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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh Wow Rae!  It sounds like you have the same type of MIL I did....  She was just heartless and in-sensitive.  You will learn to not let the things she says,  bother you....    They THINK that since we married their dear Son, that they have the right to Lord it over us, and treat us with no respect.

    I tried soooooo hard to please that women, but I never felt like she, nor the rest of her family even liked me.   And then when the "old man" passed away, it was ME and my SIL that took care of her!  Moved her over and over, when she just could NOT settle on an apartment, or a nursing home, that she liked.  Man, she drove EVERYone nuts!   We cooked for her, always drove her where ever she wanted to go, and tolerated her, just because she was my husbands Mother.

    I wouldn't be that naive again....  Don't let her bother you...  I wish I knew THEN what I know now, Ha, ha!    She would have found out, that it is NOT acceptable to treat people like that.   So now, you do it too....Wink  You hang in there girl!

    Don't cry April.....  it makes us feel bad....  Okay cry, but don't tell us....Cry   You are still on this journey that you didn't want to go on...YOU hang in there too.... 

    Love you guys.....

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    well well well....loook at this shit now...need to kick some ass now...where is ducky?

    Chevy-i dont know if you remember a while ago there were some crzy people reading this site and people getting nuts.There were a few sistas who changed their name.Son of a bitch that really pisses me off.Thery were googling the names to see what came i tried it...

    do you have any idea how many grannydukes there are????? i kinda felt safe.....

    some people have no life at all.....

    do a good job GmaF....counting on you...gonna miss those lovely pictures you post all the time.....oh i just wanna get my hands around her neck and squeeze just a wee bit too tight.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    Just maybe i need to tell my brooklyn Italian friends about this!!!!!

    If your reading this now keep lookin behind you bitch.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Granny, I knew you would come through on this one.....Chevy, you and Ducky....she's done toast.....💪 and you're right.....some people just need to get a life. are you feeling?

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    everyday is a different day betta and the next bad.this is gonna take a long time and im not doin well with that either.....the pt came to check out my shoes......dear lord i gotta bet rid of almost all my summer heels.And hi heel boots are out of the question...that hurts more then the pain.I love my shoes and i was able to dance all nite with basically i need a new body and new shoes to match.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013 made me think of my mother....she wore high heels all the time and her daughter (me) wore Birkenstocks, still do 😜...then she got rheumatoid arthritis in her hands and feet and couldn't wear her beautiful shoes anymore. She hated going out after that, all dolled up except for her new "sensible shoes". Like you, that was worse than the pain in her feet. How about a nice pair of Birkis.....they've come along way....😝

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited April 2013

    welll Granny was here, love that see GMA now where is Ducky!!! the person doesn't stand a chance...

    Ok oldest daughter got a pap test a 3 weeks ago she is 35 and it came up they she got a biopsy 2 weeks ago, results are in now they want to hold the results til thursday til she comes in the office, "to discuss her options" WTF why would they tell her that, she is beside herself, told her to call them and have the dr. call her immediately and tell them you are not waiting to thursday.....these friggin drs.....I would rather know something then wait 3 days (or 2) have all kinds of stuff floating around in my head....

    i mean really!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Princess, did you SEE that?  I mean you have all different web-sites for Granny porn!  Damn girl!   You really ARE busy...!

    Oh, ya GOTTA keep them shoes....  Those CFM shoes.   It has been so many years since I have worn heels....  the bone spur, and then the LOVely Plantars Fasciitis just made me make a choice.  It is either for cuteness or for comfort!  

    I still look at those darling little heels though...  I LOVE the way they look, and how do they DANCE in them?  I can't even skip, much less hop around!  I am turning into a dud...

