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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    No issues with my shoes.....👠💃

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013


    I'm so proud of our country.

    Our citizens and government can really step up to the plate when the S hits the fan.

    God Bless America. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    Been glued to the tv...something I never do.

    I'm sooo happy they got that bastard.

    Somehow I feel beta.

    Red...thinkin and prayin for you...

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited April 2013

    And God Bless and keep our Law Enforcment, Fire Fighters and Military who protect us.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited April 2013

    Now if some cops gun would "accidentally" go off in that SOBs direction and waste him!!!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    They should hang him by his balls...right now!!!!!!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited April 2013

    Wring him dry first about any associates or other plots he may know of.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    The murderers' father said on the phone that he lost one son but he heard that the other is alive...and he is coming here to see him....I think he needs to stfu...
    there are parents, grandparents, siblings, and friends who will never see their loved one again...

    Ducky, Sandy, it is my understanding that you have not met???  How many times have you passed each other in a store or elsewhere?  I think it's time for a secret NJ gathering and I'm drivin' Kantaloupe (that is, if you'd have a NY-er)...I'm honorary NJ 'cause my DD's family lives there.

    Yes, Chevy, I have been in therapy for years to leave my situation but never the old guy is mellowed but doesn't own up to all the collateral damage to me, kids...and untimely BC has been an anchor, keeping me from leaving the only security I know.  My friend finally left her DH (she was young, had 5 kids like me) then got BC....had reconstruction, looked great, got her own place...then it did not go well at all for her after that.  I just don't feel strong enough emotionally to take it on.  Been at the tipping point a thousand times but swallowed hard.  Having a full time job for the past 9 years has made a huge difference for me.  I have my own self-worth, income, degrees, (all the stuff that doesn't matter) -- but-- I know if I have to I can make changes.  Do I have to?  not sure........but I need to stfu before I start another round of therapy sessions...

    Chevy....glad you can still wear them...

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2013

    Oh Chevy those are beautiful-ha-ha...

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Mary, glad somebody's up besides me....

    OK you can tell me to stfu for bringing this up again...
    One of the most trying things I have to do several times a year???
    Choosing the right greeting card for DH.
    There's not much between sickeningly sweet and really dumb humor...I think I could make a million in cards that say what I'd really like to say...

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Dear Joan, start looking early!  I have had this problem on and off over the years, sometimes the mushy ones are okay, some years they do not feel authentic. We are not the only ones who sometimes have a challenging time wishing a relative HB, and the industry is aware of this. There are stationery stores and off-beat specialty shops that sell cards, if you start early enough you will find one that fits.

    On another note: I just have to say how proud I am of our country. We have many, many, many negatives that dismay me to no end, but when push comes to shove, our citizens and law enforcement will step up to the plate and do what needs to be done for our country. God Bless the people of Boston & God Bless America. 

    photo 242c86ff-08c2-435a-9901-8b4bfa3bd330_zps004ade17.jpg

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Morning girls!   I know exactly Joan.... No, they usually will never say "I'm sorry honey".... Or "I know I've been a complete dick, but I can't help it."   

    Somehow I learned what was more important to me.... either starting out all over, or trying to stay and believe it would be different.  You just can't go, without somewhere to go to...  You CAN, if you are afraid. 

    People live together, without any they have lost the love that brought them together in the first place....  But to them, it's comfortable, convenient, and it's easier than starting out on their own.    It's like an empty marriage.    Without any "love"....  

    Even when their kids are grown, they stay together, just like room-mates... hardly even talking... And you know, it's sad, to SEE something like that.   Especially when it is your own Daughter.

    But it sounds like you have made your own "place".... where you can get by... even if it really isn't what you want.  You DO sound self-confident and sort of happy in your own way. 

    Your marriage won't be like anyone elses....  If you are staying, take care of yourself... I will now be your therapist.... to have and to hold...Wink

    By the way, I really don't care for those ear-rings!  WTH?   I can't wear loops anyway... just little tiny studs.... 

    If you go to Google Images, and type in Rotten e Cards, they have LOTS... You can print them off, they add a couple choice "appropriate" thoughts of your own.... Ha! 

    Men don't like cards... or hearing what you are thinking.  Makes them really uncomfortable.   It has to be short and sweet.... sort of like S T F U!!! Damnit! 

