STFU (Shut the F*** UP)
Mary, are you sure we are talking apples to apples. In Hospice the term palliative care was used to describe care for decades. But the terms usage in regard to a Palliative Care Speciallist is different. Reread my post where it said the concepts of Hospice were seen to be able to be applied to patients with long term chronic illnesses. More specifically long term chronic illnesses that are predictably terminal. WEll, we are all terminal. The difference with a standard Pain Management Specialist is that they don't THINK in terms of eventual mortality. They just think pain. Few if any look at the rest of the patient.
THE PCS thinks in term of how to best manage the total patient with a long term chronic illness. They are well schooled in all the drugs. They also look at other quality of life issues. Your specific question though deals with pain control. I think and I could be wrong, if you were to see a PCS, a full evaluation of where you are now in your life, would lead to other drug choices and perhaps suggestions on quality of life issues, you hadn't even considered.
The extension of this is that over time as your needs change, you have a very specifically trained specialist to help you alter your plan. That would give me a definite degree of comfort. Losely similar to my wish that I want my Saint Primary Care Doc to never retire before my need of her is over i.e. she can't retire till i'm dead. LOL
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Sas knowing u did u get that in writing? Signed and notarized?
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Had a PM from Sweet Pea. I said I would post to you all if she didn't. She's just trying to keep up with everything and hasn't had time to post. She's doing okay with RADS. Misses you all and she will post when she can:)
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Cami, LOL, I just keep reminding her everytime I see her. Problem is she's 57. SOOOOO, Ima hoping she's one of those that wants to work along time cuz Ima thinking in terms of living along time.
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OH forgot---Stacey said her BIRTHDAY was yesterday.. SO you folks that can do magic with pics. We have a birthday girl.
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Happy Birthday my friend Miss SweetPea!
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Mary found this web site re:Palliative docs. It describes in detail what I was trying to communicate. It does a better job. It's important to start at the homepage which the link is too, and absorb the info. keeping in mind palliative is now used in different ways.
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Happy, happy Birthday, Miss Sweetpea!!! Wishing you many, many more.
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Oh Jackie what a beautiful cake--I want that cake. Yummy.
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Stacey - Happy Birthday to You.
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It's not my birthday, can I have that cake pleeeeeezzzzzzeeee?🎈
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Spookie I want it too. hahahaha
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Sassy - I agree with all you have said to Mary. I didn't find much on the AAMPH site. I checked the DO site because our med. directors were DOs. Wow our main doc was only cert. in Internal Med. The other link listed on the AAMPH site goes to the American Board of Medical Spec (ABMS) which does request you register which I did not chose to do. Not sure where I'm leading but unless Mary registers on the ABMS site and gets results the only doc listing was for DOs (not saying anything against them just limited info available it seems). Best bet would be recommendation from personal physician. Can google palliative care doctor charlotte and get hits. Might be a good place to start reading if not necessarily referral to. Like I say "ducks in a row".
I did get some hits when I googled Ft Worth Tx find palliative care doctors and kinda ones I expected.
OHHHH yes, cake. I'm drooling. Drinking my green tea with raspberry syrup. Have had a fig, 2 slices Swiss cheese and about 8 wheat crackers since I came in from church.
On another note, we got the toilets bought yesterday and arranged for installation. BUT this morning the hot water quit just as I finished my shower. Checked all electricals and not that. Must be kaput. DH called back to Lowes and bought hot water heater and it will be installed hopefully Tues.
I was asking about the cranberry juice for a goat that sadly did not make it. She was 10. It has been a hard year on them and us. No more baby goats. I need to sell Mr. Bucky boy. Not that he isn't happy here but he is very fertile and worth something if I can find him a good home.
Sassy - enjoying Victor/Victoria on Sundance channel. I watched Sleepless in Seattle for the about 100th time last night.
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If you are all serving cake, please put me on the list! Have a blessed week everyone. Hugs, Peace, Luv and Prayers to ALL to day and everyday in the future.
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How are you doing? Recovery going okay?
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Oh Luv u'r goat didn't make it---I'm sorry
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I, too, would like a big slice of that yummy cake! Wish I could have you all over for tea.
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Shellteatotaler---Tea" not Long Island Ice Tea that would go good with cake.
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Littlegoats, I did find another link that bespeaks of the problem of finding a Palliative Care Specialist. I wasn't going to link it, but now rethinking that. The page will define where the subspecialty is at in it's growth. Based on what it says, my guess is it will be 5-10 years until it will be a strong subspecialty with enough docs to meet the need. There is legislation that has a potential to cause a change faster. But outcome is unknown.
My first experience with a doc who had received training in palliative care that is as I described, was one of the local hospices docs. This doc was, also, one of the docs that left her family practice years ago to specialize in hospice. She did the same thing then. She went for specialized training. This link describes docs that have done just as she has done.
