STFU (Shut the F*** UP)
Bar sounds like much more fun anyhow!,
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Hi 4!
Love Marietta. Got lost there once at the 475 split. Welcome! I'm more or less sane?0 -
We never get lost...just temporarily misplaced! You made it home after all :0)
Thanks for the welcome everyone!0 -
Miss the blog!
Miss Sassypants..sorry you hurt.
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Thanks! It needs more work. We threw it together fast to help a lady in NJ get started with her cold caps. She started chemo weds .
Happy to add jokes or pics anyone wants to share!0 -
Getting lost, you don't know anything about getting lost. Since getting the car in Boston we have made a practice of getting of getting lost. We always find ourselves again and sometimes it actually was fun because what we found was more interesting than what we were looking for. so if you want to know how to get lost just ask. And Miss4 I agree it really is being misplaced.
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Ok I'm not really going there about being lost cuz well OK--this was the littlest of us getting lost. Visiting in a funeral home about 15 mins. and realizing we were in the wrong home--we wondered why we didn't recognize anybody or who died so we left and got unlost.
MaryW I lived in Villa Park/Lombard unti just recently that' just dunny to me.
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Cami.....i just sent you a pm.
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See Cami, you were just temporarily misplaced!
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These are photos of our cottage (1901 one room school house) and our beautiful view of the lake and leaves peaceful here!
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Wow, so pretty! Had to turn the tablet to take in the whole view. We should plan a group get together. The Big Girl Panties could perform, I'm a caterer and lord know we could find a bartender!
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CRAP! I'm away less than one day and I'm 4 pages behind.
Cuatro - you fit right in. Doesn't matter if today was your first posting...pick up like you've been here forever. We need more characters, although the batch we have can be a little rowdy.
Oh Ducks you are just way too much. I mean really! Yes, we need to all go visit you next summer at your beach house.
Sassy - GDI - that's ENOUGH. I want to talk to you tomorrow - sending you a PM with my phone number. It's a 6 hour time difference and I'm sleeping in till 9 am so pls don't call me before 3 pm your time - but I mean it - I don't like this quietude on your part - it's not natural.
Mary you sound good - you are truly a Rock Star, and Chickster you sound so much better, you're a Rockette!
Well, I start my new job in 10 days. I finally got my mojo back. Thinking about getting some laser surgery touch up on my skin for 40th HS reunion next month, have an appt on Monday.
Mary - my covered lanai is coming along. Found a wicker patio set at a garage sale and power sprayed it clean today.
Hoolies, please try to keep it under 10 pages by the time I sign in again tomorrow.
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Shells, so happy to hear you so upbeat. It's been a long time coming.
Welcome, 4. Milk your recovery all you can..0 -
Shells u do sound good---Now is the countdown for u'r job so anxious to hear all about it too. and so good for u to talk to Sas---the 2 of u might come up with something to do. I hope so.
I hope today is a good or better day for everyone,
It's early and chilly out now but not going to be hot today just normal. I think Fall started right? Well my falling has started along time ago but I did mean the weather.
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So if I wanted breakfast in bed, that would mean I could not get up to get it, Ha! You are very lucky 4! So do you mean you have a little one AND a 50 year old? My oldest Daughter is just 55 yesterday... Our youngest is 52... And still our "kids."
So Cammi, this one is for you, but I like yours better...Ha!
This is our little victorian house....built in 1896.... We actually haven't LIVED here that long, only since 1964.... but I grew up just a block from here. The girls slept/lived in the little room upstairs, with the slanted roof.... One bathroom too, Ha! But now that room just holds lots of "stuff!"
So good morning to everyone! It's almost 6 here.... Love you guys! xoxoxo
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Oh look at that! Tapered pictures! There is no end to this talent!
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Chevy I love the look of u'r house, it's like a storybook house or a chalet u'd find in the alps, it looks so magical to me. Of course we know u didn't live there when it was built but come on the turn of last century was u'r official moving date. hahaha 1 bathroom--There were 6 of us and 1 bathroom. How the hell did we do that and I really don't remember anyone having a big problem with it then, but now I think it would be a necessity.
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Morning all
Love the house Chevy. Will be in touch, get to Denver tomorrow evening.
Talking about bathrooms we had only one where I grew up and actually our present house which was built in 1887 had one until we put in an ensuite. In my childhood home we had one bathroom - literally that with the toilet off the back porch. I hated that as a child especially at night and it was only later on my father closed in the porch. anyway we survived.
Big hugs
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Very Nice house! I am just catching up today. I would be one of the night owls in this group. If I see 5 am it is usually from the other side :-) plus slept like crap, can I just say surgical drains suck and leave it at that. Hope to lose one tuesday but the second is in for the long haul.
The 50 year old would be the husband!! Have 3 boys 11, 14, and 16 in nov. Girl child just turned 9 but gives the boys hell like she was 29!
Good day ladies. My hiatus is over. Laundry and bathrooms wont clean themselves. I have waited long enough to prove that theory with no luck. Back to work this week too.
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4 u'r going back to work this week with a drain in u--OMG so fast--are u a politician, then I can understand it.
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No a Dominatrix!
. The Politicians need me :0)0 -
Actually I do a lot of catering for the schools. PTA meeting and high school band this week.
Thinking of applying to Hooters as a waitress too. I have experience at that, among other things. I will have high new boobs. Then if they don't hire me I can sue for age discrimination!
Dominatrix sounds like much more fun and I am sure it pays better. I should look into that. Should have the boobs for the outfits by new years.0 -
Welcome, 4sew. I was just in/near your fair city last night at the Cobb Energy Center. I am from Savannah and met my sister for a Jeanne Robertson concert. She is hilarious - just what I needed.
What kind of sewing do you do?
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Mary, and all...'nother born and bred Southern girl here. I was born in N Ga and have lived in Savannah since I was 6. Needless to say, I am longgggggggggg past 6 years old
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Hi GG Mis Southern Belle--I bet 4 sews leather outfits for specia occasions with ties in the bodice and high boots--al black of course.
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Cammi, I just bet 4 sews all that kind of sexy stuff.
4 - how 'bout you sew some outfits for Ducky's and Cammi's sexy guys? Something very "brief" and thong-like.
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That's it GG get right into it. LOL
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Chickie blood tranfusion, it is always something...
Yay, Shelly, on your new job....(I am so behind also)
Welcome 4sew!!
Chevy I agree with Cammie, love the look of your house, what does it look like from the back?
got the results of the ct scans, they did from my neck to my pelvis, the stupid fluid I had drained is back after 2 weeks so have to get it drained again, the fluid around the heart is minimal, abcess is not back little bit of fluid not enough to drain, so the pain which is still there is the diverticultis or broken ribs that are there, whatever....will look at the report when I get to chemo on wed. that is what the lung dr. told me, still don't know why I can't breathe but thinking it is the fluid issue...and he doesn't know why it keeps coming back....other than that get things accomplished a little at a time, baby steps....