    I wear either cute tennis shoes, or those Sketcher ones that you can roll right over on your nose, or crocs.  Don't laugh kids.... Crocs got me over that Plantar's Fasciitis, along with custom inserts and cortisone shots.  I MIGHT even be considered an old lady.... Ha, ha!   Besides, they really have some cute crocs now....  I don't care.... they just feel good...... like a warm shower.... even a chocolate coke, or a rainy day.... or a good roll in the.... oh wait...  I must be careful....Wink

    Scottiee.... I don't know about Birks....  My toe nails are NOT lovely.  I mean I accidently froze my feet one time when we were little... Me and my Brother....  Folks left us out sledding down Inspiration point at 10 below zero one day, and SOMEone forgot to pick us up.   I was crying in the parking lot.... wanted to get warm in these "kids" car, but I was afraid....  So my toes froze, and lost my toe nails, and a few never grew back right.    BUT up until about 5 years ago, when I wanted to wear open-toed shoes, I would glue on false nails.  There is no END to what I would do to look good.... Ha, ha!   But along with my hammer-toe, I won't wear those "trampy" open toed shoes....  I'm just jealous of all you with normal "stuff."

    Well kids.... fun talking to you.... See you in the morning....  xoxoxoxo

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Blondie.....WTH....why should she have to wait three days!!!!!!! Tell your daughter to phone and get info right away. Sending good vibes. ❤

    Chevy.....just love crack me up all the time.....they forgot about you!!!!!!!

    what kind of parents did you

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    Oh Blonde---im so sorry for you and your DD....thes white coats.grrrrrrr.i so hate them.My first surgeon did that to me....and then screwed me up so if you cannot get him to do things your way find a dr.that will.And a second opinion is always best....lets just hope it nuthin....ill  be prayin on it.

    Chevy.....those CFM shoes i didnt show her yet!!!!!im savin them for last cause they have a strap for some kinda support.what she makes me do is walk the halls with the shoes she is not quite sure of....

    the only positive is i will go she shopping and will not wear anything that is flat.wedges with some kinda back.I salvaged 2 of my purple and one orange...and a few pair of boots.grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    YIKES Rae II! If you want to give us some details about her physical appearence I bet we could collectively come up with some good ones if she makes a disrespectful comment again. Hopefully she realizes her faux pas and behaves.

    OK everyone - a BIG DEAL is coming up for me. Not sure if I told you, probly did, that I was laid off last summer after many many years of being a Nurse Manager (they  laid off over 30 of us who were at the top of our pay grade). I decided to use my severance pay to go back to NP school for 2 semesters so that I can work as palliative care / hospice Nurse Practitioner.

    Got straight A's last semester in adult medicine and geriatric rotations.

    Got diagnosed with BC one week before pediatrics started in January.

    Flunked my midterm, then flunked a quiz, then took a nosedive deep into depression.

    Picked myself up, got my S together, and got an A last week.

    I am now about to take the cardiology / hematology quiz on-line , just studied  ALL WEEK, and am trying to catch my center by writing this post, so here goes, I'm about to take it.


  • LibraryLynn
    LibraryLynn Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2013

    Sending A vibes your way, Shell!

    And Rae, maybe carry a wig with you next time you're going to see her, and just hand it to her when she says something stupid about hair.

    Made it through my first day back to school after break, and no teenagers were harmed! I didn't even have to say STFU to anyone today! 

    And the joy was unrestrained!


  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    The test timer malfunctioned and shut off 5 minutes before it was supposed to - so I got one wrong that wasn't answered (90%). Sent a note to the faculty - with my typed notes atached showing I knew the answer! We'll see what they say, anyway B is better than the F word!!!! 

  • LibraryLynn
    LibraryLynn Member Posts: 33
    edited April 2013

    That's great that you felt so positive though! We're all pulling for you, Shell!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Blondie u have u'r DD call tomorrow first thing. How could they do that to her. And It could be something very common for a procedure or they want to check it better. So let's not worry yet--U know what I mean.(((PRAYERS)))

    Rae U'r MIL sounds like a feeb to say such a thing to u. It's so stupid I was laughing sorry.Doesn't she know anything??? Wow

    Granny well u sound a bit better today, but it is day to day we know, and Chevy is always ready with her tongue goin. So all is gettin back to normal. OH I used to love different shoes one of my favorite things to wear, now blah sensible bad feet, bad bones etc.And I have huge feet, so that doesn't help and uuuuggggllly toes and nails now--Ilost them in chemo and they came back sideways, what a stupid SE, so no open shoes for me. hahaa

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Shell, I would be so upset if that happened. Hopefully they give you the A you deserve!

