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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Horrible........what next......will it ever end......God help all the people who are injured, and the families of the dead.........what is wrong with the freaks who are hell bent on massive destruction........there is no safe place......

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2013

    YES!! It is people's lives are forever changed by this VERY sad....Liz

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Gma , short note, you need to make an appointment with your PCP and review everything with them. Watch your water intake, Until review by your PCP. Lots of reasons, they need to be sorted out by your doc. PM me your drug list sassy

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Sas - PM is on its way.  Not sure I know what to say to my PCP, but I will message him.. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Sorry GMA, left you hanging. You have onset of new symptoms, this is a signal somethings up. Are the symptoms related or separate from new drug. Is there a possible drug interaction between new and old drugs.  You identify sudden wieght gain. Is this b/c of fluid retention as you identified. The origin of fluid retention can be from drugs, kidney function, heart function, combo of two or three. Is the weight just simply weight gain.  Weight gain is a problem with OSA. A chicken and egg thing. Emotionally labile(fancy word for quick to react in your case crying). This can be drug affect/interaction, other causes. So, thats why you need to see your PCP. This is time for all the symptoms to be laid out and sense of them deciphered. At first you and PCP will raise more questions than answers, but these questions will lead to the tests needed to decipher abnormalities. Take with you to the appointment, Sleep study report, any tests done by other docs that your PCP hasn't seen yet. Write down symptoms  what/when/where/related to anything/if they occur after meals/only after taking meds/ details. This situation is where the PCP should shine. They are the cog in the wheel. They look at the overall picture versus specialist that look at a singular system. Last I tried to use my drug checker from genelex I couldn't get in. I'll let you know. Sending you my #

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    marywh - I had missed your post back on page 75 about your spiderman tattoos on your head. How awesome!!! How sweet!

    Maybe one of my little 4-yr old grand nephews (twins) will help me out when I lose my hair again. Right now they are worried about my "cast"/lymphedema sleeve and gauntlet. One asks me all the time if I can take it off yet and does it still hurt. He holds my hand and pets it. Too cute.

    Never thought of tattoos on my head though. Your gs is genius!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    OMG my TV hasn't been off of Boston, it's so horrific but most of the Drs. are Military which is good cuz they do recognize the limbs being amputated immediately--most Drs. have not seen anything like this. I hope I made sense, cuz it's such a brain twist how ANYBODY would do this to people who are raising monies for charityies and living normal lives and kids and those bastards that did this are to me well I won't say cuz there is not enough u can do to these people.

    Wow how can all of us in some way be related do to husbands whether drunks or not. Chevy u are so compassionate and forgiving. All I took was 6 yrs and when I married him I was madly in love with him, and of course I got the calls please forgive me--I think the mental abise was awful, but the physical scared me so. But I could not have without my parents, when I told them they said get an apt. and we'll pay u bills until u can get on u'r feet. so we did just that packed my closted and the kids stuff moved into the condo complex my parentswere in and when he did find out like when I left he was all sad and sorry. I had enought and I went on alone and never looked back. even thos he'd come to see me at work or (somehow got my phone no, and called) so I changed my number and I didn't care and I really thought I'd love him forever and I would have if he didn't become such a bastard. He was fun when we were dating then blam he was a cruel, unfeeling person.He didn't change he just hid it, I think. And I know he' thought I'd never leave cuz he knew I was so in love with him. But like I said if it wasn't for my parents I don't know how I would have the money it would have changed everything I think. But I'll tell u one thing I had no more fear of him and just said FU, leave me alone. He had 8 kids and their mother died , but most of them were older and didn't live with us but I always protected his kids from him and literally got them out of the house when he started so I did get cose to one of them and I felt bad I couldn't take him with but the kids were all nice to me, very nice. Sometimes his kids would help me too--It was a day to day nitemare then he'd be fun for a couple of days then it would start all over. So I didn't have the guts to stay, but he never touched my girls I told him I would put a knife in his heart and I would have and I think he knew it.So beside BC we have  alot of life experiences like each other. Wow. we're quite a bunch. like the land of misfit toys. LOL

    It's raining here ans supposed to for a few days. Fine wih me.

    I hope u all feel  OK and chabba I know sas is helping u--I screwed up my Onc. app't ment so now I see her next Monday. Oh I do this all the time and I have questions this time too. Never did. Oh well

    Have a good night all and wow we spared no expense on a tell all--Good for us now we've really opened up to each other--Nice.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Some of us have so much in common......hugs......

