STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Posts: 930
    edited October 2013

    Quatre - you are truly outrageous.

    Cammi - hope you feel better our sweet girl.

    Phyllylostyou - don't stay way so long you little FF.

    Mary, can you still sit in your screened porch and feel blessed?

    Chevette - love you dearly, you, too, Blondigirl.

    Sassette, Julliette, Wrenette, Blondettte, Illy, Philly, Dilly, GG, Esther, Savette, Spookette, BM, Ally, Croggy, Savvy, Teckster and Duckeronni, Chabette and Veggemacaroni – Love you all dearly. Chickadee - what a breath of fresh air.

    New job going great, they are so appreciative and welcoming. Heading out to my HS reunion in Oakland Thursday – will check in with y’all when I get back.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2013
    OH Mods, you're enjoying the bods too, Delightful!. Good luck on your program.......

    Shane YAY.......

    Shells have a great time at reunion. Have a few STFU lines ready for the STUPIDS. There's always a few in any crowd.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Shane So happy to hear that great news
    Chevy u taught me how to post pictures after all these years and now I can't do it anymore--sadness is overtaking me. They were used as my self expression on my thoughts--Of course most of them were off color but that's my thinking. Drat Foiled again.
    Shell I'm so glad u liking u'r job and now u'r reunion--whoa got a lot going on. The weather is great around here, I hope it's good for u too.
    OK I'll catch up more later, I'm doing better just tired.
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Where's Chevy today? Is she still playing "He loves me, he loves me not"?

    Hope everyone is having a great Wednesday!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Hello little Camelot! No, I can't post pictures, or links, or ANYthing, except typing! I don't even have spell-check, anymore. I know that breaks your little heart...ha! It just kind of makes me mad.... It was so EASY to post pictures before!

    4, I don't know how YOU do it! What is your operating system, your browser, and etc? BC.ORG can't seem to straighten it all out yet... I just wish it would be like it used to be.... All I had to do is copy and paste.... no more. NOW it has to be more complicated I guess. I think they are testing us....Ha! They want to weed out the lame-brains from the techies...:) (smiley face.... since we lost those too.)

    Love you guys! xoxoxoox

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Posts: 971
    edited October 2013

    Hi my friends...did my Rads mapping today....I should get a medal or at least some mardi-gras beads for as many people touched my boobs officially start Rads next Wed...woohoo and ugh.....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Hi guys---YaY Chicaboomboomboom---rads are like nothing but a PITA going all the time--and u there for such a short time it's a waste of a shower--to me anyway.
    OK Chevy U have to splain (when u learn) how to post--u make it sound simple-I'm holding my sarcasm right now cuz I'm trying to let u help me, UGH--The word SIMPLE just goes with so much.
    4--Stop showin' off --u too chickie, we're like helpless SIMPLE folk here and Chevy's older too so be kind.
    I don't know what's going on but my yahoo email is totally different too. It's another PITA thing to get used to, I've got to many pains of my own to have more chit.
    I've got a crappy Dr. app't Monday and this is not a fun one for me---I'll end up with the down the throat up the ass one. which I don't mind at all, except for getting some kind of knockout thing--the only thing that scare me--I hate to be put out in any way--cuz I don't easily react well to it. Ugh Which is easier to take versade (sp) or propranolol (sp)the lightest one.
    And I know what Chevy's been doing all day today. she told me not to tell but well I can't help it so I'll give u clues and then I really didn't tell OK? What's today" (WED) what do they call it? It sounds like mamelday. They named an egg sitting on a wall this. and he had a great fall. (the first part of the name) OK u should figure that one out now.
  • marywh
    marywh Posts: 1,433
    edited October 2013

    Oh Cami what a teaser you are. lol. ALL DAY, Chevy????????

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Hey Cami,

    Is this what Chevy was up to ALL day long??


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I have been using Windows 8 and Internet Explorer. I have heard that if you use Google Chrome you can cut and paste directly, but I don't know. I am going to try it later. Have to find some appropriate pictures first :-P (that is a smiley with it's tongue sticking out!)

    Cami--You sound like you are feeling a little better. Yeah!! You area back to being a smartie pants!

    Mary, hope you are feeling well as well!

    Sas I love your other thread where you are investigating stuff.

    Shells, sounds like the new job is a perfect fit!

    Chicka, I am 9 days in to Rads and no big deal. Worst part is the drive. And If I don't show my foobs to at least one person a day, I just don't feel productive!! One time the doc came in for my appointment and went to leave and I was like, wait, you're not gonna look at them today! I never got any beads though!

    Shane, Julie, Sweat Pea, Teka, anybody else I am sure I missed, I hope you are having good weeks too. Friday and the weekend are in sight!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Posts: 3,735
    edited October 2013
  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Posts: 575
    edited October 2013

    Alyson, that's great!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2013
    4 Thanks,it's an eye opener on the research. SU2C is a great organization to donate too. Ruthrb did SU2C. Fredntan is going to do Komen. I looked at the research and grant area of Komen. Impressive. 790 million to research since they started in 1982. Don't know though how that fits within total amount of dollars taken in. The flack about Brinkers salary and the Planned Parenthood thing overall is hurting them. I'll put the links.

