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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Cam....that happened to m, and I did nothing to cause it....don' beat yourself up....sometimes I think it's the website........out of the hospital and feeling better.......hugs

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Chevy, I was going to suggest the alternator because when the battery goes the alternator can be next but sounds like you've had that checked.  It can be a fine dance between the battery and alternator.  Since it isn't the starter, the carburetor flap could be sticking.  Had a 2000 Impala that that happened to.  It was a pain because it didn't happen all the time.  Had to open the hood and put something under the carburetor flap to allow some air to mix with the fuel when I started the car.  Then had to get out of the car pull whatever I used out and close the hood and get back in the car.  Can you tell I've had some interesting things go wrong with that car.  Knew how to replace all the fluids.  Had a mechanic that would come to the house to fix the car and I would get under the hood with him.  He would explain everything to me.  Good luck.  I'm lucky that my husband doesn't even try to fool with the plumbing!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Cam.....take a deep breath and feel the love around

    Luv ya...❤

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning ladies,

    Please tell the devil on my shoulder to STFU really loud so that SOB hears ya. I am trying really hard to quit smoking and did great yesterday, but today, despite wellbutrin, AND the patch, I want a cigarette! I did smoke Friday during the crisis with the bomber and worries about my DD, but I quit yesterday for good. It was the date I set as my "Quit forever" day with my smoking cessation counselor. I made it through the whole day. This morning, I want to SMOKE right now! me down off the wall and tell me to STFU. Quitting is the hardes thing I've ever done (and have done it twice) even though I have cut down over the years to less than half a pack a day on most days. Sometimes I get by with 5 or6. But NONE?  After 44 years (I was 14) I am really scared to live my life without them. I have a CANCER diagnosis and I still can't quit. WTF is wrong with that picture?

    Ok, Gonna try and read my book about how evil cigarettes are. See you later. Hope I don't rip the patch off as I have done in the past and just start smoking again. I would say that I threw out the pack but I would be lying since I could not bring myself to do it (Lied to myself and said they are so expensiveMoney Mouth and I will give them to a coworker but who the hell did I think I was kidding)

    BAH! Tongue Out

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Okay April.... We got your back.  Just don't go get one...... Think about us here, and know that we are thinking about you.... 


    I did this myself.... years ago. 


    Don't do it.  If you really want to quit, just do it.  I quit 3 times, before I really did quit.  Go do something else.  It will get easier every day.... Just think of tonight, them think about tomorrow morning.   Every day is a BIG accomplishment.... After about 3 days, it gets easier.  Honest.


    You have to throw the cigarettes out...  don't even hide them... If they are in your house calling you, you will feel sorry for them, and go help them out, and smoke one of the little bastards. 


    It isn't easy....  just control your mind.  I didn't have any "patches" in those days...(1964)  .... or even Welbutrin....  But I knew that smoking really hurt my lungs... besides making me smell awful..... and I used to get Bronchitis ALL the time, because my lungs were shot.


    Okay Ducky...  So my automatic washer would not DRAIN right!  This old house had old pipes, and not built to take water pressure with the force of a jet engine.  So he thought, okay, since it is next to the kitchen wall, we will drill a hole through the wall, get an extension to that washer hose, divert it OUT of the house, down.... Way down under the flagstone ..... clear under over to the garden area, (still under the ground, only further under) Find that stand-pipe that carries all water from the kitchen to the alley..... drill a hole in it, and connect that buried washer hose into THAT!!!!  Damn if it didn't work!!!!!!  Like a charm!  That was done maybe 15 years ago.


    So now we know our Husbands think exactly alike...right?  Sometimes it works.. But sometimes, never.....We won't talk about the patch job on the roof of our little hallway...  But when it really rains HARD, we are reminded of that issue!  But what's one more coat of that black tar stuff going to matter.


    Now of COURSE it is not "code" or whatever, but WE DON'T CARE!


