STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Hi gals!  Love reading what you say! 

    DH got his TEETH!  Man, he really looks good!  It hurts to chew too much yet, but he's supposed to call the Dentist in the morning and talk to him about "issues."  I know they will be fine!   The bone spur came out easy, but it's understandable that they would "hurt" when he chewed.  He'll get used to it.... we all do!

    My GF is coming over tomorrow!  She lived here for a few years before we moved in!  I grew up with her DH.... and met her through my Brother, when he joinedd the Denver Junior Police Band when he was about 10.... Her Brother was in it too.

    So we have been friends all of our lives.  I introduced her to her DH, (my neighbor).....  they got married, had 2 little girls.... but they divorced, and can not STAND each other....!  Ha!  Oh well....

    So she is coming over tomorrow to see "our" house, and my gardens...... & we'll walk up to Starbucks and just visit.

    And Cammi doesn't feel good I don't think..... so I can't tease her.... can I?  She goes next Tuesday....(I think) to find out what to do about her traveling innards.

    Shells, you are sooooooooo organized!  You talk to EACH of us!  I love that!


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Oh you girls would be so proud of me!!! I sent my first text ever today! Yeeehawww

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Hi Guys---it's me, yes me.

    Sas I have to say about a month before I got married this guy called me and asked me to not get married, and I almost didn't---but' then stupidly I did---but I have 2 wonderful beautiful DD's so that's fine---now listen to this (I was one hot mama) after my divorce I was going with a man I loved so much, but he didn't want to get married so I finally broke up with him _it did break my heart--he call e me alot for about 7 yrs. telling me he changed his mind, But I knew he'd cheat on me. so another love lost--now if anyone saw me they vomit and be so happy they didn't marry me hahaha--I actually had more- hahaha

    Chevy if u start being nice to me I'll think u talked to my Drs. and they told u something awful so remember that. I've just been extra tired-my kids are driving me crazy, every single effin day they want to take me to ER--I had to call the Dr today and in detail she had to explain that waiting il Monday would be fine, as long as I don't have a fever, or vomit, or have worse pain. Now my temp is being checked and my DD's googled and I never do that ever--so my oldest DD got a ride for me already for Monday and the one I live with is crazy over this--My SIL went to work extra early so he'd be home early if I needed to go to ER and hen my sister is always checking and my cousin is too. U think they are making nerveous wrecks of me--That's why I was so glad I lived alone going thru all my cancer I always said I was OK and was basically left alone -not a daily reminder of all this crap---can u tell I ust took my pain meds hahaha and u guys ar getting all the chit I feel. Sorry

    OK Phyloquiet---what's going on u haven't been on so much--We know about Chevy with her DH and new teeth she's getting brand new emotionally involved all over--Another words--well I think u know the words and the Mods will delete me--Mods be kind - anyway have u been gettin along well with u'r parole officer or something like that? Ahem

    OK rethinking this cowboy boot thing- Now  think it's hysterical, of course this is a crazy lady on meds big time---MaryDaleEvans  does this mean she wants this theme for u too or just the bridal couple or who??? Boy my Kankles would never fit into boots unless they were elastic, but it's her wedding so u'r stuck--hey come to think of it they do have really cute boots that look like cowboy but much prettier and sparkly. Look thru Zappos on-line--that's one anyway. especially if u don't wear a crazy size and yet I can still get my size on there.

    I think Chicky has one more Chemo, I hope I'm not wrong cuz u've had enuffff of that chit. Then u have rads right Chic? I think I have it right. I'm all confused.(shut up Chevy)

    OK my Katie-Kat is yelling at me---brat that she is--her comfort comes first to her, and I enable it too. So I'll close for tonite and if u get a chance say a prayer for me, I've been nagging so much lately maybe a new voice will help. LOL

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2013

    Mary some ideas for you.

    Or these might be suitable!!!!!!!

    (Luckily I am on the other side of the world.)

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013

    Maryfootwear, how about moccasins? That would go with the western theme, right? And a lot more comfortable. Maybe I could knit you a pair of boot(ie)s.....

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2013

    So Mary, you have just a treasure trove of footwear ideas for the big day!

    Philly - you are IN TROUBLE for not letting us know how you are doing. You are getting PM'd RIGHT NOW.

    Thinking of you Cammi. 

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013

    Veggy, how are you doing?

    Shells, I will try to post some pictures

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2013


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Oh what would I do with out you girls and your fashion sense? Alyson, as usual your ideas are so helpful-ha-ha, and Juliaanna, booties would be great, Ill just get a nice bathrobe and go for the really casual look, maybe a shower cap as a hat? I wouldnt have to worry about showing up the bride...and wouldnt have to worry about a new hat or wearing a wig. Thanks for getting me going this morning...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Oh for God's sake.  I'm going to throw up.  Cammi, if YOU get sick, I will seriously throw up with you.  Dang!  I HATE when that happens!  I have to sit in front of the toilet, take my teeth out, and just get sit there in a heap & curl up and gag myself to pieces!   You are NOT sick.  Nothing is WRONG with you!  WTF????   But if you ARE, I will be right beside you, with a wet wash cloth, and clean you up.  GEEZ, these kids ALways need something!

    Is today when you are going to the what-ever kind of Doctor?  Do I HAVE to come there with you?    And what's this all about your love-life?  Isn't love a bitch?   I mean our hearts just go willy-nilly all over the place for whatever stupid reason, and later on some sense is knocked into us, and we come out of that love-fog.  Only to face reality.    And you were "one hot mama"?????  Honey, you still are..... and we all love you, you little chit!  So just straighten up.... or I'll tell you about the chickens. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Oh!  And the teeth.... Well he won't eat with them yet... Says his gums are too sore.  But I think he should at least TRY something soft, like mashed potatoes, etc!  I mean he has been eating Cheetos for God's sakes!..... before he even GOT teeth!  His gums WILL probably be sore with a plate in there!  I mean how do women DO it!  We just DO it! 

