STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    Morning Chevy. Been up since about 4 am. Went to potty and found out we had only very slow trickle of water. Checked new water heater closet and all is fine. I am signed up for alerts from water company but nothing. Don't want to wake DH. He'll be mad enough when he finds out not enough water for a shower - a trickle. A water co. truck came by about 45 minutes ago I guess trying to locate the break. If it was daytime DH would have already trucked out to the meter to check to see if it was running - meaning break on our side. I don't hear water running so bet a major line break. So I've been playing on the net. Made coffee. I don't get up at 4am - need a nap.

    Welcome redrocks. SIL sounds like a dodo bird. I was going to say something worse but thought better of it since you are new to our group. Someone else I'm sure will for me.

    Sorry your tummy is not well Chevy. Pepto is your choice of meds - I applaud you. Got that given to me as a child at camp and promptly upchucked. Cannot abide the smell but I do like peppermints. Get to feeling better, you hear!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Hi littlegoats!  I DO feel better now, but just want to hang around the house today.... maybe iron, play in the yard, but not go walking my butt off all around the shopping centers! 

    Sorry about your plumbing problems!  Man, we have had our share around here.... Just say to yourself, it COULD be worse!  We had a major break under out tub!  OMG it took forever to get it repaired!   We just didn't want to tear down the whole bathroom, the patio, blah BLAH!  Finally after 2 months, ONE company gave us a different idea on HOW to go about it.  And we got it fixed!  Had to tear out part of the lower wall, beside the tub outdoors!   But this old Victorian was built in 1886.... SOOOOooo lucky so far.

    Hope they get your water fixed.  Just take your Husband outdoors.... turn on the hose, and spray him off!  Wink  Oh wait.... can't do that either, eh?  Ask a neighbor!  I DID that once!    The wife didn't exactly like it..... since I took it with HIM, but oh well.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    DH checked meter and it's not running so no break on our side. About the 3rd major break for our water company this summer. It is co-op water but a very big co-op, might as well be public water. Tastes like city water. Bet there are lots of pi$$ed off people wanting shower this am and not getting one. Neighbor down block has a well but we're OK. I do have bottled water; can't drink ours straight - yuck chlorine.

    Glad your tummy is better. I was going shopping too but I guess I'm sticking around until this gets fixed. Goats have the water left from yesterday enough to get them through the morning.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2013

    Welcome Miss Redrocks. Chev - I don't think we need to thinkup names for her SIL - sounds like Redroxy did a good job letting her know which end was up.

    It's 2:45 - woke up too early again, so a quick hooliecheck and hopefully back to sleep!

  • crog234
    crog234 Member Posts: 324
    edited August 2013

    Welcome Redroks2. Some people would be much better off saying nothing at all!!!!! I agree that laughter does a body good. What do they say " laughter is the best medicine"...

    Chevy glad you are feeling better....

    Luvmygoats hope you get your water back soon....

    I slept good last night but I have my share of nights where I wake up way to early, lay there and lay there, that's when I am glad I have my iPad in the bedroom with me......

    Have a good day everyone...

    Cindy AKA Squishy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    OMG do u people every STFU--blah blah blah---

    Shell I know u'r going to miss u'r son, he's like u'r buddy--so I really hope u get a job soon to keep u'r intelligent mind moving along.

    Who's got no water OMG u can't flush the toilet, OMG that's a disaster to me. I hope it gets fixed really fast.

    Oh Chevy I'm glad u'r better, but drink some gingerale (made with real ginger) anyway. And just take it easy anyway u'r body is to miserable to keep a bug to long and now I loved that picture of the cat. See how easy it is to make me happy000OH OH I never should have said that one. Really Chevydon'tgetsick take care of u'rself.

    The weather is good and better stay this way cuz I'm planning on going swimming his week-end, well hoping to at my other DD's house--not much more time for it.

