STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Sass..... You know this, but it isn't any of his concern about the fence, since he did not help pay for it!  And until he DOES, then  you might tell him that since it is YOURS, you would greatly appreciate him keeping his tidy little hands OFF of it.  You already KNOW WHAT to use, and what NOT to use.

    Our neighbor also put up a beautiful iron fence....  The one neighbor on the South paid $500, and so did we!  It cost MUCH more, because he designed it.....  (But he ASKED if we wanted to go in on it, and to pay whatever we could....)    After it was put up, the company came to spray this "acid" on it, to eat part of the black.... Then our neighbor washed it off after 24 hours.... The company then sprayed it with "clear-coat"..... And it looks not only black, but also "bronzed" and it's really pretty.  I haven't ever seen another one like it.

    I would not have DREAMED of doing anything to the fence, like your neighbor!   So yes, I think you are right, to kindly explain that since they had no part of PAYing for it, that  it is your place to take care of it, and not them, and to keep their f#c$i^g hands off of it.

    Neighbors can be a PITA!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    OH Chevy ranting is so good for the releasing the pressure, having someone agree with you is fun LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Sas so he's cleaning something he didn't pay for and chooses to do it anyway he wants. Oh u've got a problem--If the vynil (sp) gets ruined it's now his faulr he didn't pay for it. Chit u have to say something i would think, but I've always said it's ot what u say, it's how u say it--so maybe u can have a resonable talk with him????

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    Wow Sassy - Neighbor has a lot of nerve. I like Chevy's answer - No pay, No play (or clean). Also Cami's "reasonable talk". Lots of "I" words. Be wary though he could be a pissed off kinda guy.

    And yes neighbors can be a PITA. Even in the country. Guy behind me has a kennel full of feral hog hunting dogs with painful barking all day/night. I think the heat has shut them up some that and not much moving outside to entice them.

    Marywh - Can't wait to see pics of your new porch. The tile sounds very interesting. DH and I are making a Lowes trip tomorrow to buy such a treat - new toilets. Had it with these after DH battled and soaked his bath floor wrestling with cutoff. Will make a pass through tiles and see if they have in store. Would love to replace carpet in living room, tiny dining and hall.

    Shells and Chevy - My heart goes out to you both.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Thank you my friends for the suggestions, i will heed them well as we have had a neighborly relationship. I don't want to destroy that. BUT you will laugh, I fiquired I should check my info before the TALK. So, already I know more about soap/detergent/bleach than I care too. Did come across one of those pages that has suggestions for lots of things. The gardners, sewers, and fixers of things will find useful tips if you don't already know them. Here's the link.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Actually Sas, being in the painting and pressure washing business, bleach is ok to use on vinyl as long as its diluted to a quarter strength. You need to tell him any stronger than that will strip it.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    YAY the search is complete and it only took an hour or so. Vinyl fencing sites said use dish detergent and had lots of home made recipes. I've been using car washing wash b/c it soaps up so nice and I figuired since guys are usually so fussy about washing their cars, it MUST be okay. Ended up calling a car wash manufacturer(YES, I'm NUTS!). Car wash soap is gentler than dish detergent. So, I'm good to go on that one. For resistant mold mildew stains, a specific concentration of bleach in the water can be used. Sheesh, can't just be normally arbtrary.

    Littlegoats, thats horrible about the dogs. I'm struggling with giving Dini back to DDBF b/c we stopped living together months ago. BUT I still have the dog. DDBF isn't fully supporting him. i.e. food/heart worm/flea stuff/vet and replacing stuff dini's broken outside chasing lizards, several hundred dollars in broken stuff. The struggle, if he goes back to his previous place, they will put him outside. Florida ugh. They likely wouldn't keep up with heart worm/flea/vet needs b/c they didn't before. Dini is perfect in the house and actually shows how happy he is. DS says Labs are just busy dogs that need a job etc etc. I'll think of what you've said about the poor dogs behind you. I need to move to acceptance that Dini's need to be cared for is more important than money. Basically, what can be destroyed outside is destroyed. Yesterday, He did work on the old wicker chair trying to get the poor lizard that hid in the leg. If I put an old tire out there he'd be in dog heaven. Lizards love tires and he's strong enough to lift and push one all over the place.

    Mary thanks I was typing while you were posting. Yes, that's what I found, but if I hadn't of found it you would have saved me from error LOL. I'm going to tell them they have to follow my directions and have permission to use bleach before they do it.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    Sassy - I had a wire haired fox terrier that chewed concrete. Poor dog was bored to death. We both worked long hours, lived in Dallas suburb. He'd come from a show home around lots of other dogs. My rattie now would get in all kinds of mischief but I crate her if gone longer than 1.5 hours - i.e., grocery, Sunday School. BUT the rattie in her yesterday killed a scorpion and she managed to not get bit. She did get a doggie treat reward and much petting. Have had a glut of scorpions and black widow spiders. I don't repair much because of her just oodles to vet bills for her skin. She's on Prednisolone qod now along with fish oil, Benadry alter. with Cetirizine. Environmental not food allergy. She just attacked the front window for a lizard LOL. Too bad curtains are shut for pm 102 degrees outside west facing room. I would love to have a boxer but backyard is too small. Perfect size for rattie.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    tiled screened porch sounds fantastic.  I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Littlegoats, Scorpions and black widows- to me that's like saying "Lions, tigers, and bears-OH my". Is a Rattie a Fox or a Jack Russel. Either way they are tenacious. Dini has moved concrete squares that I can barely lift, trying to get lizards. I hate to think about the tire b/c it'd be ugly, but it would give him something to really work at. It'd have to be in the front yard b/c I could see him pushing it through the pool screen.

