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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Are we having a dance party??

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Love Dance parties..........

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2014

    COVER of Rollingstone Magazine....THE POPE....with a smile.....I am not Catholic, but I love the Pope!

    Pope Francis on the cover of Rolling Stone.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    He is a the man........I am Catholic, but that has nothing to do with it........he is just a super human being...........just what the church needs...............

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2014

    I just love him. I think he is so cool.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited January 2014

    Ducky, Mary, Di, 

    Loved all your posts, dancing, family vacations....& the Pope on the cover of The Rolling Stone....Pope Frank...we love him also. My DH is Catholic, but that is not why, he is the real deal..

    25 radiation treatments down, 7 to go...

    Stay warm.....hugs... 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Holeinone............Good for you, only 7 more...........your almost done......I had 38, without glad you enjoy our bantering......we do have fun, as we go back and look over all our good times when we were younger........

    Even the things we enjoy now get shared.....these women are super, and so much fun......we are reviving this thread, and I am so glad........this is once again a happy place.....welcome to the nut I always would'll come back now......ya

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Loads of fun and laughter here, especially with the goats,

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Aly.....what goats??????

    April just saw your post..............OMG ..The Twist.....loved it....Chubby Checker was from Philly.....he was a Chicken Plucker at the Italian market..............I met him when I was dancing on Bandstand...........he was very new then, and just starting out........great guy.......and could he move, and was handsome.

    We also did the Stroll....Mashed Potato....Swim.......Bristol still my heart.........

    Also met Bobby Rydell.....Frankie Avalon, ......and Fabian........such fun........

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Ducky go back a page. Goats and broom sticks!!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Will have to understand Mother Clucker........I am sometimes 3 sheets to the wind....

    My grandaughter and I were IPadding last night, and she was talking about this new "bulldog" they are getting ....I saw her, DD showed me her picture, very cute............I said to GD, when do you plan on getting her since you said not till Spring, once they see Mom's allergies are under control...............GD says......."Saturday:......I said "what"............she said "Mom said she already told you that this afternoon on the IPad "Nan"......................

    Said "no she did not"..........with pure impatience...."go back Nan, and look" I did.............sure enough there it was............"Mom, we are picking the puppy up on Saturday"................So Mother Clucker.....I think you get my drift....LOL.........your chick was not reading every line.....will go back.....


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Ok, found the hell did I miss that or not remember it.....I do need help...

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860
    edited January 2014

    hey ladies. Almost home (probably about 2 hours).  Sure miss the sun and warmth!  But already looking forward to our next trip.  Going to Hawaii in April.  :)

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited January 2014

    Loved all of those dances Ducky Smile

    Love that Pope too! I am not Catholic either, but this Pope is "REAL PEOPLE" which is endearing him to people all over the world. Yup, a great one for sure.

    Ok, back to work. I lurk though Winking

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014


    For Ducky.

    Morning all.

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2014


    That puppy is soooo cute!

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited January 2014

    Now that's one cute puppy!  What a face.  Yumm

    I had my iris lasered on Monday.  PAIN.  Now both eyes are done with the laser stuff, just get shots every 4 weeks .

    Took gifts to Gkids for their 6th birthday.  The girls got the doll clothes I made, but one problem:  one dgd said her doll's legs were cold and I need to make some PJ bottoms!  My dd wants a new apron, the last one I made isn't flattering.  I took her clothes shopping since she won't do it on her own......she hates shopping.  I spent a wad or two, but she hasn't bought anything new for herself for a long time, maybe years.  She grabs underwear or such when she flies thru Target, but that is it.  But now I know what she likes and her size, so I can order things on line for her.  OK, I'll STFU    Jan

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Jan, what a thoughtful loving Grandmother you are, and such a great Mom........

    Jan, why the Iris lasered.....I had that done for glaucoma, but mine did not hurt......sure yours must have been something different.......What????..I have macular degeneration (mild).ugh, and have had cataract surgery too......they found the MD once the cataracts were removed.....they cannot find them if your cataracts are there.....great huh.....

    Guess what Aly........I saw a picture of the dog today........that is exactly what she looks like......cutest damn thing..........just hope she stays that way...........some of them can get pretty ugly......LOL, but right now she is sweet.....they will pick her up on Saturday.......can't wait to see her..........going to go get her a Rhinestone collar and a rhinestone excited.......

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Member Posts: 731
    edited January 2014

    Ducky A rhinestone collar?  Can you see it for all the wrinkles?  Talk about doting grandparents, even if it's a dog!  My eye doc says not everyone feels pain with that laser stuff.  But man o man I do.  She does a 2 process thing, first with argon to soften up the iris, then the laser other thing.  No idea how anyone could think up such torture.  My macular degen is controlled with the shot of Lucentis every 4 weeks.  My other eye  went bad before Lucentis was available.

    Wishing all who are impacted by the latest snow and ice a safe trip home if you are out.  If you are home, stay there.  Easy for me to say, it's 62 degrees at 1:30.  We are finally expecting a little rain tomorrow.  Maybe 1/4 inch.  Yippee!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Jan that so cute about u'r DGD wanting PJ's hahaha--it is easier ordering than always making I would think. U'r DD sounds like me--I hate shopping and don't do it. My DDs do it for me or I do it online. I never liked it even when I was young.

    Ducky that's such a good idea for u'r grandfurbaby they'll love it.

    Aly that puppy is so cute.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Yea, Rhinestone......since she is a little lady named Italian Stellina.........if it was a boy I would have bought him one with spikes.......that is what my Boston Terrier had.........and he was beautiful.....wish I knew how to do pictures I would let you all see what he looked like........

    So a Rhinestone collar it is.......I would buy Pink, but I am afraid Firecracker would come on her broom, and beat me to death..........LOL.......we know how she feels about Pink......... MD is not bad yet, but I just hope if it ever is there will be new findings to help it....can't imagine not being able to see........but it could be worse right.....being completely blind.....

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Ok Ladies........that is

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2014

    OMG....what a cutie....she is too sweet for a studded collar!

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2014

    I did buy my male Boston Terrier a  studded collar in Mexico once....but he was a stud...(so he thought) AKC CHAMPION, US champion and an International Champion too....but never a stud ....he died of brain tumor that caused him to the end, he could not stop seizing even to eat, pee or poop, so we had our vet help him was very difficult to put him to sleep as his constant movement was hard for her (my vet) to hit a vein,,,He was only 6 years old +25 days.....he is showing Chevy's Lacee the ropes at the Rainbow Bridge.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Yea Di it is gonna be

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    Di, I will try to upload a picture of my Boston.......had to put him down to......deaf, blind, and dementia........waited way to long, but I could not bring myself to do it............

  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited January 2014

    Teddy is 2nd from the left


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited January 2014

    OMG wish I had another one.......we had 4 in our daughter bought one for her father before he died....lived 2 months with him..very sad.

    I rescued 2, and another daughter had one the breed........The American Gentleman is what they call them.......

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited January 2014

    Love the pup pics. Today was my last rads. Even though I only had 10, Im so glad its over. Also found out I have a thrush infection in my mouth. Guess it came from the new chemo., which they took me off of for a few days anyway, due to low platelets. Will have my blood work done again Friday and he'll switch the chemo around so its not so strong.