STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited August 2013

    Dental Floss takes off the old sticky off the walls without ripping the paint off.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    Well now that we've got Chickie better I have a puny goat. Think UTI - Going to town for those new toilets and off to Tractor Supply.

    Sassy - do you have any belief in cranberry pills? Course I would have to give it with one of those pill pusher things. Also have to get her cranberry juice. What a day. Yes - shopping with DH. Love Chevy's analogy "like fishing with the game warden".

    Hooligans - behave today.

    Glad Chickie that you are improving. Give Cooper a hug for me.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    ok, I take back everything mean I said about dh this morning. He bought me new porch furniture. I love him again.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Chickie glad u'r doing better, to know and have something to help is great--u rest with Cooper and sing to him later.

    Chevy finally u'r hands are better, what an ordeal u've been thru all this time and now u have some relief.

    And who the hell thught all these things up for dental floss---I never heard all those things but then again do I ever pay attention to the words things to do. (shut up Chevy) besides when I hear the words Phillips head screwdriver it's funny to my warped mind. But I do know the difference.

    Sas I would believe u can put together anything really without directions--u have that type of mind to figure something out. I never have used a mouse, Just got used to being a wild and crazy gal and going against the norm. I think as u get older u'r brain shrinks a bit so mine has shrunk, so I figured I also have a kidney turned the wrong way and now a liver moving around into my ribs so I can not comprehend all that is being said cuz my brain after shrinkage (men probably would understand better) and other organs dyfunctional I' again in my Lost World---with some big georgeous hunk--see how easy it is when u'r wacko.

    Weather is good here and Joey goes back to schook in 3 weeks. i can't believe the time, it's like he was just hugging me saying we can see each other all the time now. and it's over. He keeps me informed of news and other things. He said to me but u'r on BCO don't u have conversations there and I told him I'm on one serious topic which I mostly don't understand so every so often I say some I know about like hair and nails, 2 topics that are just kind and friendly people talking about what they're doing and 2 insane topic (od course this is one) that no one has a clue what the other one is talking about 1/2 the time or we have whole conversations about bugs and grass and gardens hahaha--So even my friends think I must be learning alot---yea I can make drinks I never heard of and actually plant a garden if I wanted to. Very little about any disease. Sounds kinda crazy when u really think about it.

    One time my Dr. told me maybe I should be in a group. And I really asked why? And she said because I've never come to terms with having cancer and all the tings that are happening to me and I should face it--hahaha I told her I was on BCO and se thought that was a good thing at least, but I never told her my topics. hahaha Anyway I don't see (for me) the advantage of knowing much about this it's happening whether I know or not why should I know details. I live in my own world of make believe. BTW can u tell i just took a pain med. hahaha U know by now when I go on and on that's why. I will drop soon. I do wonder why it kind of revs me up then relaxes me so much tho. Oh well it works for me.

    Phylofelon did u get caught again, u haven't been on much. Tell them we are u'r sanity for the outside world so u have to check in. I hope u'r doing OK, U gals in chemo are having it so hard, I'm so sorry for that--I guess it's easier now tan yrs ago but it still stinks and litterally too--have u noticed that at all yet?

    OK I'll STFU now cuz u'r all bored with my pithy conversation.And of course the menutia of everything.

    So have a nice day I hope for everyone.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2013

    Killing toads and flushing birds...I can't keep up!

    I'm here reading every day but concentrating on drinking lots of fluids and trying to make myself eat protein instead of Bugles and M&Ms. Today is neupogen + 3 so I'm sure that tomorrow will be good and I will get 3 days worth of stuff done. Sheesh, that sounds pathetic!

    Said another way: I'm drinking soothing ginger tea and eating bonbons today! (If I had hair it would be in rollers and tied in a scarf. ). Hahaha, that is SO much better.

    Mary, love your toolkit. Sassy should put one together for when she reinstalls the toilet on her deck.

    I am a BAD person! When my beloved BIL came over yesterday with sis to bring me lunch, he was again a little envious of my new computer and big-assed monitor. In my head the little devil me was thinking "neener neener'. I should be struck by lightning. He had just delivered lunch! Maybe my old grandma was right. She used to make me kneel and ask forgiveness....sometimes for a couple of hours.

    No wonder I have an ankle monitor!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Phylofunny---I don't think u knelt long enough hahaha

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    LMG, OH well just when you think you know something relook at it and it changes. This study out of University of Mich is very well done. It did not show that cranberry juice had any impact on recurrence of UTI's . Bummer. Findings are different than a previous study that I haven't located yet, that said cranberry juice did. Not sure if I will try to locate older study.