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Wow ladies, I knew there were others that dealt with abusive marriages and/or alcoholism, but this many one one thread? What are the odds? I guess perhaps our lives have given us that "STFU" attitude perhaps.

    In other news, my daughter is an attorney who practices in Boston and I was hysterical until I finally reached her. They suspended all cell service for a little while in that area in case the bomber was detonating bombs via a cell phone OR it was just busy cause of lots of people trying to call in/out, but I finally reached her about 1/2 hour after I heard and she was home due to Patriots Day. They never work as it is a holiday she said plus there would be chaos trying to get there due to the marathon and all of the closed off streets. What a scary moment!

    Then I came home to about 10 messages from friends and relatives who were worried about her too so I had a lot of calls to make to calm everyone down. Just an awful thing. This world is a scary place friends.On that note, I am exhausted and heading to bed.

    Hugs to all of us who survive breast cancer and drunk/mean husbands. We really are survivors! xo

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    April, So happy your DD is OK. It seems like forever when you're trying to find out if someone is OK. After an earthquake, my BIL had the presence of mind to change his phone greeting to say he was fine and out inspecting bridges for the highway dept.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    It's 10:45 pm, 4:45 am EST, and I have this board all to myself (unless Alyson is still awake). I'm going to pretend this is my very own blog.

    After a wonderful 2 hour vegan raw food lunch with my friend today, I relaxed.... window shopped, dropped off recycling, checked in with Apple Store to figure a problem out, looked for a Nutri-Bullet for GD, went by Goodwill and bought two cotton blouses to sew drain pockets in for my upcoming surgery...then drove back here to the Windward side, studied at Starbucks, went to Jazzercise, then back to Starbucks for a cup of "Calm" tea and more studying. DH apparently had one of his rare seizures when I was gone... (had a bad head injury 12 yrs ago) - got him safely in bed, now free again to hang out. My crazy friends here will finish up their last  REM cycles, wake up and rip up this board as usual. 


    ~ Michelle  

    P.S. Yes, I drank some wine tonight!

    Dx 1/16/2013, DCIS, <1cm, Stage 0, Grade 3, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR+Surgery Reconstruction: Breast implants (permanent) (Both)Surgery 01/25/2013 Mastectomy (Left); Lymph Node Removal (Left); Prophylactic Mastectomy (Right); Reconstruction: Tissue expander placement (Both)

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Shellshine....WTH....just got up but I think I need to go back to bed.....I'm exhausted after

    reading about everything you did yesterday....😓....can you e-mail me some of that energy

    April....I'm so happy your daughter is safe... I had to stop watching the news.....was horrendous and so sad.

    Well, as April knows, I can join the club regarding having a moron for a husband....can't remember who said it, but yes, we are truly's no wonder when I listen to

    insignificant complaints from friends and family, I just want to tell everyone to STFU...

    Let me give you a REAL

    Everybody else....have a great you all. ❤

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Morning girl-friends...  SAssy, I'm so glad you are probably helping out GMA with her questions...

    So GMA, can you write down your questions, so you will remember?  That's what I always did... and then I would quickly jot down the answers.  


    Like Sas says, your PC  IS  your main person to help you, and if you can just "paint him a picture" of what is going on with you, and how you are feeling.


    Phyllis.... how fun your little GS's sound!  I remember when mine were so small, and everyday was like an adventure with them! 


    Camille, I KNOW!  I finally had to get away from the TV....  I think I would rather just read about it, instead of seeing all the panic, and heart-break....    I think/hope they WILL find the bastards responsible for this!  I just don't understand!  And then forget about any trial.... find out who was involved and just put them out of their misery.  That's what they should do with ALL these nuts!  Save the rest of us a lot of money and heart-ache.... especially for the families of the victims going through some stupid trial.  


    They DID it, so just take care of it.... Sorry, but I'm old enough now to not be a whiner about the horrific things these people DO, and then want to give THEM a fair trial.  BS.  If THAT makes sense.... Oh wait, it don't.... but you know what I mean. 


    Cammi....  it IS funny, how so many of us go through the same things.  And we all keep it to ourselves, until we hear something, or see someone ELSE going through it, and we just try and help them...and maybe helping them find a way out for themselves.    YOU were very strong....  I'm glad you got out of there!!!!!  My Parents had both passed away, by the time I ran into that wall...


