STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Ok Pups - sitting here at Starbucks drinking an Izze Sparkling Clemmentine soda with two small Absolut Citrons poured in on the sly. I feel drunk because no alcohol for so long. I'm done with school, effective today.  F'ing hurray. GD that was hard work. It would have been so much more fun without BC.

    I wish I could fly away for a week and sit on a deserted isle and contemplate. Wait a minute, I'm on an island, living in a house  with an acre backyard with lots of mosquitoes, a stream and birds singing up a storm.....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    I wish I could do what Barrie did when he created the storey Peter Pan that entranced generations of children and adults with beliefs that were outside reality. Now we have JK Rowling with Harry Potter with the same. A storey outside our reality. In the middle was Watty Piper with "The Litlle Engine That Could". 

    Tinkerbell in a time of weakness needed us. Pan saw the need that if we clapped for her  she would regain her strength.

    Harry Potter given a tough beginning , overcame, learned to fight, then went on to teach others to fight against evil.

    The Little Enginge that could taught us when four other engines denied help , he thougth he could.

    We read these stories either to our children or to ourselves.

    In all of them, we as people, define resilence of spirit to our children or to ourselves. We come here each day and state our resilence and our care

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    ShellIamsodonewithschool- Congrats!!

    Sas, So happy you made it through your biopsy today.  Take care!  You may be resting your voice but you are saying volumes with your fingers.  

    To the rest of you hoolies-have a good weekend.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    jULIA, thanks, now to support what we have in our own homes, I was decluttering children books. The "Little Engine That Could" the edition that i have is valued at 100$. I have many other children books like all of us---I was floored. But the point above was well taken.  Don't despose of anything until you check value.

    Julia -- destressing------1:48 am

    Cheverette---we have six nurses------julianna, lumygoats, beatmom, shells, stacey, sassy--yup gotter right. That's more than the nurse's thread had so there ya go

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013


    We have so many books, we could be a branch of the library system.  My daughters loved to read so much-punishment was taking away the books!  Their grandmas and great-grandmother gave them so many books.  Now they are ready to be passed on to my granddaughter.  My gramme would write a dedication in each one-  to "#1 buddy" for my eldest and "little trouble" for my youngest.  Those books are priceless!

    Now go to sleep, sas.

    I think we have nurses in every time zone and have experience in almost every specialty.  

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Julia, books were always a wonder to me. We had this library and i'd go in and look at the the titles. Lincocn and Douglas Debates. Theses books that showed pictures of WW2 deaths, So, many others. A a youingin i'd read several books a week from the library. Besides playing football, baseball and climbing trees. We had polio in 1952, my twin and I were 26mos. my brother was 4 y/o. 2 years before the vaccine. Our lives were defined by that stress and it never stopped.  But back to the books. When M&D lost the house and truckloads went off. It was the books I missed. I only recently got rid of my college textbooks in the past six months. 40 year old books. Words. But the words I wanted were in Dad's old library.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2013

    Sas, there is such magic in the words and pictures. I'm sorry you lost so much. I sometimes despair when I see so much going digital. There is something special about opening a new book, the crisp pages, the smell of ink and paper. Then there is the story. I spent many a day in the neighborhood library. I miss the card catalog- thumbing through the cards I found so many interesting books. You just can't have that experience with electronic catalogs. My treasure is a Welsh songbook that belonged to my maternal grandfather. I also have 1924 edition of the Library of Health, twenty books in one volume. My paternal grandmother gave it to me when I finished nursing school. The quote on the cover, " you can do nothing to bring the dead to life, but you can do much to save the living from death". On the frontispiece "Proper knowledge in the prevention of disease is one of the greatest safeguards for the protection and preservation of the home". Wish you could look through it with me.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    I had a children's  library for my son years before he was even born. He can't bear to part with any of those  books, wants to keep them for his children. Ed and I are decluttering and letting many of our of books go. It feels good...there are so many more books to read (as long as they are not textbooks). 

    Sas - what you wrote was just beautiful - U2 Juliette.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited July 2013

    Julia yes we have nurses in every specialty except neonatal unless someone pops up and says I have that. :) We are unique.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Just poking my head in, well my body is with me too--I love the conversation u'r having. I don't kniw if u can instill the love of reading into a child but when u see a spark going on u encourage all u can, I used to say to my youngest dgtr (cuz she loved to read-still does) That u'll never be bored, because u can be anywhere u want. Now my grandson loves it and hope he stays that way cuz again I've said that to him and I added u can do anything u want in life, cuz if u love reading and understanding their is no limit what u can take in. And I believe that. And I'm so glad he likes books--he goes to the library and actually holds book in his hands, and to me to that's the way to read---but anyway is always good.