    Kathy.... If that car didn't have that button under the clutch, that has to be pushed with your foot to start the car, the alternator would make sense.  We know about that one... So okay, when he wakes up, I will ask about if our car has a carburetor...   Do they still have one?  He used to work on them all the time, in our older cars.  When I ask him that, he will think I am pretty smart... which of course I am...  This could boggle his mind..... but I don't want him to wake up yet...  This is MY time to talk to you gals.


    Cammi!  WHAT train?   what the hell are we talking about?  You actually lost us?  Oh good-goin' girl!  Put us where you KNOW we will be! 


    Honestly, I gotta say this.  My DH has put up storm windows for this house... with  really nice frames!  He put in a swamp-cooler maybe 30 years ago, repaired it a few times..... Put up an all glass storm door, with a sliding screen that comes up when you push the glass one down, without breaking it once.... Laid tons of flag-stone pieces to make us a great back patio with black asphalt in-between.... (actually I did the asphalt stuff)....  And we have both painted the out-side of this old house many times!   He built 6 foot wooden fences all along the North side of our property, and stained and painted them to keep them from weathering.  That's so I can put screws in them to hang my planters and "things".... Ha!


    So no, you guys can't have him.... I have him just where I want him...  Beat into submission, we will say....  JUST kidding!  It's just that he is older now, and things don't come as easy as they used to... and he just wants to relax and have things made easier...  That's what I'm for...Ha!


    Okay... Love you guys.... don't lose us aGAIN Cammi!  xoxooxo
  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Pinned Image

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Chevy....just Luva ya girl......too beating them into submission is the answer?

    Am I too late to start??

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Smile   Surprised  Wink Kiss And that is all I have to say about

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2013

    You want to talk about dh and plumbing? Well 25 years ago our washing machine was backing up in the house. We didnt have the money to call a plumber so dh decides he going to fix the problem. he works and works on it. Still keeps on backing up all over my hardwoods, and Im getting pissed at having to mop it up day after day. So one day Im on my way to work and he says, ok your washing machine will be fixed when you get home. I worked 2nd shift and when I got home that night I didnt think to ask him about it. Get up in the morning to do laundry, go in the laundry room and my washing machine is Gone! I say where is the washing machine? He says its fixed. I said where? He says go look in the front yard. Yep, the front yard..drains and everything. I had to use that washing machine in the front yard for months befor we could afford to get a plumber to fix the problemEmbarassed

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013 that story!!!!'t get me started!!!! It's a beautiful sunny day here in Toronto, cold but sunny. We're still waiting for spring ....we had a sprinkling of SNOW yesterday, so I won't ruin this sunny day here by mentioning "them"

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013 must have had to use one hell of a long extension cord for

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Decided to come visit and come up for air from studying. Final is in one week. My brain is ti-red.

    OMG you ladies, I will NEVER complain about my DH again! er, well.....   Sas - the Epley maneuver worked - he's much better.

    APRIL - DON'T GIVE UP - hurray for you, girl, you're a rock star for taking this on! You can do it! 

    Veggy baby, how are you doing?

    Red  - are you checking in for entertainment? How are you feeling?

    Ducky, Scottie, Chevy, Mary, Kathu and Cammi - who needs entertainment when we have you? and Veggy, too. What a hoot you all are. 

    I've been thinking about Granny, how hard it must be to eat when everything from the teeth on down is giving her problems.....and lactose, too. Granny, I wish you lived near me so I could make you some yummy meals. You need to nourish your body so you can get well.

