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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Well, I'm 3 weeks older than April, 58, but look about 50...good genes. My mom is a gorgeous 81. When I tell people my age they look shocked and it irritates me 58 is "so old." STFU - this is what 58 looks like. I plan to still be looking good for a long time, just like my mom. Besides, beauty shines from within, as you shining beauties well know.

    How's it going beautiful Red?..... you are probably asleep by now. Hope you get sprung tomorrow.

    I just dropped DH off at the ER, he's pretty dizzy, fell twice at home today while I was out. They are doing a head CT so I came home to study for a little while and check the threads, left my laptop at home. I'll head back in about 45 minutes or so. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Shell u'r DH is at the ER and u came home??? OMG what's going on with him? Well next time u get on u'd better tell us. U young chicadee. Both my Mom and Dad had beautiful skin, my 2 brothers have i, my sister has it, and me not so much LOL

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    ER is only 20 minutes from my house at night with no traffic - better than hanging at home than there - and remember, this is the place that laid me off 6 months ago. The nurses told me that many, many more have been laid off. It's bad enough I had to come back here for BMX, BC appts and my reconstruction surgery in afew weeks. I worked here for 25 years - enough already!!!!! He just got discharged, probably had a seizure. No worries. Headed home. G'Night!

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378
    edited April 2013

    I have to thank you for the marvelous pics of all that food, those nummy looking drinks, and for the pic of those hunks - first time i've cleaned my puter screen with my tongue....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Mostly mom hahahahaha

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Shell, hoping your hubby is ok! I would be uncomfortable there after a 25 year career too. Laying off nurses just is not happening here in CT! So, come and move here and you will be working before you put up your curtains in your new place!

    LOL mostlymom...too funny!

    Have a great day! Heading off to the shower and work...gah, sometimes I am just not in the mood for work and today is one of them. I know I am blessed to have a job, especially here in CT. We rank second to last in new job growth. We are a dying state in terms of young people. They all move away cause they can't find jobs after graduating from college unless they are MEDICAL...(Shell, that was for you) and the reason for that is we are the 7th oldest state in the nation so we need lots of doctors and nurses here!

    OK, really leaving now. Hugs!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    He's fine....he has me looking after him, my 2nd job. Well, actually I don't have a first job anymore, do I?

    Ok April - you and the other hooligans, er, ladies,  are getting up and I'm going to sleep! 


    Red - Get Sprung today!!

    Chevy, Cami and Scottie - keep everyone entertained in your own inimitable way. Make sure you get Red & her DH drunk before they go home, or just a little high, at least.

    Hope they catch those Boston bombing bastards.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    So let me get this straight!  YOU guys, you hooligans,  are up playing and messing around all the damn night!  Don't any of you sleep?


    I THOUGHT I heard you all last night!  Yelling and singing, raising all kinds of hell! 


    Did you all have that party that was supposed to be for little Red?  Were those guys all there too?    No WONder there was so much craziness going on!   WHO was it that licked the screen?  Sheesh!  I try and teach you guys something, and you just go wild!


    Okay Ducky.... miss fancy pants...  Nope!  you nor I am "old".... don't you just hate how that sounds?   I don't even like matronly.... or geezer, or over the hill!  So we're NOT!


    Scottiee... you little tart!  ... I think 65, or anything younger is in the bratty category...  Someone else is with you... I forget who.... 


    Yes, Cammille.... damn right... the oldest wins... Ha, ha!  What do we get to win?  I think Granny is maybe 65?  Something like that!  We gotta get her out of her funk somehow....  She really has lost her mo-jo!  I mean for real this time.  Ugly? you say?  I throw towels over the mirror when I get up!   Mornings are not complimentary to me.  I need that coffee, hair-setter, make-up, and THEN I can greet the world.


    Chabba!  Good Morning to you...  the rest of these hooligans just run rampant when you are away.  How are your toes?    You guys, now be nice!  Chabba has issues too! 


    Oh Shells.... YOU stfu!  ha, ha!  You guys, I just get sick watching the news... I just want to know when they catch whoever did this, and hang them by their short-hairs.  No trial... no nothing.  I would gladly do the job for them...  No whining around about their rights... no shipping them off somewhere, just save the rest of us the time and money, and show them the same mercy they DIDN'T show their victims... Just do it.


    Oh hey April!  What kind of people do you work for?  Okay, you are the "other" toddler in this bunch!    Last night you all sounded like a bunch of teenagers! 


    Shells!  You dropped him off?  At the curb?  Dang girl!  And then you floored it and took off to the nearest Starbucks?   Will you go GET him?  Or make him walk home!  Do you cook for this poor man? 

    Okay, so you don't have no worries, but I think I do......  What if he falls and hits his tiny head or something?  THEN what would you do....  ?