    Yes Shells...  We are ALL so relieved this part is over!  It's all been such a tragedy!   And Granny Kantalope is right....  You KNOW she will say it the way we are THINKing it!   Us Hooligans can ban together, like the women in charge that we are, and wring it out of him, then just give him the courtesy of living out his life in a tiny cell, with no food, no light, no water, and SHUT the Ducking Foor  and check on him in about 2 weeks.  If THAT don't take care of business.... he gets another 2 wucking feeks!


  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Chevy.....are you stalking me???? You just described my marriage!!!!! and yes, sometimes it's just easier to stay and make a life for yourself. I certainly don't have the energy now to even think about leaving....we are more like roommates now.....he does his thing, I do sad, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have this kind of marriage....ok Christine....STFU....because if I start ranting about my marriage

    all you hooligans will boot me off here.....just one word of advice to anybody thinking about getting married AWAY from Greek men.....right April???

    PS...April, you must be relieved happy it ended the way it did with no more casualties at least. What a week!!!!!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Typing on phone so short but yes god bless America and all of my sisters who endured so much. I got out after 27 years as last 15 were bad hugs

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Ray asking those medical questions can be automatic, can be a stupid mistake b/c not thinking, BUT sometimes can ellicit amazing info. Sons coach that was the schools resource officer. Around 2002, on the basketball court, I looked at him , he had a physical sign of deep furrows in front of the ear. They can be from age, but they have been recognized since the 70's as being associated with coronary artery disease. Of course had to butt in. Asked if he had been worked up for heart stuff--ekg/echo/stress. EKG done and labs his doc said he "was perfect." Simply asked if he ever had any heart symptoms -chest/arm/jaw pain, unexplained cold/clammy sweat, shortness of breath. This man was running up and down the court all week for summer camp. He responds "Funny you should ask, I felt strange yesterday light headed and clammy" More questions, more responses. Last question "Has it happened before or since?" Sounds stupid to say since, he just identified it happened yesterday. It would seem a given that he'd make a connection. He responds "It happened again today". Shortening the story, he ended up in ER, EKG(fireman's hat sign) & labs(troponins were 33) showed he'd had a heart attack within the previous 24 hours. He was taken to ICU stabilized and stented the next morning. That stupid question was learned while in ER. Have to admit I stuggled with the butting in, but obviously did, he didn't have a physical sign or symptom of a present life threatening bad bad heart attack. So, It wasn't his time.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    GOD Bless us all, and all that were killed, and all that put themselves in harms way. The whole world got invested in this tragedy, let us pray that minds devoted towards evil against others now choose a different path.

    RED--idiots idiots,idiots. Ditto to all that said to ignore the statement, and do what you can to make a difference. I may not last through this day and I may last along time. I do however believe when it happens, it was to be my time. I believe this because each of us have had moments or many in our lives that we should not have come through, but we did. So, use each day well and leave the rest to GOD.

    Now some may be upset with me BUT BUTTING IN, even though only God knows the hour of our demise, it doesn't mean that we can't prepare the nitty gritty details to make the transition one that we design and all things planned well. I'll get the link to MA111's thread. She passed summer 2011. Bon has continued it. There are pages and pages of insightful, thoughtful, loving stories and practical info, I encourage reading the whole thing. Bon did a synopsis on page 25 & 26. BON's BAG is masterful. Can be used for evacuation purposes too, b/c it has every single important document in it.

    Chevy you are a Wordsmith  lovey.

    Mary :) and you just keep on truckin girl. Have a RN friend who is herceptin positive BC from around 2000. Her Mo has given her herceptin ever since with breaks not absolutely sure on her sequence, but do know she mets'd once to the liver then with the drug went into total remission. She then mets'd to the liver and lung, drug restarted, again into remission. Since that time her MO kept her on a weekly dose. Not sure where she is right now b/c she left the area. She told me one time, a woman met her and said "OH you are her". She is legend in this locale. It's not her time.

    Granny, you had stomach ulcers and colitis which can have ulcers which it's then called ulcerative colitis. Ducky I think was referring to having ulcerative colitis. Just trying to keep the "itis's"straight.

    Shells, how's DH head? I'm doing the exercises, seems better, then goes kaflooey again. ?????? I guess I just need to be patient, it's only been a week.

    CAMI and VEGGY  YOO_HOO where are you???????


  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013


  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2013

    Now Chevy, you have to admit those earrings were funny. Im sure you would wear those like I would wear a certain little dress you found for me for ds wedding not too long ago, along with the pink cowboy boots somebody found me too......

