STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2013

    Savvy - we had same diagnosis  within a month of each other, same grade, both have history of high risk for clotting. We chose different treatments, but can celebrate our one year anniversaries of completing treatment together. 

    Dx 1/16/2013, DCIS, <1cm, Stage 0, Grade 3, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    good for you Phillygotssdi!!!!!!!!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Hi April!  I bought one of those extension brushes that will reach all around the tub... so that really helps me....  It has like a scour pad, and they are replaceable.

    Can you take something for the pain?  Geez, I hate to see it get so bad for you....!  Can you just ask for why you are feeling so bad?   Maybe write down when, and what hurts.....  We have to find a reason for you....Frown

    Ask if it is possible that it IS the Aromasin, because it DOES affect people differently....  See if SHE will work with YOU!  SHE ain't feelin' it, YOU are!  Okay, I'll come talk to her.... Me and Cammy..... and Phyllidon'ttakeanyshit will.  Maybe even the Shells, and oh wait!  Ducky will REALLY make her sit up and listen!  There is always Chickers and Sassy to get in on the fray! 

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013

    Chickieinthechair, hope you have an easy time.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    phyllisgotssdi - congrats. I didn't think I had a chance so didn't even try.

    Savgigi - because of all this, though, I have developed a dislike of flying.  I HATE COMPRESSION!!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Chickers, I was reading what you said about being denied SSDI...  It MUST have something to do with the lawyer.... Is it possible to go through Philli's lawyer, or a different one than you had?  

    My youngest Daughter's X was denied also, but I was wondering at the time, why would HE even get it.... he didn't.  He didn't have a lawyer though.  I think I would try it again?    You might even PM Charles.... I know he is a corporate lawyer, but maybe he has another idea.  

    But you can't mess around with him.... Sass already has dibs.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Chickieinthehotseat---How did u get declined--Supposedly Cancer is a priority-I used no lawyers and did it myself all over the phone and faxing and within 3 weeks it was OK'd--Did u reread what the Dr. said --they might have checked ONE box not correctly and that'll do it. Or wrote one sentence incorrectly. It has to be what SSDI follows and u'r Dr/s staff usually fill it out and sometimes they miss something, they used to call me to make sure is was correctly written. Yes I used to have a brain. Now I really wouldn't know but that could be a reason. Like I said cancer is a priority with them that's why Phylofelon got it so fast.

    April I am so sorry for all u'r pain--Since I don't know u up close and personal, how do u explain u'r pain to u'r Dr. I'd always and still do say silly things so at first they thought I was just uncomfortable or if ur'e quiet about it and just say it hurts. They thinks it's tolerable--another thing if u've used the word pain alot they might dismiss some of this. It does make a difference to some Drs. I would say I've never been so sick in my life--when I had a cold (my sister so hangs up on me when I say that) so sometimes u have to really get u'r point of pain across with desparation. Drs. hear everything so much that sometimes they have a deaf ear. I'm not saying u are any of these types of persons but u might be more quiet about it than u think. There has to be something that wik relieve the pain or change of meds, please don't go thru this like this it's awful--I know--Always tell her the pain is 10-which makes no sense to me Pain to me has no number but to them it does--I would say it's 22 that 10 didn't even describe it--they listened more. I don't know if that helps u at all but I just thought I'd try.

    chevysmartass----it took me two hrs to undo crap I was doing to my computer trying to load something in--Since u'r picture thing was easy I figured I've mastered something, well I didn't I screwed up my comp. for 2 hrs I had to undo it. All right it's my fault but u gave me false hope that I was capable of doing what I was not.

    Marywithaporch so u'r going to camp out there, that's the best thing u can do with u'r GS and make smores--wait don't lite a fire in there or u'll be Marywithoutaporch. U'll have so much fun. BTW I never had a smore-homemade,see how sad my life is--I'm bridled with boring. Yep just took a pain pill, I take one then in about an hr. I take another and it works well for me. Kind of.

    Hey did u notice peanut butter has all kinds of flavors now--who'd a thunk---it took so long. This was my news bulletin.

    OK my boringness wil stop now--I hope I made a little sense, cuz that's about all I have anymore.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Cammi, maybe it was me!  I had trouble last week, just trying to download Ani-weather into Firefox!  By the time I was done, Norton was having fits on my computer!  I got so many "Errors" from them, that I finally gave up, after almost removing my whole Norton program!  I tried instant-chat the next morning, and they took control of my computer, and got it back in shape.

