STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013


    I did a really big stretch one morning and thought I pulled something in my leg. Ignored it. It hurt a bit, just didn't think it was important. I also thought I had a cold that turned into bronchitis. And had seen docs PA 2-3 times for that

    I felt so crappy my DD had to drive me to doc. By then my leg was swollen and hot. Then it clicked and I was told to go to hospital, office would call to say I was coming.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    HELLOOOOOO, YOU CAN ALL JUMP OUT NOW, YOU RASCAL HOOLIGANS. NICE PARTY. Thought you jumped in Veggy missed you. I'm going to suGgeSt that they add to their discharge instructions. VOICE REST, and no straws and no smoking. Already found out what the talking can do, haven't tried the other two. UHH Eat breakfast, it's going to be along few hours till I eat.  Ear and TmJ pain starting--VALIUM will SAVE the DAY. Okay down the hatch. and an ice bag to boot.

    Pathology won't be ready for 72 hours because of something. Told me twice, just couldn't catch the last couple words. But figuired that wouldn't make a difference.  AND I DIDN'T WANT TO SEEM TO PUSHY B/C THERE WAS THE MOST DARLING, DARLING SONOGRAPHER. Tried to play matchmaker. :):). Such a new world, she's going to check out DS on FB. If she likes what she see's, she'll friend him and tell him his mom suggested it. The young man sonographer went to school with DS.

    Went to my old floor, only a few left. They were all off today.

    All in all a positive experience Well performed. Good handwashing. Personnell knowledgeable and efficient. I recommend ultrasound guided procedures. No radiation. No noise.

    Now if the match works!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Okay Hoolie's ValiuMmmmmm has kicked in, ear and tmj not progressing. Haven't been this quiet in a dogs age. In fact I talk to the dogs all the time. Chickie, cooper is such a darling. I love puppies.  Pyhlli miss you will do a quick phone call. Stacey and April haven't checkin in in awhile. The only way I can keep track of who's on first is a chart. Chart we need a chart.

    Blondie hope you got fentanyl, better to see if it works versus not knowing cuz it's been a crapshoot till now. Hope the roids are on the down side.

    Poor NEA is probably doing all this research to see, if we are worth busting. They have NO idea, if all this stuff is appropriate. BUT all our drugs are on controlled substance lists. So whether they have decided we are not threat is unknown. Key never ever share your drugs with even one person that makes you a dealer , that's a felony too.. Makes the receiver at least felony drug possession.  Hope I don't ramble for ever....going to the bed. :)

    Chevy I love fairies too. Always believed in clapping for Tinker.

    Floweres, all things in moderation for next four to five days. One over doing it day, can set you back several. You've gotter going good, but don't overly push it. Tell your doc Kudos for getting all the (most air) out. Huge difference in recovery. Could never tell patients why they had pain and the next person didn't. Once told an offender to stop and work at getting more air out. He's routine was always to soon. Maybe it was a fallover from another phase of his life. So, he slowed down pulling the scope out too early, and explained what it meant post op. He was surprised that I stopped him(doc's are surprised at that), and then what the explanation was. L&H's sassy

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    I'm so happy that Sas and Flowers are doing ok.

    Vegette - you are a riot!!! Funniest chicklette on this post today - and that's saying a lot. 

    Blondiee - sending you a PM - thinking about you.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Double posting - came back to edit. Love you hoolies 💛

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Yay..Miss Sassypants is okay  xoxo

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Oh - almost forgot to tell you - today is my last day of clinical. PH is being so nice to me it's kind of freaky. I'll tell you all about it later.  I'm going back in next week and bringing the whole staff a nice lunch to thank them. Check in with y'all later tonight when I am DONE!!!!!!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Shellseroni, Blessings and congratulatios. Another goal in life accomplished under the worst case scenario of BC and cancer of any nature. Should do an op-ed piece. About the whole thing and the obstacles that you had to overcome b/c the university idiots who were attempting to instill empathy, sympathey along with the need to know info. They lost the oars on that one. But it's likely being doing, all over the USA. Other countries have MUCH kinder laws. Shame on our establishment.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Trip e submit--yes time to go to bed

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    double post sorryyyyyyyyy

    Phone off hook to sleep. :)

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    It's all good - part of the journey - no regrets. It was an intense year, but like the rest of you sister warriors - I persevered. Could have done it without you, but it would have been so much harder, drearier and not as much fun. All of you are such a true blessing, I give thanks for having you!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Sassy.... go to sleep.

    Shells, And we all love you too, little one.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh u younguns' crack Chevy up.

    Chickie I love the "plant" story--tooo funny.

    Blondie u sound good--don't overdo--REMEMBER

    Chevy my comp. is all right now I played with it for a while (have to play with something) and as far as floppy and hard discs I know nothing about that, well not in computer talk.

    Shell we're just all so happy for u--everything is going well and that's wonderful.

    Sas u'd better rest, and I don't know what the ig raucous was about in the pocket--I had my brownies (ahem) and I was fine.

