STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Good Morning everyone--and Chevy

    U know Chevy I thought a wasp sting wasn't as bad as a bee, but still not having fun with it.

    Shell change the chapter another one starts u just stating facts and complain if u want cuz cancer started every change we have had so don't worry.

    I hope the chemobabes are having a decent day.

    I'm just trying to wake up.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    WAKE up Cammi!  Did any of you happen to watch ANY of the VMA award show last night?  I MEAN!  That has got to be the WORST 15 minutes I have ever watched on TV!  I quit during that loser whats-his-name Kanye tried to sing???  Is it just ME, or is Miley Cyrus just a hot little mess?  And  what happened to " class"  ??  It was just a hyped up nothing show, with WAY too much skin and grinding.  I mean WTH?  How can they get aWAY with so much "crap" any more?  And "music?"  Maybe I'm just old.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Well Chevy we are old, but crap is crap at any age. I watched 5 monutes--and so many of these people I honestly can't stand anyway so I thought who care who wins or loses they are all losers with fame and fortune, and some of the words to songs are stupid and if they all show anymore skin well they might as well be naked, what gets me is some of them can actually sing but u wouldn't know it. So no I was not on the list of watchers, I didn't give a chit.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited August 2013

    Getting to the airport in about 4 hours. Having to shift my clock a bit. I'm used to getting up at 3:30am and going to bed at 7pm. This week meetings start at 8am and dinner is between 6-7pm. I was real cranky last night. Son didn't get me home until 8pm from his football tournament. I wouldn't have gone if I knew. And now up at 5am and couldn't sleep.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    A HELOC is short for Home Equity Line of take a loan against (usually your house) it's a way to get things done that you otherwise could pay the bank back, plus interest (which is usually pretty low), and this way you get things done.......I took one out against my shore home to purchase and completely renovate this Pa house.

    It is especially good cause at our age, plus retired (minimal income) you can't get a loan, or in my case a mortgage..........imagine someone being optimistic enough to give a 76 year old bag a 30 year mortgage....... LOL....

    Did anyone have problems with thi site last night..........everytime I logged in I could not get through to discussion boards.............that could explain why it looked like no one was on......

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    Just kicked me out again........WTH......getting annoying......

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Oh I gave up on that Kenye guy when I heard they named their child North,  North West..really? I dont understand why these people think weird names are so cool...I never watch that show, I dont know any of the artists anymore anyway...I watched mountain men and Ice Road Truckers instead...much more entertaining...

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2013

    I think BC.Org is getting so big and busy - the website is crumbling under the load. Yes, Ducky nailed the HELOC - we had paid off our mortgage down to $10,000, so the HELOC is basicly increasing our mortgage balance until I can get back to work.

  • tracy77
    tracy77 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2013

    Thank you so much for the WONDERFUL information....I am still having neuropathy from TX which was finished  on 10/31/12 feet and hands and now fighting fibrosis and a shrinking tram flap boob from 12 years as the cancer came back last april in mastectomy breast  did 4 rounds of chemo and 30 radiation treatments, thankfully still no nodes involved but returned to work and feel like an idiot, can't keep up, remember anything and forget about it when I get stressed... I am 48 and feel like I am back in grade school trying to keep up at work.....    hope you are doing well and again, THANK YOU

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    Yep Miss Shellybelly...I do feel better not as tired, but the side effects of chemo are really lingering these eyes are tearing constantly so everything is blurry and they still twicht and my eye lashes are falling no driving lately....also the big D seems to not want to leave my system either...the hot flashes and night sweats getting worse and the finger and toe neuropathy is brutal..and chemo brain should be an immediate approval for  maybe I'm not

    Also very brother-in-law was diagnosed with lymphoma....he was mis diagnosed back in April with diverticulitis....4 months later he has a mass the size of a football in his gut...he has PET scan today to check on mets and he starts chemo this week too....ugh

    This Wednesday I have acupuncture and psychotherapy! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Tracy why don't I know u'r name? I know I'm forgetful so excuse me--But Hello--I think going back to work sometimes isn't as easy as people think it would be. I hope it gets better with time.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    Cami & Tracy - working is rough.  Each day (for me) it gets harder, not easier.  I used to plan on working 'til 66, but not anymore.  It seems like every inch of my body aches more every day.  It sucks.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh GardenG I know I was planning til I was 70 then  got this thing and worked for the first 4 months on chemo, it was awful, finally I had to take Dis. then I retired at 66--no choice really. That's why I said I know it sucks and having this is so suckier. I don't blame u.I had to hold on for 20 yrs for ins. reasons, It's funny cuz I think How did I work on chemo--so stupid but my GF's there pushed it for my 20 rs--Thak God hahaha I continued chemo after my operation but no more work that's for sure. I would have to put my face together before work, no hair, eyelashes brows I'm sure I looked silly, there were days I was so weak I'd just show up and lock myself in my office and lay down and hep out whenever I could get up for a few mnutes--good thing everyone was fine with it. I did do computer stuff in my office but I could not deal with people at all.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    No one really knows do they Cam.........cancer hurts real destroys your life, but still we all plow on, and face each day trying to be optimistic, but it wears you down........God Bless the ones who sail through it without the SE's.............wish I knew what that was like.....