    This link is to a web site called "morsels of Evidence". It is a site for general physician practioners in Australia. Basically continuing education. The author researches a topic or reviews an article and does an analysis. The analysis is written very different than usual articles of similar intent. It does it in outline form. makes it very easy to follow how the science was done. So, this direct link is an evaluation of the U of M study.

    I suggest putting this in your favorites on your computer to search for future topics. This again is due to the fact that topics are very easy to read. Science can get itself into gooblygook with tripping over too many words an statistics.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013

    No official study from me, however...cranberry juice works but the amount of sugar in it is a concern. Cranberry pills seem to work fine.

    Happy weekend.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    Hey you all.......Thrush is a mouth infection that babies can get..(google it).......sometimes they call it Trench Mouth...........they would put that purple shit in your mouth....(no hiding that problem) was called Jensin Violet..(sp)........

    Oh and yes the bird called a Thrush..........Is he

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Ducky I forgot about the violet thing , I remember about the baby part.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2013

    Dad was fixing something, told the kid to get a screwdriver. Kid asks if he wants the mommie kind. Dad says what's the "mommie kind?" Kid brings a butter knife. 😜

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Thrush is a yeast infection, a yeast is a fungus, ergo thrush is fungal infection of the mouth. If the yeast infection is in/on the foot , it is called athlete's foot. Men's crotch--jock itch, females vagina no strange name that I know of---just yeast infection of the vagina. (EDit to add:finger and toenails.) Yeast prefers warm moist places. It can also be found below the breast, armpits, neck creases.(Edit to add:Really anywhere it can start to grow the body). There are many antifungal medicines used. Genetian violet is an older drug. Nystatin is the most common liquid prepartion. Another medication is "Swish and Swallow", there are troches(disolvable tabs) to dissolve in the mouth, creams for other areas. You need it, there's something for every body part. If yeast in any area is resistant or extremely difficult to get rid of an oral drug called diflucan can be used. Diflucan can also be given IV.

    Causes of yeast infection---lowered immunity from any cause  either disease or drugs; use or over use of antibiotics; creating a hospitable environment for it to grow i.e wet socks and shoes for prolonged periods of time. Who said "Change your socks"

    Going to go play:)

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    Knew that, but only commented on Thrush.......everyone knows someone who has had at least 1 of those gross....

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    So Sam decided to walk herself and scare the neighbor boys so I had to go get her in my pj's and my  bald head ....I think I scared the little boys

    Sitting on my front porch with Cooper and Sam...check out the hummingbird in the flower.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013
    Okay Cammi.... so little Joey "is going back to "schook" in 3 weeks..."

    AND you forgot to tell him about the chickens!    DAMN I know you so well!  I knew exactly what you were talking about!


    And your Doctor told you "you should be in a group? "  Does he know about your drinking?   Or the groups that our Phylli has to attend?   

    We can't tease little Phylli..... she is having a rough go lately....

    And WTH is "menutia of everything?"


    SASS!!!!! She's making up words again....


    And Ducky, I did look up the difference.... I thought WTH?  I thought it was from taking antibiotics..... and it WAS, for me anyway...


    "Thrush is fungal infection of the mouth a baby or young child gets from putting unsanitized nipples or drinking sippy cups into their mouth. Trench mouth is Ulcerative Gingivitis is an infection and is something totally different."


    I remember my Dad came home from the Navy with "Trench mouth"...

    Maybe that's where that term came from? 


    "The  name “trench mouth” comes from World War I, where soldiers were stuck in trenches without the means to take care of their mouth and teeth. Trench mouth is also known as Vincent's Stomatitis or Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis, hence the acronym ANUG."


    Geez, we can learn so MUCH just be reading our thread....Ha!   Okay, so now what ELSE can I look up? 


    Mary....  Good girl!  We have to be humble sometimes....  It behooves us....


    Hey also to littlegoats & julianna....and Spookie!
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Oh Wow Phillidink!  Beautiful picture!  I see little baby C there on the chair!  He looks like a stuffed doll puppy!   And hope Sam didn't get into trouble.  She looks harmless to me....  I have a Great Dane "Thanos" living next door to me.... and he is the biggest little sissy EVER!   His eyes are just "soulful"....

    And Ducky was it you talking about that purple stuff?  Well one time I had a terrible yeast infection....  So old Dr. Brown told me to just go home and use vinegar and water in one of those water bottles... and rinse out.... So I did.  I mixed about a cup of vinegar and filled the rubber water bottle up with water, and hung it up.... and rinsed. 

    By the time it was over I could barely make it out of the tub!  I was in dire need of hospitalization!!!  I could barely STAND, much less WALK!  Went back to old Dr. Brown.  He said I had severe burns EVERYwhere CLOSE to my underlings!   I was then painted PURPLE!!!  Oh God, was it purple!   The pain was enough to take my breath away.... I stood with my feet yards apart!  

