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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited January 2014

    BIG SMILES STILL.......thanks ladies for the support!♥

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2014

    Chickie!!!  I am SO happy for you.  I needed a bright spot to my day and this was it!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2014


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2014

    Chicky, yay for you!!! I start my new chemo tomorrow morning and start radiation Weds. Go to Duke for my consultation Tues. Next week is a busy week. Hope to get some good news.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2014

    We're rooting for you Mary. Hope you do get some good news - about time. Hugs.

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited January 2014

    Always in your pocket, Mary, waiting for good news.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2014



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Mary always with prayers in my heart for u--This sounds good.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    image Chicki-Chicki boom boom happy dance.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited January 2014

    Mary, I brought my sleeping bag and will just stay in your pocket all week. Hope you like sleepovers. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Love sleepovers..............I will bring the ham and eggs for morning breakfast.......hope you don't mind a fire in your pocket Mary..............

    Oh wait.........Firecracker will probably be there, that's fire enough to make breakfast........she better show up...........

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited January 2014

    I don't know, Mary - they're too rowdy for me to rock around the clock - can I just be a day tripper?

  • ChickaD
    ChickaD Member Posts: 971
    edited January 2014

    Miss Mary Mary.......I'm bringing thd S'mores

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Can we make room for my Keurig, and K-cups......we are gonna need coffee..........please......we can have Firecracker squeeze in the corner........., or maybe she can sit and hold the Keurig in her lap................oops where are we gonna plug it in...........shut up Fire..........

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2014

    Hope the new chemo is most gentle yet most productive Mary!!

    BTW. I am in bed sick as a dog.  Feel like the ass end of a yak. SO not in the pocket with the rest of the girls but sending big hugs from inside my bubble!,

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited January 2014

    4-hope you feel better soon.  

    We just went through a week of a GI bug going through the Assisted Living where I work.  Lots of staff, but not as many residents were sick.  I managed to avoid it.  A few cases of the influenza are showing up here, too.  

    Greetings, all you hooligans!

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited January 2014

    Mary, How are you doing today?

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited January 2014

    Just checking in to say Good Morning and prayers for you Mary. Hoping your chemo is not too hard on the body but VERY hard on the cancer cells,

    Chickie, thanks for that article. It gives me hope. And,congrats on SS finally coming through (we hope) cause that is one seriously hard road. I have clients who have been turned down numerous time before. Praying they say yes for you very soon.

    Ok ladies, off to do some laundry. I like to get it done early. Still have to take our tree down today (I know, I am really late, but I love it so much it is hard to let

    Happy Sunday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning Hoolies--

    444 What is wrong? Just sty in bed and be waited on.

    Mary u've got lots of prayers and people rooting for u, so u'd better have lots of pockets. Like I said before Mary this sounds good for u.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning Ladies............not a sunny day, but at least the rain is gone......

    Mary...hope your having a good day today, and only good things come your way.

    April...for 1 person,living alone, I have a hamper full of wash, but am afraid to try the washer, after having it back up into my breakfast room 2 times........'my son was over,and said "Mom I think it will be fine, but I am still concerned that there could still be a blockage somewhere in the line .......ok call me paranoid........when I ran the dishwasher (all are connected), I turned the TV off, listened, and kept checking where the washer is to make sure the water was not gushing out of the drain know I have to bite the bullet and use it, but I will never trust  the damn line again........but unless I want to go naked........I must do my next post is not while I'm standing in water..........the sewer cleaning people have been out 2 times.......last guy was better then the's

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    hi hoolies. Very early here bit have had upset tummy so having cup of tea and watching TV. 

    Ducky hope your are able to get things washed or you will just have to go out and buy new ones, hehehe.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014 that's thinking like a true "woman'

    The dishwasher is running right now, and so far so is warmer here today.

    Another son, not the one who rescues me all the time, said they had something similar happen when my DIL did the wash.....he though a because of the 20 below 0 weather, maybe the line to the street got an ice jam, especially if the pipe is not pitched, and laying flat......hmmmm....he said it would have froze overnight even though they pushed the clog through.....who knows, but whatever it was, hopefully it doesnt happen back is weary from bending over cleaning up water.....thank God the floor was all stone tiles......can't hurt those bad boys, unless you drop a 50lb weight on son was thinking of me when he said "use stone".....clumsy one, I if I slip and fall, I'm in

    Hope your belly is feeling better today........maybe a bug of some here......if there is anything still alive after that cold deserves to

    Have a great day girlfriend.......hugs.............hmmmm, maybe some new clothes

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited January 2014

    Hallellujah on the great news, Chickie!

    Mary, make room for me in your pocket, too. I'll bring the carrot cake and diet coke.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited January 2014

    Yep! Gotta cut those carbs somewhere!!

  • savgigi
    savgigi Member Posts: 245
    edited January 2014

    Spookie, it's all about balance Happy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Ducky it's awful t be alone and things go terribly wrong in u'r home. When I was first alone my Dad was still doing good and could fix anything and I'd call him at midnite if I needed him and he would come up to my condo--I told all of u I was spoiled and he maybe temp. fix it til the next day. And after that my SIL kind of took over for my dad and did things for them too. So I was lucky in that way. But it's still a PITA

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited January 2014

    I am out of town all week (and jumping to Mary's pocket) I am working from DD's & SIL home so I can have a week with the Grandsons after they get out of school.  Mommy and Daddy will be going to a concert next weekend and I get the boys.  My peaceful contemplation topic is on their own for the week as it is not happening here (see picture below) LOL - but my heart is warmed.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2014

    Gma, Have fun! That is one of the joys of working from home. Doesn't matter where home is. How old are they?

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited January 2014

    6 and almost 4 years

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2014

    Thank you for all my pocket parties. Today was rads mapping and I"ll start Weds. Tomorrow is Duke. Have to be there at 10 am, so have to leave here at 6 am. Nervous about that one. All in all Im still feeling pretty shitty. I wish this chemo would jump in and save the day. But its only been 2 days, just have to be patient.