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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited October 2013


    I am checking in. Sheila (Sas) e-mailed me a week or two ago (lose track of time these days) to let me know you all were thinking of me. I love that you are all so tight here and always worry about one of us not checking in.

    I am having a really rough time with the aromasin and it is hard for me to type beyond my full time job which requires a lot of typing so I try to conserve my hand energy as much as possible.

    I just returned from a week long trip to FL as we have a time share there and that is where we always go for vacation every year but this year we really went to see my in-laws and in particular my MIL who is stage 4 cancer (peritoneal carcinomatosis for those of you medical types as a result of colon cancer) and has very little time left. I HATE F'ing cancer with such a passion. They can invent so many wonderful things but they can't cure this damn disease yet? What is UP with that anyway....

    Ok, just a quick check in. I read that we are missing Blondie? Praying for her and hoping you hear from her soon. Was she in hospital? I hope she is ok.

    Hoolies, you are all the best and don't let anyone tell ya any different. xoxoxo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Hi April! Welcome back! Hope to see you again soon. Sorry about your MIL.....

    That's just so hard for the family to take.... It's hard enough to lose our Parents, much less see them going through so much suffering....

    Sorry you are having problems with the aromacin.... Can you take something else? I've heard they ALL have SE's.... maybe they will level off? Take good care....

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited October 2013

    Ah, Sas gave me something to write about. I bet we all have ( to some extent ) gone thru the in-ability at times to stay properly up-right. I hope you are able to Sas....because though I don't know your age ---- I do know the older you are, it does seem the harder you fall.

    Falling in my younger days ( I'm 68 now ) was almost a graceful thing in retrospect. At least to the fact that I easily bounced right back up from where I landed when I fell. Also, landing then was more like a bouncy sort of experience and even had few sounds to it. Not exactly what you wanted to have happen....especially as good looking guys or other somewhat prissy or snooty females might be about who would see it as a way to 'hold' onto their standing by making sure everyone heard about your little tumble......numerous times.

    Now when I fall there are plenty of sounds and all announce pain in some way, up too and including the somewhat un-mistakably terrifically DULL hard THUD when your body finally makes contact , very un-bouncingly with whatever you have fallen on.

    At the same time, it is very true that I'm a morning person. I have had my ( and still do to an extent ) very early morning upon first arising, clomping around episodes. Is it the Arimidex, or the small amount of left over foot neuropathy five years out now, or possibly some of both. I am doing a lot more walking lately, but that is not so much to change the above as to help all over while burning some un-needed weight-casing calories. I have dropped a few pounds which thrills me but have to start eating right because this stuff won't budge much further if I don't do things right. In order to lose weight you must eat at the proper times and eat enough when you do. yes. I am a morning person. My energy starts to wane in the afternoon and I've noticed lately that I tend to feel like going to bed a little earlier than I used to, but can stay up till 11 p.m. if I'm really interested in what I'm watching or reading.

    Hoping all the gals show up who have been missing and soon.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday so far. We had a fairly warm day and I've enjoyed it a lot.

    See you all later.


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited October 2013

    Here is the list Sas created. I keep a copy on my desktop for easy access. I know some of these folks have left the thread but are active on other threads. I have been trying to check up on the folks who haven't been posting for awhile. (I'm such a good lurker)

    I am willing to edit, just let me know. PMing works well.

    BTW, I've had a note from GMAfoley-she's still having pain, dizziness and nausea. Said to say "hi" to everyone.

    I've been busy sewing a fairy costume for my granddaughter. It's been a long time since I made such small garments.

    Best wishes. J

    "A child of many names is much loved"

    *ChickaD, ChickieD, chickadee, Miss chickie, chickie, chickiepoo, Dchickie,Chickadana, Our Baby Dana, Chicklet-- OHIO, Treatment: BMX with DIEP sameday-surgical history; chemo to start approx may 17th2013, Furballs:Shepards-Tasha& Samantha Contact:sassy

    *Mary, Marywhat, Marywho, Marywhen, Marywhere, Marywhy, Maryhowmuch, Maryhowoften, Marycontray, Ice-road Trucker,IRT Short for I-R-Trucker, Hoedown Girl(Nov9th2013 DS wedding), NORTH CAROLINA,Treatment:chemo, Furball:ZiggyDog; Contact:Sassy

