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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited April 2013

    Red, wrapping you in comforting and strengthening layers of my thoughts, prayers and love.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Red, what Chabba and everyone else said. I mean it, I just not very articulate today.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    We all care RED.

    Phyllis the word articulate is very impressive to me.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Yes She'll it was me who give you some idea that was 2 1/2 weeks ago, and the scabs are just falling off my SIL's thigh, and my DD's had 5 Ativan that my Dr gave me the nightI left the hospital after the colon episode. Well I read the SE's which were ....agitation (not good, cause my DD had just about had it with me).......hallucinations.....thought "oh the colors, the colors,.......and in the elderly.....increased sex drive...ok, WTF did that say...really at almost 78....,..well what is the worst that can happen......I rape the pilot..............well was doing good till I looked out the window at the gate waiting to board.....saw the friggin huge plane....and almost shit my pants.........said ..."holy shit someone get a glass of water, but then thought of the SE's again, and decided to tough it daughter was pissed.......never did get to enjoy the colors.......and I heard the Pilot say "thank you Jesus"

    Coming back there was a storm at 6am.....and I said to my kids on the way to Midway Airport........."oh I guess we won't take off till it stops raining"...........2 spit out their coffee they laughed so hard, and 2 more almost choked on their bagel...........I said "hmmmmmm, guess not".

    Took off ok, and was fine till the pilot who again escaped getting raped (no Ativan again) came over the speaker and said " ladies and gentleman we are now flying at 41,000 feet".......I said "oh shit"........and my 14 year old grandson reminded me that at 41,000 feet, or 1,000 feet, if we crash, it really doesn't make a difference"..........comforting thought.......

    Well I did it.....was glad I did......the wedding was GS was grateful I got on the plane.....and told the whole reception what I did for him, and how much he loved me for doing it..........It was worth it.........and when I left the plane the Pilot winked, and said......thanks for not taking the

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    Watch out!

    Big hug for everyone!

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Veggy....thanks for the hug....

    Ducky and. both missed your calling as writers....😋

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Ducky that was priceless--Now u can fly everywhere, anytime and travel the world.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Thanks for the hug and the stories!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    DUCKY - FINALLY - I've been  waiting for that story!!!

    Red - did you read that? Hope you got a good chuckle.

    Lah-de-Dah - looks like everyone is asleep and I have this board all to myself.

    **************EVEN CHEVY MUST BE SLEEPING******************

    Oh, it feels so good to be the Queen here all by myself on my little throne. 

    G'Night you Sleeping Beauties.

    Red, Veggy, Granny and Blondie - you are in my thoughts.

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited April 2013

    Alright folks (I guess, I should say "ladies" given that I appear to be the only guy on this thread).

    I haven't been on for a while, because I have been working a lot, but I just had the weirdest experience that may or may not be related to my breast cancer.

    I had a freakin’ stroke on Friday night. It was apparently a minor event, in which the only symptom is the loss of peripheral vision in my right eye, but I spent the whole weekend at Poudre Valley in Ft. Collins after Laramie misdiagnosed it as a possible detached retina. I have no real obvious signs of having had a stroke, beyond the visual problem. There is no paralyses, there is no facial drooping, slurred speech or muscle weakness. There is no apparent intellectual impairment (well, beyond the obvious impairment that sent me to law school in the first place). My blood counts are good and I have super-low cholesterol levels (120) and my heart is doing great. Indeed, for a middle-aged cancer patient and stroke victim, I am the very picture of good health.

    I have done a small literature review and have run across an article that notes a slightly increased risk of stroke with Tamoxifen, but I am still not entirely certain that is the rood of the problem, but I am curious if anyone else here has had a stroke ... especially one related to Tamoxifen.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Hey Charles - if the symptoms lasted less than 24 hours it would be diagnosed as TIA (Transient Ischemia Attack).  Did you have a doppler ultrasound of your carotid artery? When you had the vision change, was it in only one eye, and sort of like a curtain dropping down partway? Look up amaurosis fugax and carotid artery stenosis to see if any of the symptoms sound familiar. 

    You may need to take aspirin or plavix until it is all sorted out. Yes, tamoxifen increases the risk of thrombosis. You can ask to be referred to a hematologist/oncologist to determine if it is ok for you to keep taking it. You may also want to have labs tests done to see if you have any coagulopathies (anti-thrombin3 deficiency, protein C, protein S..). Please let us know how you are doing, you are quite a favorite with this gang and they will worry to no end otherwise.