    OK BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Win $200 Gift Cards to Target, Home Depot AND Sears:  LIKE this post if you don't want to choose.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    Thanks for the sympathy to my house whining.....first......I bragged on Friday night when we got there about not having any ants all summer......usually we have to get an exterminator the first week especially if it was a rainy Spring.......this year ....none......shocked because it was the worst Spring ever for rain..........figured they all drowned..........should have kept my "pie hole shut.........Saturday..... .ants........not horrible, but rid of those suckers... (At least did not see anymore......problem solved.....

    Getting ready to leave, and we always shut certain breakers off on the electric panel....when my SIL shut off what normally gets shut off, the one to the Fridge tripped.....(no idea why) did go back on when my SIL flipped it on, but did not trust that it might trip while we weren't there,,,so we had to take the freezer shit home, just in case it tripped again during the week......and all the shit would thaw...and stink..........hopefully it was just a fluke thing....

    Then we went to open the gate to take out the trash, and discovered the key hidden under a planter for the lawn guy was gone.......(which explains why the lawn, front and back were not cut), which I bitched about when I saw it.............the guy who fixed my pool, forgot to put the key back when he was done......found a spare, now have to get the other key back from the pool people...phew

    Then it took us 2hours and 45minutes to get home....,45 minutes longer then normal......and my SIL is a bear in traffic......Mr. Road Rage personified.....,,,,,,,plus traffic is my pet not a good situation.......not sure who huffed and puffed or him.....

    All the time my daughter and 2 grands are in the back seat taking pictures on the IPad.....(you know those goofy ones that screw up your face)......,,,and laughing their asses off, while I wait for my SIL to go postal on the 3 of them cause they are having way too much fun while he stares ahead at the sea of cars keeping him from going 70 mph......

    Who says vacation homes are

    Oh and then came him to my "shore house electric bill for July".......$216.00....last month....$ my bill for the house I live in year round......OH BOY...guess I'm gonna have to sell my ass on the corner this month to pay these they would probably pay me just to get my sorry ass off the corner before I caused an accident with my sign that reads.......WILL TRADE SEX FOR PAYING MY ELECTRIC BILL


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Oh Ducky, traffic I can sympathize with. Moutain traffic was awful this week-end everybody doing their last trip before school starts, I geuss. and trucks were bad too. The road that we were on has runaway truck ramps every mile or so, doesnt make you feel any better...and was even scarier in a bus. There were 10 buses in all and they were trying to stay together. I think the next time I go Im going to drive myself. The bus was scarier than the train. I geuss Im just not a bus person. Id rather be in my little Rav 4 and have dh yelling at me to slow down...

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited August 2013

    Spent a few hours at the ER yesterday getting an IV . They gave me two big bags of saline plus meds. Those ER beds are the most uncomfortable things to lay on. I'm trying to eat a little oatmeal today. Any bets?


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013
  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited August 2013

    Veggy sending prayers and hugs Wish I lived closer to help u. I am so sorry!!! Pls be careful go in and get fluid if u need to.

    Flowers so happy for u!!! Yeah NED dance xoxoxo best news ever thank u for the smile!!! Good luck with the house hunt and job searching... Was thinking do u have any opinion on the best diet for cancer patients?

    ChickaD u are almost there!!! Hang in there... So sorry u are feeling bad.

    Spookymom yeah those tumor markers are coming down ;)

    Mary how is the antibiotic working. Happy belated birthday and hope u have a lovely trip :)

    Chevy u make me laugh!!! Love it birds mating!!! Come to think of it I have never seen that before either sounds upsetting ;)

    Blondie so glad u are okay thank u for checking in!!! U are in my prayers often!!! U are such a fighter makes me wipe my tears away on bad days and keep fighting.

    Cami u crack me up... Doesn't he have a great accent? Lov that u watch House great show!! Sorry about the wake up go to sleep ride.

