STFU (Shut the F*** UP)
That's true Gardens.... Blondide I would definitely try another Doctor.... Do you have to be referred? Or keep calling until you get some answers! They have your records, so they SHOULD work with you. If you switch right now, you will have to go through all the tests again, unless your old numb-nuts will send them your records.
That IS a CF! Yes Sassy, I WILL call you when we are going to Orlando..... I'de love to see you! We will hopefully try going this Spring.... Man, it has been soooooo hot here.... 110 on our back patio yesterday.... I worked out in one of our garages straightening things out.... going to give away a bunch of stuff I just don't use anymore....
I have saved everything since we got married! If I buy new things, I put the old ones out in the garage... So it's time to just get rid of things.... I even have some of my Mom's dishes, AND my Grandma's....
I/We, made a beautiful "frame" for a mirror one time out of some broken dishes of my Grandmothers.... My oldest Daughter glued the pieces around the frame, and I filled it in with grout.... It was called "Grandma's Memories".... and it won 1st place in the Coors Employee Art show one year! NOW I'm going to figure out WHAT to do with a million shells I have saved... Maybe another shell hanging wind-chime... ? I fill the top of my pots with some older shells.... Makes the plants look prettier!
Ducky, is this your bathroom?
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Holy crap what have you guys been up to? I took a half day off and now I have no idea WTH is going on! Wait, I never know what is going on, really.
Whatever that test is that sassy has, I want. It sounds very useful. I will need written instructions for my doc....especially the part where you get the results online then get to meet SAS and Chevy at Disneyworld! I could just buy a ticket, but the testing thing sounds pretty fun.
Why does the guy with the baseball bat come in and jump into that weird bathroom pool n Mary's porch. 'Cos I didn't understand any of that although I would be willing, to participate.
I DO have a photo show coming up and I think I will use some photos of my former buddies in the big house, some pickle shots and maybe a little ankle monitor fashion.
I'm chemo plus 2 days and starting to feel like shite. Whine!0 -
Little PhylliWHAT? If I had any idea of what you are talking about, I would be of some help.... maybe.... See, Sass and Mary...(I think).... No, it's Ducky all have bathroom issues. SOME sort of issues going on. But there is no guy with a their bathrooms.... He is only to help knock the cancer out of Mary, and anyone else who would like it.
Don't tell Cammi though..... she will grab him, sure as hell.
And Grammi gives us beautiful pictures to relax us. I am sooooooo tired from sorting out stuff! But I take a rest, then get back to it. I'm drinking a chocolate coke... so that helps.....
And I sit down here, and see what YOU hooligans are up to. They're all asleep Phylli....Ha!
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Blondiee - sending you a PM.
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Where is Cammi by the way? Talked to my mos nurse today. Hes not that concerned with my rise in tumor markers. Easy for him to say though I do really trust him...I love the guy with the bat......
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Chevy.......who gave you that picture of my bathroom.........
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Hugs and Prayers to all of my fellow Warriors.
I would like to offer anyone who can use it, about 80 Tamoxifen pills. I could not tolerate the drug and before I throw it away, I just wanted to be sure that one of you fine folks out there might want it. PM me with your name and address and I will mail it right out to you. Peace and Blessings to ALL today.
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Well it is for me.
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Blondette - just sent you a PM. I would schedule an appt with the current pulmonologist first, get all the questions answered in my note, then if you are not happy, get a new pulmonologist. You have my number, call after 2 pm your time or PM if I can help any way.
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Ducky! The pilot posted it on FB! You silly!
Flowers, that is really nice of you..... I did the same thing, with 2 months supply I had. I know a lot of women can take it, but I just couldn't. I would really like to think it "worked" but I wasn't willing to take the risk of anything else happening.
I don't know where Cammi is! She is usually all over the place, causing trouble!
I'll bet if I send her a picture of a chicken, that will wake her up!
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Whew! What a relief to learn this...Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only to completely forget what that purpose was?Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memorylapses.Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an Event Boundaryin the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next.Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room and prepares a blank slate for the new locale.
Thank goodness for studies like this. It's not our age, it's that damn door! Did I post this to you already?0 -
So that's why I can't remember shit when I walk into the next room! Then again, when you don't want to know something you could just walk thru a doorway.
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If you ever come to Orlando I'd like to meet you too! I'm about 2 hours west. Why should Sas have ALL the fun?0 -
Chevy - you should go on Pinterest and type 'fairy gardens' in the search box. Holy ships! There are a million. Some are gorgeous and some are really stupid! You may already know about Pinterest so I'll STFU, and walk thru the door with lilsis.
Edited to correct f'ing autocorrect.0 -
P.s. I hate chemomouth
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Poor Phillywithyuckymouth, it is horrid.
Spookie I hope to meet up with Chevy when I am in Denver.
I always knew that there was something strange about doors.
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OMG I took this off of my favorites--then what do I see chickens, I don't care if they are babies, thy're still chickens.