  • Charles_Pelkey
    Charles_Pelkey Member Posts: 99
    edited April 2013

    I am still suffering the loss of peripheral vision in my right eye, but beyond that no symptoms.

    I will take your advice to heart and check in with both my oncologist and neurologist in the next couple of days.

    As for what to call this thing, I would prefer TIA to "stroke" for sure.

    After the misdiagnosis in Laramie, I spent the next 28 hours at the hospital, undergoing any number of tests, including an MRI and CAT Scan.  The MRI showed “two separate areas of diffusion restriction with corresponding decreased ADC map signal and T2/FLAIR hyperintensity in left paramedian occipital lobe and the left hippocampal tail in the temporal lobe,” as well as a “blooming artifact associated with the infarct in the left occipital lobe.”

    All told, it was a frightening experience, but probably pretty minor in the grand scheme of things.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Yes Charles....  And good morning!  So sorry about your eye problems!  Yes, I believe Tamoxifen can cause eye problems.  Meaning cataracts...  (Sounds like a stage play with cats.)

    Honestly it COULD have caused it, but it will be hard for anyone to admit to that.  I ran into this with my hearing loss.  My Daughter's friend had to have cataract surgery after taking Tamoxifen.... but these SE's aren't "common".... we just take our chances.

    I had an "Ocular Migraine" a few times... years ago.  It was like all of a sudden I could only see wavy bright lines in one eye, and could not read nor barely see with it.  Scared the livin' day-lights out of me.... Lasts for about 20 minutes, then returned to normal.  Doesn't sound like a de-tached retina, where you would see a lot of "spider-webs" in your eye.

    Shells usually has pretty good thoughts here!  Be sure you get those things checked out!  It DOES  sound like a TIA...    And what was that "blooming artifact associated with a WHAT in the WTF was THAT???"  Good Lord, this thread has become somewhat over my head all of a sudden!!!  WhatEVER!

    I'm so sorry you had to go through this... !  I know how scary these things can be.  Just don't trust what some tell you...  Get different opinions, for sure!  Sounds like you need a good lawyer. Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Oh God Ducky.... that was hysterical!!!!!!  I'm sitting here giggling, trying not to wake up DH, and you just keep it up!!!


    You did WHAT to that poor pilot?  You honestly did?  You go girl!  I don't care WHAT people think...  it's still there, right?  DAMN right!   Yes, he was probably extremely appreciative of your more than appropriate advances.  Poor man.... had to wait THAT long to really know what that "Mile Hi" thing is all about!   Did he ask for your phone number?  And address?    And I can underSTAND why he said "Thank you Jesus."   Yes!  Proud of you girl!


    Yes, I would "be glad that I did" TOO!  Damnit!   Just brings a smile to my parched weathered lips... You should make yourself a banner....  Yes, one that properly shouts I AM A MEMBER OF THE MILE-HI CLUB!!! 


    Shells.... hi girl!  And hi Cammi and Phyllis and Stottiee!  YOU guys bring out the orneriness in us!   (spell-check did that)


    Veggie.... it's so fun to come here, waking from my beauty sleep, and find you have ALL been tromping around here, raising all sorts of hell! 


    Okay.... he's awake...  I have to turn the news on, and behave now...

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    I am too young to have a 6 year old grandson!!! On the other hand, I am also too young to have a granddaughter going on 13!!!!! That's all I have to say!!!

    Except - Still in pain, but in PT now - so far all it did was make me hurt worse.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Chrles what a frightening experience u had to go thru--all these meds can cause so much, but u won't hear alot of yes it was caused by that unless it's acht bones and general crap. I hope u contact u'r onc right away and talk about this with her/him, hmmm what else could u go on--Did they ever consider the Als, for u, I mean cuz u'r a man so much has to do with estrogen stuff vefore menapause and after. I  would not know. But I think I would be hesitant about staying on this one. Even a TIA should signal to u'r onc. this needs to be looked at. But I'm glad everything else is measuring good-doesn't make sense to me--but then again it's over my head too. But check back here too cuz there's more nurses here and they can really get into all these strange things. At least u'd have the right questions and shell is one smart one too,

    Gm I'm sorry u'r pain is still going on. I would think u'd start feeling relief by now.????

