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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Veggy sweet pea - worrying will hurt your mind and spirit, so try not to. The doc said that it is "probably nothing since it happened too quick." If you can't put it out of your mind till Weds, call your onc and ask her to look at it. You had pneumonia for goodness sake, of course your Chest XR is going to be altered.

    It's normal for you to have these feelings. Please try to do something fun and distracting today. Go out and have coffee, hit the library, go window shopping, read a dirty book (I'm sure Chevy can recommend one), bake cupcakes, find a free meditation on-line & lay on the couch and play it.

    Check in here often for words of encouraging support.

    **********************We love you Veggy************************

    Dear phg - I've only needed pain meds twice in the last few years, but I personally prefer oxycodone without the tylenol. Since tylenol can really hurt your liver, I prefer to take it separately so I don't have to worry about exceeding the daily maximum dose. Then you can take the oxycodone on an as needed basis, but don't go "chasing the pain." That means, when you start having pain, don't let it get too high before you take your analgesic. I used this process with my BMX and it worked really nicely. So sorry to hear about the port. Please get your questions answered.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Actually, if my brain/memory serves me right, it IS Nebraska!  Isn't that where "Dorothy" lives?  Or is that Kansas....  Maybe it's S/N beach...  down towards Tuscaloosa.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh what the hell now?  I wound up on a new page....  !  And I can't read what we weren't talking about!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Awww, thank kathy. That is too sweet!

    Lol Chevy - thanks for making me laugh. My lungs are not 5'10", ALL OF ME is 5'10". I did ask pharmacist about migraines and tramadol. He had never heard of that association. Great, maybe I effin' made it up. Anyway, the only time in my life that I have wanted to be normal is with cancer. But, oh hell no!

    Veggy, let me know if you want to trade chest Xrays. Mine was clear, I just have long lungs. Maybe a little cut and paste on the films would work?

    Charles - I don't know you but I love you already. I will have to read back thru your post because I'm a repeat reader...especially when comprehension is required. (Chevy, is that scaring him enough?)

    I live in McCook, Nebraska, about 250 miles east of Denver. Aren't you in Denver?

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    $1,000,000  Chevy - you're on in a million!

     Dx 1/16/2013, DCIS, <1cm, Stage 0, Grade 3, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR+Surgery 01/25/2013 Mastectomy (Left); Lymph Node Removal (Left); Prophylactic Mastectomy (Right); Reconstruction: Tissue expander placement (Both)Surgery 05/03/2013 Reconstruction: Breast implants (permanent) (Both)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    PTS, this thread movessssssss so fast, one can't even get a response written before the page is gone, see fentanyl last page :)

    VEggy Concentrate on the reunion next week. You get to see GRANNY without her teeth. That should make you giggle.

    Ducky's description of her symptoms points out about getting fast medical eval. when something new AND wierd happens. I did the same, but my diagnosis was different. Still enjoy the flashing lights when one happens. Mine looks like looking thru a prism with colored flashing lights behind it with water running over the prism, then as it goes out to the side of the eye, it melts into a lovely soft wave pool with the same color changes and sparkling lights. Chevy, none to very slight headache. Nausea-character of the nausea is specific to the occurence, not like anyother I've ever had.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Chevy can yo intepret for me . What does  "And I can't read what we weren't talking about!" mean?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Shell if your posting now, it should be in the middle of the night. Ya know, ya never told me if my guess was right RE: hypotonia? Here's one for you "What , generally, pediatric emergency is diagnosed by the same procedure that is (can) be used to correct it? Only know this cuz it happened to DS as an infant.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    OMG - pages are flipping and I'm SOOOOO lost!  going back to see if I can catch up.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    sassy - thanks for all the fentanyl info!  It's good to have that info.  I think though that I won't need that level of pain relief.  Usually I don't take anything but after rt MX I used the tramadol a few times and had the migraine headaches.  Really which was worse...the surgery pain or the migraine?  The MIGRAINE!  Some of those were not the awful 'please shoot me' migraines, but still a vascular type headache. 

    Anyway, I may be more in line with Shell-a-bell. I hate taking tylenol because of the liver stuff and I really only need it sometimes.  That "sometime" may be with the neulasta shots.  But that's only a maybe.  Hopefully I won't have a ridiculous reaction to the oxycodone.