    Had a Cardio appt today....told him I am ready to throw in all my chips........said I want QOL back.......I want to feel like "me" again...........I want to go out of this life no matter how soon, knowing I at least enjoyed what time I had left..........this is not living...........and I don't want to just exist...........

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2013

    Waaaaasup chickies? Saw that you hoolies were up to no good again and Chevy was posting chicken pics to piss Cammi

    Still feel like death warmed over and working is getting harder and harder. I work one evening shift a month (used to be two but they gave me a break and let me do one since diagnosis) so I come in at 11 and work until 7 and today is the day and it is KILLING me. By 4PM, I am ready to take off my bra and veg out. After I make dinner, hubby does dishes and I just lay down on the couch but tonight, I have to give a workshop for 10 people...ugh.

    Wish it was 7pm already! I don't think I am going to last 5 months, let alone 5 years on this Aromasin. Ducky, how long have you been on AI's..and you too Cammi? Can I really do this? I know I have to at >95% ER+, but I HATE it!

    Gotta go, boss is buzzing me!


  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited August 2013

    April, call your onc and say "I'm done with all this chit" and they will pay attention. You can get a break and try another AI. My MO stopped the Aromasin after 4 months when I said I was afraid to walk down stairs because I was unsteady. I will try Arimidex and see if that is better.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    I'm here with you gals.....  Just sorry for what you have all been through, and are still trying to get treatments.....   We got to retire when we were both 62....  and both doing okay now.... 

    Just that pacemaker and a replacement for DH, but other than being crabby, he is doing good. 

    I quit (at least since today) always harping on him to go get his teeth...the upper plate FIXED so he can wear it when he eats.  He looks GREAT, but can't eat with them.  The worst part is, he can eat everything he wants to, and is USED to without his teeth!   Pretty disgusting I think....  But I am goint to leave it alone.  He will go back to the Dentist when he is ready.  I can't make him, no matter what our Daughter's say.  I'm DONE fighting him about it.    His Dad never had teeth made....  So he is just like his Dad.... But I keep hoping for better....  I love him, but this constant arguing about his teeth is just DONE.    Not my business anymore.    Sure his top gum hurts, but go back, and see what the f****** problem is! 

    Okay....  that's all I have to gripe about....  compared to what you gals are going through, I know it's nothing.... So I'll stfu....

    Love you all.....xoxoxo

    And I had cancer, but just a Lumpectomy.... Thank God for Mammograms.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2013

    Yep - did mammograms religiously for 15 years, all at the same clinic so they watched the microcalcifications emerge and recommended biopsy. Over the years I had patients who refused mammograms, I offered to go in with them and soothe their concerns during the procedure, but none accepted. I think it's helpful for us to let friends and family know about our BC (if comfortable - personal decision), so that others know how frequent it is. A couple of women were inspired to get on track with their mammograms after I told them about my case. Part of why I stay committed to this thread is giving and receiving support to my sisters here. I think about you every day.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    I was RELIGIOUS about mammograms as my Grandma, aunt and mother all had breast cancer.  But my DCIS was over 7.5 cm and I had two IDC, and 2 compromised lymph nodes before they found it.  Even after they found it and I knew exactly where it was, though I couldn't feel it.  If they had instituted the every other year for mammo that they are trying to do, I probably would have been stage IV when diagnosed.  I now know that with my family history they should have doing breast MRI's on me, but before I was diagnosed I didn't even know that there was such a thing - and the doctor(s) who should have been paying attention, obviously were not!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Ducky u might have been on Als long enough to matter anyway--Tell the Onc. no more als and if u start feeling better it doesn't mean u'll get cancer back it just means u;r feeling better. Ducky u can go years without anything so maybe it's time to just stop what making u miserable and u can have QOL back and go on for yrs. This is causing u so much stress why bother. Just my opinion.

    An Chevy never say Oh I just had cancer and a lumpectomy--U had cancer--which is awful in itself.

    And savgigi is right just call u Onc. and tell them u want something else and see how that goes.