    Drag him by his arms to the car?   Now SEE?  Don't I sound like your Mother?  Ha, ha! 


    Okay y'all.... see that's southern....  Love you guys.... Little Red, let us know if you got sprung.... xoxoxoxo

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2013

    Still here in stupid hospital, have to have a CT then hopefully getting sprung, I admit it I licked the screen LMAO!

    In answer to whoever it was, I think Chevy, I work at a state university, I do purchasing for maintenance projects and LOVE my job, right now I am angling to work from home, my VP came to see me lady night and was receptive to that idea so, I am going to pitch that to the onc and then start the paperwork process while training someone.

    I knew it was coming just wasn't ready to leave yet, but, I guess you do what you have to...

    It looks like I am going o do 15 rads to the tumor on my spine to relieve the pressure on the spinal cord and start some new chemo as yet another one has failed me, not sure yet what that will be as I am triple negative again after the latest round of biopsies.

    New room mate is in with broken back from a failed skydiving trip, she is going for surgery soon and I can't wait because I've already old her boyfriend to STFU twice in an hours time. Hope they spring me soon or you guys will be springing me from prison with Alice



  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    Red - Thank goodness you get to go home soon! You are in my prayers and here is a picture just for you to keep calming moments with a room mate!

    "Sunrise in the trees"

    sunrise in the trees

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    Here is for all the rest - I thought it was funny and with all the trouble I have with insurance - its payback  - I will leave you all be and STFU now.

    gecko eagle

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Oh friends out of commision. Somethings wrong with the head, started monday, saw PCP yesterday, had MRI yesterday afternoon. What we know is it's not a tumor, or a bleed. Symptoms entirely wierd. Be back when things get better. Feel just like I did after the brain surgery last yesr. BP with in normal range , spiked on Mon. managed it within doc allow parameters for a spike. L&H&P's sassy

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Chevy, who you callin hooligan? Last I read, you were the ring leader...I am just a Young'un following your lead of course. HA! Me and the word "young" in the same sentence still makes me laugh but I guess it is relative. Remember the days we thought anyone over 40 was old? Not anymore. Each decade seems younger and younger to me for sure.

    Red, hope that they let you work from home. Sounds like the type of job that would work that way so keeping fingers crossed for you.

    Gma Foley, I almost pissed myself when I saw that bird with the gecko in his mouth and the caption!

    Chevy, I work for a non-profit org as a Case Manager helping people overcome barriers to return to work. If they need short term training, I send them and the program I work for (federal dollars) is called WIA (workforce investment act) pays for it to retrain those that have outdated skills. I also help them with their resume, interview skills and send them to our job developer who tries to help them get interviews in companies that need their particular skills. I have been doing this type of work for about 17 years and I love it most days.

    In the early years, I worked exclusively with the welfare to work population to try and help them get employed since most states welfare is now time limited to 60 months or less for life. In CT where I am, they get 21 months period so they have to find a job quickly as their clock is ticking! While working with that population was rewarding, it also made me nuts cause they have more barriers than you can shake a stick at. Often they would get a job only to lose it cause they called out too much for various reasons - childcare- transportation- hangnail- domestic violence which happend a lot sad to say.

    Anyway, now I mostly work with dislocated workers who are separated due to lay off or termination and I try to help them get new jobs. Still very hard population, esp males over 50 who are NOT finding jobs and are pretty much depressed as hell here in CT. So many losing their home and everything they worked their whole lives for. Somedays it is all I can do not to have a breakdown right along with them since I am also LIVING this as my husband lost his job a few years ago and due to his age is having a rough time finding another one. We went through his 401K already and now we are working on a rollover IRA from a previous job that I had. We will be the old people eating cat food if this keeps up. Or, I will be working until I am 90!

    Ok, back to work. I am surprised that this website is not blocked since I work in a state office (A Dept of Labor office) and most message board stuff is blocked. Oh well, they missed this one and I am not complaining!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Red, I am so glad you will be released to go HOME..and not back into to the general prison population.  I would help spring you ..... but maybe not Big Alice.  She's very possessive.


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    (((Sas))) Will keep you in my thoughts that it is nothing serious! Hugs!

    Phyllis, Alice escaped last nite...saw it on the news. She might be headin your way so you had better be on the lookout. Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    See????  I told you Phyllis and Big Alice are a couple!   Red, you had better hurry up out of there.... Big A wears a straw cowboy hat, long trench coat, and purple leather boots....  She also carries her saddle..... Can't miss her.... but she is NOT one to mess around with.    I think Phyllis was sort of intimidated by her, so maybe is on the outs.  Just be warned...

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Dammit!  I'm in a pickle now. Surprised


  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    Sas - (((((HUGS!!)))))

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    Sas -Prayers are with you! ******CyberHUGS*******

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    sassy - do we need to come to your house with the party?  chevy is in charge.  She is sad since red's party did not happen.  Hope you're better SOON!