So, the evolution of this subspecialty is occuring. I guess we were lucky when we needed her she was there. The problem though with DH, was in 2010 from Feb till Aug, he had 10 hospital admissions. The nurses new us well. Some were old compatriots of mine. It wasn't till the 3rd or 4th last admission( last admision he then went into hospice), that a nurse suggested having the PalliativeCare Specialist come and evaluate DH. After catching up with her on old things and she explained the concept of palliative care, I asked when had she done it. She had done it before 2010(exact year -I forget).
The point being, it wasn't in the nurses problem solving allgorhitim at the hospital or the cancer center. It wasn't in the social workers suggestions either at the hospital, cancer center, or in the insurance RN case manager/advocate referrals. None of the oodles of docs involved suggested it. So, even though all these people knew that Doc G had this new training, no one suggested her. Had I known of what a PCS could do, I would have jumped all over it.
Sorry about your goat, she wasn't just a goat, she was your buddy for 10 years. You talked to her all the time, and she had a name. What was her name? Sorry, you have to sell Mr Bucky.
I need to find out about Sundance channel I've watched Sleepless in Seattle lots too. Love all of Nora Ephrons movies. Her creative genius will be sadly missed. L&H's sassy
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OH Shells I'm with Cami I'd like a LIIT---Hmm never abbreviated Long Island Ice Tea before, look what it spells
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I'm so sorry littlegoats! Dang! I just hate to see our little pets get sick, or especially when we lose them....
And SweetPea! Happy Happy Birthday girl! Hope it was wonderful!!!!
We went over to our "Other Daughter From Another Mother" for Dinner! She came from Viet Nam when she was little, so she worked with my Daughter for over 30 years, and we have just always been together.... She calls me her "other Mother"... So she is our THIRD Daughter...ha! We had NY cut steaks, and EVERYthing else! So fun!
DH goes in the morning for his teeth! He has another "bone spur" coming out! I hope the Dentist can just tale ait out without too much trouble, and put the new ones in..... I am just nervous..don't want to watch.... to see him hurt..... but I can hardly WAIT to see him with teeth again!
Sass.... I KNOW! In those days, we didn't know a THING! And no-one could actually TELL us.... or wanted to! It was just by accident that ANY girl found out it could be fun for us too..... not just THEM!!!! Ha!
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Chevy OMG the first serious petting situation I got into with that Italian boy. I stopped it, and went and sat under a tree in the park. Had to ponder. My conclusion was I liked it, but good Catholic girls weren't supposed to do that. I talked with the Italian. It was so funny at the part when I said I'd made up my mind. The look on his face when I said I was going to do it b/c it felt right. Now I ROTFALOL thinking about it.
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Sassy - some of the ones I found for "pain management" docs are interventional radiologists. The hospice doc at the last place I worked was a GP and was med. director for at least one NH. Pretty good and I trusted him. Easy to suggest things to that I wanted - if within reason, of course.
Thanks for the thoughts about my sweetie goatie. Her name was Way Too Cool (sorry, I did not name her) known as Cool. Never had babies; could not get her bred then she got too old for a 1st timer. Not really sure what her problem was or what killed her. A good life span is 10-12 years. Hot weather but actually a bit cooler last couple of day with nice breeze. These goats originated in Africa. Called Nigerian Dwarf goats. Look very similar to the ones in 'Out of Africa' or 'Hatari' (an old John Wayne movie but a good one).
Sundance is in the package we have from DirecTV - the Encore channels which can have something good on, The Movie Channel which I could do without, Sundance, Indep. Film Channel.
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OK A Story===I was 16 my first boyfriend with a car and we were going out for about a month, and he took me to the PARKING PLACE with like 12 other cars and we started to make out and he stuck his tongue in my mouth, and I freaked out. And got weepy and scared, he asked what was wrong )very nicely) and I said (with all the guilt of a Catholic school girl) Oh I might get pregnant now---This is awful--Well he was so nice and took me home and called me and broke up with me. And regretted ever since--every year on my birthday he would bring me a Birthday present all these yrs, until just the last couple of years and always said he should have married me---He died not to long ago ergo no more BD presents.
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The "little" goats have always been my daughters' favorite at the fair. We went last week and my GD fell in love with them, too. Sorry that you lost your "Miss Cool".
Speaking of fairs, I got off my backside and entered a dress I made for my GD and some knitted items in our county fair. Of the six I entered, 5 won ribbons. I must admit it felt good to have someone appreciate my efforts (besides my family). I liked to sense of accomplishment cuz I sure haven't felt like doing much the past year-and I know you all can identify.
Hope everyone has a good week.
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That's for u Julia quite and accomplishment--u should be very proud WOOP WOOP