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013 was ulcerative colitis....thought Grannie's was too......however...went to my PCP on Wednesday, and he said..."this could have been a fluke thing"......we know what it wasn't ....we just did not know what it was........then he said.....the biopsy will tell more....the good thing is it was not cancer. Then he said because of the ulceration, the best thing to do was to treat it like ulcerative colitis, until we know I am on Delzicol....which is a new drug that took the place of Asacol 400mg.......getting samples till my GI visiting April 25th, at which time we will discuss a generic in the same class of's a a big pain in the ass......sorry it's right sided so actually it is not my anyway the pain is gone....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Ducky, colon ulceration generally starts with "something" , a cellular change, bacterial, viral( I'd have to google but sounds plausible as viruses attack many things). The bacterial(possible viral) change can cause a diarrhea with a pass through of intestinal contents from the small intestine through to the large intestine also known as the colon. The contents of the small intestine are a different pH than the large intestine. The large intestine/colon the lining can be inflammed, craters or ulcers can occur. The inflamation can be so severe that passing of stool can be interferred with. The lining can be ulcerated or lost. When this happens bleeding can occur. If the ulcer is near a blood vessel, depending on size of the vessel, bleeding can range from small to severe. This is known as a GI bleed-gastrointestinal(stomachintiestine) bleed. If the intestinal wall is breached b/c of ulceration or break , it is known as a perforation. A perforation is an acute medical emergency s/s's increasing abdominal pain,'fever, board like abdomen. Google for further info b/c that's not the problem now.

    There are conditions of the colon that the problem originates in the colon versus as a result of stool from the small intestine. The management can be the same or different-- depends. BUT big BUT for you (YEAH) the pain has reduced since you started the med. So, as your doc has said continuing the med appears good until you are seen by GI doc. The reduction in pain confirms that the intestinal environment is likely less inflamed. Otherwise, there would be no change in your symptoms. The right sided pain can mean it's still the colon nearest anus as anatomically there are variations, but could be over to right colon. Google keywords "picture of colon" or "anatomy of colon". What to report: symptoms change or worsen. Check each stool for blood can vary from bright red to black. Different reasons for the color reasons, the key is to report the change b/c it identifies a condition change and management changes.

    Skin care of rectal area. As the colon can be inflammed , the tissue around the rectum can feel as if it's burned when freguent diarrhea occurs. Some suggestions. 1. Use a squezze bottle filled with water to spray on area before wiping. 2. Wipe gently or PAT clean, using Tucks can be good --place in fridge to keep cold. Very soothing on a burning butt. 3. Apply a soothing rectal ointment once skin clean. Ask doc for recommendation, many products on market or availble by prescription. MY personal favorite is Bag Balm.  4. Careful handwashing with an antibacterial soap is good. In severe situations using gloves even for your own bottom is good, then still wash hands thoroughly. 5. In woman care must be taken to not contaminate the vagina and urinary opening. I think this is the only thing that guys have, that's an advantage.

    Ducky going to transfer this to my teaching library and my constipation thread. I write about such fun stuff LOL. I'll bring back the links for the constipation thread, and the rectal itching thread thread that JillTHut started.  it does have diarrhea stuff on it. You may find some pearls or nuggets(pun) on either. Sassy

    Constipation thread eight pages of members talking about pooping, such fun, please, add your remedies, towards page 8, I reviewed all the comments,  Apricots and prunes were the best to get things moving. Senna was next. Enjoy the go. I think the tp manufacturer stole my line.

    Rectal issues thread by JillThut diverges from just rectal stuff.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Sassy..... funny you should say that about butting in.....  My Husband felt weak, and just out of breath for two weeks!... So unusual.... couldn't hardly mow the lawn without feeling tired...   Finally talked him in to going to see our PCP....  Took blood pressure.... it was just fine....  Asked him questions, and they seemed not to worry.  Said they were going to do blood work. 

    When they left the room, I followed them.... shut the door, and said "Why don't you guys read his pulse?  My Mom had congestive heart failure, and HE seems to be having the same trouble!"   She went back in, pulse was only 32....  They took a cardiogram.... and found "Heart Block".... Only the top part of his heart was working!  She left rather quickly, said "never mind doing blood work, drive him over to the hospital." 

    We just casually left with the papers, thinking okay, well THAT was no help.... and when we got to emergency, they were waiting.... Mad because Doc didn't call an ambulance for him.   We STILL did not know what was going on!  Right away they took him in, a cardiologist came in, said he was getting a pace-maker the next morning.... We thought WTH???    We didn't know it was serious!!! 

