STFU (Shut the F*** UP)
They never ate the cannas, even the year the drought was the worst. I think they died because we never water. I was too busy working and I'm the one that kept up with it. The year it was the worst I had an armadillo just outside the fence in the daytime digging and he would not be deterred from his mission.
Yay - Mr. Bucky's visit is tomorrow afternoon. DH talked to her. I was out sprinkling bird food - just a couple minutes without gloves and could not feel my hands.
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4sewhat-how's the new implants doing? Did you have drains again? Out now?
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Miss GMa......OMG I love your Gizmo cute!
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Saw a sign I thought we might be able to use:
If you can't be positive
Can you at least be silent?
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Good one Wren, I'll have to remember to use that.
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Wren, I like that.
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Gma, those photos are adorable, you must live out in the country with acreage?
Wren, it's a good one....
4sewwhat...birthday ? When? I hope you get a little down time, which with your high activity life, and your folks coming....Yikes girl, Happy Birthday
Happy Wave to all
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HI, Today feeling a bit of smaltsy, it's my 5th year Cancerversary. My home thread is Insomnia thread, but I thought who do I want to share this with besides my dear friends there. I thought of my friends here. I know you will share in my JOY of this day, b/c we each have the thoughts in common re:BC. Bless you all in your journey.
3 minutes ago, edited 2 minutes ago by sas-schatzi
Hmm opened a bottle of wine, thought about these few hours in 2009. 11:55 am--I had a phone call from a nurse that said "DR. L wants you to know you have a brain tumor"----no answers to what, where, what kind,etc. Said to her "Well, going out the door for a 1pm bx, we know is going to be positive" "I quess when the shit hits the fan".
Talked over films with radiologist, I pointed some stuff out on the films and said "This tells me it's very aggressive". He looked at me, with the look of --should I be honest with her or not. He said "Yes"
Figured a good little nurse would tell her boss that she had a brain tumor. DH and I already figured out a plan for him to drive me on my homecare nursing calls. Told boss of tumor and plan. Her words "We need to know you're safe with patients, I have to relieve you from work". I never worked again.
In the space of four hours, I had a triple hit. A brain tumor, breast cancer, and lost my career of 40 years.
But my Lovey's, It's five years today. We never know why anything happens the way it does. I wrote the following in 2011 it appears. Probably on a glass of wine then too
Nov 4, 2011 03:47am, edited Aug 14, 2013 06:58pm by sas-schatzi
This thread is about being prepared------------and will continue to be so, but add to your list about ending it.
There will come a time that you will no longer need BCO. It is different for each person. Some need to stay here b/c no one in their life gets what they have experienced.
Others need to stay b/c they have developed friendships, that are beyond dissolution, by leaving.
Others want to stay b/c they love helping others.
Why we stay or why we leave, is to each our own, we love when we are here and remember when we our gone.
But always , remember you are valued, and your return is received joyously, because you LIVE.
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I am being silent!
on another note:
Isn't our weather lovely warm I shed my coat today....and I am always cold!
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GMA....that fawn is so cute, but is going to be one UGLY deer
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SAS-OMG. How does one get through something like that? You are definitely the warrior! And I'm glad you're here to help the rest of us. I suppose there was nothing you could do about the job? So you've been retired 5 years, that's not bad. I hope after all the treatments that you were able to start enjoying your retirement.
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Sas What a whallop in a matter of hours. U're one of those stories that people can really care and think about, u might have retired, but not here, we have u hustling all over the place and u have such an up beat and caring attitude.
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Congratulations Sass! And thanks for all your help!
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This seems to fit nicely.
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Sas...congrats on FIVE years!
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Di that is so clever.
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Thanks Cami and was our business woman, Cami, busy with all those furnace calls today?
It was 53 and sunshine today, low tonight 37.....did a little shopping at the mall, a new pair of pants, returned some pants, even amount of exchange, had Thai lunch with hubby, then went shopping for our dogs, eye drops $21at Rite Aid for our old dog almost 11, that is blind, and then went out to NE Tacoma to get dog food for our SIX PACK of dogs...two bags and $104.00 was the damn dogs!
WOW what an eventful day....I am usually the stay at home frau except for doctor appointment.