    EVERYtime I try and add something new, I get into trouble.  So many programs conflict with your trusted programs, and they don't want to let them in.   I had to get rid of Fire-fox, then download and install it again, and then it worked right.

    Sorry about your "issue"..... but you will figure it out.... if not, I will show you another chicken. xoxoxoox

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited August 2013

    Shellshine, how cool to have an anniversary buddy!

    April, I just left my oncologist’s office. When he walked in and asked how I am doing, I told him about my t-shirt and said he could choose his favorite cuss words to fill in the blanks. I listed all my symptoms including being afraid to go down stairs. I have lost enough flexibility I am afraid I will fall. I told him I was angry all the time and that a coworker calls me Sybil because my mood changes so often. And my leg was bouncing up and down – I have trouble sitting still in the afternoon. So he said take a 3 week break and then we will try Arimidex. He tried to push Tamoxifen again and I said no thanks.

    Gumby, someone suggested I would have to wear compression hose on the plane if I took Tamoxifen. That’s another reason I said no. I understand how you feel. Since I fly to the west coast every other week, that would be a really big deal for me.

    Chickieinthechair – hope things are going well for you today.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Gigi.... just have to add to your thoughts about Tamoxifen.... I took it for 1 1/2 years....  And I flew to Orlando, and didn't have trouble with swelling  in my legs at all, but if it is a long flight, I would wear compression stockings no matter what you were taking.  Do your ankles normally swell? 

    I just think it depends  on who you talk to, because some women take any these drugs without any problems, but a few will have really BAD side effects.  I ASKED for Tamoxifen, because my friend took it, and went 5 years with it, and is still doing fine.  My Oncologist wanted me to take Femara, but I stuck with Tamoxifen.... and lost my hearing.    I know that is maybe rare, but it DOES happen.

    I have one leg/ankle that just likes to swell....  But if I wear a compression stocking on it, I don't have a problem.

    Talk about trying.... like a test run..... any drug your Onco suggests.  Best of luck....

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited August 2013

    Thanks, Chevy. I have periodic trouble with my feet swelling whether or not I am on a plane. I may try some compression hose and see if that helps on my flight. My flights are usually 4-5 hr.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2013

    Morning rapscallions. You gave me lots of reading this morning. I really wanted to call you all ratbags but not sure what it means to you. Here it is a term we use affectionately for someone who gets up to mischief.

    Hugs Chickie. Sorry you didn't get the benefit you applied for- we don't have something like that here, I think because we a public health system. We do have an Invalids benefit but my DH earned too much for me to get anything when i had to give up work.

    Chevie I had computer problems last week but it was a new Norton that sorted it out. Lost firefox as well it was so frustrating. Do you have chickens??? I want to see them I love chickens.

    Mary I want your porch, I want a porch, just have veranda.

    Shells I couldn't find a suitable 'innocent picture'.

    Must get up as my sister (who lives with us) has to go to the hospital for her checkup. She had bowel cancer 3 years ago. One day I wil,l no doubt, have a rant about having a very much older sister living with you.

    Big hugs to everyone.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2013

    I think I'm finished pickling cukes.  Whew!  Here is a picture with Aunt Frances' pickles on the left and bread and butter pickles on the right.  I seem to have a LOT!


    And since I was in the kitchen on Sunday, I also made a pot of gumbo with sausage, crawfish and shrimp. Sorry it's a little out of focus - so am I.  I am only posting this so that you guys can see that I really can do stuff other than sit in the recliner and whine.  Ca c'est bon!

    Photo: Made some gumbo for dinner!     2013-08-11_19-14-03_574

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Okay, yes.... I get mine fitted from a medical supply place.... and that's important!  I also bought that contraption that helps you put them on!  And once you figure THAT out, they are easy to put on!  Once you get fitted, you can order them online, sometimes cheaper. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    Philly........looks delish..........

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Yummy Phillypicklespickles, gumbo looks good too. I want that at my pocket party ok?

