caring and thinking of me!!! Had my 3rd week of chemo and yep got steroids so am speeding wish I could breathe where I could clean week off is next week...oh and slept all night think the extra fluids is the trick..

    Just called the oncology unit to find out why no oxygen at noon, they have to call the place to make sure the paperwork is filled out correctly, then will call me....want it today, drs. wanted it yesterday but didn't get out of chemo til 530, cause the port was not cooperating, as usual....and tomorrow I have to get the angiogram and won't be here to receive the place.

    BBL to catch up sorry, hope all is well with all of you and thanks for caring....

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Miss Bombshell......prayers my friend!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Foley, littlegoats was right about Fentanyl. Besides pain relief, it has a pro-seretonin affect. So it has a bit of an antidepressant effect. What I appreciated about the drug is it didn't make my head loopy(great medical word). Starting at the 12.5 mg level is the lowest adult dose with the ability to add 12.5 mg patch if your pain scale score does not reach the level that is acceptable to you. One of the beauty's about the pain scale, as I wrote it a few pages back, is you can make the decision as to whats acceptable to you. I was happy at or below 5. The way I wrote the PS score is easy to apply to yourself. I've used it way before it was required. Almost 20 years prior to 1999. Used it traing paramedics 1979. 1985 is when the Agency on Health Care Policies and Research began their work on developing the different scales. Too many practioners just use the smiley faces. The smiley faces were developed more with children in mind, with a secondary use when language was a barrier. The leadership in facilities and practioners didn't read the original research. If they had they wouldn't be using the smiley faces with adults. My presentation of it allows you to think about what the pain means to you. Based on understanding your pain, you can better set goals of what you want.

    Foley, you are on a new regimen, I strongly suggest you don't drive next week. Eventually, you will know what your limits are. But this is too soon. I know I'm the grinch, but your cargo is to prescious to take a chance.

    I did find that article, it's on a pain stimulator. It works by DC current versus TENS units that works by AC current. The description says that TENS units bombard and area with stimuli. Whereas, the Dc current is much gentler. It's called MICROCURRENT POINT STIMULATION _(mps). I can fax the article.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2013

    Hmmm Dwill, to tell or not to tell that is the question.  Well, I am glaringly honest....many times likely to my detriment ---  but I have never liked the feeling that someone was holding back on me.  Guess I felt like my or their responses could have been far different if the facts ( truth ) were put out for both of us to deal with in whatever way seemed most appropriate. 

    It is not that you would lying if you didn't say till fact, there could easily be things ( since men don't normally even use their brains that way ) this man hasn't told you either.  That though I do think is more due to just the different emotional levels the sexes seem to be on.  I just feel that if things are REALLY meant to be -- the truth -- along with your courage to tell it a little bit early, should not prevent a relationship from going ahead.  If this man were so shallow that it would make a BIG difference even to the point of spoiling things completely.....the sooner you know that and could move on the better. 

    Guess I am of the ilk.....take me as I am and if you can't, get the heck out of my way so I can go plant my feet in the next greenest pasture I can find.  I could never seem to get the hang of the games ( played by all of my high school friends and most of my cousins too ) and I find that I am still that way.  I like to just pretty much cut to the chase and move on from there. 

    Ok....I'll shut the heck up now.  Hope everything goes well though. 


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2013

    Gma, don't worry about getting addicted to the pain meds. As long as you're just using them for pain there won't be a problem. I'm in recovery and have to watch it when I take them. It becomes a problem when you take them to feel good, not just pain free.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Flowers, :) so happy those puppies are history.

    Cami I missed whats going on with you. It's more than just pain?

    Shells one week YAY YAY YAY

    Mostlymom hope your feeling better, glad your puppies are gone

    Chevy, Have you ever seen Fairy or fairie lights. I thrifted one, had know idea what it was. Came up on google with Key words Covered candle holder.  Now just use the fairy words. They've been made for more than a century. Mine is just so sparkly in a dark room. So reminds me of Tinker Bell. It's been very hard not to give it to the neices.

    Veggy, silly me. scream into the pillow, complete scream, remove pillow and BREATHE. Repeat as necessary.

    Thyroid BX tomorrow 10am EST. PCP/card/ work ups done. See ENT doc Mon. it'll be interesting if I can get pathology report out of them tomorrow. My inside sources are retired. When I had the BC BX, one of my homecare patients,  was the pathology departments secretary and was able to push buttons. All legally, it's just she got my specimens to the top of the pile with transcription done asap.

    Mary good luck on the MRI or CT whichever route they choose to scan. There are so many causes of dizziness. Don't be discouraged if the scan doesn't show something. There's a slew of other tests to try. But starting with the scans is the best place to start. I'll try and pick up a copy of the book my ENT doc gave me. It's very complete. Since there's no copyright, I'm guessing he put it together for his patients.

    Blondie, chickie----feel better Hopa, Hopa :)

    Phillywetalkallotanditsfun:). Love your tea recipe.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Luvmegoats i can't do patches. Makes me rash out. I just ave been fighting the idea of heavy drugs. I need to work and be alert. I want to keep roof over m y head. Last time i was on morphine they too my drivers license away. Need that too. The other meds are things i have issues with. My list of sensitivities is very long. I will deal somehow.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy relooked at fairy candles. Too much LED string lights come up on google now. Try ebay Fairy candles. Lots of old ones. Mine's Indiana stars & bars in clear. If you want to buy, you know ebay prices are all over the map without rhyme or reason. Shouldn't pay more than 10$. Some of the prices are just uncalled for :(

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    The Fairy Garden I have been working on...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    WTF is going on here--tea, fairy candles, pain meds,recipes.