    *Camilegal, Cami, Spunky, Spunkie, ILLINOIS, Treatment:done,Furball:Kati-Kat, Contact:sassy

    *Chevyboy, Chevy, Olds, SweetPea, Chevette,Chevylicious,Chevorlette, GM Chevy, COLORADO, Treatment:done? furbal:?, Contact:

    *Princess Purple Kantalope, GrannyDukes, granny, GG, Princess Kantaloupe, Princess K , PA, Treatment:done, Furball:none, Contact: Joan811, Veggy, Sassy

    *Pdgraham, Phyll, Phyllis, Phyllopian(phoenetically that's fa'-lop-pian, Chevy did you really mean to call her a tube attached to the uterus?), Phillissians(now Chevy's got you in the bible), Ph/pH now your a measurement symbol for acid/base balance. Choro-phyll ah environmentally correct producing___? Is it oxygen or sugar? Phyllo Dough. Phyllopteryx (the weedy seadragon) now she's a dinosaur er weed?. PhollicleDamage speaks for itself. Phyllandita, is this a drink or a plant species, PK,Phillidromia=plant?, Phyllipinat, Miss Pie Dough, Phylissnavidad, Phyllylopsided NE, Treatment:chemo, Furball:none, Contact:sassy/PPkk/Chevy/Ducky/Jan/Chickie

    *duckyb1, Ducky, Promqueen MHC, Duckling, Duckmiester, Miss Ducky, Duckster, Duck, PA, Treatment: AI, Contact:PKK

    *SasSchatzi,Sas,sassy,cassyorlina,sassafrass, FL., Treatment: BMX, recon, chemo, brainsx, done, Furballs:dini-lab, schatzi-germanwired haired pointer(GWP), Contact:CkickaD,PPK,GMA,Lindan3,Fuzzy,Julianna,Stacey,Marywh,PdGraham,Wren44,blondie

    Red, Carla Terry Hunt, our Angel 5/4/2013

    April485, Stretch (am 4'11" - Ha!), Glinda the GoodWitch, Treatment Rads May 2013, Furball:, Contact:

    *Shellshine, Shell, Shells, Shinyshells, HA. Treatment:TE to foobs May2013, Furball:, Contact:Stacey, Marywh

    *Kathindc, Kathy, Kathy-in-dc, Treatment: None, Furball: taking care of daughter's cat (that I'm allergic to) and dog when she travels, Contact: ocassional poster, home thread elsewhere she's okay :)

    Cmbernardi, Flower, Flowermound, Flowers, Ms Flowers, Carolyn, TX, Treatment: chemo, broken foot5/13, Furball:Broadway Rudy Guiliani dog, Contact:

    *Scottie, Fartface, ONT., Treatment:, Furball:kitty?, Contact:

    *Chabba,Treatment: lumpectomy, radiation done, 4th fo 5yrs of Tamoxifen,problem toe now4/13, Furball:Yo aka Pal, Goof, Contact:Sas

    *VEGGY, Plain Ole Veggy, Veg, Val, PA., Treatment:BMX,Chemo May 2013-NED 5/22/13, Furball:none, Contact:PPK

    *Blondiex46, Blondie, Sandy, Miss Purple, Blondiepurpledarling, akaBPD, PA., Treatment:chemo, Furball:, Contact: sassy, Scottie

    *Wren44, WA., Treatment:LX, re-excision, MX 2012. 1year anastrasole done/4 to go. Furball:none, Contact:sassy

    Mericat, mer, meri, MARYLAND, Treatment:, Furball:,Contact:

    *Iatiger, IATig, Tigger, Tig , IOWA, Treatment Bmx, no chemo/rads, TE exchange 5/13., Furballs: 4 kitties, Jazz- 16, Jack-5, Sniggle & Fritzy both 3, Contact:

    Beatmom, Brenda, OK., Treatment:, Furball:, Contact:

    *GMAfoley, GMA, OR., Treatment:ProblemSleep apnea/Insomnia, Furball:My Tigger Dog, Contact:sassy,PKK, Bernardi

    *savgigi, jeannie, Treatment:LX/SLND/IORT/AI, Furball:Kitty-Maggie, Contact:

    *Julianna, Jule(s), Jewel, Treatment:BMX,AI, Furball:none, Contact:Sassy,Shells,Marywh,Stacey

    *Jan69, Jan I am, Jamarama-ding-dong, Jan the Ding DongTreatment: BMX done; chemo/rads 2011done, Furball: thumper, bambi gopher, smokey the bear, Contact:

