STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    These damn wasps are driving me CRAZY!  So I THOUGHT I blew that one off the inside of the garage door!  But NOOOooooooo... they are all out there, hovering around "it" and building another one!   They must crawl in through the bottom?   And then the other one in the bamboo hanging is just THERE!  Hanging.  Wasps are quiet...  They don't bother me, unless I walk near their damn little nest.   Not so sure about the one on the garage door.  If DH sees it, they are goners. 

    I'm so glad you liked that story.... I just had to share.  That was beautiful  Crog....  Even though I sometimes just bite my lip, to not scream, I still love that man, teeth or not.   He DOES wear them, but it still hurts to eat... Maybe he'll get them fixed, and maybe not.  I give up....  But he is who he is.... and I love him, even WITH all his warts and foibles...  I just hope WE have that many years together.... Well, us and the wasps.

    Chickers, I think you will find radiation is easier on you than the chemo.... I sure hope so.    You will enjoy that cruise!  Lucky girl!

    Miss Cammi!  You little shit!  Didn't do me any good to try to get rid of the garage wasps.... they showed ME who's the boss!   NEXT time, it will be the RAID!!!   I don't know how many times I will have to get stung, before I yell, "That's IT!"  

    Sorry about your Cousin little one....  I'll say a prayer for him....  ((( Cammie))))

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Chevy, you have seen Alfred Hitchcocks "The Birds"? Yes? Is this Chevys "The Wasps". You do know that if you swat and kill one they give off a chemical that causes them to swarm? Maybe that's just bees? Sure hope it's not wasps. But maybe it could be wasps. What is it wasps do in the hierarchy of bugs? Don't swat any okay. Can you run? How about carrying RAID just in case of the attack?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Oh Chevy if it's not chickens it's wasps--WTF It's that time of year to hold up for winter-  and the Chickens have their jobs even without u--So do it right or don't do anything. I destroyed mine at night, they never saw it coming. LOL

    I've just watched 3 episodes of HOUSE and so far I've had 3 different diseases, so I really have to pay attention to how they are treated. I'm sure when I help my Drs. they'll appreciate it.

    Chickie Chevy is so right, after chemo rads are a walk in the park, well u might want to rest on a bench sometimes, but nothing like chemo. Use good lotion--usually aloe or other things.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited August 2013

    Chevyl...wait till the sun goes down, get a can of wasp killer, and spray the shit out of the worked for me down the night they all go back to the Queen, so that is when you get them.....remember....not till the sun goes down......

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2013

    Stacey, Sassy is right but here's another tack. Calmly call HR and let them know you have an ADA concern and need their guidance. Meet with them and ask them to advise you. Sounds like your manager is undereducated or doesn't have the proper coaching skills. You want to apear to be the calm, knowledeable, competent professional nurse, undergoing chemotherapy for a life threatening disease, and want to work out a win-win path while you are having treatment.

    Here's a website that explains federal law:                                       Your state may also have statutes that businesses need to follow.

    14.  Does an employer have to grant every request for a reasonable accommodation?

    No.  An employer does not have to provide an accommodation that would result in "undue hardship."  Undue hardship means that providing the reasonable accommodation would result in significant difficulty or expense.  However, if a requested accommodation is too difficult or expensive, an employer should determine whether there is another easier or less costly accommodation that would meet the employee's needs. 

    An employer also is not required to provide the reasonable accommodation that an individual wants but, rather, may choose among reasonable accommodations as long as the chosen accommodation is effective.  If more than one accommodation is effective, the employee's preference should be given primary consideration.