    I don't know if I would have told them, because THEY had the same life....  But yes, I changed my phone, wouldn't even tell my Daughter's where I was... I deleted all the phone numbers from the book... and tore the pages out of my notebook, where I kept appointments, etc. 


    I learned a lot from 5 classes I went to for "battered women"....  Whether it is physical or mental, it is still the same.  I could even call this number for "help" in the middle of the night, if I had to...I mean when your heart was just breaking, and I didn't know what to do.   SOMEone was always there, to just talk you down....


    DAMN~!  I'm glad THAT'S all over with.... 


    Morning Ducky.... And Wren, your brother changing his message, was SO important... My Brother was with the Navy Band, and all I heard one day on TV was "All the members of the Navy Band have been killed in a mid-air crash over Sugar Loaf Mountain".... 


    I was over at my Grandma's, and we were just SPEECHless!  We knew he was flying over there for a concert or something...  My folks called us from CA, and we were all just crying!  I tried calling the Navy Dept... The TV showed sheet music floating in the water... I finally got someone who had a list of band-members on that plane!  This was about 3 hours later. 

    Kenny, had let another drummer go in his place, to the next concert, because he was so sick with the flu, he couldn't get up. (We found this out the next day).....   But we were all just frantic, wondering what was going on! 

    He will always  remember that... and  blame himself for the other guy losing his life. 

  glad your Daughter is alright...  It's hard enough to go through something like that.... not to mention all the families of the runners....


    Shells... that was funny, about having the board all to yourself!  Ha, ha!  I can just see you saying "na na na na Nanner!"  You KNOW we will find you, and break up you little party!!! 


    A rare-seizure???  Good Lord!  Is he alright???  You sure skipped over THAT one!   Okay wine.... I have some.... in a box..... and it IS good, but I like Starbucks better... Ha!  I also will drink a little vodka in grape-juice.  That is called a purple-screw.  I know it is, because my girl-friend and I NAMED it that.   And it is sweeter than wine. 


    See?  You woke up Scottiee!  Only she doesn't really think so .... She wants to go back to bed! 


    YES!  We are in our own private club!  Ha, ha!  Those of us who have/had husbands who were hell-bent on reigning over the whole universe, one wife at a time!   That's us.  And we CONQUERED!!! 

    Yay for us girls.  (but we survived that, had BC and survived that too)



    Okay what ELSE can we do? 

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been around, looking at the posts it looks like I've missed ALOT!

    Hope everyone is on the mend (granny Dukes, Ducky, etc..)

    I have been in the hospital aka prison, due to pressure on my spinal cord, kyphoplasty didn't seem to fix everything. My liver is still inflamed and I have really felt like just hiding.

    Thinking about everyone, I hope all of you have a fantastic day


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh Sorry Red!  Sorry about the hospital stay!  I don't think I know anything about "kyphoplasty"...  And your liver?  Man, I don't blame you for just wanting to hide....  I have to look that up........ Okay!  So spinal fractures?  To relieve pain, kyphoplasty is performed. 

    Were you operated on by a neurosurgeon or an orthopedic surgeon...?  So now what can they do?  Geez!  Thinking of you today..... xoxoxo

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Chevy...I ad kyphoplasty on my spine.....worked great, but moron me, tried to move a very heavy box 2 years ago and broke another have to do this all over again.....will explain exactly what it is later today.....have to run to the hairdresser.......hugs

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning my sisters (almost too)

    Red what is all this with u'r vertabrae? Oh I'm so sorry--(((PRAYERS)))

    April I would have been hysterical, Ii'm so glad u'r DD din't even work yesterday, what a horrible thing to happen, I've been watching too much of it 1/2 the nite too--I have to stop for a while just to sad and yet how everyone helps one another in that time just warms my sad heart.

    Chevy that must have been hell with u'r family, good thing he got sick.

    This is so silly but here we are on a cancer board and I feel terribe when anyone has pain or hurts that need to be looked at or all still involved with Drs. and chem SE or whatever. Like what else would I expect, but u get close to some people and really start to care about us, at first we're just names, then we're real and after a while if we met we'd hug first thing cuz now we are caring about each other. OH I'm getting so sappy here. But there are just a few threads I'm on and I really like the women on them or I wouldn't be on them, there are a couple I go on for someinfo. but a few of them are just to much for me but some are very nice--but I don't say much, cz they're on a level of knowledge that counts me out, but I do go on (OMG to aggrevat certain people) I know that's terrible but I do it nicely. Some people are just to much and instead of just staying off when I want to be not so nice I go there. OK I said it---but for the most part I jammer on the threads that I really ike and care about everyone. oops I think I'm jammering OK I'll STFU--see I have to tell myself that.