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Its so freaking cold here!!!!! Down to 10 this morning, 10 tomorrow morning too, which makes getting up and going to rads at 8 in the morning a bit of a bummer. Hope all are doing well,Im having a Much better week. Still just mainly lurking, but I want you all to know how nice it feels to have so many pms and messages from everybody. Love you all....
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Smaarty, love the 'toon!
A six pack of pups? Share details! These crazy cat ladies, well, let's hear some WOOFS. They'd "say" they like dogs, I can't blab about Spookie and Kris all the time.
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Wait a min-u ette LOL I know I always talk about my Katie-Kat cuz she's sleeps with me, goes in the bathroom with me follows me all over BUT also have a Dog names Sox he's a border colli/.Lab and he listens like a dream, he comes to me to visit and my cat gives him a look and he's out of my room--Our Dog is a good size, but Katie-Kat is the boss of this whole house, good thing she likes me LOL He really listens to us to, not Katie--she listens when she feels like it.
Actually only 3 calls today, but next week it's going to be colder and colder, this January is a tough one, more snow tomorrow and then super cold below zero, ick
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Thanks gals for sharing the time today, it was a surrealistic day then, but it's great to be here now. We all know one friggin phone call or moment can change or lives----------so enjoy each moment. g'night
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We just have cats I am afraid. DH is off a farm and he thinks dogs should be outside etc and that its not fair to have them in towns.I would love to have a Sky terrior, my grandmother had one which was actually a cross with a fox terrior and he was lovely.
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Oh Chevy I found one more picture of Gizmo with his Mommy!
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Grammie, I posted another picture of a black fawn on your other thread! I had it in one of my Picassa online albums! "Your" deer are more "long hair" and fluffier than usual, right?
LittleGoats, can you post pictures of your "kids?"....... See, that's supposed to be funny.... "kids"???? Well it IS funny.... if you think about it. But I KNOW how cute they are. I promise I won't show any more chickens though!
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When it snows and gets cold here, they get a winter coat.. During the summer, they lose it.
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Okay, now I remember that! I'm stil trying to figure out why the Bucks shed their antlers every year! And grow even larger ones each time! BUT, I just read that only the males do this.... not the females also, as in other species.
I'm just a wealth of mis-information here! Ha!
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Happy Friday Hoolies! Hope everyone is headed for a great feeling good weekend! Hope those of us that are freezing our asses off are staying warm and comfy!
Smaarty, you asked about the new boobs! So far so good! Swap surgery was 12/30. Started at 11:30 and I was home before the kids got one from school at 3:30. Everything has healed really well. Docs are very pleased that radiated side is keeping up with the uncooked side.
I did have mini drains, but not sure all PS do that with a swap. My doctor had one patient 18 years ago that had a problem without drains and he never wants that to happen again, so everyone gets the mini drains for a week. He is super cautious and meticulous! I have never had any swelling to speak of and no bruising at all with any of his surgeries.
I am having some LE issues with my arm and esp my hand plus there is some tightness and the right boob is a little higher than the left. Sure it is a rad thing but not too noticeable to anyone but me, but I am looking for it! I did think they would feel different. Mthey are no where near as tight as the TEs, but I am still very aware of them so far, if that makes sense.
Stay warm Hoolies!! Those of you in the more tropical areas, have a good weekend too!!
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Good Morning all Hoolies,
4sewwhat, happy to hear you are healing like a super woman..
Di, that is a small fortune for pet food, your pets are lucky to be fed & loved..
Mary, stay warm girl, hope your treatments are not too miserable...
I am 22 radiation treatments done, 11 left....toasty, roasty, & rashy
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we are still on the San Diego area. Today we will begin driving up the coast. The weather has been lovely.
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444444 I'm glad things are going well for u and u'r new foobs, that's a good thing about u'r PS.
Hole u'r almost done with Rads--see how fast that goes.
GG I'm glad u'r weather is lovely when we are going thru one of the worst Januarys ever. in the history of the entire world including the North Pole-and if u know one Pole u know them all.
I've been a little busy--people are having a hard time with their electricity now, maybe wind- or breaker, breaker which BTW I fixed our own Breaker yesterday by myself. Sometimes I'm useful, very few times.