    15.  May an employer be required to provide more than one accommodation for the same employee with cancer?

    Yes.  The duty to provide a reasonable accommodation is an ongoing one. Although some employees with cancer may require only one reasonable accommodation, others may need more than one.  For example, an employee with cancer may require leave for surgery and subsequent recovery but may be able to return to work on a part-time or modified schedule while receiving chemotherapy.  An employer must consider each request for a reasonable accommodation and determine whether it would be effective and whether providing it would pose an undue hardship. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Mornin' Hoolies--I've been up for  while Ugh, took my shower fed the cat and di some detective work on email--which never pans out---so I'm smellen good--so far--I love the feeling of after the shower, but so much energy to take the damn thing. and now I'm going to be tired so my first nap will come soon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    Okay, with heart pounding, short of breath, I DID it!  I went out with bag in hand, barely light out, stealthily crept up to hanging wasps nest.... slipped bag over from the bottom, unhooked the top, carried it gingerly over to another area by the irrigation ditch, in the corner of my butterfly garden! 

    Mission accomplished.  I just checked it again.... One wasp woke up, looked up, and rubbed his eyes, and said something "Where the hell am I"?

    I just moved them to a new neighborhood.....  I won't get NEAR it.  The one in the garage door can stay.  I just won't open the door.... If DH sees it, he has a can of some sort of foam. 

    Cammi, you took a shower?  You clean little Dickens you!  Hope you all have a fun day!

    Sass, yes I know....  One wasp (the garage wasp) zoomed right in on me.... THEN his friends came out of nowhere!   Don't want to make THEM mad!

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited August 2013

    Chevy - you are DEFINITELY a nicer person than I am.  I am absolutely terrified of hornets, wasps and other things that sting - even some things that don't sting.  If I come across a hornet or wasps nest I spray the bejesus out of it.  Hubby has gotten stung more times than he can count from hornets.  The first one we thought he was going to die, his throat swelled up and of course he wouldn't go to the doctor, he stuck a spoon in his throat to keep it open!!  Anyway, by the umptee-umpth sting, he didn't react anymore, they just kinda mellowed him out.  Now we've moved to a different home, so will keep our eyes open for new hidey holes for wasps/hornets and suchlike.

    The last sting I got was from a bumblebee.  Other than giving me a bullseye on my beehind, I didn't react too badly to that one.  Hornets and I, though, don't do well.

    (I like honey bees and bumblebees, though, and won't spray them!!!!!)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    I'm LOLing with u 2 (chevy and GG) u actually moved the nest-Holy Chit Chevy u will no doubt find another one where the first one was and GG--I like the way u said I hate everything that flies but I won;t kill certain types of bees. That is so cute. U are natures friend, I'm not--I'd blast them all. Well at the end of the summer I would-They do have a job to do I know.

    It's still so effin how here and humid, I know I shouldn't complain but I am complaining. All it is is swimming weather not good for much more.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Cammi Im with you. I blast them all. I know my situations different with my allergies but I still hate the little suckers.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited August 2013

    Good morning my little hooloigans! Okay, it's really 2:40 p.m., but who's counting? I hope everyone is doing well and spraying, not swatting, wasps and other stinging, flying things.

    I use a little WD-40 on the nests. It doesn't make them mad like the insecticide sprays and they never come back to that spot. Try it, you'll like it! I like it because I ALWAYS have WD-40 around and it doesn't stink.

    sassyplants - I love that handsome doggie face!  It's much like a scottish deerhound.

    sweetpee - sorry you have an ass for a manager RN.  Shells was so polite.."undereducated".  Hahahahaha!

    And yes, it's always good if you can appear to be the calm, knowledgeable, etc one.  However if that doesn't work, get ready with your hammer for their little punkin' heads.  Some organizations have great HR departments and benefits.  Others, not so much, and Human Resources departments are there to protect the company.  There I said it.  As diplomatically as possible and saying the positive part first! 

    Shells - I don't disagree with what you wrote.  I just think that sometimes there is more than path you have to take.  Also, I LOVE, LOVE LOVE the info you posted.  I'm keeping it.

    Now that I've solved the worlds problems.  bahahahhahahaha, I made me laugh!  I am climbing out of the ultra-low WBC and ANC counts and feeling like a naseated slug into something that resembles a human bean!  I had neupogen shots on Monday and Tuesday.  Today is the first day in more than a week that I haven't had to take nausea meds.