    Pinktober Revolution

    Topic List Organization That Fund Research and Help Patients Directly.
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Okay miss smarty pants 4! I tried logging on with Internet Explorer, and NOTHING! It's a bust!

    Yes Cammi! I AM simple.... AND old...Ha! No more pictures for you and me Cammi.... I can't figure out why they had to change everything? It doesn't work, and you have to be on your BEST behavior here, with no spell check! Do YOU guys have any sort of spell-check?

    We could have Cammi be our spell checker!

    She worked for the government you know.... a regular spy type of person. I think she worked for NCIS... Did you SEE when Tony and Zeba kissed? I've been waiting for that for 15 years!

    So I get to chicken-sit the girls for 4 days now! Picture a picture of chickens doing the happy dance. And the Mother said they lay about 4-5 eggs a day now! Heh, heh! I will have eggs coming out the wazoo! Enough for all of you!

    And smarty-pants Alyson! You TOO! I can't even post a link! Maybe some of us have been moved to the room, where we have to straighten up, before we can get things working again? Glad to see you here WITH me Cammi!

    Yes Mary..... "all day"..... Now if THAT ain't a stretch!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Good Morning Hoolies--OK I'll take the job as proofreader since we don't have spell check--it's not so easy is it Chevy? Well we all know after the day Chevy had yesterday she'll have to rest up today except for ste--oops taking, or relieving the chicks from their eggs so she can EAT these poor little wanna be chickens.
    Oh I watched NCIS for the kiss too, I started watching NCIS LA now too, more action and fun too. And u know how I really enjoy computer hackers--my lost dream--so I always enjoy these shows.
    Oh I hope everyone has a feeling good Friday Eve--cuz I want everyone to feel good today. Wow I;m freezing right now, need my winter blankets out soon. YAY
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2013
    Cami all things are relative aren't they. Air conditioner turned down to 77 last evening , I was freezing. I haven't tried pics again. Will have to see what happens.

    Nope just the gooblkygoop that us lay people know nothing about
  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Sas funny, but to much work now hahaha
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Sas, if I cluck on that link, I see your picture, that's a start!

    Mornin' Cami, you sound like your normal (?) self again. Hope that means you are feeling better!

    Chevy, don't know what to say about the pics. And for spell check, my comp, phone, and iPad all do it automatically. It is something you can turn on in the settings. I will ask DH and see if I can get answers for you. Sometimes auto correct is a pain though because it changes things you don't want changed!

    Have a good day ladies. I am off to rads. Cami, nobody told me a shower was a prerequisite for rads! Guess I will surprise them and show up clean today! Then I am off to bake and decorate cakes for weekend orders. One is for a birthday. He is a whopping "35" years OLD. Ha

    Chevy, I could use some of those wanna be chix for baking!

    Alyson, love the camels!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    4---hahaha--that's special for Chevy. We'll never let it go Chevy.
    Well I took a shower today and I smell luscious, but I have winter PJ's on, sweater, and a blanket wrapped around me--I think I' cold. but it's chilly this morning like in the 40's--But it will be sunnytoday so it will warm up.
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2013
    Funny, funny, funny 4. Before when I followed the same steps you saw the picture :) 4 when I slip and use shift to write your screen name you become "$".
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I wish I became $$$$$!! Off to get zapped! Be back soonliest!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2013
    Chickie, I can't send you my email. Someone hacked somewhere and stole my email. Then they are sending it and other things back to my email. The spam filter is catching it. I didn't open it, but the things they are sending are awful---subjects that it. Road runner doesn't know what to do with it. AVG tech buddy has checked my computer twice s no internal problems. Wish I could help, but to be safe I'm not sending it :)
  • marywh
    marywh Posts: 1,433
    edited October 2013

    Isn't that funny, I have spell check where I didn't before...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Mary me too, not that I need it, I pay no attention, and I can't make paragraphs like I used to it just smushes into one long thing.???
  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Posts: 4,860
    edited October 2013

    sas - probably your only hope is to close that email and open a new one. Once they've grabbed an email account they usually use it for a long time sending spam everywhere - and you don't want your identity associated with the spam they are sending!!!

  • kathindc
    kathindc Posts: 1,667
    edited October 2013

    Sas, that happened to my husband's e-mail account. I had to go in and change his password. So far so good, that was over a year ago.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited October 2013

    I'm behind yet again.. didn't want you all to worry about me so I just came on to say I'm taking a break... yet again.. got to get myself together a bit more and stop dwelling on the mess I'm in.. This place seems to bring all the emotion to the surface and not wanting to deal with that yet..