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    Chevy I didn't know that you could get something to help put them on (other than a husband;)

    I've had DVT in each leg and lymph nodes removed from one arm. I don't have le and sincerely do not want it, so try to be cautious. Which means compression on both legs and one arm. We usually fly to Hawaii once a year and putting on all my compression gear when I'm already sweaty truly sucks. When I'm in Seattle going to Hawaii it's not as bad, but the airport in kona is outdoors. No ac. Yucky for putting on tight stuff

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Phylocook--I know know what u did in the BIG HOUSE, no wonder u made so many pickles u used to making big huge meals. Wow a lot of work and looks yummy too.

    Chevy it wasn't u'r fault me and a computer are like oil and water and please no more chickens.I'll have to fight back.

    Alyson ratbags is so cute --we wouldn;t take offense anyway. Use it all u want.

    And garden I think I know what Chevy is talking about for the feet sox, but it's hard for me to explain it maybe

    Chevywiththecontraption can or get a picture of it--I've seen them just don't have one

    Chickiedonewiththatchit I hope u feel better this time..

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    Home resting from chemo...MO reduced my dose today because of the neuropathy in my hands and feet...also my blood recovered nicely without the Neulasta shot last NO shot again this round..I got really nauseated this time during chemo...that was different.

    I also went to Integrated Medicine....after a very long interview digesting my side effects..I am scheduled for accupunture, reiki and mind and body psycho therapy soon.

    I also met with the genetic counselor today and they also are testing me for the brca1 and 2 gene, plus determining if my ovaries need to be removed..I had a hysterectomy in 2005, but ovaries were in chemopause...ugh

    Love to all ♥

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Chic I never heard of acupunture with chemo stuff, how was it and how long did it take. That sounds good to me. will u continue after chemo?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2013


    Looks like you used more onion than I do in the B&B. same color, look yummy. Do you water bath yours? I don't, they are crunchy so good cold 😍

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    Acupuncture is the best......have had it done......does not hurt.....just great....highly recommend it.....just get a good one...mine is from China......graduated from the University of Shanghi......I find the Asians are the best...

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2013

    Rapscallions - I love it....and ratbag, you can call me a ratbag any ole time Aly. I'll call you fartface - my own personal term of endearment. If I call you fartface it means you are dear to me.

    Chicka-no-neulasta-thistime - the chemo session is over, sending you healing thoughts to recover.  One more, right?..then you are pau (Hawaiian for done)??  Chickie and Phylly - pls tell us when your chemo sessions are and when they will be done so we have another milestone to look forward to.

    Chickster - when we got SSDI for my husband, I went on the website to see if he met criteria, then applied. Just checked for BC:

    Disability Benefits for Breast Cancer

    There are three ways to be found medically eligible for disability benefits when you have breast cancer: qualifying as a Compassionate Allowance, meeting the requirements of the official disability listing for breast cancer, or showing your limitations are too great for you to work at your old job or do any new type of work.

    Compassionate Allowances

    Social Security recently set up a program called Compassionate Allowances to expedite benefits to those with serious diseases and advanced cancers. Breast cancer that is diagnosed as having distant metastases or that is inoperable (surgery not available) or unresectable (not able to be completely removed) qualifies as a Compassionate Allowances condition. Stage IV cancer always qualifies as a Compassionate Allowance condition, with proper documentation. The SSA requests a pathology report and an operative report, if possible, to provide evidence that your breast cancer qualifies for Compassionate Allowance treatment.

    Sometimes breast cancer doesn't qualify as a compassioante allowance at first bu t then progresses; see our article on qualifying for a compassionate allowance when cancer worsens.

    Learn more about how Social Security expedites Compassionate Allowance cases.

    Meeting the Disability Listing

    Social Security evaluates breast cancer under Listing 13.10, Breast Cancer, in its listing of impairments that qualify for disability benefits. In this listing section, Social Security specifies the qualification criteria. If an individual has breast cancer, she must have one of the following to qualify for disability benefits:

    • inflammatory carcinoma
    • tumor with direct extension to the chest wall or skin
    • distant metastases 
    • metastases to the supraclavicularor or infraclavicular nodes
    • metastaes to ten or more axillary nodes
    • metastases to the ipsilateral internal mammary nodes, or 
    • recurrent carcinoma (excluding a local recurrence that is controlled by treatment).

    Note: Distant metastases occurs when cancer has spread from the original (primary) tumor to distant organs or distant lymph nodes. 