    I have slug- a- bug exterminators, it's 90$ a month for inside and outside--bug/fertilizing/and whatever else you do to a lawn. The bug thing, I had brown and black widows outside, slug-a-bug have them undercontrol and all bugs. I see a bug I call. What I pay is high, but by the time all the chemicals are purchased and applied, it's worth my cost. I get ALLOT of peace of mind b/c I hate bugs. They can be anywhere they want as long as it isn't in my home or screen enclosure. Florida has >>had lots of pine scorpions, but the forrest here is basically gone. Haven't seen a pine scorpion in 19 years, but they aren't poisonous. It sounds like yours are nastier? True?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    Not sure if nastier, never been stung (fingers crossed). DH was lying on floor 2 nights ago playing on laptop and felt something brush his Tshirt. Much bigger scorp. I heard wham, wham, wham. Now we have giant wolf spiders too, ground dwelling that get in. Think they can bite with hurt, itch. Try not to kill them outside, they eat other undesirables. Neighbor says she's had more b.w's too this year. She has pest contract too. DH does get out with pump sprayer and sprays the foundation but it kills my toads too I'm afraid. The past years of drought have just done them in though I have enough grasshoppers to feed them all. I saw a tarantula this weekend in my driveway. Never seen one. Happily crawled behind planter box. Rattie is rat terrier. Looks like smoother Jack Russell - prob. close to smooth haired fox terr. She weighs about 19#. I refuse to let bedspread hang to ground. Yes just one of my little paranoias. I had pt who kept her sheets tucked in so tight to keep out spiders/scorp. She lived in a very old rock house. Oh, turned over a water bucket I had not used in a while this am. Giant black widow. Nice use of Raid wasp spray on her. Last year I had run in with either a coral snake or King snake, to scared to count stripes - know the ditty "friend of Jack" to check on stripes. It sidewinded out of bushes at me in the near dark and crawled back in same bushes. Week later rat snake big one in almost the same place. I shooed it off.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    LMG if it'd been me with that thing crawling on me, I likely would have used the laptop to wham them. Every move outside in the south really has to be watchful. This is quite different from the north. Hmm here ants are driven inside in a drought, I suppose other creatures are too. Are Trantulas indigenous or was that a whatyacallit escapee? Further south near the everglades there is a huge python problem b/c of people releasing them into the everglades. Now it's so bad it's upset the whole ecosystem. Now were supposed to have ants that like electronics. White flies that goop up everything and they are just a new import, not sure how bad they're going to be. But it doesn't sound good. Lovebugs that do nothing but mate and when they die by getting hit by cars, they are acidic and can ruin paint jobs. I'll ask my bug guy if his stuff kills frogs/toads. I hope not, they are such good critters. Except there's some strange huge toads up north aways that are nonindigenous that if someone licks them they can go on a psychedelic trip like LSD. Not nice.

    Rattie is the dogs name--yes? Definitely sounds like a great dog to have around.:)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Sass, when I was in Grade School, this old teacher in our science class let us play with her critters!  We had "Checkers"....this pretty little snake, and we used to let the Tarantula crawl on our arms!  And the Mud-puppies!  

    But like my Daughter said, living in Florida is like living in a Petrie-dish....  EVERYthing grows....   But those damn love-bugs drive them all nuts.  And she is having trouble trying to grow a decent garden, and keeping the bugs from eating everything.  And the Fire-ants really hurt when they bite!

    So guess I'm lucky we have a lot less bugs around these dry parts! 

    I also remember "horny-toads" that we had all around here, and those little yellow furry caterpillars!  I don't know what ever happened to them.  Maybe the climate change? 

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    Dang!!!  I think I'm glad I don't live in Texas!!  Here in Western Washington we have wolf spiders and fiddle-back spiders (also called recluse).  The wolf spiders will bite, but it just itches.  Reluse/fiddlebacks are dangerous, but that's about it here.  Eastern Washington they have rattlers and black widows, but I think it's too cold for scorpions there.  Not sure, to be honest. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Chevy, is your DD trying to grow vegetables? If flowers and shrubs etc. there are some very hardy native plants. I'm no good at them, but others are. Like Plumbago. It's used on roadsides b/c it grows under all conditions. Not for me though.