    I gotta say that I pretty much loved the IV morphine in the hospital after surgery.  Ahhhhhh.  But I only needed it once, which I suppose is a good thing.

    Oh, I also get migraine auras and have for years.  Mostly they are not associated with the headaches for me.  Now and then there is some nausea with the aura, but only rarely.  I get those maybe 6-8 times a year.  The headaches are a different matter.  I have self-diagnosed as non-classic migraines.  Sometimes it is a medium grade headache with nausea (but no vomiting) and all the usual symptoms such as sensitivity to light and sound.  I can function, but it's not much fun.  These can go on for days unless I take a migraine med. I know that is completely NOT what a doctor will tell you.  They will say you have to take the meds at the very beginning or they won't work.  And if they don't work it's not a migraine.  Not in my experience.

    Then there are the full-blown migraines.  I've only had 2 or 3 of those until my latest recurrence diagnosis.  In the past they were all related to stress.  They seemed to only happen when my husband's family was visiting us from out of town.  Bahahahah!  You should have seen my ex's face when my neurologist explained that to him.  It was almost worth the headache...almost.

    The latest one was the day after the diagnosis on 3/7/13.  I woke up in the night with a headache that got worse until morning when all I could do was roll over and yak into the wastebasket for a few seconds before that hurt too bad and I had to roll back over on my side.  I couldn't make myself sit or stand until my girlfriend helped me into the bathroom to go pee.  The first dose of meds didn't work so I took the second dose.  I was at the point of trying to put on pants to go to the ER for a shot when it finally started easing up.  Then I had the hangover. It was pretty miserable and I gotta commend those people that have them chronically.  I have no idea how they function.  Oops, hope that's not TMI.

    Good heavens, I wrote a book of useless crap!  You are all very patient.   Hahahaha!  I'm so funny.  We're all patients without patience.  What?  You've only heard that 2 bazillion times? Thanks everyone!  You're the bestestest !


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    It meant, that the page had turned, and I was trying to answer or comment on posts, and if I went "back" I would lose what I was posting... So whatever I said, I probably didn't know what I was talking about..... which is pretty much normal. 

    You know, I usually keep this page up, and go ahead and hit "write".... Then I can write, or compose whatever I want, and scroll back and forth between pages, and finally I copy and paste my post to HERE, and then I don't lose a post!  Do all of you do this?  This helps so I won't miss what you guys actually say....

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    Phyllis, you might want to check with a pharmacist. I thought oxycodone & hydrocod (which is in vicodin) were the same or related closely. I discovered that I hallucinate on dilaudid. When I opened my eyes, the visual would stop, but then it didn't help pain.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    wren - thanks!  I thought so too.  I did check and was less than thrilled with the vague "hmmmm" that I got on the tramadol.  He seemed to think I should just try the oxycodone to see.  My turn to say "hmmmm".   I will check with MO tomorrow and see if I can get more info.  Hopefully I won't need any of it!


  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Phyllis, I can't take darvocet, related to percocet.  When my BS was going to give me that and I told him my problems with it, he gave me dilaudid.  That one I didn't have a problem with and needed it again when I had a herniated disk six weeks after surgery that gave me the worst sciatica I've ever experienced.  Like so many other things, it is such an individual thing. 

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Chevy - "write" like in Notepad in Windows or is there a "write" button on that I am not seeing?

    Her P-ness

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Charles, how scary! Hoping you are on the mend.

    Hugs to everyone else who has all kinds of things going on. So hard when you are not feeling well. Thank goodness for Shell and Sas and all of their knowledge and thank goodness for Chevy and her comic relief...although today Ducky gets the prize. I almost spit my water out when I read your account of the flight!

    Ok ladies, day one of my rads down, 4 to go. Twice a day for the next four days and DONE. I am beat tonight (cause of lack of sleep, not least not yet) so gonna lie down for a bit on the couch. Hugs to all..Phyllis sorry about the long drive again and your port not feeling right.

    Ok, really going now. xo

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Sas - I think I got back to ya awhile back on the hypotonia (check my post from April 14, 9:30 am).

    Brain too full of "Approach to the Dysmorphic Child" today. Final exam is in 5 days. YIKES!!!!