  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited April 2013

    man you all were busy, reading, but wanted to check in, chemo is tomorrow, they are having a party, wanted to go, will write later.....after I read!!!

    Sas thoughts and prayers so sorry

    Red, at the conference I was at they were talking about the K thing, and bone mets, and I wasn't sure if there were tumors on the bones or in the bones, and they said both.....hope you go home soon....and how were the brownies...I need some more...

    Chevy you are the headmaster IMO of this board....oh and I am 59.....

    GMA great pix

    all others, Cam, April, Phyllis, I friggin forget what you said, so sorry...but  {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2013

    Just want to know if Alice has a sister who runs around stealing little kids shoes from local resteraunts?

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    LOL marywh!  That made me laugh out loud.  I'm sure she must!

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Red, hope you get sprung and they can find a chemo to work for you.  ((((HUGS and PRAYERS))))

    Sas, please take care.  You are a kind person to take such interest in everybody's problems.  What a wonderful thing.

    Gma, love the sun rise and laughed out loud when I saw the caption for the bird with the gecko.

    Shells, I have a friend who does that every time her husband has to go to the ER and he goes a lot.  He has so many things wrong with him.  I feel bad when she does that but it does make me chuckle a tad.  

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited April 2013

    sas - praying for you. 

    My toe is improving.  Looks half-way normal today.  Dr is seting up a circulatory study for me.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Hey Kath! Don't worry about DH, I take REALLY good care of that man, but it doesn't mean I have to spend 4 hrs in the ER with him!! I only left for 2 cause I left my laptop at home, then once I was home it was so much nicer than that FREEZING ER room! The funny thing is he truly wants to be able to look after me when I need it, but he just can't, doesn't have the knowledge or skill, so I stayed at my mom's after BMX and will stay at my girlfriend's beach house when I have reconstruction surgery

    So sorry Red that you have to stay a little longer, but hope you get out today. You need to have a private room so those eegits don't bother you. YUCK having an idiot boyfriend stranger to deal with. I had a roommate once for a week after I had heart / lung surgery 20 years ago at UCSD . The TV went on at 6:30 in the morning, blared ALL DAY, and got turned off at night by the nurse after roommate fell asleep. Drove me NUTS. Commercials blaring every 12 minutes, I WANTED TO SCREAM. When the onc mentioned disability did he mean social security disability? I think there is a six month wait for benefits AFTER you are approved, so please research that in case you need it later.

    Good to hear from you Blondie, I hope these hooligans keep you entertained. You are another youngster. Chevy can throw you a party if you need one. I hope you weather the chemo tomorrow and come back to the sandbox to play with us. We'll be here waiting for you.

    OK sassaronni, WTF??? BRAIN surgery....??? Holy macaronium. Are you okay? Don't answer if it makes your head hurt, but please let us know how you are doing.

    Good one, Mary, hope those shoe thieves puke their tonsils out.

    Chevy, Cammi and Scottie - and April, Veggy, PHG,and Lymphgirl, keep the main hooligans in line, ok? I gotta do some SERIOUS studying today, final exam is in one week. Please look after everyone and try not to make them pee their pants, okay?

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Red....if you need sprung, the hooligans here are at your disposal....😋

    Sas.....praying everything is ok...❤

    Gma.....almost wet my pants to ......we miss you...😪

    Ok, the rest of you please try to behave until I have time to post again.....just got in from work.

    PS....Granny is having trouble with her stomach again.....she thinks there is a connection

    between that and her teeth......I read somewhere the same thing....if any of you hooligans can shed some light on that theory,could you post for Granny?

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    I just did my first errands where I did not wear my fake chester, or even a bra.  I know this is scary, but really.  I was NOT putting that stuff on for the Dollar Store.  Just had on my tshirt, and my fleece hoodie with a knitted scarf looped around my neck.  Anyone that wanted to check under all that would have gotten a STFU from me.  As it was, nobody paid any attention to me so we were all happy.  Laughing


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2013

    Oh Phyliss, I always go one boobed everywhere. I figure if anybody is desperate enough to stare at 55 year old boobs, they'll look at 1 instead of 2 anyway!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Have Dr. appt tonight at 7:30, and don' feel like going.....a follow-up to the bullshit with the colon.......I have 3days of samples left.....with approval from the insurance company it will cost $190.00 for a 3 month supply.......without approval ( which is unlikely) it is $475.00 a month......f/n nuts huh.......

    I was on Asacol, but that was discontinued (cost the same).........but thy changed the formulation just slightly......changed the name.........guess why.....their f/n patent was about to expire, and in doing this they avoided it going generic.........the FDA has their head up their ass if they could not see through that scam......or someone at Warner was in their pocket......

    Oh we'll I hope I don't have to be on this shit forever........