STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK Flowers glad it went smoothly--told u so. But that's why I also tole u rest and take it easy cuz u still need to relax.

    ChickaD u'r typing is a little off tonight well typing was good, spacing worse than mine.

    Phyloweed I just noticed u have a new avatar??????? Like it.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013


    I did have a lung clot, plus several in my legs. Wasn't fun. But the lung one gave me a terrible dry cough. It was hard to breathe. When doc finally sent me to hospital I was a mess. They put me on heperin, albuterol treatment, and kept me for 3 days.

    Then at home I had to do lovenox? Injections. It's expensive, but does come generic. Now I'm on Coumadin for life.

    So if they do find a clot, my story might give you a heads up on what to expect.

    Good luck!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Spookie---Holy Chit

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Chevy, Love the fairy garden.

    Flowers, Glad you are home.  Here's to a boring recovery!

    Marymarywhereareyou!?  Hope to hear from you soon.  

    Sassy, Best wishes.

    Howdy to everyone else.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Julia I've said that for yrs and when my oldest would hear it she's get mad cuz she'd aways say I'm bored and I would say boring is good it means nothing bad is happening--I think that's why I never get bored no matter how long I do nothing LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Julianna, hope Mary's not picking her DH up off the ground. Remember he's been with the geriatric crowd on the roof all week. Just checked back and Mary was getting her scan for dizziness HMMMMMMMMM.

    Thanks re tomorrow. None of the family knows except DS. Just didn't want to go through all that goes on when they hear something. Their lovely,'s physically & emotionally taxing on them. They've all had a very very rough few years. Only told dear son b/c he's in the house buying mode, just needed to slow him down.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Praying all goes well Sas. You are important to us. Thanks for all the info! I can talk now. Sorry about earlier was at costco with GD.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    back from scans. everything went well, I just hate thhose things. I hate the mri the worst. Thank goodness for ativan and earphones. Geriatric crew made it through the week on the roof...I was worried about them, but no mishaps. wish you could have heard them complaining though it would have been funny if it hadnt been so sad. They all have rotator cuff troubles. but the hard part is over so the rest will be a breeze. I found some really cool tile today, its ceramic but looks like old hardwood...Im so excited to find it.Hope everybody is doing ok after surgeries and chemo...Im so glad I took an extra week off...

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited July 2013

    I am flying home tomorrow from San Fran but I will be in your pocket tomorrow anyway!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Sas let us know when u get home u might want to talk or rest either way we'll be here.

    And Maryscan/mri not fun I know--the worst for me is the bone scan I think, maybe I don't know I really don't like any tests anyway

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    HUGS and a first good night. Hope it's the last for tonight. My biggest worry is not waking up in time b/c of the hearing. DS is going to be my alarm clock. Good kid.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Flowers it was probably noisy in your pocket because of Cammi - I asked her not to make a ruckus but.............sometimes there's no stopping that girl.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Flowers - my probation officer called about me being out of pocket. I had to explain that I was IN pocket, just not the usual one. Then there was the issue of all the background noise and Cammi squealing...

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    Sas - in your pocket tomorrow. Cami and Chevy might have to be restrained or muzzled.

    Flowers - so glad it was an easy surgery. Rest and recuperate.

    Maryofthenewporch - glad you're done with scans. Praying for good results.

    Gma - I knew there was a reason you didn't use any patches. So do you have more testing to come?

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Blondiee - Thanks for checking in. I think of you often throughout the day. If you are feeling any anxiety from low blood oxygen, ask your doc for some valium or xanax.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Phylonoanswer--u'r avatar if it walk likes a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a stupid chicken, but in this case it looks like a weed. wink, wink

    Oh and luvhowdouloveu'rgoats---I'm fine in a pocket as long as I have my vodka, pot or special brownies--but Chevy well she'll be cacklin like a u know what and lookin' for eggs. and Phyloankle might have her bracelet go off again--but we'll be there.

    Oh I can't sleep I don't like this at all.

    Oh and blondie ask u'r Dr. for any meds u need for anything--don't hesitate for a minute Shell is so right.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    WHO'S got chickens?  Are they "stupid?"  Or is it ducks? 

    Man, I had the worst dream  last night!  What WERE your dreams about Chevy?  Well, it was about these 2 big dogs, running in the street, and I was out there, trying to make them run the other way, down a side street, out of traffic!  I was yelling, and then I saw one of the damn chickens, and then I was trying to catch HER, and then there were 4 dogs, and MY Lacee, all going nuts and running!   I grabbed the chicken & screamed for Kelli, and then I woke up.  You can TELL I don't have anything important on my mind! So never mind Cammi.  Don't say it.

    Sassy.... just thinking about you.... Okay, I'll be serious now....  Just waiting for you to be out of the throes of those issues!  All you need is your Son. 

