STFU (Shut the F*** UP)
I have had no problems since I bought all Apple and Mac virus's, and with my HP stuff it was horrific........worth the few extra hundred for oeace of mind, bad bullshit....0 -
GMA, I will be thinking of you. Feel better.
By the way, where was that lighthouse picture taken, that you made into a bookmark for me? ( It looks like a light house in the Panama Canal)
Di0 -
miserable in Philly suburbs......rainy, windy, damp, and many months till it's summer again......,.boo hoo.........I am freezing in this house.......refuse to turn on the heat.......I hate that heat smell...........especially when it first goes on.........I have forced hot air and don't like it......I prefer radiators........(call me old fashion)......0 -
Di - you are probably correct - They were part of a calendar and didn't think of putting the lighthouse name on it.. sorry.0 -
ducky - if you want, I'll call you old fashioned, but I also like radiators and radiant heat in general - especially the kind that runs through the floors. They are always so warm. It's the ONLY thing I will miss about the townhouse when we move out!!0 -
Someone sent this to me today.... ugh.... I guess people sometimes don't realize that we really don't want to be constantly reminded about our BC.... hmmmm
Chemo/RadIation Update.....
So Radiation was long yesterday.... what weird positions they put you in... I have 9 new tattoos..... woohoo.... but nothing exciting... just dots, but they hurt pretty good lol. I go back next week for targeted chemo and the next day I start radiation for 5-7 weeks depending on how my skin holds up... they gave me magic lotion to smear on everyday to help the skin survive.
Today I had another heart MUGA scan so hopefully my numbers will be at least 50% or that will be bad....
Also saw neurology for my neuropathy in my hands and feet today.... they are changing my medication and adding some new ones to try and make sure it does not remain a permanent side effect for me.
Also apparently I now have lymphadema in my legs and arms... I will see a specialist for that soon too... gee like I did not have enough doctor appts already... Can't wait to wear those sexy compression stockings.... I'm a mess...LOL0 -
Ducky I agree. I purchased AVG for 200$. I wasn't hacked, a friend was. Her address book was taken. Her computer was accessed by opening an email she thought she recognized. It wasn't from the friend she thought it was, it was the hacker that somehow got the friends email. I don't open any emails that I don't recognize. Basically do very little with email b/c of this type of thing. Bad news0
ChickaD - Go to GRRRR... I hate LE - - there are some great ladies there and check out this site: I'm bilateral LE in the arms and torso, so I understand..0 -
Thanks Miss GMA....xoxox0 -
GMA. Take care and come back soon. You know where to find me if you need to talk0 -
GMA, please take care of yourself. I will be thinking and praying for you. ((((HUGS))))0 -
If it's a Trojan, or some other nuisance, and you think it looks "funny," just don't click on any links~ I got one from my Grandson once.... From an email address he no longer uses, and I just KNEW it wasn't from him.
Also something also stole my address book also, because I even got an email from "me"..... Those automated thugs send everyone in your address book some sort of stupid advertisement! It's all done automatically.... just be careful. It didn't "hurt" my computer, just made me mad.
They hack into your servers accounts, is how they get your address book..... Is that how all this works, or am I just imagining things? Did I spell that right?
I have Norton, but since this comes from your server, I don't think anything can stop these stupid malware, Trojan ads.....0 -
Your post started with "If it's a Trojan.....". Computer virus is not where my mind went :0)
The bad hacker people can also do something from websites you visit and the "cookies" that installs on your computer. I don't know much about it I just tell DH the computer is screwed up again, please sort it out!
Ducky, I love radiators! Especially in winter when ou put your towel on there while you are in the shower and you can warm your undies too!
ChickaD, ugh what a jack-o-lantern. I was at grocery store and there was a whole display of pink kitchen gadgets including a timer that the handle/dial was a pink ribbon! Then I was driving to get my kids from school and a pink AAA truck went past me with a "we support blah, blah" and a big pink ribbon. we also have a plumbing company here that their jingle says to call the pink plumber! It is all year round though and they donate to the Winship Cancer Institute at Emory School of Medicine. Guessing since it is a larger mom and pop, that somebody in e family must have had BC.
Hope you all are surviving the week. It is almost Friday! And I am still mostly behaving Chevy!! I must be coming down with something! :0)0 -
Oh 4 I thought the same thing, It it's a Trojan it must be Wednesday is what came to mind and I know Chevy led us right into that one.