    OK I'll TTYL

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Oh Reds, so sorry to hear your news.  Gentle cyber hugs coming your way.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    Red, That just sounds miserable! Hoping you get some relief soon for both pain sources. Are you back home now? With help, I hope. (((((very gentle hugs)))))

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Dear Red, being in the hospital is like being in prison, wish you had a mobile device that you could read while you were in there- Chevy, Cammi,Scottie, Ducky, Wren and the rest of these hooligans would entertain you, at least. Did you have any therapy on your spine? How are yu feeling now? If you are too tired to write that's ok - the gang will entertain you. 

    photo 862b1e2c-328e-4dbe-ae64-51754d6f3f85_zps348fc106.jpg

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2013

    I have mobile everything thank goodness, and the wifi here is great so... At least there's that.

    The neurosurgeon that did the kyphoplasty has been in today, there's another tumor on my spinal cord, next option is invasive surgery to remove a piece of bone behind the spinal cord to relieve the pressure because of the location of the tumor the risk of removing it is very dangerous and runs a high risk of paralysis So... Here I am. My liver is full of tumors and I am supposed to do another round of chemo tomorrow but now thats all up in the air.

    I definitely want to hide!

    I had cyber knife treatment before the kyphoplasty so more radiation is out of the question... I feel fine just have numb feet and not so great balance. What fun....

    Talk to everyone soon!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh damnit Red!  If we COULD, we would come get you and take you OUT of there!  We would bundle you up, get a wheel-chair, so you wouldn't have to walk, and run you to the nearest Starbucks, and we would just sit around and talk. 

    At least you FEEL fine, you say.... don't know if I believe you.... but as long as you aren't hurting.  I guess if you are, you are in the best place...  If you were here with me, I would probably fix you milk-toast, and it would make you feel better....Wink  Or maybe mashed potatoes and gravy. 

    Okay, so you want to hide.... Just go find a closet somewhere and scream as loud as you can!  THAT should do it.  Or go walk around the halls and see if you can find some guy worth looking at.... Then run back to your room.  You need someone to talk to.... but actually, that's what WE are here for.   Okay, don't talk to anyone else.... they'll probably say something stupid, then you will have to tell them, you know WHAT!

    Just talk to us whenever you want to, and tell us what those who-ever they are, tell you!  We all care about you.... just hang in there kiddo! xoxoxo

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    See, I told you Red, your own personal hooligan clan, at your beck and call. Tell us what you need and we'll deliver. I check in until I go to bed in Hawaii about 5 am east coast time, and right after I check out, the eastern early riser hooligans start checking in, so we have you covered 24-7. Just be careful what you ask lingerie? dirty jokes? husband stories? FM shoes? you have it all at your fingertips, along with love, caring, hugs and prayers.


  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2013

    I made my husband bring me Starbucks, it's right around the corner, being he good man he is he brought me a brownie too. He has learned over the years. :)

    It is 80 degrees here today,sunny and nice. We could get in lots of trouble.

    I have contemplated smothering the woman beside me with a crappy pillow because she won't STFU about her dogs but... So far she's still alive, not sure how long that will last.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    So maybe I am head-hoolligan?  Or something like that?  Yes, the oldest gets to be the head of everything...ha!  Don't tell Ducky....  i will be in charge of all the other little hooligans...  Yes little red-head, we will bring all the drinks, entertainment and food!  And we will party in your room.  Now THAT thought should make you smile... Ha, ha!  We will bring some.... who are those guys called?  WHAT was their names?  They dance at girls parties! 

    Okay, got that.... check!  Now snacks....

    And the cocktails....

    Now we can party with you....  xoxoxoxo

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2013

    Beautiful! I love it! Sounds and looks like loads of fun, we may have to kick the nurses out though they will cramp our style lol or take up too much room and gawk too much...

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    You leave the nurses to me, Red...and I'll fix that room-mate, too. Maybe Chevy can get her drunk.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    You can count on us.... sweet pea!  The nurses gotta go....  We can always use them to bring more snacks though....   You have a room-mate?   Do you like her?  I'm assuming it IS a her....  She can stay... it's up to you.... we might need her bed though.....Wink  So you make the call.