    Blondie, keeping fingers crossed that all is well with your DD. Dysplasia is very common and so is a call back after a pap smear. Usually they do a colposcopy which is a tiny snip in the office  and biopsy it if it is suspicious. Hoping that all turns out to be nothing. An infection can do that as well.

    Hugs to all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Shell I could I not have said anything to u. I'm so sorry. U r doing such a great thing for u'rself AND others. It's wonderful and u really have a great attitude---U'r doing great.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    camillegal, I always thought of your name as Cami legal. Guess it depends on your background how you divide it. I thought perhaps you were a lawyer or paralegal.

    Good luck Shell. You deserve the A.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    April , Duh, yes reread it(post). Several others pointed out that I took it wrong. I thought you were serious.  What can I say I had twelve years of nuns when nuns were fearsome. My standard line when I didn't get a joke ,as in present discussion, was I had no sense of humor, 12 years of nuns and three years of Jesuits. I'm going to C&P this to STFU :) sheila    See you there!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Shell go for it girl, still can't believe the school is so insensitive. Thats one thing about nursing--disregard for caring for it's own. They teach it, but don't live it. Any policies covering you under disabled? BTW I'm a retired nurse too.The stories we could tell could go on ad nauseum. Really bitchy stuff. Like a nurse that lost 18years of continuous employement when she had a baby at 40 and she chose to take off more than six weeks. Or re: me being relieved when I told them I had a brain tumor--no symptoms---had to prove I was safe. Made the mistake of taking the test after four anesthesias and chemo. OH well, now enjoying retirement.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    I hear you, Sas. Professor won't budge on the test results. I have a letter from the college's Disability office saying  I meet criteria to get 15 minutes extra time to take the tests (under ADA law). The Professor said she accidentally set the timer wrong for my on-line test, but that I still have to stick with the 90%. Also said they didn't get the letter yet. I sent a 2nd copy of the disability letter to her today, but frankly I don't want to fight over it. Too exhausting. I study non-stop and have 3 more tests and a final exam. If I get all A's I'll pass with a B. Last semester I would have freaked out with a B grade, this semester I just want to get done with it so I can start my pediatric clinical in May after my Exchange surgery.....then find a job in July. My severance pay will run out mid-June, and I'm the main breadwinner (disabled husband), paying for son in college, but just can't lose sleep over it anymore. I sleep well at night now, because in my heart I know I am doing my best. 👍

    I can't tell you how much this forum means to me - it is keeping me sane and smiling, it's my guilty pleasure. OK - back to studying!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Sas, no problem sweetie. I knew it was just that you read it wrong. It is all good!

    Shell, I would be hopping mad that they would not change the grade when it is their error! Oh well, you know how much you studied and how you REALLY did! High five on rocking the A whether you get it or not!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Yes Blondie...  SHE  (my P.C.)  did the same to me, for about 1 minute....  but I could tell by the tone of her voice what she wanted to say...  So I just said, "You know, I'm afraid it is cancer, and I just want you to tell me now, so I don't have to wait and come in!"

    And she did...  Very apologetic, like it was her fault...   But I just thanked her for telling me, and then she said "Okay, I want you to see this surgeon, who is great," and blah, blah. 


    So she had this plan, and it really made me feel a little better...  Went outdoors & just fell into my husbands arms.  He knew.


    So from then on, we just got all our ducks in a row, and went at it like "Let's just take care of this."...


    I'm just hoping for good results for your Daughter...  (((hugs)))


    So Princess.... Purple and Orange shoes?  Do you KNOW what they say about girls that wear THOSE?  I mean shopping??? 

