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  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited January 2014

    I'm still here.  Haven't posted much other than to offer support and join in the pocket parties.  

    This is the first thread that made me feel like I belonged and had a home.  This is where I'll stay.

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited January 2014

    OK, Guess I'll try to post more.  Here goes my boring bit for the day:  I've been sewing doll clothes for little DGDs.  They and their triplet brother are turning 6 soon.  I gave them American Girl dolls for Christmas, but the outfits for them are $25 or more! Yikes.  I love to sew, but I get tired very quickly, so going is slow.  I make quilts so I have a huge supply of fabric to make just about anything.  I even made some cute T shirts using a t shirt someone gifted me.  Just cut that sucker up!  

    Weather?  Yes we in California do have weather!  It's been very warm and very dry almost for ever.  In the 70s or 80s and no rain in sight.  Farmers are nearly frantic.  We live in the Sierra Nevada mountains and there is absolutely no snow here to melt for irrigation.  Sorry East Coasters, even midwesterners.  You all have it rough, too.

    I was diagnosed 3 years ago this week and doing just fine, thank you.  Love this thread.  Jan

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Jan another talented one. how nice to be able to sew.

    I know about u'r weather cuz they are saying it's to dry there now.--Evening this crazy weather out is really  hard.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Jan.....great reading........see........I learned so much about you in a few do have talent, and that is something worth bragging about...........and Ca. weather.....heard it is bad out there....the Sierra Nevada mountains sounds beautiful.....just the name  makes it sound majestic...

    Jan we love having you here too......just keep posting......hugs..

    I was diagnosed on February 15th, 2011, so I too am coming up on 3 years......

    My grandson is considering a new position in Santa Barbara..he lives in Chicago now......another grandson is leaving home here, and moving to Missouri......another new position.....great advancement, but I miss them a lot...also have another in Chicago....

    So good hearing interesting things about you........this is a great thread.......and so happy your here....hugs

    Julianna....welcome glad you chose us to hang out with.......when Firecracker decides to make another appearance you will see this thread really light up.......she is a piece of work........

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618
    edited January 2014

    oh I hate making doll clothes! Used to make them for DD, even Barbie clothes.  Jan-more power to you. Now I do quilts and my clothes-pants, summer dresses, and used to make my bras. Now I won't have too!  Used to make costumes for the granddaughters, now teaching some of them to sew.

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited January 2014

    Ladies -  Thanks for the welcoming words.  I find it hard to write in a casual, personal manner.  I'm a retired High School English teacher.  I was always trying to get those kids to get serious with grammar, spelling, organization.  That makes it hard for me to let my hair down and just let it all out.  Ha!

    Ducky my brother lives in Santa Barbara and loves it.  I love it too.  It will be a huge change from Chicago.  Good luck to him.  Oh how I know about missing family.  Story for another day.

    Yes, doll clothes can be tedious.  I can sew for about 30 to 45 minutes, then have to get back to my recliner.  Same with quilt sewing.  I have enough fabric to make 100 quilts, at least, so my slow pace will make for lots of unused fabric when my back finally gives out.  Secret:  I still am buying more fabric.

    Smarty I make costumes too.  I find it fun except if they want something that needs to slippery satin-like fabric.  What type of quilts do you make?  I took a 80x100 quilt top to professional quilter today.  So glad to get it out of the house.  I had worked on it off and on for almost a year.  I need to make smaller quilts so that I can quilt them myself.

    Guess writing is so hard after all.  Jan

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited January 2014

    This is really my only thread, too, and my TRUE HOME. I post every once in awhile in other threads, and I am so committed to this one - never worry that I've left here for another pasture - this is my Green Pasture.

    I really needed a day off. Slept 10 hours and am still in my PJs and it's 3:00 pm. Had a huge green salad with feta cheese for lunch, on my 2nd cup of coffee, ready for a hot shower, watching a movie and doing laundry and other chores during the commercials. Ahhhh. what a life! Heading out to Jazzercise at 5:30 with my precious dog who sits outside the door and waits patiently for me during class - she is our class mascot - everyone loves her. 

    DH is at the VA's outpatient treatment program right now. He knows I am getting tired and feels badly, is working hard to get clean. It's hard to leave him when he is working the program, but if this continues I may have to, the relapses are draining me, between my own self-care, keeping the house and yard in shape and working this killer job, it's tiring.

    Hey, no one else seems to get how important this week is to me, but I know you will:                                         This week is the one year anniversary of when  I was diagnosed with DCIS (1/16/13) and had mastectomies 8 days later (1/25/13). One year ago - amazing. I had it so much easier than most of youse so not complaining, am very lucky, but I know you will understand how it feels to look back one year ago and feel for the person I was then, the decisions I made and the courage it took.

    This Saturday is my one year NED anniversary. I had it so much easier than everyone else. The best thing that came out of all of this is being a part of my Hoollie Community.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2014

    I did Barbie clothes for DD also. Man, they were difficult!

    I'm trying to get back into sewing my own clothes. I've lost weight and am not sure of size anymore. My dream is to find someone else who can sew and have them fit a T shirt, jacket and pants to me. Then I could use that for a pattern for everything else. Between false starts and quilting, I have plenty of fabric to work with. According to the pattern measurements, I should make an 18. That seems unlikely because I'm a 10-12 in ready to wear.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited January 2014


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited January 2014

    Shell I get it!!!

    I bought material last year to make my granddaughters and daughter lounge pants the material sits downstairs in the place where I put it with the pattern....

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    I have to join this conversation. I have far too much fabric, no that's not true one can never have enough.