    Phyllicracker!  What are those weeds?   Looks like some sort of Philodendron... Or IS it weed, like Cammi said?  I know MaryJane has 5 tips on a leaf.....  Ask my Daughter!  She HAD a  little plant growing in her little room, in a HUGE pot...(ahem).  Did she THINK I would never find it?  I DID!  I drug it downstairs and DH tossed the whole thing in the ditch.  So that meant she would never try smoking grass, right? 

    SHE'S the one who's little bag I washed, and all her posessions fell out.... Rolling papers, a baggie of seeds, and that glass aparatus thing.  And SHE is the one who grew up to be the sweetest, cutest most loving Daughter, I could ever be blessed with.... Her AND her Sister!   And they BOTH smoked it....  Maybe that's what made them so good.... Ha!  Wink

    I have to go back a page....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Savi :) pocket room, anyone wanting to make a ruckus is fine, Jefferson Starship though will be playing.Phyllodendron :)JUlie, cami, Chevy with your fairies, shells littlegoats  VEGGY wake up, I took all the lint out. There will be chocolates, strawbwerries, cheese, and spirits. I'M thinking of taking a swim, but coffee first and a smoke, while I think of you all.

    Found my new workable dose of sleeping assist drugs YAY-2mg ativan and 5 mg melatonin. Slept like a baby and woke at 7. No drug hangover. No pain. Going to swim :)

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    I'll bring the boombox!!! SAS - Thinking about you this morning...

    Luvmygoats - No more tests at the moment - Docs won't order anything - they don't think they will find anything - my pain is "Hidden"..

    Funny thing is, I got a notice that its time for my mamo "screening" STFU! I had a diagnostic mamo both breasts in January.. I called them to try to put them straight and they said they don't consider a diagnostic mamo a screening... WTH!!! - They smash you everyway from sunday and it doesn't count LOL - I told them I would pass until January..

    I decided I would deal with the pain a little longer, so I can drive... thanks for your advise.. I will only take it at night until my GD is delivered safely to her dad next week.. 

    Oh someone warned me earlier about taking the pain med and sleep apnea - My sleep doc told me I can only take the pain med at night IF I am using my APAP or I can't use them... 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Cammi,   I have to tell you.... I majored in English... so that means I know all about spelling, typing, dirty words, etc.   So it has gotten so that now I clearly understand everything you say!   I have learned how to analyze, decipher,  and coagulate all your sentences!  Or is it correlate? 

    So no more worries!  I understand EVERYthing.... Ha!   Just glad you learned how to email your Sister.  So that must mean you "graduated" from your state job?  Or you went to work for the Aerospace industry?


    GFoley...  Does your cute little granddaughter call you Grammi?  Oh wait, I SEE she does!!!!  I can't call you that anymore, because she does..  Love your picture!

    Hope the pain meds work for you!   I LOVE Sonic!  That's where I tried my first "Sweet Tea"....  The gal crashed into your car?  OMG how embarrassing for her!  But it HAD to be funny!

    Just enjoy her!  They grow up way too fast!  My GS's are in Orlando, so we only get to see them every year or so!  But I'll always have a million memories of them growing up!


    Phylli... That picture was funny, and so TRUE?  Ha!


    Blondielittlehoney!  Man, you have been through the mill.... Just hope they will help you.... soon!   I remember once having an asthma attack, and I couldn't stop it... So we ran to the hospital, and they gave me so much "stuff" that I could finally breathe!  I remember that feeling!  Then the "Benadryl in oil" made me so relaxed, I couldn't even sit up... I thought if I laid back I was a goner!  


    Morning Wren....  !  And Sass, I DO have a "fairy light"... "She" is sitting down, laying across this frosted "globe" light!  And I can turn it off or on.  Just something about "make-believe" and fairies that I really like.  It must go back to child-hood...  a way to "escape"... And it's where everything "good" happened.


    Thank you MM!  Yes Sass, just call me "sparkle-plenty"...Ha, ha!  Wasn't she from Dick Tracy?


    Yes Flowers..... I'll reserve a room for you!  For all of us!   So glad you are doing better!    Yes, waiting to start Femara sounds good go me.  Give everything else a chance to settle down, before you start that.


    Hi Chickers.... good to hear from you...  Yes.... post pictures!


    Hi Spookie...  HOW do you know when you have a blood-clot?  I mean like in your legs, or lungs?   Is it painful, and do your legs swell?