    Phgraham yeah one more chemo!!! So happy for u xoxo

    Went to radiation this morning skin looks awful and itches like hell!! They gave me rx cream hope it helps I am sure it will. Can't wait to be done with this!!! It's hard going everyday. Starting to feel fatigue but maybe it's bc I had chemo last week... Also my lovely seroma is starting to fill again and I think I am developing LE in my right arm feel frustrated :( Sorry, thank u for letting me vent I will STFU now ;)


    Sweet Pea xoxoxo

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited August 2013

    Sweet Pea, get thee to a LE thread right away. If it is starting, the sooner treated the better. Good luck with the rads.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013

    Gmafoley, how are you doing?

  • StaceyLeeH
    StaceyLeeH Member Posts: 117
    edited August 2013

    Wren thank you for the advice I will check it out :) hope u have a good day!

    Sweet Pea

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Boy Chevy I'm not jealous cuz I can too and they are back in style.

    Ducky u seem like u had a miserable weekend--Geeze I would have rather stayed home with Chevy.

    SwwePea ask for u'r rad Dr. to look at it--he's the one tha saw mine first --that's when I got it and yes beyond a doubt rads knock most of us out, each one gets more tiring. The LE I'm talking about.

    Veggy it was good u went to ER for hydration I hope u don't ever have to go back, but if u do ask for a reclining chair --Drs. orders cuz u have to use that. I know things about ER. For so long that was considered my social life. And I hope u can keep things down wow this is rough for u I know. I used to hold a bucket and sit on the toilet at the same time it was disgusting--so I feel for u it's rough.

    My cousin called and she got her 3rd opinion about what was wrong with her foot. Of course the first 2 were me and my sister. This time she went to a real Dr. hahaha and she has gout. Well it is in our family but only the men got it we were laughing so hard  and my sister kept on say golf, the word gout could not get out of her mouth. OH but I was thinking (YES) since everybit of estrogen has be pulled out or sucked out  we now have our bodies more like men--her diet isn't one that could easily get it--I don't know why we all laughed at her. So she's taking steroids--Oh I like steroids really. So I told her how lucky she was. She fell on her other leg last week so this could be trauma also I didn't know chemo can give u this, Hmmmm

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited August 2013

    I have been able to nibble on a few things today and keep them down... Oatmeal,garden fresh tomato pieces and a slice of deli ham.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2013

    That's great Veggy.

    Have to go up the road and get  thread so I can hem some pants for the trip. Which reminds me I will have to deal with the six stray hairs on each leg if  I plan to expose them in the US. Never had much body hair but after chemo have had these stray hairs which annoy me.

    Sweet Pea get checked for LE don't leave it to see what happens.

    Not sure how I am going to get everything done before Sunday.

    Ducky I will be in touch. We are going to visit Philadelphia.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Oh GOOD Veggy!  Each little thing is like a milestone for you!   Man, when I didn't feel good this morning, I thought of you.... and I just thanked God that I wasn't as sick as you.... I'm so sorry the chemo is knocking you down so hard.  I always say a prayer for you....  It will help, sooner or later.

    Cammi, you do WHAT in a recliner?  I did that once or three times....  Wink  Actually I've been sitting in mine to keep my legs elevated.... but the compression sock is what is keeping that ankle swelling down.

    Sorry for what you've been through Ducky!  What ELSE could go WRONG?    Even easy flight trips....(you know all about this) even tire you out!  When we get home from Orlando, I unpack outdoors, to make sure little critters haven't hitched a ride in our luggage.   

    When we were younger, we used to go up in the mountains to these favorite cabins....  They had NO bathroom, or running water.... We had to walk across the path to get to the "bath-house" .... No dishes, or pots and pans... no refrigerator, and no sheets or towels...!  Man, that sounds miserable NOW..... And oh!  A wood/coal stove.  I was a master at starting a fire.   But we had so much fun then!     THAT was roughing it!  It was up just this side of Walden, near "Rand" Colorado....  But the fishing was excellent, AND the sun-bathing and just laughing our heads off, trying to cook a meal, wash dishes...etc!  And listening to my BIL SNORE, My GOD that was horrifying!   I wanted to throw rocks at him!  We all slept in the same bedroom.... shut UP Cammi!