    I didn't realize all the nurses on here wow we're loaded---OK here's a question got a scan that u drink that stuff the other day----"something" is pushing on my liver into my ribs---so it's painful-now what test should I ask for next--It could be my colon knotted up or a tumor or whatever--I see my onc next week and I'd really like to know what to ask and what other test I should ask for--I had this done the other day by my reg Dr. cuz of pain on my side not to be confused with the back problem--so WTF am I talking about that makes me sound not crazy or is this common and just ignore this whole other crazy thing. Could it possibly be something near my kidney or bladder that can cause this? I do have chronic bladder infections that ave turned painful too for about 6 months. OK my nurses go to town-- hahahaha--OK no serious talk the rest of the day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013
    Morning little fairies!  I mean Hooligans!   I love you all so much, and I just hate to hear of anyone not feeling good!


    Cammi!  WTH did you do?  I don't even know where a liver IS, much less what it can do... Can you just go get it checked out now?  WHERE do you live?   If something "hurts" ....  it shouldn't be doing that... I mean there is a reason.


    Do your Doctors look like medicine men, and drive around in a horse-drawn cart?  Good Lord, you gotta find someone that knows what they are doing! 


    Maybe "our nurses" will give you some suggestions?  Man, I love that we have all you gals...    Our Sassy, Julianna, littlegoats, beatmom, Shells!!!!  Wow!  And me.  I will make chicken.... oh, I mean beef soup for everyone..... to make you better.


    I never cared for books, until about 15 years ago.  My Daughter gave me a book to read in the back-seat of the car when we were driving to the beach... It was by Danielle Steel, called "The Kiss".....  And it really was a beautiful story!  Then I started looking for more books by her....  Found millions..... One of my favorites is ..... Oh hell, I'll think of it later.  OH, Memoirs of a Geisha...  

    I have a Nook, but you are right, holding a book, curled up on the sofa, all by yourself, is just the best!   You get lost in a book. 


    Sass, I don't know what to say....  I still don't think I understand what "fairy-lights" you are talking about...  I would be honored if you would do that, or even post me a picture???  But I would pay for it... 

    Do you mean like this?

    Indiana Glass Stars and Bars Amber Fairy Lamp


    I typed in Indiana Stars and Bars Fairy Lamp, and I saw this. 

    I'll send you my address by PM, but don't go doin' anything too extravagant...  or I'll owe you my first born. 


    Shellster!  I had a Sweetened Iced Coffee Grande' with no room!  I add the cream AND a sweet & low.  A person can never get enough sugar. So we had one together!   Although yours DOES sound better than mine.  More exotic!

    Congratulations on being done with school, you little scholar you! 


    Sass, yes, you can be Maude...  I will be Bette!  I am crazy like her.  I just remember her singing "The Rose"...  Special meaning to me. 


    Hi Julianna and Renamar... or something like that!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited July 2013
  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    Books! I'll read a book, I'll read it on a Nook, Heck, I'll read it on my phone, by a brook.  If it was on a scroll, I'd read that too. Growing up, my mother and grandmother were readers.  Mostly fiction/novels.  We had a den in our house that was a converted garage.  One whole wall was filled bookshelves down to waist level then cabinets below.  I read all of those books by the time I was 10 yrs old.  Many of them NOT appropriate for a kid.  I used to sneak a book and fill the spot with something else so it wouldn't be missed.  We also had the set of Children's Classics that the parents bought along with the Encyclopedia Brittanica.  I had also read as many of my grandmother's books as I could get my hands on.  By the third grade, I think I was quite a handful for my reading circle. 

    I was not very pleased with the elementary school library.  Jr high library was better but by that time I was able to get rides to the little public library.  I remember when I discovered non-fiction and biographies.  OMG! I was in heaven!  Science, history, people writing about themselves, MAPS!  Nobody told me there were so many maps!  I was a totally indescriminate reader.  Loved novels set in England so that I could practice my English accent - living in Texas. 