    And Hi Mary, Savgigi and Shells.... Hope I didn't miss anyone! xoxoxo
  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    I'm still recovering from the last pocket party. Who got into the anesthesia? That was some whacky gas! Sorry if I coughed up feathers from my pillow. Last thing I remember is seeing some colorful chickens chasing Chevy with pot. Going to recover today and be ready for the next pocket party.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    Oh Chevy - yes they do - We went to a movie earlier this week and after, when she stood up she says, Grammie, got to go to the bathroom quick.... ended up she started her monthly and didn't bring anything with her - hasn't been long enough she didn't think she would start again.. we got talking on when she first started - she says oh last year and I hid it from mom for most of the year - I knew what to do - I researched it on my own on the internet!!!! Oh man - she is one smart cookie, got her facts correct and she knew almost what she was doing - except for the embarrasing moment when I took her to the store to buy her "stuff" - she walked down another row and said very embarrassed - Grammie just go get me "something".  Come to find out she had been using toilet paper so she wouldn't disturb mom and ask her for some pads.. We had a long talk after that - When she heard some of my stories about when I started - it made her laugh, broke the ice and she is ok with talking about things with me :)  I'm so glad I could help with that one - I bought her enough supplies that she be set when she goes home ;)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    My computer is acting up--no academy award here--it's acting dicolored--WTF did I do? I've been up  most of the night, took my shower, washed a load of clothes, fed my furbaby, vacuum my room and I'll be in the pocket snoring away--so I'll be there---

    Chevy now u'r dreaming bout a certain chicken, like u'r favorite one, like the one u want to raise or eat. When u get enough eggs--fry it up good.OK

    Sas wake me up when all this is over just smash on the pocket--Oh I hope everyone does fine today.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    OOps missed ckickie, spookie and foley JUmp in. Found some weed to go with the goodies. Veggy I know you need rest sweetie, but been in your pocket and the basement with you for years, get your tushy in here, we'll make a bed for you. Had my swin and exercises. Out the door. :)DS said have fun. Now sounds odd b/c of possible TC, But he knows me 1. new experience on the patient side, so I'm learning, and I may get to see some old friends.

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2013

    Thanks to all you Hoolies for the pocket party yesterday (too bad the Pot was not with ya)!  Feeling good today with just a little cramping and abdominal pain but all in all the Da Vince really knows his stuff.  Gotta run out now with the Pug before it gets too not here in North Texas.  Good luck to everyone today as well!


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Funny story from my old life.... my ex husband had a small "plant" growing on our back deck for months as an experiment...every time my mom would come over she would water it and tend to it so lovingly ...she thought it was a tomato plant day she said to me ...."Dana when are we going to have tomatoes and I laughed ..then I said well I mom  i don't that is ever going to happen but if you want to get high, we can accommodate you".....of course she was

    Can't wait for Cooper to get here this afternoon husband is even coming home early from work to go with me since driving has been an issue for me with my twitching eyes and dizziness lately I think it could be all the bad I dont have that "plant" to try.

    All you hospital hoolies are in my well...or find a "plant"♥

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited July 2013

    ChickaPup - Enjoy your Cooper snuggle. Remind me what kind of dog. I need to get my terrier's terrible skin healed so I can snuggle again - well maybe wait until cooler temps. For her Prednisone every other day has been a miracle. Going to try to reduce to every 3 days.

    Everyone have a good Friday. May the Pot (y'all know) be with those that need it.

    Waiting to hear from Sassy.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Okay Cammi.... NOT that I understand what you just said, but I'm thinking your computer is still screwed up?  Have you tried  to degragment the hard drive, and go back to another date, like about a week ago?  Try that.   Sometimes we download crap that tries to take over everything we have on there, or you might have a Trojan?  Maybe call a place and tell them what the symptoms are.... I mean your computer!  Not you!  Don't go a-tellin them everything wrong with you, or it will be next Tuesday, before they realize you are not talking about your computer.

    Chickers.... that's funny!  And yes.... go get some weed, and just throw away all the pills.... I think it is better FOR you!  Wink  Again, I've never tried it myself, but it's supposed to help anyone with pain.... and what ELSE does it do?  Just make you hungry, right? 

    Okay Grammie....  I feel bad for your Granddaughter.... I remember how I felt.  I didn't want to tell my Mom, either.   For some reason, I just felt not clean.  Like it wasn't good for me.....  My Mom finally just bought pads.... I can't remember her ever talking about it.... but I did with my girl-friends...... I'm just glad she has YOU..... that means so much to her. 

    You will probably be the one she comes to with questions.... like about the chickens and the bees.... I mean the birds.   I only briefly answered the questions.... nothing in detail.... and the oldest one was only about 10.... so it wasn't anything toooo  in depth.  Then they later gave that information in classes.....  I just remember telling her this...... She had asked "why we STILL do?"  (because she thought you only "did it" to have babies"....and she knew we didn't want any more)  She thought "it" was a necessity, and to be given up when you had enough babies.

    So I said, "Honey, it's just a part of marriage, and cleaning house, and like making gravy"....   (She LOVED bisquits and gravy!)   I probably screwed up the kid for life......  Yes.... we are still making gravy.....Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    I just remembered!  I remember Trojan's were a condom....right?  No Cammi.... don't go looking for those in your computer.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Hi Miss GoatO'Lover...Cooper is a morkie....half maltese half yorkshire terrier...which now makes me think of yorksire I want pudding,