    I don't want to tell him to get his big-girl panties on, and just DEAL, but I might have to resort to that.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Cheevy "To Teeth, Or Not To Teeth that is the Question?"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Chevy u'r poor DH--it does take a while so let him alone, he won't starve. hahaha

    And I don't see a new Dr. til Monday--he's been on vacation--Stupid Drs. and u'd better plan on being in my pocket--all of u--I'll need support, cuz so far 3 Drs. are saying OH this is highly unusual or I've never seen this before--so I'm not thrilled with all this.

    OK everybody better check in today or they'll be (i forgot the word) to pay!!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Cami if they end up doing a fundiplication ---do I get a fee?  Look I worked along side surgeons in and out of OR & radiology and when time allowed i'd say teach me. Not that that matters a hill of beans. What is anyone saying about it being a tumor versus floating organs? Floating organs aren't that big of deal, unless I just happen to be working with surgeons for whom it wasn't a big deal. Floating organs, you straighten them out for the position there suppose to be in and TACK them down at strategic points. It's a basic sewing maneuver LOL. Have to admit the bowel is flipflopping around, it would be more complicated cuz it moves like a snake. IN your pocket MONDAY?

    Mary, you should talk with ChrissyB, her DS and fiancee are doing a barn wedding and the things she's doing are beautiful. She will even call you from Australia if it helps. SHHHHHHH not that many know aussie's have a special phone system.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Sas I write down the things u write and I'm ready to talk Dr. talk to him. instead of my usual Duh--so I thank u loads. This stupid bowel is causing it---I'm not worried about cancer so it better not get involved in all this mess. I wish they could fly u in to assist--I'd feel better hahaha

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    I get to see DR GIerkelgrouchomarxgeneralgeorgepatton today, when he's done with me, I'm having a talk with him. I can see he's in pain. His spine is obviously getting bent(kyphosis). I've watched his face when he's moving --definite pain wincing. He has trouble bending. He's 62. He used to swim an hour a day, but gave that up.

    The last time I gave him a talking too, it was about him being several years older than the recommended age for first colonoscopy screening. You can imagine how it went. The next time I saw him the first words out of his mouth were "I Had my colon" short for colonoscopy. LOVE the doc, only one other doc that I respect as much. That doc was one of the seven founding fathers of the American College of Emergency Physicians"-ACEP. Not many get to talk to DR GI the way I do, so, when necessary I do butt in. It'll be tough keeping him still to listen, but I plan on blocking the doorway. Until the talks over I won't know how it went, so, I need a few pocket people at 1pm this afternoon-puleese.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Cami, Can you PM me the exact wording of the ct scan?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    OK Sas Pocket is where I'll be, don't worry about Chevy I'll sit on her face otherwise she'll be to loud.Wait---that might be Manslaughter

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013

    Sas, I'll be there, trying to keep Cami and Chevy in their own spaces.

    Cami, it's manslaughter only if Chevy can't breathe.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    Sassy - 1pm Florida time in your pocket.

    Hey, Veggy, where are you? Love you. image alt="" name="KEirdY2smPyXbM:" width="141" height="141" />

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Pocket party at Sassys!!!!!!!!!!Ill bring the party favors...

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited August 2013

    I'm just lurking. Feel like crap most of the time and scared. Maybe today ill get some answers.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    I'm bringing chips and dip. 

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013

    Veggy, sending lots of hugs while you wait. Hope you get your answers. Waiting is so stressful.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Veggy will all flip from my pocket to yours. By then I'll need a rootbeer HA

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Off to see doc

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2013

    Sassy you scamp! So you plan to turn your appt about you into an appt about him? Better warn the nurses so they know you plan to mess up their schedule. I will bring the band for the pocket party.

    Sorry I've been MIA. It's chemo+ 14 days and I still feel like shite. I'm also having pain in my hands and feet with some combo of neuropathy and hand-foot. I can't even slap anyone because it would hurt me worse than them. I talked to MO's office this am. I have labs this pm and chemo nurse will do an assessment and fax to MO to see before I leave. Just have to see what, if anything, she will change.

    Okay, time to wake the band for a quick rehearsal before the party!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited August 2013

    I have the brownies and ice cream - made enough for both pockets !

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    In your pocket Miss Sassafrass!

    Miss RunningGutsCammi...2 more one is a week from today

    Miss IDontFeelGoodPhylloPieDough...this chemo also is hard on me...seems the more you get the harder to recover. ?.I also have the hand foot thing going on...Onc will reduce my juice next round as she does not want me to have any permanent damage

    Hello to everyone else!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    OK Sas we're assembled

    Julia I kn , that's wy I'll sit on her face, and I'll use Chemo Brain as a defense. Bwahahaha.

    Chicki/Phylo---I really think it does get worse, I remember I kept on getting it after 6 monthse weekly by that time I hard ever got a good day, by 12 months I remember just goinghome OK for the rest of the day then it would hit the next morning- it was less and less all the time--I thrink u'r body just can take so much but when u get more and more it can't fight the SE like it did for a few months--I just remember starting chemo in June of 2007 and finishing rads in Aug of 2009--then another operation, in October, mine was weekly so it wasn't as much as u get-but it got brutal so I know Now my body is so mad at me it's figuring haha we'll get u so this is all crap--Now if someone new is reading this and hasn't started chemo don't pay attention to anything it's all (doable, as they say) hahaha