    So by that night, I could at least whimper without crying, and I said I had a pickled, purple, p***y!  

    GALS! Do not EVER try using vinegar....anywhere CLOSE to that region..... or make sure you ask the prescribed dose.... DON'T do what I did.... 

    I just thought, well, if a little works, a lot must be better....tain't so.... A lot will put you up through the roof....  lesson learned.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    OMG Chevy yrs. ago we all used vinigar but the PROPER amount silly goose-chicken. Holy chit u ended up in the hospital, u must have been walking like u were riding a horse--yes a horse--So u had a purple people p****. I never knew anyone who had that. Now I can say I do. More menutia that goes on and on. LOL

    Well the house is quiet, Joey went to my other DD's home and the kids I think were going to a friends, that means I have to take care of a crying dog pretty soon, He get so sad when they are not home.

    Chicki I bet u did scare the whole neighborhood--- u'r furbabies are adorable, they wouldn't scare anyone.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2013

    Chevymastermind - please so not let my punyness affect your teasing.  Just so you know though, it is chickie with the dogs and photos.  I have the bonbons.  Want one?

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    Back to the cranberry juice - it works, but only the unsweetened kind, cuz the sugar makes the yeast grow. parsley is supposed to work, too.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Parsley.  I have Parsley..... Now what was it for again?  I just put some in this delicious corn chowder I made from 4 ears of fresh corn.  MMmmmm!

    Yes Cammi!   No I didn't go to the Hospital.... !  But it was serious enough....(I thought!)  Wink  Can you IMAGINE telling an ambulance what was WRONG with me?  I would have been mortified.  They would STILL be laughing!  

    Okay Philliautocorrect.... YES.... You are right!  Chickers with the Dogs...Ha!  Sometimes my mind doesn't know what my eyes are doing.  And we won't even TALK about my hearing....Undecided 

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2013

    WTH....I post less than 24 hours ago and there's THREE PAGES. There was quite the gabfest this morning at 4 am my time.

    .....and Cammi, you can spell now !!??!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Wait when did I learn to spell, this is news to me.

    Chevypointingoutallmymistakes would have said something. But all she's talking about is her cumasecuama and how it got so purple and then she threw in some ears of corn and made cornchowder.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Wait!  Cammi can spell?    Okay, and I just had my 30th birthday!    Ha, ha!  And then YOU Cammi.... You even surprised yourself!  Smile

    Actually you did NOT make any mistakes....  Since I can READ everything you say now, PLEASE don't change!    And yes.... That clam chowder was  de-lish!  I would have given you some if you were here!  My God, you are sooooo funny!    My WHAT?  That MUST be Italian!    Okay, do you know what Italian fore-play is?  So pretend you are a guy, snap your fingers, and point!     I'm going to get kicked off of here....

    Hi Shells!  Thinking of you! xoxoxoxo

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Ok, serious question here, it might be a little long, so bear with me. I value all your opinions and your not going to hurt my feelings. Since Im a stage 4er, I have a continual script for hydrocodone. I have never really needed it until the last few months. Im up to3 a day. I dont want to take any more than that even though my limit is 4 a day. They are not lasting hour wise as long as they used to so Im thinking Im slowly building up a resistance to them. They dont make me high, but they do make me feel Good. not in a bad way, but Im worried about really getting hooked on them. I dont know if that should worry me or not, since not being morbid or anything, but I know this disease is going to eventually kill me. Do I need to worry about that too? This is a hypothetical question for all of you I know, but I need some help here. Do I quit taking them now even though they help? What do you guys think you would do in my situation?

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    Oh Miss Mary...I want you to be comfortable...I'll let our hoolie medical staff chime in with better info♥

  • cmbernardi
    cmbernardi Member Posts: 853
    edited August 2013

    Ms. marywh

    I would take the pain meds for as long as they are needed and not worry at all about building up a resistance to them.  As ChickaD wrote, you need to be comfortable.  That is about all we can be grateful for and expect when dealing with this stupid disease!   Kiss All the best to you and everyone here today and everyday in the future.


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited August 2013

    checking in me and Otto the Oxygen tank.....

    Chickie r u better?

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    Hi Miss Bombshell...I think I feel are you?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2013

    Mary, I'm no medic, but if you need them, use them. If the pills stop helping, they can up the mg, or there are other meds you could use.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited August 2013

    Phyllie I agree about the ankle monitor, and BTW how long is that sucker on you?

    Sassie how ya feeeling?

    Mary what does the porch furniture look like?

    GMA I want to work at Joanne's love it there.

    Chevy, grass, what kind of grass!!

    Feeling ok, sick of being attached to Otto, but looking forward to the ice cream.....are you almost done chemo, forgive me I keep forgetting....