    I understand the comfort of holding a book and sitting back for a long read.  But, books have always been changing.  Dickens and others were first published in papers and pamphlets.  My son and my ex-h can give you the whole history of printed books, dates, people, formats.  But really, as long as I have something to read, I'm happy.  The beauty of the Nook (there are several) for me is that it has a built in dictionary!  AMAZING.  If I'm reading something way over my head (happens a lot) I just touch the word that I don't know and bingo!  the definition pops up.  I just love that.

    However much I love books, or you love books, picture this:

    My husband bought out an estate the month before we were married.. Some people go to estate sales and buy the stuff they are getting rid of.  He would go and buy the whole collection of books, or books and art.  Anyway, from this sale he brought home all of these books.  So MANY books that he stacked them side-by-side, waist high, through the living room, dining room, spare bedroom, hallway, and around the perimeter of his bed room.  He left a path from the front door to the kitchen to the bathroom to the bedroom.  A PATH!

    He was thinking we could live there after the wedding and he would sell the books slowly.  NO NO NO!  Who thinks like that?  It was a dire warning that I did not heed.  It happened several more times during our marriage.

    whoops, TMI again.

    Cammit - yes, that is a phyllodendron as my avatar

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited July 2013

    I got so distracted by BOOKS that I forgot to write anything else.  I hope people don't quit writing them. I made my ex ship all of my signed first editions to me when I moved up here.  He was hoping he could keep them, I bet!

    Shells - congrats!  You are just amazing.  Sitting in Starbucks, getting plastered, I mean relaxed.  Who woulda thunk it!  You rebel.

    Sassy - hope you're out swimming this morning and relaxing before next week stuff.

    Chevy - fairies?  Your garden is lovely and you put a lot of work into it.  I would love to see the giant cyclops garden.  Wasn't there a giant cyclops in the 7 voyages of sinbad?  Or am I making that up?  Can you make one or should I just go to a rainforest?  Are your hands still better??

    BTW - I don't think I ever heard of fairy lights until this board.  I think.  Who knew fairies needed lights!  Are they like teeny street lights?  A Clapper? A teeny flashlight?  I just thought fairies glowed and didnt' need a light.

    cammi- I hope you do not have a python in your gut.  That's my only experience with abdominal pain so I thought I would share even though it is probably totally irrelevant to your pain.  Sorry, it's just my way of giving bad medical advice.  HAHAHA!  My BIL says "it's only bad advice if you take it".

    I hope our little blondiehoney is back SOON and feeling good.

    chicklet - that is a very cute neardog.  He will be so handsome when he grows up.  He will grow up, won't he?

    marywhere - did I miss your report back on your MRI?  Hope that went well  It is NO fun to have your head stuck in a barrel where someone is beating on the outside to see how much you can stand.

    I know I have missed several lovely ladies here but I have already taken up a whole page on the thread and so will give over to let someone else in!


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    Well Ive decided-enough of the preoccupation with my health...I am so sick of it.Have to go in on Tues. to check my thyroid too..WTH?.thyroid is way up. Oh well. Im just not going to worry about it this week-end. My porches are coming along well, got the roofs on yesterday, sweet little roofers even roofed my dog houses so they would match the roof on the house. Looking for a tip, I geuss..they got one.Picked up gs from day-care yesterday, went to wal-mart. He managed to shop without telling anyone about grammys boob. He picked out a birthday present for his mom. a little dragonfly necklace. It belongs in Chevys fairy garden. Hope you guys are all doing ok..Been so beside myself this week I cant remember who had what, but hope everyone is ok....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    OK Phyloreadalot---I bet u were the jailhouse lawyer cuz u could read--see I'm right u can never read to much--At least it kept u safe, women counted on u. And oh yes that's what the  plant  is--sure I believe u. But I'm crackin up at u ex--to buy tht many books I would have flipped out, but he was looking ahead for u;r future. It doesn't sound like he led u down the path u chose, so he could be goofy, but it wasn't illegal.