Ducky I love u'r bathroom and the guy with the bat--well forget the bat just the guy--have u'r fun, then it's our turn.
HMM I see we have someone new--now girls and Charles don't scare her off like u usually do Chevy--(I know no names) that just slipped out- I thought forgetting from one room to another was becuz I usually bang on head into the door somehow, hmm so there is a better reason.
I've kind of lost track of what's been going on and I can't double screen so I'm ging by memory.
Phyloarteest u are having a show? Wow that time u served has come in handy for u'r hobby and yes I give u permission to use all of my beauty shots. And I hope u'r feeling better.
Chickie how are u doing now?
Blondie get another Dr. right now this is important stuff I hate when Drs. dismiss something that is tearing us apart. If they are in the same hospital all of u'r tests and records are right there now so u shouldn't have to take more tests, I hope--u need answers.
Veggy I didn't understand what u were saying about u'r GS exactly--How are u doing?
Mary too.
Hi sas--I really haven't been on as much as usual the last couple of days, I don't know why--I mean nothing has changed so I'm fine.
Chevy I have said what I needed to to u and a good pic.of Ducky's bathroom, I'm sure she's really happy u put it on the post. LOL
OK I'm done--If I missed anyone u know I didn't mean to--remember I was doing this with memory not cheat sheets. Hi Spookie, Hi Alyson and is it GG that does all the computer work Wow whoever does that's impressive.
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Im so glad you're back Cammi, was afraid someone pissed you off.
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The doorway thing explains why, when you go back to the room where you had the thought, it comes right back.
Blondie, They are YOUR medical records and you are entitled to a copy of them. You think he went on another vacation? Or is just golfing every day? It's inexcusable, in my mind.
Sending loving kindness to all in pain or discomfort.
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Do you have mouth sores? Ask MO for magic mouthwash. It's rx, good stuff.0 -
GmaFoley, Thank you for the picture. Is that smoke or fog? Sorry about the game. Hope you can find another one to play.
Has anyone heard from Dwill? I sent her a PM but haven't heard anything. She's been MIA for about a month. Is everyone else accounted for?
Sweetpea, How was the trip?
I love the door concept/explanation. Almost anything is better than "you are just getting old."
Sending kind and gentle thoughts to each of you.
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Hi my fine fillies. ?..hmmmm or is that beautiful babes. Hmmm or oh hell that is all my brain can handle right now of being witty...
I think I am back among the living post chemo, but tomorrow will tell.
Welcome Miss Lil'Kathy.....hold on to your bloomers for the ride of your life...and if your lucky, Miss Duck's pilot will love you too.
This weekend me and Cooper start puppy classes together...I hope they have good treats for me! I listen much better with treats.even PIE works better....hello Miss Pie Dough...go kick chemos butt this week!
Miss your pocket with pie crumbs and love
Love to everyone else ♥
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Blondie, go over to Bonfire of the Goddesses and throw pulmonologist in.
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Ok All,
The Tamoxifen is spoken for. I am so glad I do not have to just throw it away. HUGS!
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Spookie, my mouth just tastes like dirty ditch water smells. No sores thank heaven. But it seems like I can feel the taste buds yelling as they die. That is my dramatic excess this a of m. Thanks for listening!
Cammi, I will send over the model release right away!
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Phylomouth I'm sure u use Biotin for brushing and mouthwash, but yea it feels like drunken, cotton crap, only worse. I Figured u'd need my signature--I know Chevy's not going to be to happy but that's life.
Yea I was thinking about Dwill just yesterday. I think she liked us--I hipe she's OK--I'm glad u PM'd her.
Go to sleep Phylo.
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So now what is this "signature" that I'm not happy about? I'm stumped! I went in through the kitchen door, thinking I could THINK of what the hell you were talking about.......... and............. nothing! So Wren, I have to go stay in the back? WHAT am I doing wrong.... and never mind Cami!
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Phylli! You said "dirty ditch water!" I KNOW what you are talking about! I have lived next to a ditch all of my little life! When I was little, my Brother and I lived across the street from the ditch.... That was our second home! We loved it! What smell? It smelled like mud, and trees, and wet weeds.... and lots of bugs. It was heaven!
So now, like 65 years later, we live a block away, only next TO the ditch! It is hardly ever running... Mostly early Spring, when the farmers, where-ever they farm, get the water. Now it is mostly when we have torrential rains in the Mountains... It is a tributary of Clear Creek... and that's your nature lesson for the day...
But meaning to say, I still sometimes can "smell" that ditch... brings back memories.... surely better than the ones you have....
And I forgot to say.... I have new batteries..... (for my camera) (SHUT up Cammi)..... And, I will take more pictures of my Fairy Garden, WITH the sprinkles of grass-seed I planted in there! I would have to sign up for FB again, to see Pinterest, but I found a LOT of ideas on Google Images...
Alyson, I sent you a PM, about you coming here...
And I must have gone through this door-way again, because my mind is a blank... xoxoxo