    Even when I'm feeling like shit, I can count on you hooligans to cheer me up with weird stories of wildlife like wasps, bees, chickens, lizards, etc.  Although, technically a chicken isn't wildlife, it's domesticated.  Right?

    Time for my afternoon nap!  Love you all, even the rabble rousers!  Even the rabble!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2013

    Hi hoolies, rascals and larrikins

    Have been so busy, pictures later.


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited August 2013

    Oh hey Alyson. We miss you!!! Dd called with good news today, her lawyer called and they've raised her child support double what it was. Her ass-wipe ex was making 3 times the amount that he was reporting to child resources and they confiscated his work records. Little shit had it coming. She was paying 700 dollars a month in child care alone. Im so happy for her.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2013

    See, I'm thinkin' that if I don't have any wasps or bees around, I won't have any tomatoes!  I read where that is one of their "jobs" is to pollinate my tomatoes and strawberries, and they damn well better DO it.   So the ones I relocated, to an even quieter place seem happy.  I don't CARE if they are or not, I'm just glad I can work in that little garden where they won't claim it as THEIR territory.

    Phillidone, I am soooooooo glad you are feeling better!  I just can't imagine what it would be like to go through chemo.   So I'm glad you are "back!"

    We met a standard white poodle this morning....  Sam is his name.... As soon as he saw us, he came over wagging his tail!  He is like a service dog, that his "Mom" takes to hospices, etc. to visit the patients.  He just leaned against me, while I rubbed his head, and give him kisses.  WHAT a big Sweet-heart he is!  Lacee of course loved him too. 

    We started talking, because "Mom" had the same type of sling that my DD had when she had Rotator Cuff surgery... She had hers a week ago, by the same surgeon!    Small world... 

    Went with my DD to lunch today at the Olive Garden....  Met my childhood gal-friend there, so we had a lot of fun talking and just being silly.  Then we stopped on the way home to pick up Chinese from this little place, for dinner.....because it is sooooooo good AND cheap! 

    Mary!  I'm so happy for your Daughter!  THAT crap goes on all the time, until they get caught!    It's a wonder he even got caught!   So MANY people try and abuse the system... like with bogus claims for medicare, and disability, then the ones who NEED it have a damn hard time trying to get it! 

    I know I can think of a few in my extended family that have tried the same thing!    Or they at one time "have it all" and then because of bad decisions, blah blah, they LOSE everything, and then whine to the government, and family begging for money.  

    I can remember my in-laws.... oh never mind.  But at MY age, I've learned a lot....  and we don't make the same mistakes twice. 

    Man!  Where did THIS rant come from?   I just thought of you gals trying to get disability, or retirement who have been SICK and have to fight to get ANYthing.  So I'm thinkin' about cha!  xoxoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Mary that IS great news for u'r DD--it's a bout time they actuall catch someone.

    Oh Chevy u missed my whole point--I said they can die now cuz they already did their work for the summer--so u see it's time. Oh u had a great time today--wonderful--isn't it hot out there, or can't u tell the difference--Well I mean as we all get older we get cooler and not in the good cool way. LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Phyllylikesdogsreallybig--This is an irish wolfhound. Met a person in the grocery parking lot that had five of these guys and gals in there standard size van, very similar to the scottish. Thought the GWP had some deer/elk hound in the mix, but they don't. There are lots of similarities though. :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited August 2013

    Kind of looks like the werewolf in Harry Potter.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2013

    An Irish Wolfhound goes to our big dog park. He is such a sweetie. His head is bigger than all of Spookie. His name is Seamus Not sure I spelled it right.

    The giant breeds life span is only 7-8 years. My little shrimp could go 17. It's hard at any age.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    These dogs are huge and I bet they friendly, cuz they all have a calm look---Not like some people--no names mentioned.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2013

    I'm so excited I couldn't sleep last night. This is almost as good as getting a new puppy! Ha

    I'm getting a new car tomorrow. It's a CHEVY Spark. It's 4" shorter than a MiniCooper, really small. And I think the ca has something to do with my color choice. It's bright, in your face, never gonna loose it in the parking lot GREEN.