    ShaneOak, Shane(where are you?), Treatment:, Furball:, Contact:

    *Spookiesmom, Spookie,Treatment:, Furball:spookie, Contact:sassy

    *Joan811,Joan, Treatment:, Furball:, Contact:

    Dvrgrl, Alaska, Treatment:, Furball:,Contact:

    Stacey, SweetPea Treatment:chemo5/13, sx in 6/13; Furball:, Contact:sassy

    *Luvmygoats, Luv, TX., Treatment:, Contact

    Dwilli4483,Dwilli, Dwilliwillinilli,Treatment:, Furball:,Contact: Juliaanna

    Mostlymom,WV, Treatment:, Furbabies:Dog-jessie-Australian shepard, DD kermit mostly pug. Contact:

    Charles Petleyocassional poster

    Who'd i MISS???????? SASSY

    Jo1955,jojo,jomojom,treatment:tram done, fruball:, Contact:PrincessK
  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited October 2013

    Sorry for all the extra "stuff" in my previous post. Don't know how to delete without affecting the body of the list.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2013

    Julia , not sure why it was easier for me to copy---it was page 188.

    By next week we're going to have to do a roll call to see who's who and who've each has decided to be. I'll start off then as people add the old ,the, new, and the wanna be, I'll keep adding names to this list as I see them.

      "A child of many names is much loved"

    *ChickaD, ChickieD, chickadee, Miss chickie, chickie, chickiepoo, Dchickie,Chickadana, Our Baby Dana, Chicklet-- OHIO, Work travel agent.Treatment: BMX with DIEP sameday-surgical history; chemo to start approx may 17th2013-done, Almost done with rad Nov 2013, Furballs:Shepards-Tasha& Samantha, and Cooper. Contact:sassy

    *Mary, Marywhat, Marywho, Marywhen, Marywhere, Marywhy, Maryhowmuch, Maryhowoften, Marycontray, Ice-road Trucker,IRT Short for I-R-Trucker,  2children(?)Hoedown Girl(Nov9th2013 DS wedding), NORTH CAROLINA,Treatment:chemo, Furball:ZiggyDog; Contact:Sassy

    *Camilegal, Cami, Spunky, Spunkie, GS-Joey, ILLINOIS, Treatment:done,Furball:Kati-Kat, Contact:sassy

    *Chevyboy, Chevy, Olds, SweetPea, Chevette,Chevylicious,Chevorlette, GM Chevy, 2 daughters, COLORADO, Treatment:done? furbal:?, Contact:Phylliss

    *Pdgraham, Phyll, Phyllis, Phyllopian(phoenetically that's fa'-lop-pian, Chevy did you really mean to call her a tube attached to the uterus?), Phillissians(now Chevy's got you in the bible), Ph/pH now your a measurement symbol for acid/base balance. Choro-phyll ah environmentally correct producing___? Is it oxygen or sugar? Phyllo Dough. Phyllopteryx (the weedy seadragon) now she's a dinosaur er weed?. PhollicleDamage speaks for itself. Phyllandita, is this a drink or a plant species, PK,Phillidromia=plant?, Phyllipinat, Miss Pie Dough, Phylissnavidad, Phyllylopsided NE, Treatment:chemo, Furball:none, Contact:sassy/Chevy/Ducky/Jan/Chickie

    *duckyb1, Ducky, Promqueen MHC, Duckling, Duckmiester, Miss Ducky, Duckster, Duck,  PA, Treatment: AI, Contact:Grannydukes

    *SasSchatzi,Sas,sassy,cassyorlina,sassafrass, FL., Treatment: BMX, recon, chemo, brainsx, done, Furballs:dini-lab, schatzi-germanwired haired pointer(GWP), Contact:CkickaD,PPK,GMA,Lindan3,Fuzzy,Julianna,Stacey,Marywh,PdGraham,Wren44,blondie

    Red, Carla Terry Hunt, our Angel 5/4/2013

    April485, Stretch (am 4'11" - Ha!), Glinda the GoodWitch, Treatment Rads May 2013, Furball:, Contact:

    *Shellshine, Shell, Shells, Shinyshells, HA. Treatment:TE to foobs May2013, Furball:, Contact:Stacey, Marywh,sassy