    Hi everyone else--my brain is gloopy today, yes gloopy it is a medical term that I've used before. Well maybe not.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Ah Geez Cammi!  How long has it been since computers or word processors had floppy disks?   Probably 15 years...!  Maybe even System Restore would help?  But don't do it, unless you have someone there to help you.  If it is working, don't screw it up.... Did you find any Trojans in there? 

    Glad you got everything working again!  WTH is "gloopy"  ???  Is that an official medical term?  Or something you just made up?  Never mind, I already know the answer!  I think you mean "soggy".....  xoxoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh yes Chevy soggy is much more of a medical term----and I told u I know nothing about comouters, when I set this up yes I did it alone --my kids were in shcok took me hrs but I did it and my limit has been totally used up so I do what I can. LOL

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    You ROCK Cammi! To think you did it all by yourself!  THAT is a great achievement!  You HAVE to feel good about that.... If I can help you in any way, just holler.....   Oh wait....  I only know about chickens and fairies!   Wink

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    He' home...he's cute!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Chevy, eggs and wings is ur area of expertise. Taking them then flying away with them.U'r so much fun--Chevy

    Where is Ducky or have I missed something? I haven't seen her lately. I hope she's all right.

    OK I just took my pain meds so I'll be jabbering saying nothing. Well what I just said wasn't nothing but what I will be saying will be about nothing no doubt. Of course Seinfeld was about nothing and it made a fortune and when I worked the day after it was on we'd all be talking about it everyone watched it then it was so stupid, it was funny--Well Imight  be stupid but I wish I was that funny so I could have made a fortune-The only fortune I ever got close to was a cookie.

    My kids went swimming again today it's hot still, my SIL's mom has an in ground pool which my SIL takes care of for the most part and of course Joey goes off the board and swims like a fish, but he's been in there since he was a baby--well not everyday, but I mean he started swimming then and it's so easy to teach little ones, they are automatically little fish and grow to be sharks, well boys do. Girls are more mermaidish.

    Well I wrote to the Governor of ILL yet again today--they just don't listen to me, they have written back but that's not good enough for me--I want action not words--I'm sure no one reads my E-mails anymore anyway, but I get things out of my system

    OK I'll STFU now cuz I'm slowing down. and pain is subsiding a little so maybe I can relax some. except my sister just found out about my latest hospital experience today and she emailed me all in caps about not telling her--so she's call and ask like 1,000 questions that's why I really don't like her to know anything unti I have all the answers-hahaha which I never do understand anyway.LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    HELLO, up, ps 5-6, not taking pain pill. Want a stark reminder not to talk or smoke. Quelling the pain would make me forget. Very surprised at pain level. Can't stop movement b/c of swallowing. Each swallow, pain goes up at, at rest maybe 1. An annoyance at best for a Friday night.
    Blondie, April,flowers,Stacey hope your doing better. Mary @ least your home. If it were an emergent problem for your dizziness, they wouldn't have let you go home.

    Cami and Chevy which one of you is Lou, and which one is Bud?

    Cami what did you email the governor about?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013

    Yes, I was going to ask, but I was trying to think about WHY she would!  I know!  "She" is  so much fun to fool around with!  She gives it right back...Ha!    I think I am the short one.... It's either that, or we are the two stooges.  Wink

    Beautiful picture Chickers!  What a little dolly!    I would hold him forever.

    Cammi, I remember taking my little Grand-son to his swimming lesson....  He was sooooo cute!  He would get in, because the teacher TOLD him to get in, but he would hold his arms out to me, and cry, because he didn't WANT to!  I just wanted to take him home, and hold him forever.... just like that little puppy.  He eventually would get in, because I promised him we would stop for an ice-cream on the way home....  He must have been about 3 or  4....  and now he is 27..... Cry

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2013

    Just dropping by to say hi.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Oh I just read the question----I feel like the state screwed up my money--well they did, but now no one will take responsibility for this and I would like the money back. I knos it wil never work but I have to try. I'm such a bitch.

    And I would be Lou because of the way I look but Chevy would be Lou cuz she's so funny.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    HMMM then who's BUD? Lou couldn't be as good as he was without Bud. As far as the stooges, no one here is Mo. Mo was funny , but in a mean way. OKAY, Who is Stan and who is Oliver?

    WE already Know who Mae is!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

    Right now I could be Mo. Grrrrrrrr... I was told that I am the cause of my cancer. Well maybe not in those exact words, but that was the gist of it. It's because I eat red meat and don't eat organic. Then I was asked if it runs in the family. Not it don't. Sometimes "it" just happens. With a friend like that, who needs enemas, whoops, I mean enemies. I started to tell her off but quit. She doesn't deserve my energy.

    I've been writing but erasing too. I'm not in the basement. I've been lurking mostly. Tonight I am drinking wine. Oh my, could that caused my cancer? I'm not giving up my wine. It's the only vice I have.