    Blondie, thinking of you, too.  Lots of love to all you chickadees. Back to studying: pediatric orthopedic problems. Bleck!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013 granddaughter works at C.H.O.P in Philly.....she graduated from Catholic University in Washington, DC, and graduated 2 years ago this May.....she did excellent....holding a 3.9 GPA her first 2 years, and. 4.0, the last 2.......while in her Jr and Sr year she did an internship at CHOP, and was hired immediately after graduation.....she is in the Neo-natal- intensive care unit, and loves it.......Honestly I don' know how she does it. That hospital gets the worst, and most difficult cases.........I have seen a lot of tears from her.....but she manages to get through it.........nursing is a very rewarding career, and I admire those who choose that profession......she is an amazing girl who just turned 24 last hard pays off......she is making $80'000 a year, and works 3 twelve hour shifts a week mostly night, which she loves..??.I said to her....hmmmmm, good shift, when everyone is sleeping.......she laughs and says...."no, Nan....babies as little as ours are hardly ever sleeping.....

    ......good luck....

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    April, Taking deep breaths really helps the craving to smoke. And the average craving lasts less than 20 min. (Yeah, I know, seems like forever) I agree that it is the hardest thing I've ever done. I was in a drug counseling class. One of the students said "This is worse than getting off heroin, and yes I do know." It was also the most worthwhile thing I ever did for my health. So hang in there.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Ducky, kudos to your granddaughter.  CU has an excellent School of Nursing.  I don't know how the girls and guys do it.  It's so intensive.    I retired from there last year.  Worked in one of the academic departments in Arts & Sciences.  My last year there, I had two work-study students who were juniors in Nursing.  I came away from our conversations in awe of their education and clinicals they have to do, not easy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone---April u can do this, everyone is on u'r side and there are some tough ones here.

    Nursing--OMG now they have so much to learn in medicine and they are truly dedicated altho once in a while u meet one and think why isn't she working for the DMV-- so I give them credit and praise for all they do. U should be very proud Ducky.

    Granny, how's Granny?

    Chevy it takes along time to have a husband do what u want then they are usually to old to do it. But somehow u managed.

    Marywh--that story is hysterically funny--u'r DH was and I hope still is hysterical. I would never even think of that way. HAHAHAHA

    I hope everyone is feeling all right now, it's Sunday so u all better be resting.

    Tomorrow starts more Dr. stuff-ick and probably just not me either.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Ok - Time for Air,  Food,   Water, and STFU

    Yes Ducky, I agree, it's a wonderful profession. I've been a nurse for 35 years, and a Nurse Practitioner for 29 years. It's been a great career until I was laid off last August and replaced by a younger nurse who they pay $20,000 a year less than I made. I still stay in close touch with my co-workers who tell me how much they miss me and other kind words about my skills and how different it is without me, but I say "Life is a Journey - bring on the next page!" I formally retired with medical for myself, DH and our son until he is 26, have a pension that I  put on hold to grow untill I really retire, and am now in school to round out my Nurse Practitioner license as a "Family Practice," originally was Ob-Gyn but studied geriatrics and adult medicine last semester, got BC, and now finishing up with pediatrics. Will be all done in July. I really, really, really want to work in Palliative Care / Hospice.

    OK - back to studying - now covering developmental disabilities, much more interesting than bones.

    Ducky - am I nuts or didn't you go on a trip that involved fear of flying or am I getting you mixed up with another of our saintly hooligans? I'm jonesing to know how it went!!

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2013

    Red checking in, the past couple days have been worse, even less mobility, no pain though. Going back to rads tomorrow to see what they are going to do with me. Husband has been a saint, step kids got told to STFU and stay away, all they want to do is bring the baby to see us. Says it will make me feel better WTF?

    Hope everyone else is well!

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2013

    Oh Red Im sorry. Hope they can figure something out. You know I got to thinking about it, most of my stories revolve around dh, he would kill me if he knew I was telling Anybody some of the stories I tell you guys. If something happens to me you guys will have to delete everything. He really is a good guy (now). I probably sub-consiously knew that, and thats why I stayed during his drunk biker years. He still makes me laugh everyday.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    Im alive...sorry if i worried anyone.

    im hungry.I only lost 5lbs.shocking.

    today is the first day the colitis is not bothering me.