     Jan I do patchwork ( I go over to that thread on occasions) and it was funny because I was looking for doll's patterns when I saw your post. My DGD has  Les Cheries dolls and I want to make some clothes before I visit in June. They are a 13in French doll but like the American girl. At present I am working on a quilt for my nephew for his wedding which is in Prague in May.

    Wren, sizing is so difficult and varies so much.

    Shells big hugs. Only you know what is right.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618
    edited January 2014

    what's the other thread called?

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited January 2014

    Shell - I get it!  Boy do I get it.  I celebrated my 1 year out from dx with a week at the Grand Hyatt in Kauai.  Bliss for sure, but I'd trade it all to never have had that f'n dx.

    Wren - Barbie clothes for DDs.  Yeah, did that too.  They're in the attic, I think.

    Mostly Mom - Yeah, that's me.  About a year and a half ago I decided I needed to make comfort quilts for older boys at a sick kids camp.  Everybody makes girl quilts.  Since I have so much fabric, I was sure I could make many, and I did.  About 50 so far and another 20 or 30 cut out.  The problem?  I had only a few pieces of boy fabric, so I bought and bought miles of various boy fabric.  Now I have more fabric than when I started this insanity.  You all are invited to come over and help cut, sew, baste, quilt anytime you can.  Please.

    Blondie -  I have 2 bags of dress fabric and patterns that my GD says she wants to have me help her make.  Two summers ago.

    Alyson - Yes, not enough room, but I think I have so much it has become a burden.  Next mail order shipment is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow.  Out of control.  Patient husband has no clue.  A 13 inch doll should be a lot easier than Barbies, but still old fingers sometimes don't like to cooperate.  Bifocals don't help either.  Good luck.

    Back to sewing, Jan

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Stitching the pieces together

    It a bit quiet over there just now but has bursts of activity.

    Jan I have a friend whose fabric has got out of control as have other things - she is a real hoarder = oh dear what a mess.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Shell we get it--but I can't believe it is a year--it seems like u've been thru soooooo much in one year. U are an amazing woman. for sure. I believe u can do anything u want with success.

    Sewing well I have nothing going on there, my mom never sewed, I kind of learned but was bad, my DD2 too. But my sister learned how to crochet and knit our Grandmother taught her, she never taught me, cuz she really didn't like me--yes she said it in Italian, like I couldn't understand cuz she didn't like my mom and I looked like her and my sister was named after her. So my sister learned a lot from our Grandma. Well at least she didn't give me the evil eye.

  • Smaarty
    Smaarty Member Posts: 2,618
    edited January 2014

    no, no, no, we are fabric collectors! Not hoarders.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited January 2014

    Actually, when I look at current prices I'm pretty happy I have a stash. Making something that doesn't fit is much less discouraging when the fabric is old and you don't care that much about it.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited January 2014


    I was happy to read your post, 3 years out, feeling good.  We have the same, or close dx. Lobular..6 nasty nodes..

    Also nice to get to know something about you...

    Mary, hope you are feeling ok..

  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited January 2014

    Sounds like we are all part of the  "she who dies with the most fabric, wins" club.  I am in serious competition with my DM.  

    Jan, I have the patterns for the American Girl doll, Samantha.  DD2 was supposed to help me make them for her doll.  She bought the fabric.  It all sits in a acid-free box, all cut out-ready to sew.  I started on the nightgown.  I seem to recall saying to myself, "now I know why the ready-made cost so much."

    Jan, just say when and where-we can have an old-fashioned quilting bee.

    Two quilts basted, ready to quilt-in the closet for many years........still buying more understand.

    And I knit and do counted cross stitch, too.

    I never made Barbie clothes but my grandmother did.  I still have the box of them she made me for Christmas, using scraps from clothing my mom made me.  

    Shells, it was 2 years ago next week I had my mammo, ultrasound and biopsy.  Got the news on February 7th.  Not looking forward to the anniversary.

    On the up side, I'm going to Denver on Thursday to visit my mom, sister and in-laws. DD#1 and GD are going with me.  It's been awhile since I've flown with a 21 month old.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Julia u sew too" OMG so many of u do, what a great thing to know when u feel like it u can just start it up and do it as u wish. And Julia sounds like a great trip---Have fun, I'm sure u will

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2014

    Haven't done any hand work for a few years but I used to do a lot.  My Dad taught me to knit, he learned just by watching his DM and DS. One picked, the other threw so he insisted I learn both. Came in handy when I did a Norwegian pattern in 6 colors, throw the major color in any section and carry the rest of the colors on the pick finger.  I found a book teaching how to do 100's if not 1,000's of stitches.  Used it to design my own afghans. Also crocheted, tatted, embroidered, hooked rugs and did crewel work and needlepoint.  

    Now my fingers are so numb I'm not sure I could do any of them.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Chabba u too, Oh I'm sorry u can't do that now, but maybe u'll be able to again--sounds like u enjoyed it too.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited January 2014

    Sure did.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited January 2014

    Speaking of sewing - here is the last quilt I made for my GD.  I have 2 weeks to make my little GS's Big Boy Bed quilt LOL.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484
    edited January 2014

    Morning - up early for Texas time and me. Off for mammo. at 7 or so. See you later. Anyone for a pocket party? This is my 2 year followup.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014

    Ooooh!  Good luck littlegoats!  I'm with you..... !

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited January 2014

    I'm late for my mammo, but my breast pain is so bad, just couldn't do it - But I will be in your pocket LMG!!! 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2014

    Add me to the sewing and crafting list. Candle wicking and hair pin lace too!

    In fact I just ordered fabric to make and embroider 100 aprons for the after school art club!  Crazy I know!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2014

    In the pocket Lil Goats!