    Oh Chevy I know I sound like a walking test subject hahaha--I really have good Drs. They were checked out0but they always seem a little stymied over whar;s going on and when I had my other Drs. they were wonderful but again I always fell in a low percentage of the probkems I had and have. OK so I'm a freak0-we all know this. But I relly do getsome scaredness in me--cuz I have an awful lot of pain and I always think pain is u'r warning that something is going on. So I thought OK let's get the nurses on this so I could arm myself with info and maybe act like do something and find out don't just send me home to wtch how bad the pain gets.--I don't know this has been going on so long now, but I'm tired and it wers on me. That's why I'm so bitchy all the time.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,360
    edited July 2013

    Books...un-ending treasure.   I loved to read and devoured all the books ( save for westerns ) in my grade school and high school library...........and continued to read up until the last few years. 

    My inspiration for reading was my mother.  She made sure we had story books in our house and I'll never forget " The Littlest Angel " which was my favorite of all time.  Never tired of her reading it to me.  The books all had such marvelous pictures in them at the time and I remember thinking that the story was really about me and that I was my mother's littlest angel.....even if a bit naughty now and then. 

    Yay for reading and loving to read -- I mainly only read spiritual type authors now. 

    Hope you all have a marvelous Saturday and Cammi.....just tell that liver to straighten up and fly right.


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited July 2013

    I know that PH got my scarf - did Blondiex and Flowers get theirs??? Just wondering?  If you don't like them you can give them to someone that does - no feelings hurt.. Laughing  I love you girls! 

    I'm letting my GD sleep this morning - she wanted to sleep upstairs so she could do her drawing journal and think with the "peace and quiet" I think is how she put it..  We had a pretty busy day I think I will just let her sleep.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Yea Shells!!!! DONE

    Now if my sil could just get out of RN school.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    Sniff. Sniff. Honk. Sniff

    I knew it was coming. I wanted it to come. It's going to save me $600 a month. But to actually hold it in my hot little hands was a shock.


    I got my Medicare card today.

    Now I am an official OLD FART

    Sniff sniff

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited July 2013

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited July 2013

    I remember the Littlest Angel. That was one of my favorites too. Brought it home from my moms house when we were cleaning the house out. Gs is a little hyperactive, so he doesnt do well with books, but hopefully we can get a handle on it. I still love to read.Dh complains about all my books, wants me to get rid of some,but I dont. you never know when you'll want to read them again. hes got his tools, Ive got my books...

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013


    I about busted a gut laughing


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    It was so nice sitting here reading everyone's posts this morning. When I get back from Jazzercise I will try to answer each one of you. For now:

    Mary, I'm glad you are taking a short vacation  - very smart - you deserve it. So sweet that the dog house roofs match. All the men you have working for you sound like real sweethearts - I can't wait until your porch is finished. You HAVE to post a picture so we can all enjoy it with you!

    Veggy - you are so good, always have me chuckling, but this morning was ROTFL.

    Yay Spooks.

    Sas - I did L&D for 3 years so took care of newborns, helped with resuscitation of the sluggish ones, then did 2 week old newborn checks during peds this summer. NOT a neonatal expert, but can probably handle the basics in an emergency.

    Phyllodandria - the reason I went to Starbucks is because I wanted to have a celebratory drink, but didn't want to do it in front of DH, didn't want to sit in a bar, and wanted Starbuck's AIR CONDITIONING after sweating in that tiny pediatric office  all day. I have my favorite chair at Starbucks to sit in to study, so picking up those two little Citron vodkas at the drugstore and putting them in my Clementine soda was perfect. It will be a fond memory!

    I sent Blondiee a PM but no answer yet. Sas, can you remember who her "buddie" is? I would like to call her.

    Cammi - will spend some time this weekend figuring out an answer to your question about the under rib pain, but it might take a little bit of time and need to get showered and out the door to class now.

    Love you guys - Happy Hooliday!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2013

    This is totally off the topic, but has this site slowed down considerably since the two outages? It's so slow for me that I give up sometimes. I still have fast internet on other sites, so I don't think it's on my end.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2013

    Hi Miss Wren...I noticed that too

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited July 2013

    Spookie, I'm not that far behind you. And the Aromasin makes me feel like an old fart already :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2013

    Spookie this happens and I'm sorry, but it's a good thing LOL

    I didn't notice about slow but I do everything slowly and think slowly so....

    Gm I love love that she want to be alone and have quiet time, cracks me up. U must be rowdy people.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2013

    Yes - this site has been sooooooo slow lately  - I open up another page to search google and it's super quick.

    Wren - is posting on the other threads sometimes real slow? 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited July 2013

    It appears to be all over BCO.

    Slower than molasses in January in Canada.