    Chevy I'm sure u joined the mile high club when I did--when it was called propellar humping. Ducky just got in a little later.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Charles, please get checked out further.  Shells give great advice.  Hope your doctors can reverse the damage to your eye.  

    Gma, hope you start getting some relief from your pain soon.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Notes on pg 85

    Chevy heard of swamp coolers, but not sure?


    Mary, rotfalol, the visual of doing the washing in the front yard. Guess you never pulled off what you were wearing to throw in the load you were washing.

    REd, ditto what everyone said. Would getting a second opinion from another MO help?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Charles will add to Shells thoughts. Didn't see where an EKG was done. Throw a cardiologist in the mix. If you go in and out of Atrial Fibrillation(AF), little or big clots can form in the Atria. When the heart converts back to a normal rhythm, the atria contracts as it should . Clots that formed on the wall of the atria are then squezzed out into the circulation,  big cause for TIA's and strokes.  If you are going in and out of AF, it muddles the diagnosis b/c if they don't see AF ,they tend to rule it out. Only a monitoring for an extened time may pick it up. For those in AF all the time anticoagulation is a must as these clots will break off and travel. Those that go in and out of AF are also on anticoagulation permanently. Also, add an Opthamologist, Central Retinal Artery Occlusion(CRAO), needs to be evaluated. This is the perveiw of the OPthamologist. PLus there's a bunch more stuff they can eval. and track. CRAO is an emergent scenario, with a very particular management. No details, just real important. Everyone else covered stuff. AH, (as she lights up another one), Smoking is absolutely a no-no.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Chevy , have ocular migraines too, since 1988. First one scary as hell cuz didn't know what it was. Weird how they go for 20 minutes. Never found out why? Trivial pursuit, in researching it 1988, found it was first identified in 1850 by a father and son docs that both had them. 

    Scottie thanks for all the lovin :)

    Cami (((HUGS)))))) VEGGY ((((((HUGS)))))))

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    Thank you Sas.

    (((( Sas))))

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Sassy.... I was just HOPING you would read what all went on with that Charles of ours!  Now I hope he reads all of this! 

    Sas, did you have a head-ache with your Ocular Migraine?  I never did.... Had about 4 within the last 20 years, and that's all.

    Yes, about the swamp-coolers!  We don't LIVE in a swamp, just have a "swamp-cooler".....!  Much better here in Colorado with this dry summer heat.  Couldn't prove it NOW, because it is snowing agin.... waiting for maybe 12 inches they say....

    Cammi, you little tart!  No, I haven't joined the mile-hi club yet.... Oh wait, unless you mean going up in the mountains?  On a high peak or something?   Oh man, I remember one time, before we got married, and we hiked up this mountain, and..............................

    And we saw the most beautiful sunset, and a little bunny, and a creek somewhere.....Wink

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Had an ocular migraine several years ago.....really a strobe light in your eye......was at my shore started at night......Went to bed, but was still there in the morning......called WillsEye Hospital in Philly.........they said "call the nearest hospital at the shore, if there was no Opthomalogist on duty to come home, directly to Wills Eye......I did, and upon examination they found a torn Retina........had laser surgery immediately and told to be careful and to watch for other occurrences. Once you have this, it is more likely to happen far so good.....

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Ah Sas, knew you would be able to add more insight for Charles.  Hope he is following this today.

    Shells and Sas should we put the two of you on retainer for all your wonderful advice?  You do desire it! 

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    I good news and not so good news back on my chest X-ray. The pneumonia is gone -that's the good news. The not so good news is - they found something questionable on the upper left side. The doc said that it is probably nothing since it happened too quick. They are sending the results to my onc. I'll be at her office on Wednesday when I get chemo. I am a wreck. I need some encouraging words. Got any?

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    This morning I had my new port put in. After that, I was supposed to go on for labs, MO appt and then the first infusion of Ixempra and also start Xeloda at the same time.

    The had to take a second X-ray on the portable machine. Evidently since I am sorta tall, (5'10") my lungs were longer than the image. Then nobody read it until it was too late to make it my other appts. WTF! This place is 70 miles from home and I have to go back tomorrow to do the chemo.