    I still have a problem lookin in the mirror!!!!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Okay, this is like "Can you top this?"  Ha, ha!     That had to have been hysterical, washing out in your front yard!   I used to IRON out back on our patio!  I would take out my tape player, and play Janis Joplin as loud as it would go, and SING to it!     "Me and Bobby McGee!"



    We went to the flea market.... Met my BIL and my SIL.... That was fun!  Fleas were on sale, so I bought a couple....  (You HAVE to buy them in a pair, so they won't be lonely.)


    Then we went in the "Cantina" and I had 1 1/2 bottles of some kind of Mikes Hard Lemonade.... only it was Cranberry.... And we shared nachos with cheese and salsa, a Tornado Potato, and one of those puffy dough things that they make by pouring into hot grease?   So now I am full, Ha!  Having left-overs tonight for dinner...


    Yes Wren.... Quitting smoking IS the best thing I ever did....  Well that AND the time I nearly lost my GRANDSON!  We were all having lunch at Casa Bonita....  And he was about 4, and eating cheese enchilada's!  Well of course he loved them, and had about a whole one in his mouth, with all that soft gooey cheese, and he started CHOKING!!  My God I flew 1/2 way on top of that table, grabbed him and stuck my fingers in his mouth, and started pulling all that cheese out!    He started crying then, and so did I!  I was just shaking.... I'll never forget that.  I've never been so scared in all my life....  Even the staff came running over to see if they could help....   From THEN on, both kids sat by me, and I cut up their food, and made sure they took LITTLE bites! 


    He is now 24... but still remembers that day....  And every time he comes to Denver, we have to go back to Casa Bonita.... Ha! 


    Shells.... man, you are a hard worker!  I know you will do great....  You are really dedicated....  so congratulations!  It WAS Ducky that was afraid of flying....  Ducky, how did you do?   


    Red.... you just have to rest.... You will be too tired after Rads....  Don't go overboard.... and just wait until you feel better...   I remember being so sick, and trying to entertain "company" and all I wanted to do is get in bed and moan and feel rotten! 


    Okay sweet little hooligans.... love you all!  xoxoxoxo


  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2013

    Chevy, thank you I know. The problem is I am tired now and can't feel my feet, just feeling demoralized and humiliated as I can't even go to the bathroom without TONS of help, feeling rather miserable and gonna beg for help tomorrow although not sure what to beg for....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh damnit!  I'm sorry little Red!  It will get better....  When you go, tell them everything that hurts or bothers you....  Ask if more tests, or see if they can give you SOMEthing to help!  I wish I could go with you.... We could ALL go with you, and raise a little hell....  Tell them THAT!!!  See if that scares them....  Keep talking to us.....  I'm thinking of you little sister.... xoxoxoxo

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013 too...I'm aching that you are going through this....take Chevy's advice....raise a little hell....we're with you tomorrow....❤..As I said to Granny, this too will pass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Red I feel so bad for u going thru this diffiult time---like Chevy said when u go tomorrow tell them EVERYTHING--Write it all down and read it if u have to just tell them exactly how u've been feeling and how they can help u. Don't make a request make it a demand. We forget we have to be our own advocates some times and this is one of those times.

    Granny it's good to see u for a 3 second span, better than nothing--good sign for u to be hungry. I'm sure u look great now u just feel like u don't look good.

    Shell I really admire u'r determination to go on with u'r profession u must be so caring and kind, u will make anyone who has u as a nurse comfortable for sure.

  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2013

    Thanks girls, yes I have a list, plus husband is going to be there to make sure that they listen and help us out, I am so worn out from this. I can't thank all of you enough, no one else understands.


    , RED

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Oh Red, I am so sorry you are having to go through this.  I'll be with you tomorrow and always in thought and prayers.  Gentle hugs.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    photo 5d2339d5-afe7-4f07-8efe-56d4c518d5b4_zps88835dab.jpg

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013