    *Kathindc, Kathy, Kathy-in-dc, Treatment: None, Furball: taking care of daughter's cat (that I'm allergic to) and dog when she travels, Contact: ocassional poster, home thread elsewhere she's okay :)

    Cmbernardi, Flower, Flowermound, Flowers, Ms Flowers, Carolyn, TX, Treatment: chemo-done, broken foot5/13,  Back to work pops in when she can,  Furball:Broadway Rudy Guiliani dog, Contact:sassy

    *Chabba,Treatment: lumpectomy, radiation done, 4th fo 5yrs of Tamoxifen,problem toe now4/13, Furball:Yo aka Pal, Goof, Contact:Sassy

    *VEGGY, Plain Ole Veggy, Veg, Val, PA., Treatment:BMX,Chemo May 2013-NED 5/22/13, Furball:none, Contact:PPK

    *Blondiex46, Blondie, Sandy, Miss Purple, Blondiepurpledarling, akaBPD, PA., Treatment:chemo, Furball:, Contact: sassy, Scottie

    *Wren44, WA., Treatment:LX, re-excision, MX 2012. 1year anastrasole done/4 to go. Furball:none, Contact:sassy

    Mericat, mer, meri, MARYLAND, Treatment:, Furball:,Contact:sassy

    *Iatiger, IATig, Tigger, Tig , IOWA, Treatment Bmx, no chemo/rads, TE exchange 5/13., Furballs: 4 kitties, Jazz- 16, Jack-5, Sniggle & Fritzy both 3, Contact:

    Beatmom, Brenda, OK., Treatment:, Furball:, Contact:Philly  I think

    *GMAfoley, GMA, OR., Treatment:ProblemSleep apnea/Insomnia, Furball:My Tigger Dog, Contact:sassy, Bernardi

    *savgigi, jeannie, Treatment:LX/SLND/IORT/AI, Furball:Kitty-Maggie, Contact:

    *Julianna, Jule(s), Jewel, Treatment:BMX,AI, Furball:none, Contact:Sassy,Shells,Marywh,Stacey

    *Jan69, Jan I am, Jamarama-ding-dong, Jan the Ding DongTreatment: BMX done; chemo/rads 2011done, Furball: thumper, bambi gopher, smokey the bear, Contact:sassy

    ShaneOak, Shane, Thread originator now occassionally pops in when she's pissed. Treatment:, Furball:, Contact:

    *Spookiesmom, Spookie,FL.Treatment:Done, Furball:spookie, Contact:sassy

    Dvrgrl, Alaska, Treatment:, Furball:,Contact:

    Stacey, SweetPea Treatment:chemo5/13, sx in 6/13; Furball:, Contact:sassy

    *Luvmygoats, Luv, littltlegoats, TX., Treatment:, Contact

    Dwilli4483,Dwilli, Dwilliwillinilli,Treatment:, Furball:,Contact:, julianna

    Mostlymom,WV, 2 kidsTreatment:, Furbabies:Dog-jessie-Australian shepard, DD kermit mostly pug. Contact:sassy

    Charles Petley Az(?) ocassional poster prefers Charles, seriously doesn't like chuck or chuckie: contact sassy

    4sewwhat,4$$$,$$$$,4: 4 kids 3boys 1girl. Treatment :rads almost done. Work: cook extrodinaire. Furball:

    Alyson, Ally, Allie form Auckland. Protestor of lot's of things as a youngster. Treatment done now just a hoolie

    Gardengumby, GG, Gumby, Work Information technology-IT, Retires Nov 2 2013.YAYTreatment:, Contact:

    Teka, Teka, Teka. Kids:, Work:, Treatment:,  Contact:

    DI#, Di KIds:, Work:retired, treatment:, Furballs:, Contact:Chevy, sassy


    Who'd i MISS???????? SASSY


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Thanks for checking in on GmaFoley. I noticed she hadn't been anywhere for a while and sent her a message this afternoon. Sorry she is still having a crappy time.

    I'm gonna be working on those costumes this week too. Unfortunately they get more complicated as the kids get older!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited October 2013


    Thanks for reposting the list. I'll be happy to help you with the updates.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


    I don't fall often (yet!), but last time I did I sure made up for it. Dislocated and shattered my ankle 1/28 this year. 5 inch plate and 12 screws up the outside and 2 screws holding together ankle on inside of my leg. I did get very lucky in that I knew a great doc to go to and also that the tendons and ligaments held tight so I only had bone damage. Only, lol!