    DH has been trying to talk me into a sensible small sedan. That's what I have now.

    Is this the start of my "new normal?" If so Woooo Hoooo. I like it!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Spookie I don't blame u one bit and whatever u get it's what u want and do it. I'm so happy for u. YYYAAAYYY

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2013

    That's what I told him. I'm paying for it I want what I want!

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2013

    Sas, Mary and Julianna and my other sisters,  I've been away for awhile.  I've had some truly dark times and had a hard time just getting through them from one day to the next.  I went back to work on August 12th and the first week back my PS overfilled my TE, up to 700CCs and made that first week excrutiating to work or teach.  I did anyhow for 3 days and finally went back to him where as he had to withdraw 50CCs just so I could breathe.  Don't know what his next step is since he gave me a three week break instead of two weeks. I believe I have two or less fills left.  I finally met my friend, he accepted my MS and me (he said we all had flaws) and he was truly becoming very special to me. He was still sick but twice he visited my home and we got alone like we had known each other all our lives. He made me feel whole and wanted. His last visit on the 10th of August, we made out, had dinner, talked  about our families, listened to music while chilling.  He was at my house for 4 hours.  It was doing intimacy that  he became very ill, again.  Netherless, he tried to eat the dinner I served, afterwards.   He was in extreme pain though and had to take pain meds before he could drive the 45 minutes back to his house.  Three days later he was in the hospital.  On or about the 16th of August , he officially had a heart attack and had to undergo a heart procedure.  We communicated by text every day and every day he would ask me to pray for him, he would tell me how much pain he was in, how weak he was and  just wanted me to Pray to God that he healed. He said he was never going to give up asking God to heal him.   I assured him I was praying as hard as I could for him to heal day and night.  He texted me yesterday and said he was still weak and fighting.  Today I text him as I always do in the morning but instead of him texting back, his daughter text me back to tell me that my friend had passed.  I am devastated, I had really caught feelings for him I feel like-bad things just keep happening. Did I cause him to relapse?  Is it my bad karma?  I left school//work once I found out and just came home and slept. I feel so out of it--so lost and hurting--just seem one bad thing after another is happening.  Don't know when i will be back writing on this board but I know you guys out care for me.  Will be having my TE exchange and taking off work from Thanksgiving until January.  Thank you ladies for caring and checking on me.  Much love to you all.  dwilli

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    Yay Miss Spookie on the new car!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited August 2013

    Yep! That's it and the color. Not gonna loose it in the parking lot!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2013

    Dwilli I am so sorry for all that happened to u in such a short time and meeting someone that finally made sense to u was wonderful but whatever has happened to him it is not u'r fault really, it was his time and u got close to him and felt it. Dwilli please come here often maybe we can help with u'r dark days. I know that pain u'r in i s terrible and your healing is breaking u down too. It all goes together, it's a very difficult time for u and to top it all u went to back to work and that is so difficult while in pain. Please don't curl u'rself up without hecking in after all that's why we;re here and we really understand what going on and we're safe here for u. We'll help all we can, I'm sorry we all live so far, but we're all together on this and all there for u, If u want u can pM anyone of us=Please these dark days don't last forever and if u need more meds to help u ASK u'r Dr. it might help too. Counseling also. Just don't blame u'rself for anything.<3

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2013

    Oh Miss Dwilli...I am so sorry for your prayers are with you during this time...maybe he was to be in your life for this short time for some unknown reason...or to help you recognize you are a beautiful and desirable woman...inside and out...peace!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited August 2013

    Dwilli, I'm so sorry to hear you've had such a bad time.  As Cami says, keep checking in and PM anytime you want.  We want to help.  

    Veggy, How are you doing?  Do you have a new plan?

    GMAfolelyontheroad, Hope your conference is worthwhile.  How was the bocce game?

    Cool car, Spookie.

    Greetings to all!