    I've been on about 2&1/2 yrs about IDK but it's done alot of damage that isn't going to get better I have to learn how to live with the pain and all my organ flippin around. So I was going to change but I realized this type of med is not ever going to like me and since I'm so screwed up who knows, but I do blame loads of chemo too--I had so many different kinds til they thought they stopped what they could and did, so I don't think mine is all Al's so whatever to much poison but the cancer is at bay, LOL So everything else that happens is just not what the Onc. deals with that's why there are so many Drs. in our lives it's like the domino effect and other things keep on happening so............we're the ones that really understand this more than Drs. they just know what they do and nothing else they see ourfiles but didn't go thru all the stuff we did--I know Soapbox--I just hate to see so much suffering and by now it shouldn't be like this.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 38,328
    edited August 2013

    I most definitely say if you are having problems with an AL do some research and then head to your Dr.  Sadly, some of us could do NOTHING for the most part and not have a problem.....but no one truly knows just what the parameters are.  If not a cure would be sooooowonderful to at least know who needs to continue on with other txs -- like AL's.  So many do seem to turn up issues with them.  I'm fortunate in that other than some stiffness and clomping around early in the a.m.......or late at night when I'm really tired.....I don't have any complaints.  In November.....not so far away now, a decision will be made as to what I'm going to do as that will be when my five years are up with the Arimidex that I've been taking.

    The time has gone pretty fast.  When I first started taking them that five years was really far in the future and now the future is almost here.  Sigh !!!!!  I hope I end up making an intelligent good decision.

    I'm still not keeping up here very well....sigh.  I am taking a break but have been thinning out for most of the day....too many piled-up newspapers, and assorted papers.  Stuff just dumped in some of the convenient places.  Sometimes I am tired of myself for my lack of disipline but I do take a hold of myself finally.

    I just have too much stuff again..........some one brought it in here of course.  Sure wasn't me.  Well, maybe an item or two, but land sakes........I'm trying to live wide open spaces, inside my own home and i is not an easy thing to do.  Well, I'll just keep working on will keep me out of trouble and give me a focus for when I'm not working. 

    Hope you are all having a good day.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Chickie, Tell BIL to google Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. He can apply for a $5000.00 grant. Not taxable. Application process is long, but doable. He can apply to the local chapter for a $150.00 grant. Sorry about the diagnosis :(, but the grant money goes a long way in helping to pay a whole assortment of bills, co-pays, insurance premiums, taxes etc.    BTW was the dx of diverticulitis based on cat scan?

    Mary can you post pics of the porch soon? Sorry that truck is out of control.

    Chevy, poor chin and Cami your youthful days were pretty exciting!

    Chevy the toilet is as still on the deck, and the tile I've picked will be another 1-2months in shipment. Guess I will have to put the toilet in a less visible place.

    Cami, the exercising backfired. Opened up a can of worms on the spine and sciatica. Added a new exercise that I'd forgotten had ripped me up once before. Oh well still can swim, but don't feel as good as before. :(

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    I would love to post pictures of my porch, have some great ones but dont have the patience to try something I have no idea how to do. Ive told you how illiterate I am when it comes to computers posting pictures is way above my head, remember you're talking to the woman who thought the battery in her camera was the memory The next time dd comes over we'll try it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Lilli I'm so glad u stuck around the boards when u've been thru the worst, I love u'r quotes and u'r calming look at life and I can't imagine u cluttering, but I'd like to think u do.

    Marycan't post a pic---I am so the same way--I can't even do an avatar, when I first started 3 yrs ago with a computer I actually did an avatar for FB, but I don't know how I did it. And of course it wasn't a pic of me---my sily DD1 posted one on FB with me in the pool First time anyone saw my face and it was awful--brat--I thought she was doing something with her phone and viola I was on FB---mad as hell my point is this--We can't all be like Chevy--who can post pictures of mostly stupid things. But at least she can do it.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited August 2013

    I'm here - worst day of hell ever imaginable - every seat was full.  sick to my stomach...

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    Miss Sass...thanks for the BIL info...his original diagnosis of diverticulitis was from an MRI...his wife works for surgeons and when he still wasn't feeling well 4 months later ..wife showed her surgeon bosses the original MRI and they said ...ugh...get him to a hemotologist oncologist right away...repeat MRI now shows tumor in gut the size of a football and now also in his clavicle and another lower bone.

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited August 2013

    Yikes, Chickie. I hope they get a good treatment plan in place soon for your BIL.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Miss Savgigi ♥

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013

    Gma,  YIKES!! hope you have a quiet room with air-conditioning.  Maybe the rest of the trip will go smoothly.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2013

    Mary - I remember about your minor deficit of not being able to post pictures, and lol when you thought the battery was the memory card - I had forgotten that.  😝

    GG - I hear you, and I'll see you in November! Hurray - my first Hoolieparty in person!! BTW, I, for the life of me, could not figure out your Avatar. It looks like a nipple with a tassle on a hairy chest - then I cut and pasted it to iPhoto to look at it closer - it's a dandelion!! And no, I am not drinking or taking any street drugs.