    I try not to brag, but I am going to now! My DH does love the sense of humor and I have been telling my kids since they were born that in life if you don't have a sense of humor, you ain't got chit! Ok, now the bragging...My kids think I am crazy but they don't ignore me. I know that can change on a dime, but considering the older 2 are boys ages 14 & 16 (in 10 days, yikes!) we have really great relationships. They talk to me about everything, and I mean everything! Oldest is ranked #1 in his class and second isn't ranked, but he is very, very smart. Not a lot of common sense to come out of the rain sometimes, but hey, I think Einstein's mom had similar problems. Lol They even let me around their friends and don't go the other way when I am at school volunteering. The oldest will even walk up and give me a hug in the hallway, with his friends watching! The friends give hugs and high 5's too. Apparently I am the cool mom :-) And yes, I do know how blessed this makes me and I cherish every minute of it.

    OK, nuff bragging!

    Hope all had fabulous weekends. Can't believe stinking Monday is just a few hours away. AGAIN :-(

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    A Jack o Lantern's view out the window Halloween night watching witches fly past the full harvest moon

    Out for an evening ride. Alyson, is that you that just passed by???

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2013

    hey 4

    How'd you get me and my DD practicing?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Practice laps for Halloween! Got my Firebolt out and dusted it off. Hope it's gonna be a clear night


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013
  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited October 2013

    I know Ducks - damn, damn, and triple damn. I'm so worried about her. A buddy gave me Blondiee's daughter's phone number so I left a message there, too.

    Thanks for checking in April, and Juliette for checking on GMAFoley.

    Quatre - that was me flying by.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited October 2013

    GO RED SOX !!!!!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I had PMd GmaFoley today too and got a reply. Things are status quo, so not great, but she is hanging tight. I let her know we were thinking about her and to check in when she felt up to it.

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited October 2013


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited October 2013

    Thanks, Chickadee. You have a Great Monday, too.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Friend posted this on FB for me. Though it was too funny not to pass on!

    Photo: Ladies, this is the month to get YOURS!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Also since it is Monday, wanted to make sure the coffee was ready when everyone got up.......

    You can add some Baileys and have it as a night cap Alyson!


  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited October 2013

    4....that is too funny....

    Nite nite.....have TWO doc appointments tomorrow....MO/Hemo and my PCP....get this non iron deficiency anemia

    figured out


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Good luck! I hope they get you an easy to solve answer soon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Good Morning all--It's Monday morning--got home in rhe afternoon from my DD's party and took me the rest of the day and now to get myself together.

    I know we should have heard from Blondie by now, mybe she's just not posting now.=I hope that'it. And Dwill nothing lately u just hope they are OK

    Sas I hope u'r feeling OK and 4 u are amazng makng costumes too.

    I had a fun weekend party but tired.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Okay, got the list! I had it somewhere.... Funny how quite a few have just moved on, and are not posting HERE anyway!

    OR they're just not posting ANYwhere, but we have NEW gals that take their place!

    4! Quatro! As Shells calls you! You are so funny! I love reading about your kids! I remember when my Grand-sons were that age, and I would take them golfing, to their Hockey games, etc..... And we were always having so much fun! It IS so special when they give you that unexpected hug! They live in Orlando, but when we DO see them, it's as though they are still "my boys!"

    At least I still have my one Daughter here to "play with!" image We talk about twice a day.... And my "sunshine" girl about once a week!

    THOSE PICTURES!!! I am leaning towards the "coffee-man!" Holy Smokers! I'll bet you have all these pictures pinned up in your bedroom, right? You say ALL OVER THE HOUSE????

    I have to copy them all, and spread them around appropriately... (wink-wink)

    I checked out what you said to check out, and I can't get any of those links to work, other than the one to the guys web-site... can you find a link other than face-book to vote for her picture?

    Ah geez Cam! I was wondering where YOU were too! Hope you had fun at your party!

    Morning Di, Shells and Juliaanna!

    Little Lilli! I know you have fallen a lot.... Now if that were ME, people would say, "so THAT'S what happened to you!...." Ha!

    Well actually, I didn't FALL on my head, I was more like THROWN! I was taking acrobat lessons, and during a mid-air fling, the teacher and another guy accidentally mis-placed me with their arms, and I fell on my head.... on the gym floor.... on the back of my head.