    How far can you shop?  In one store?  Like walking in to get a Star-bucks?  Those shoes are NOT made for shopping.  Wear Uggs.  Aren't those things pitiful looking?  I mean like wearing suede snow shoes!  They are only a tad "cuter" than crocs. 


    SHOPPING???  So does that store sell batteries too?


    Shell!  Bless you little one!  Where are we getting all these intelligent people lately?  Am I being watched?  Ha, ha!

    You should be so proud of yourself!  WE are, anyway!  Good luck and I KNOW you will pass with flying colors!


    Library, glad you kept your hands off the kids...  Yes, show some restraint.... then knock some sense into them... 


    Camille!  Your toe nails came in sideways?  Oh now I don't feel so bad, Ha!   Yes, the only other birth-defect I have is my face...  DH told me that once... 


    Morning April and Wren!  glad to see you~


    So Sassy, how are you doing?  I gotta call my girlfriend Janet... She also has a brain tumor, and it WAS causing her to fall sometimes, but she said it is not malignant... So I'll call to see if she wants to talk...


    Okay, I'm at the end of your posts... 


    My NECK is so damn sore this morning!  I can hardly move my little head!!!   It MUST be this crazy changeable weather!  Gotta take some Aleve, before my head falls sideways, and I can't get it up...


    You guys, I love talking to you.... thanks for always being there... xoxoxo


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Okay, these are cute sensible shoes for short sensible women like me...

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Chevy, you're too funny!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    once again i wanna kill her...i love those purple shoes but i wore them that hi when i met my husband.And gradually they got lower....but never lookin like those ugly shoes that you posted.

    I wear them in the house as not gonna even show her my CFM shoes.Im just gonna keep them,and look at them and they tell me a story.ha.

    Remember i do read everything but i remember nuthin.

    love,huggs,kisses and blessings to all of you.


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited April 2013

    does everybody get planterists fistitis, that is that what I call it...

    I did scottie, they don't listen, very well, I said call again...thanks granny...stilll nothing...

    yay Shell congrats on the A and good for you

    still love the purple hooker shoes and yea sensible and I have a couple of pair cause I hate wearing shoes and they just slip on, lol, sketchers and uggs not crocs.

    thanks about the thoughts and prayers for DD, keep telling her, she isn't listening maybe she doesn't want to know OR has to wait til thursday to get herself ready....she about a year ago came out of a relationship of over 8 years cause he was abusive and now he is getting married in september, she has a son with him, and he is having a hard time with his parents not being together.....she is alone, going to dating websites, cause she is lonely and self esteem isn't very high. no dr. didn't call....told here to call again..

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Blondie, so hard when a daughter's self esteem is low. Instead of a dating website she should find a forum for single women like ours for BC - likely  get more kick out of it, and and better  self-esteem and sense of well being.  Here's one I found trolling around:

    No wonder she has low self-esteem - the ex sounds like a jerk. Hopefully she can focus on her son and find some joy in life. I will keep her in my prayers, please let us know how she fares on Thursday

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh, they are NOT ugly!  "They got lower"?????  What did you do?  Dance the soles off?  Ha, ha!   Do you watch Dancing with the Stars?

    Would you like to dance with ..... WHO?  I mean Maxim is my choice, or that other dark haired guy.... or just ANY of those guys, Ha!   I could do it, couldn't I?   In my dreams I could do anything....   Wink

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Hi stfu-ers...Tongue Out

    Just catching up...I love how this goes from hilarious to bare bones truth and how the sisters here bend to the moment...
    Rae (from LI?) can't believe what people say...I only wish I could say what's really on my mind when I should...
    Shell, awesome that you are pulling in those high grades.  What happened to you during your test is completely unfair...but really only matters if grades are a criteria for working.  I hope not....but at least it's documented that you were shorted time.

    Granny, can't believe you let the PT look in your closet!! what were you thinking???

    Where IS she taking flying lessons ...?