    Hi Juliaanna and Sweet Pea and Wren!  I hope Chickers and Phyllidon'tknowwhatisgoingon are okay!


  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    Hi kids...just checking in...chemo still sucks and its just EXHAUSTING....tired of being tired...looking for the light at end of Chevy....Not the bright light...tee hee

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Chevy hahha u had like nothing but a bed and a stove---what the hell, u think u can do that now??? None of us can---how did we do those things and think it was fun. OMG  I would be crying my eyes out now. I won't say a thing about sleeping in the same room bwhahahaha. Wait what do u mean in a recliner what did I do??? Well yes the bucket and the other yes I've done that, but I always got a recliner in ER and stayed in one in a hospital room--the Dr. always put that in my orders those beds are horrible, who and why do they make them like that--cots are mor comfortable--they spend a fortune on a hospital and about 35.00 on each bed. Oh come on admit it everyone, it's true. Get a recliner in the room, much better.They line it all and put a clean sheet on it, u can put u'r feet up, I'm all for comfort.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    My last stay in the hospital they had a damn alarm in the bed.  If I'd get up to go to the bathroom it would start shrieking.  I asked 'em to turn it off and they said 'no you've got a fall alert?  I said "WHAT?" She pointed to my LE band that said they couldn't poke me or bp me on my left arm and said "You've got a fall alert band on."  I explained to her what it was, all the time thinking....  what good is this doing me, if they haven't taught the nurse's aides what they are for???  Husband stayed in the room with me for the rest of my stay.  (After she understood, she did turn off the stupid alarm.)  Oh where i was going with that was that hubby slept in the recliner.  He said it wasn't bad - other than the people coming and going at all hours of the night.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2013

    Finishing up my last Evil Ixempra infusion!  Yippee Yahoo Kiyay!  I still hVe 2 weeks of Zelda to wrestle with but I think I will survive the treatment!

    I brought all the chemo nurses the fancy coffees of their choice so they will remember me as the nice one. (In case, heaven forbid, I have to do this again)

    I slept during most of the infusion so now I have to catch up on what's happening here.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Phylofree YYYYAAAAYYYY it all good. U brown nose.

    Garden see u'r husband told u it was comfortable--oh u had that horrible alarm it drove me crazy sometimes I'd get up just t aggevate them cuz I always had it on my recliner anyway, like at my age I could get up so easily. hahaha

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    Camiaggravator the stupid alarm was too noisy for me. It would scare me more than it would annoy them!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited August 2013

    Garden - that's pretty sad the aides couldn't tell a fall alert band from a LE band (they use the same bands for dialysis pts who have shunts in their forearms). We used to have to put pukey yellow nonslips socks on fall alert pts.

    Phyllis - deserves your proper name today. Way to go end of evil lxempra. Celebrate.  Kool and the Gang

    ChickaD - Waiting for the light for you. Almost done.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Yay for Phillynomorechemo!!!!!!!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited August 2013

    Veggy so sorry, keep yourself hydrated....I hate to is easier for me to get extra fluids....when I get chemo and zometa they give me extra fluids and it has been helping me with the steroids and sleeping at night but I wonder if it is "watering down" the chemo....

    I am ok week off from chemo, don't have to move, got section 8 so can stay here, just have to ttake the paperwork to relator for  them to fill out, boys are thrilled, now I don't have to get rid of my dogs....

    Phillie congrats and that was very nice of you!!

    DD#2 kids have lice thought it was taken care of and kids were here today and sleeping MY BED and she found  a live one, OMG....don't feel like changing the sheets, hopefully chemo will kill them out of my hair which is not that long anyway....

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited August 2013

    Photo: Relaxing with the kitten (sammie)

    Me and the new kitten, Sammi!!