    DDmay have fun trying to raise the plants for butterflies. The plants are hardy and beautiful flowers. Should have a host plant, and the nectar plants. Most people have luck growing them. Just not me. I'm going to have a tire. Let DD know there is a butterfly garden fairly central in Orlando that has a great reputation. Maybe she can get some ideas from them.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Interesting Gumby, Recluses aren't supposed to be that far west. I wonder if it's the same as what we have east of the Mississippi.?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    Oh I know we have brown recluse but I don't put my hand anywhere I can't see. Tarantulas are indigenous just never have seen one. A&M says fairly common. Not many places to "escape" from. Horse pasture in front and to side and cattle/hay acreage across road.  The one thing we do not get is roaches or water bugs as my DM called them. One of the few perks. We get ants in drought or heavy rain. This year they have invaded my houseplants I put outside. Yes, I've heard of the "crazy" ants that invade electrical things. Oh no, I just call her a Rattie, like people with West Highlands call theirs Westies. Her name is very inventive - Terra. She was supposed to be Zelda (I have a thing for Z names) but she just didn't seem like Zelda.

    No horny toads even out here. I think fire ants did them in. But the fire ants haven't been too bad this year. They were trying to break out when we had rain in July but Aug. is setting up scorching/dry which drives them underground. But I lived here when it hit the all time high of 113 and summer 2011 I was driving hospice with record # of 100 degree days. My first stop of the day was Sonic.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Gumby, now I know more about recluces than I wanted too. Wiki says there range is lower midwest. Yep, Texas and Nebrasks(phillydidyouknow/). There not supposed to be even in Florida. But most people here would swear we have them. Wiki suggests that the spiders in the northwest are likely Hobo spiders. That random true brown recluces are brought to the west with people that have moved them with them. One of the suggestions is to count the eyes----Right, I'm going to count eyes.

    Wonder what your spiders really are?

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    Well, well - I just looked it up - that's what I get for believing what I'm told all my life without ever actually verifying...  No, we don't have brown recluse here - we have hobo spiders (and of course the black widow in eastern washington).  Thanks, sas.  Laughing

    Those hobo spiders are FAST according to the State of Washington environmental page....  17 inches a second!! 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Littlegoats---NO roaches? Why? What is it about TX that would allow for no roaches?

    Must be where you live LMG.

    Okayyyyyyyy, now I know more about cockroaches than I ever cared too.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    We definitely get ants, though - sugar ants are incredibly difficult to get rid of.  Carpenter ants abound.  But by far the biggest "pest" in Washington are slugs.  We have huge slugs, lots of snails and in the spring and early summer mosquitos and gnats.  Basically, if it likes water it grows here quite well - unless, of course, it also likes being warm year round.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    OH plenty of roaches in the city. Just not out here in the country - at least not the pinky finger sized ones. We moved out of Ft. Worth 15 years ago. They must have come down the chimney cause they would peak out from behind the painting over the mantle. That and rats. There are too many owls around here for many rats/mice - I've had a great horned owl sitting over the driveway on elec. line and DH said something swooped over him the other night in the dark. Love hearing them.

    Garden - if Hobo spiders are anything like our wolf spiders they can jump. I always have to peak out the backdoor when letting dog out for final time. The one living out there now is a jump and run off one. Smart move rather than jump and run in the house.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Gumby why would you have huge slugs? Ugh I think I'm going to learn more again. It may be difficult to sleep tonight.

    Ah hah just as you said, it's wet so much. You have oodles of types and sizes. There's a bunch that jump. Read a piece written by a guy who's in love with slugs in Washington. Well, it takes all kinds.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Our population of hawks has increased so much, our all other bird population has decreased. It's a bummer.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    In Pa they pour salt on one likes those slimy pour and good us

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Hey ducky, dropping into the bug and critter discussion. Hey what's the worst bugs in PA

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    In florida we have this grasshopper(or whatever) that is about 4-5 inches long and multy colored. When you squish them they are a major mess.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    LVM --and your letting that spider live because of_________?  I did once let a silk spider live all summer.  I felt bad once she died, I killed the three egg sacks. I'm still feeling bad, but they are huge and I just couldn't live with them.

    Is everyone going to dinner now? Lovely thoughts before dinner. Chevy we should have been talking Fairies!

    Shellshiners going to wake up and read this page and say "Sassy what have you been on --AGAIN?". Honest Shells totally straight. JUst can't do anything cuz of the polypectomies.  So, my choices were here or TV. Oh coulda of done light housework, fold laundry,dust---ruled those out right away.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    OH no not going out to dinner though DH is home early. He's getting last night's leftovers - he's not picky and it was good. Had to get up and load the dishwasher so it at least looks like I did something today.

    I let the spider live because it was outside and they eat other nastier things. I've seen them drag off wasps.

    I know what fairy lamps are. My DM was an antique dealer for years and also in the estate sale business.

    TV has been a vast wasteland today. Even the Texas Rangers don't come on until 9 playing Oakland.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited August 2013

    Ok ladies you got me itching all over and our water pump broke (the house pump) so I can't shower! Going to make for a stinky hot day at JoAnn fabrics tomorrow! Actually, I have the HeeBee-JeeBees