    THAT is the area where you get amnesia, and a brain-concussion... and can't think straight for about a DAY!

    Other times I have fallen were just my own fault..... Backwards off of a two-step stool, onto our Laminate, or in the street, on ice, walking our old dog Chevy..... (stitches in head).... or falling in my garden over fences, rocks, leaves.... etc.

    It's not my balance, it's just me not being careful..... Or THEM tossing me around!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2013

    GOOD MONDAYYYY MORNING HOOLIES!!!!!!!  booboos much better today, hands much better. Starting the week off right. If concensus  says to do the roll call . It can be revised. Those that aren't posting can be removed. A pm can be sent to see if they still want to be on the list. I can send the PM before any changes are made. Everyone (mostly) is already on my pm list. So, offer your opinion.

    Cami did you get my phone message? Chevy and I were worried? I left  a message on a recorder.

    I looked at Dwilli last post post date. Dwilli may still be grieving.

    Let's see what mischief we can get into today?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I am all for mischief, although I know that is hard for Chevy to believe ;0)>

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Sas, glad your starting the week off feeling good! Let's keep it that way, as it should be!

    Cami, glad you recovered from your partying! Now you can get back to letter writing ;0)

    Chevy, it was my dog that pulled me down the stairs when I broke my ankle! She doesn't live here anymore. Couldn't handle her on crutches and through surgeries, etc. she was too wild and strong for kids and DH not home enough, plus he has bad shoulder. His surgery, finally! Is next Monday.

    The pics are not all over the house. I do have to be careful what window is open when the kids go to the computer or borrow the iPad though! Ironically it was my 14 year old son that told me I neede to open a word doc to save all the pics I find so I don't have to go back looking for them. Then he helped me get it started and told me the "safest way to do it to avoid viruses and other bad cyber stuff!

    I will try to find a better link to vote for that little girl. Her pic and story just touched me.

    Lilli, Chickie, Veggy, Mary, and anybody else I am missing by name (sorry, it's early and I haven't had enough of THAT coffee ;0) hope you all are off to a great start to your week also. I am on my own for a few days. DH heading to the airport. Probably so he doesn't have to help with halloween costumes!

    I'm in with the roll call, let me know if I can help!

    Mischief awaits.............

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,883
    edited October 2013


    Good morning to all of you. I might ( but I'd never be dumb enough to hold my breath ) be able to keep up for a couple of hours since I'm her early.

    Also hoping the picture stays. A couple of issues we will see.

    Glad everyone here seems in good form. I'm working on balance and hoping to get much better. My friend told me about an easy exercise for balance. Just stand where you can grab a wall, or chair or something. Then lift up one foot and curl it around you leg ...... sort of low down. Stand that way for as long as you can. Then reverse for the other leg.

    It is just a way to give some strength to the muscles. We forget some of these things are just good ole' strength training.....something which is hard to focus on at times when you have a lot to do.

    Bee seeing y'all later.


    yep....I spelled it bee.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited October 2013

    Sass and Julianna! I really wonder if the rest of us that are here, or the ones that aren't would really have as much fun with our names, as we did at that time? WE all know who we are, and it was a lot of work for you to put that all together, but I don't think any of the other threads stay as close to each other, as those of us here are!

    I mean we PM our friends, or email them. But when they drop off the face of the earth, or no longer post HERE, that must mean they don't want to. I'm just one of those who don't post on a lot of threads.... I can't keep track of everyone..... I mean except YOU guys who are always here!

    4! I KNOW you are full of mischief! Ha, ha! Ya THINK???? You and Cammi.... and Phylli and Chickers, (when she's feeling good)..... and Shells and Sassy! And even Lilli.... my little Jackie! I have to take care of her.... she is like my little Sister.....

    And Di, I just hope they get you feeling better! When you talked about your anemia, you reminded me of what we saw at this Asian market one time! Not ONLY all the yucky FISH, but they even sold blood! Damnit, I mean BLOOD! Yep! I looked it up, and they, or SOMEone uses it for cooking! Man, I nearly lost it! I was so intrigued, and I had never seen anything LIKE that!

    Okay gals.... talk to you later! xoxoxoxo

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2013


    BTW--sorry for anyone with bad weather. In Florida we are into a beautiful time. Humidity is lower:) Windows and doors left open:). Light jackets:) long pants:) socks:) The very best of all fresh air:)