    You can show your doctor the breast cancer listing and ask your doctor's opinion as to whether your cancer meets any of the above criteria. 

    If your medical records don't satisfy the requirements of the breast cancer listing, you can still be approved through something known as a medical-vocational allowance.

    Medical-Vocational Allowance

    When you don't meet the requirements of the breast cancer listing, it's usually because your breast cancer is not as advanced as the disability listing requires. For instance, you may have only metatases to two or three axillary nodes. Fortunately, you still have a chance to get disability benefits, because the SSA will assess how much functional capacity you have left, to see if you are able to work. The SSA will look at how much you can lift and carry and the length of time you are able to sit, stand, and walk. The SSA will use this information to assign you a "residual functional capacity" (RFC) rating. 

    Treatment for breast cancer can make it difficult to work because chemotherapy and radiation can cause pain, fatigue, headaches, depression, mood swings, and memory loss. In addition, recent studies show that a significant percentage of breast cancer patients who have undergone surgery later suffer significant pain for protracted periods. If you have pain and fatigue, your RFC may state that you can do sedentary work only. And if you are given a sedentary RFC and are over age 50, you have a good chance of getting benefits under a medical-vocational allowance.

    Learn more about how to get a medical-vocational allowance.

    Hope this helps.


    I have some good news but I'll wait until tomorrow to tell my rapscallian (ratbag!?!) fartface sisters, just too pooped to do the good news justice tonight. 💛 😎 💛

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    Miss ShellyBelly --WOW -- thank you so much for the information -- I am going to share it with my attorney who will help me with the Appeal.  YOU ROCK MY FRIEND !!!!!

    I did not start accupuncture yet -- my first session will be Wed. Aug 28 -- I will let you all know how that works and helps !!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Morning gals!  This is just beautiful!  Gives me chills...xoxoxo

    Oh Alyson!  You said CHICKENS!  Geez, don't let Cami hear you, she goes nuts, Ha!  They aren't mine...they are the neighbors 6 "girls"!  They are so tame, that little Ivy, their 4 year old just stoops over and picks them up in her arms...


    Sorry about your Sister.... Yes, it's okay to have a rant about anybody.  Doesn't matter..... Husbands, kids, no-one is safe around here...


    Oh she's such a show-off!  That's YOU miss Phylliinthekitchen!  Wow, you have been busy!  Good job!  It all looks delicious!   I used to do stuff like that, but not lately.   And that GUMBO looks delicious miss Martha! 


    Miss Gardens....  Okay, this is what I have...

    It a Compression stocking applicator device.

    And once you figure it out, it makes it all so simple.   I sound like Dr. Oz.  And try putting them on first thing in the morning, when your legs aren't sweaty.  I've even taken a shower with them on....THAT way it gets cleaned also!  What is "DVT?"  You mean Diverticulitis? I think you get that from snorkeling too deep? 


    Yes Cammi... more chickens.... Hah!  See? Alyson likes them too!


    Geez Chickers.... hope you can catch a break....  This is all so hard on you.... Glad you are getting all the tests...


    Good post Shells.... Hope it can help these gals!   WHAT NEWS???



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Oh Shells, wait a MINute!  What was that???  "rapscallian (ratbag!?!) fartface sisters"??????  Did you guys hear THAT??? 

    I reSEMBLE that remark!  We COULD add "silly-face"..... And ONE I can think of we really can't SAY!  Ha!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited August 2013

    This kinda hit me today - Just wanted to share - then back to work - ChickaD - my sister has been having a few issues too but she finds if she keeps walking it helps the hurt.  She says she is so tired though she barely gets out of bed most days. I don't know how you do it... On the other hand, my breast pain is no cat walk either.. We are getting the meds switched a bit in dose to see if that keeps me from walking into walls in the morning.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Mine either!  ~B This is what I saw on FB first thing eeuuuu

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Mornng all u ratbags--I love it.

    Chevey that foot thingy is exactlu what I though u were talking about but could not describe it. I knew u'd get a pic. of it.

    Oh chit I have to go back to sleep my eyes won't keep open and I even took a shower--so I smell good but not awake.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited August 2013

    Eeeeeeeuuuuuuu. Cami I like my FB home page better LOL.