  • rennamr
    rennamr Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2013

    Thanks for the input! I actually just discovered this site the day I posted. My friend sent me the link cause she found some thread regarding the costochondritis, difficulty breathing and thought it may interest me. But...I do like the STFU and that really did catch my eye since I have been saying that for YEARS! (I actually thought I invented that acronym) Cool

    Just a quick update: nurse called me and I discussed with her possible costochondritis. She talked to dr and called back saying it was possible, and to try taking motrin (400 mg every 6 hrs or so). I did that throughout the weekend (actually only took it twice a day, I'm horrible about remembering to take meds) and I did notice an improvement, but I don't know if it's 1)  because of the motrin, 2) because I stopped exercising or 3) because I was more aware of the breathing difficulty and therefore like "panicky" and calmed myself down more.

    I am going to try to go running tomorrow and see if the problem comes back. I will try to log onto this site more often. I'm on the computer all day, so last thing I wanna do when I get home is pick up my laptop!

    You guys are a fun bunch! Thanks!!

  • rennamr
    rennamr Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2013

    Oh, and yes, I do feel like I have been through the ringer with the double mastectomy, chemo, radiation, reconstruction surgery...all in a 6-7 month time span, but I also feel like my body has tolerated it all pretty well. I have a high tolerance for pain anyway, but I'm a "move on" kind of person, so even though I had some really hard times (like severe bone pain during chemo) I am just wanting to move forward and onto better things!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    I'm about to see my last pediatric pt, a 6 year old's physical. Boo Hoo, I'm gonna miss swing these little critters.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Oh nothing better than puppy breath to make your day. What a doll baby. I want to kiss that widdle nose, and give him hugs, and listen to him squeak.

    Pee pads are really great for the little ones. Especially for rain or snow. Spookie is 3 and still uses them

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Who to talk with first:

    Shells, it seems to me I remember kids were a way for you to attain the certification you needed to get to a different goal. But goals change. As all of nursing has it's plus and minuses. Since I'm not a peds nurse and a never wanted to be one. I do remember spectacular moments when I had kid involvement.. Maybe it's a calling. It certainly takes a totally different nurse to deal with it on adaily basis.  MHHHH , you may have a gift :)

    Renn almost everyone goes through the ringer that you have in the first 6-12 months. From mammo/MRI iregularity to bx/ to sx to recon(3 to 4, but can be more with complications). Chemo or not, rads or not. Our paths all our different.  The commonn is BC got us here and it all just sucks. Everything we do, we seek solutions. Then we second guess the solutions. Then we try to find solutions for all the S.E.'s(side effects) . Spelled out for the NEA, NSA, TSA-shit which ever Big Brother agency watching us b/c of our language that affects there agency. All, basically, men thinking these women have drug problems and are advising each other on what drugs to ask their docs about. A pox on them. Let the disease happen to them- way in a mood tonight--wishing a disease on someone, UgLy.  Sorry off on a rant. Then we go into 3 month mode, then 6, then 12, but it never ends. You are learning to cope every single day. Use every moment to move forward.

    If you can't remember when you took your meds make a chart. I drew a rough one a few pages ago

    Date/time      pain site1     painsite2    pain site 3    pain site 4   bowel  urine  weight  bp

     d/t                 site/scale      site/scale   site scale     site/scale     y/n    y/n     #         #

                          drug            drug           drug             drug        d-y/n  y/n       #         #

    The point is if you need to track something make a chart. Track what is important to you. What I care about, may mean nothing to you. Revise your chart as you go. You decide something has more or less meaning to you. For example, bowels aren't a problem don't track.

    Everything is a possibility with us because we have been brutally assaulted by surgery and drugs. So, listen to your docs, but do allot of research on your own, and ask here and on other threads "hey anyone got this". 

    Running--if you have foobs, protect them from bouncing. At the same time the axillary tightnness of a sports bra may cause an LE problem. So check in with runners on the LE thread. These are not questions your going to find much research on. By the time there is data on it, we'll all be gone and our great grands will get the answers. 

    So who are you? Stan, Laurel, Bud, Red, Rosanna, Mae, Reba, Rosanne, Walter, Achmed, Jeff, Peanut, Jack, Rosebud, HMMMMMMMM

    Haven't decided who I am yet --maybe Maude.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Chevy I'm on a mission to send you a fairy lamp of my choosing, simply b/c I watch the stuff and i know what the prices ought to be.  OH,  also, Love you thats why. Love fairy and butterfly gardens. So, send me your address by PM and when i win a fairy lamp. I'll send it for your fairy garden. erhh your address. I love ebaying and a goal on ebay for me is fun. I totally love my fairy lamp. it's clear. They have colored ones, but color can thwart light. The reason Indiana stars and bars did so well is the facets. Then there's American Pattern, many facets but haven't seen it with light underneath. As a pattern for daily ware, i dislike it , but as a fairy candle it may be special, just haven't seen it. The really old ones from 1880 to 1920 are out of reach$$$$$.