    OK Blondie I don't understand if u can't breathe and u have fluid why is it not enough to remove--How does i go away? This sounds crazy to me--They have to have another easy and good way to help u. And u had chemo I'm so mixed up--(shut up Chevy) I feel so bad for u, going thru all this. Geeze.

    And Gma of course I forgot what u'r taking but I do know u can't take alot of the pain meds--There are a few I can't tolerate either and I don't know what it does to our systems cuz they put all this crappy stuff in us (chemo, rads) and yet a pill is intolerable or a patch. Never understood that one. But me too---I don't think u should drive, especially that long--just my opinion too--Beside even if u decide not to take anything for pain, your reactions with u'r legs maybe a little slower than u think and that xould be a problem.  Give it thought, please.

    And Dwill have u decided what u r going to do???

    Phylogottahaveit---we know u looove men, some of the reason for the ankle bracelet so tho we all laughed at that one, cuz it's true--u still want what u want. U can't help u'rself can you? LOL

    Sas believe me if I could explain this week to u and my test I would but it's all stupid to me--so I'll talk with my Onc. next week, and when I understand more than believe me u will be doing computer work to help me--but for now I've chosen not to worry or think about it--U know how I am--If I think it's not there then it is not there (for now) hahaha--so let's not talk about me.

    I do realize that Chevy is fond of chickens and eggs--well anything u can dip in a sauce or dip toastin, but what's with the fairies?--they don't lay eggs--well they do lay or there wouldn't be and more fairies--What do u wsnt to do with them--OOOHHH not that?? I hope.

    Do u think surgery is over yet---? The lap was being done right? I hope so--that's a simple one, I mean it doesn't hurt--I like things that don't hurt after. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Cammy WTF did you just say?   So I read your post 3 times, and now I got it!  Honest to God, little Cammi, please don't ever change!  I love reading what you say, because I just crack up even when you are serious... which is hardly never.  

    Fairies don't lay eggs, you silly goose!  Other Fairies bring them!   They come from my BACK garden, of which there are many!  There is even a tiny white chicken on a rock, right in front, that you can't see.  It was my Mom's.... along with the Doe, and the two fawns that are laying down.    I have a couple things from my Grandma also...

    So now I'm tired.... I have to go round up all the fairies now.... and put them in their house.... They are worse than chickens....  Does ANYone know what I am talking about?   Love you guys! 

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Thank you Sas. Looked it up. My chiropractor was using something similar to that but he gave it up when the treatment wasn't working well. I will have to find someone that works with that.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    gmaFoley - woohoo!  I received your beautiful scarf in the  mail today.  I love it!  Thank you so much.  I will tie it over my ankle monitor when I go to the grocery store.  The produce stock guy loves bald heads but he's a little concerned about the monitor.  thanks again!

    and cammi, yes, I want what I want!


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Glad you like it. Makes me happy.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited July 2013

    love love love the fairy garden!!!!  Kiss

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Love it too. You just twinkle so nice:)

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Hey Chevy - BEAUTIFUL and VERY CREATIVE Fairy garden!  When I fully become the "Incredible Shrinking Woman", may I rent the place??

    And YES, Sas, the puppies and the tubes are history!  Went in a 6 a.m. this morning and was home by Noon.  Easiest surgery I ever had and the pain is minimal.  Of course, I am not letting it get ahead me.  Popping those pain pills with Benedryl (for the itching) and putting the Mirilax in my hot tea each morning and my favorite XXX Vitamin Water before bed to ward off constipation.  All I all, an uneventful experience.  I decided to not start the Femara until a few days from now in the event I cannot tolerate it like the Tamoxifen.  I will see if this rehab. stays as uneventful as it is currently and then fill the AI drug.  It seems best to not confuse the surgery and its SEs with the Femara (and its' potential SEs), no?

    Thanks everyone for being in my pockets today.  You were a little noisy but once they gave me the big knock-out drugs, everything was Rosy!  

    If and when the rest of you Sister Warriors have any type if surgery this week, I will be in your pockets too playing the piano and belting out my favorite Tina Turner songs.  Just twist my big toe (gently please) to turn down the volume if the OR staff is not too hip!  Well it is just about getting to be the STFU time so I will sign off for now.   Thanks again for all of your help and support and for having me in your lives as as I am in yours!

    Please, Prayers, Love, HUGS and Blessings to each and everyone one of you today and into the future!


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Miss Flowers...glad your home safe...gentle hugs

    Miss Sassafrassy...good luck tomorrow...give 'em hell



    Miss love the garden


    Miss WillieNilly...the guy thing...hmmmmm...I tend to out things out there too


    Miss BlondeBombShell...sending you CPR


    Crazy day...still so so tired...but brain still buzzing from ROIDS....crazy combo...driving is definitely out for me for awhile


    My little puppy comes home tomorrow...yay!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Oh Chickie Your baby comes home Awwwww. Bet he doesn't cry at all b/c he knows your scent so well. Post picks with Sasha and_______oops forgot the other ones name.

    Flowers :) good doc, they took time to let the air out :), makes all the difference in how you feel:)