GMA I think we al understand needing a break but don't stay away to long--just heal and rest and don't think bad thought.
Chickie u've got a lot going on---check out good abiyt compression sox--some are rediculousy expensive and they don't need to be. I know it's no fun.0 -
You see, we all have dirty minds when it comes to Gma Im sorry you're in a bad place, don't stay away too long, we all love you. Today has been a bad day for me, Thursdays seem to be my worst, hopefully tomorrow will better. My sister from Fla. is coming in town, and we'll all go out to dinner tomorrow night. Then Ill have sweet gs Sunday afternoon. Cant wait, havnt seen him in almost 2 weeks. I need my Jordan fix....0 -
Worlds Oldest Trojan! They washed them in milk and reused. EEewwweee!!
Don't ask Mary!! I find all sorts of stuff!!!0 -
Oh for Gods Sakes! You gals are just impossibe! TROJANS? We just called them rubbers I thought....Hah! Of course you gals are much younger, so you are more sophisticated....
Actually when I was typing that, I didn't even THINK about it....I MUST be getting old! I just remember when we were "kids".... like about 17? It was just AWful! I thought, WHAT is so great about THIS? Making out was MUCH better! And so FAST! WTH? That circus was just made for men I thought to myself.... Not for girls.
And then I met DH when I was 18... Went together for a year and 9 months.... and during that time, before we got married "things" became ..... what shall I say? More fun! Oh hell yeah. Watch me get sent to my room for THIS one.... Okay like SURE, who's going to send me?
Oh well, if YOU Miss 4 don't get sent to the "time-out" room for what YOU posted, I shouldn't either....Ha, ha~! My picture posting privileges have been rescinded....0 -
DH says you ladies need to run Malware Antibytes. It is a free malware program or a pro version for 30 days for a free trial and then it reverts back to reg freeware version which he says is still really good.
It cleans your computer and any malware that might have been installed and it protects (inoculates) computer after that. It also works even if you have not been infected.
Run it occasionally unless you keep the pro version, it does it automatically.
Hope this helps with the hijacked emails0 -
Chevy, we called them rubbers too! My dad also wore "rubbers" over his shoes in the snow or the rain!0 -
Kathy not sure if we are talking apples and apples or apples and oranges. GUMBY yooHOOOO. It wasn't my system that was hacked. My email was taken off anothers address book then sent to me with a message. I deleted it unopened. Changed my password. But before I could change the password another message was received, but it was filtered by spamblocker. Since messages keep coming with different names . All filtered by the spam blocker. What next?0
Hey you lot. This is a rubber --0 -
Thought you might like some of our local eye candy: one of our sports personalities and a bit of a bad boy.0 -
Owhhh Alyson, NICE!
Foley, sorry, call if you feel like a chat.0 -
Mornin' All!!0 -
Morning back atcha! I'm running the Malware progrom you mentioned! I don't have any problems, but I know I could run into something down the line... Thanks!
Snowing like hell up in the Mountains, and winds are about 80 to 85 miles an hour up in Morrison.... blew over a Semi! Not to bad here, but the high country is really getting it..... chain laws in effect.
4! Gotta leave it to you to post pictures.... There is no way I can post any link or picture with their new set-up. Not with THIS computer anyway.
Alyson, you TOO! Maybe you have a certain password, that you use, Ha!0 -
Oh Alyson, my heart just did a huge flutter!
Anyone have any suggestions for posting photos using a Mac?0 -
Hi Kath! I can't post photos no matter what I do! Nor do I have spell check... But I don't think they can "fix" it.
We have been taken over by the Infidels.... Ha! Or are WE the Infidels? Maybe someone with more intelligence can help you.... Wish I could...0 -
Chevy - I was just notified (TaDa) that today is World Egg Day. Oh yes it is. Go celebrate with some eggs you little egg stealer you.0 -
Alyson! Niiccee, could do without the ink, but still..............
I would love to be able to post pics from my phone. Can do it on every other forum I hang on.
For those who knew Marybe, after she became an angel, a lot of $$$ was donated to BCO in her memory. I wonder if it was used for this upgrade?0 -
Gumby, you are the IT GURU. With this mess with my email. besides changing my email, what do you suggest?0