    So that was over 12 years ago.... and 2 pace-makers.... He's doing great... But you HAVE to trust your instincts!  Raise hell, if you don't think something is right!   Damnit!

    My friend, had her DH in emergency.... Said they couldn't find anything wrong with him.  He was sitting up, getting dressed and had a heart attack on the table.... didn't make it.  It is all so bizarre.... and can be sooooo tragic!   So just be aware... If something doesn't seem right, find out why NOT. 

    Like me....  I don't seem to be wanting to get anything done today... I'll have to find out why....Wink  So I'll ponder the situation, and ask Lacee if she would like a bath.... she says no.... that's okay..... I'm the boss.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Chevy oh so right, I got to the 32 and said SHIT call EMS. Even 12 years ago most paramedic squads had external pacer ability

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    VEGGY_HELLOOOOOOOO and HUGSSSSSSSS muah,muah xoxoxox or is it oxoxoxoxo?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Sas....everything with the sigmoid colon and the rectum was clean....only place there was a problem was about 2 inches of the ascending colon, or "right sided"..however the inflammation was enough to make it appear as a "mass"..,,,,,sudden previous problem.....this I why they are not sure what it was.......but appeared on the CT scan as a "mass" GI guy is a "Top Doc" in the Philly area, so I know he will come up with a diagnosis, if not already.....just a matter of getting to the appt.......

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited April 2013

    So pissed off, bought betsy johnson sun glasses from e-bay got the box and apparently when I opened them, forgot what I was doing wrapped them back up and forgot and threw the box in the trash.....are you friggin kidding the trash....that is how bad my memory is.....

    anyway, sorry, how is everybody, HAPPY SATURDAY!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Ducky, ah ha, There is nothing like the human eye (and ear/nose/touch/taste) and brain to decipher a problem. The fact that you have reduced pain does indicate inflammation as that is the main affect of the drug family that Asacol and Dezicol. Once DGI  doc biopsies it you will get a true answer.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    He probably has the answer already....he biopsies it during the colonoscopy wile still in the hospital.......he said he would have a result in 2 days, but I went to Chicago for 5 days, so had to call or an appt when I got back...could not get one right away, first available was the 25 th of the meantime taking the Delzicol, and adhering to a low residue far so good.......

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh Blondie!  I love the little purses from Betsy Johnson!  If I would have thrown those sun-glasses away, I would have tracked them down to the ends of the earth....  Call for help.... call 911.... You NEED those damn glasses!  Go do it now!

    Ducky.... wishing you the best results! 

    Sassy, we had no clue till we went to the hospital!  He had had those symptoms for 2 weeks!  So we just thought .... I don't know what!   But when they weren't examining him "right" and taking his pulse, something just "warned me."  It was THEN that they became "concerned"....   Then we just thought the emergency could give us more details....  I was soooooo afraid that night.... But he seems to be working "normal."......Wink  We go get the reading every 6 months.... and they can tell how much "battery" is left.... usually last about 8 years.  The pacer is now "pacing" 99% of the time.   So his heart  has gotten worse, but the pacer adjusts his heart rhythm. 

    Just Thank God for all the advancements and technology! 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Ducky, Two approaches. 1. pick up pathology report at Medical Records of the facility that did the pathology work, need photo ID. Some people hesitate to do this b/c, frankly, if it's bad news they don't know what to do without the doc describing a plan right away. Understandable. 2. Call office and ask if he signed off on it yet? This meanshe's looked at the report initialed it/time/date. If it were cancer he would have called. He wouldn't wait till appointment to notify you. Sometimes the chain of events/flow can go kaflooey, even with the best. You can ask for a verbal phone report from him or designated person to ease your mind b/c of the cancer history and assure them you are stiil coming for appointment. It's truly a reasonable request. I'd do it in a heartbeat. I remember now you talking about going through the dreaded prep, but forgot. Your post from above, I read that the CT scan was done and that the GI and colonoscopy was in the future. The stat MRI I had this Tues b/c of the brain symptoms was read by the radiologist, called to PCP while I was still there, and the phone handed to me as soon as she was told. So, within about 20 minutes of end of MRI, I knew there was at least no return or new tumor, and no bleed. They all worked that fast b/c of history. As with Shellshines DH in Er with the same thing as me. ER's modus operandi is to tell folks CT and MRI results after they talk to PCP, and Specialist as needed when something is wrong b/c they have to tell them what the plan is.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Scottie - we would NEVER EVER boot you off, are you NUTS? (well, of course you are).