    I did not get a chance to talk to the surgeon afterwards. Now I have to call to find out why he had to place the port where he did. It looks like its on top of a rib and is sticking up instead of being flat. Grrr! There are several possible reasons, but I'm ticked that I don't know which one. Grrr!

    What do you ladies know about pain meds? I can't take codeine because of auditory and visual hallucinations. Can't take Vicodin because it seems to drop my BP and makes me barf and get the shakes. Tried tramadol, but it seems to trigger migraines for me. My PCP suggested trying 1/2 tab (25mg) to see if that would relieve pain without headache. Have any of you had these problems?

    Port surgeon prescribed oxycodone, 5 mg for pain. I really don't think I will need it for the port, but I'm betting I will need something if I have neulasta with the new chemo.

    Okay, now back to the STFU stuff. After my morning, I just got a call on my land line asking for my brother. My brother died last summer and it was a bill collector. I yelled at her and told her not to call this number again. I should have just told her to STFU on her recorded line. Too many drugs today to think of that in time. Dammit!

    Maybe this should go on the cheez board, but I'm impaired today as well as pretty dammit cranky, so I'm sorry.
  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Kathindc, perfect, so sweet.

    PTS, My particular favorite pain med is Fentanyl patch. Used appropriatly, wisely, and under close doc supervision can give great pain relief with minimal s.e's. Lowest adult patch is 25 mcg. Suggest starting as low as possible. I found 25 mcg handled my pain well, not to a zero on pain scale, but I was okay to straddle the fence with some pain. Totally happy with a 5:10-7:10 without pain med in pre cancer situation of post polio. AI's caused so many musculoskeletal problems, that's how I came to know fentanyl as a patient. Dh now deceased, was on 100mcg, and 200 mcg towards the end. I did use Fentanyl quite differently than the usual way. This was also under PCP supervision and permission. The patch is usally changed every 72 hours(3 days). Generally, described in the literature to be metabolized in 4 days, but not totally. I would change it once every 7 days. I had to be an incredibly slow metabolizer of the patch b/c usually by the 6th day I had breakthrough. I then made a choice to take oxy till the next day or change the patch. I was pretty stubborn about my seven day routine. My addiction concern versus pain control was always being analyzed by me. Had no withdrawal symptoms on this routine b/c the dose declines slowly towards the end of the usefullness of the patch. So, it was self weaning. Tried to get different docs interested in studying it. Went to sleep for brain surgery discussing it with the docs LOL. Another thing I learned early that influenced me to consider the drug is it had a Proseretonergic  affect. This word means it had a positive affect on Seretonin(mechanism I forget). Seretonin is the chemical that all the SSRI's and SNRI's antidepressants influence. So, there's pain relief and can have an affect on seretonin. How that affected my depression, don't know the degree, but hey it sounded great. The seven day routine allowed me to analyse where my body was at, I made this routine up. It is not supported by sceince, but as I say, doc was with me on it. When time came to wean off the drug I had no difficulty. Still on my drug list though for the ocassional flares that take days to cool off. I was VERY thankful to have it in NOV 2012 while passing bladder stone shards over a 5 day period _good Luck

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh wait Phyllis.... WHAT cheese board....    I just bought some cheese.... on sale!  A little wedge of Brie....    What now?

    You, little one, have plenty stuff to be pissed about!   We need a Doctor around here!  Sass, Cammy and Shells, where are you?  What should she do?  Besides tell them they don't know their ass from a hole in the ground!

    I think Tramadol might be a not so nice choice.  Knew of a few people who really got sick on that one....  Be sure you ask the Pharmacist also, and don't just rely on the doc! 

    Don't go hallucinating....  it will drive you nuts....  I just want you to be normal again.... What?  Do your lungs go below your feet?  You are HOW tall?  I would come up to your knees.

    Okay, Veggy, I will encourage you..... Why is everyone sick today?  And have odd things wrong with them?  I just want for us all to be alright, and go scare the shit out of Charles sometime!  It just sucks that you have to wait for test results!  Can you call sooner?  Tell them you are really worried about this stuff!  And under-standably so! 

    Sorry about the 70 miles.... WTH do you live?  Somewhere outside of North Edinborough?  Where is NE?   I'm confused.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150
    edited April 2013

    New England?