    Thank God I can come here for some comic relief periodically - bunch of crazy wonders - I feel so at home.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Was coming here for sympathy about my sinus cold, but I'm backing right off that one...😪

    You guys are going through so much and Charles what a scary thing you went through!!!!

    April.....keep slapping on that cream girl.

    Yes, thank God for you gals .....I get so much comic relief here.......Chevy, Ducky....again, you two have missed your calling..😜

    Granny said she was going to venture out today.....hope she made it....waiting for her

    to check in and let us know what mischief she got

    Ok, can't write sinuses are killing me and I can't breath....STFU Christine

    and get over it 😷

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Hi gals!  Her P-ness, I have AOL, so I just go up to the top of my monitor screen, where it says "Read"...  and then..."Write"...  and I just click "Write".....So it's like I'm composing a new e-mail.  Then I just type merrily on my way!  And I can't "lose" it like when we try and switch to a different page... Then I just copy and then paste it here....

    My genius-ness is now for all the world to see....Wink or whatever....

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    Oh I went out today...had allergic reaction went to the usual..the dr.have to go see an allergist...burning itching with the teeth and the surgery was not enuf.

    I read all the posts everyday but somehow I end up I don't know when I'll get to see Veggy....but I'm comin.

    Thinkin and prayin for all of you that need it...seems like most of us need those powerful prayers..I'm doin it..

    Hugs grannydukes

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Phyllis, keyed into pain med . I'm not a fan of Tramodol, first b/c I too had a bad experience with it, then shortly after had a ICU patient that was sooooooooo addicted. Tramadol was touted in that time period to Not be a drug of abuse level.  Some  time later it got more attention for that.

    My pain level with the AI"s was 10+--it induced fibromyalgia, it ruined me during that time. Fentanyl in combo  with oxy for breakthrough, valium prn for severe muscle spasms, ativan for sleep and anxiety, Melatonin in combo with the ativan for sleep, Savella for the fibro & depression. Not sure what proper sleep & nutrition would have done in the situation, but probably HUGE, HUGE, HUGE. Sleep glorious sleep. Now on Savella all the rest are on my list of drugs, but rarely used.  Fibro not present or goneor savella is maintaining with all the other stressors gone, don't know..... but.......Very cool, nice to come through the worst and not be addicted. Could have easily happened, but rigorous on control of usuage.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Shells OMG that was 12 pages ago. Is this a chat room? What's really wierd is my response to you identifies that I understood what you were talking about, then went on too forget it. ERUGHHHHHHHH

    Grannnnyyyy, STFU  #3 *%^$@#%&amp;0

    Chevy HUH  to techy for mr LOL. Just trying to be irreverent. Workin at it :) I'll never get to your level. but can attempt emullation periodically.

    APRIL, almost done. YEAH. Hang in there. :)

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Sas - you are amazing! Thanks for sharing your plan with us. I would like to think that I won't need it myself, but the truth is that I may. Any of us might. You have been through so much and you are so generous for sharing. I am working hard on the nutrition and sleep piece. Thank you!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    PHyll, would rather have all of us never knowing this stuff eh? Into the fire it goes, don't care if it's the wrong thread......... WE need some Peace by the sweet fire. Jo1955 won't mind. I'll bring wine and goat chees and crackers, and green grapes :)

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    Hear Ye..Komen new thread.Komen is sexist and disrespectful..something like that..

    Helped me get some of my anger out.

    Focktober is comin early this yr.!!!

    please support the pink suks.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    OMG I can't remember much here--this thread is moving like a roller coaster==so I'll go with what I remember HMMMMMMMMmm

    Veggie Honestly I wouldn't worry about that so much cuz of u'r recent bout but also cuz sometimes there are areas on the x-ray that a re shaded and have to redo.

    And pain meds Oh Lordy--they are ballbusters can't take most of them either my heart goes into a rythem like a drum in some rock band--I did take the Fntynal patch for a while that did help, but I kept on losing them trying to put them on--then I'd see a patch on my leg, one on my inner arm--no wonder i was almos motionless, Now I take Tylenol 4--it eases things but not that well.

    And Granny I'm glad to see u post no matter what u say. On the other hand we all know Chevy and her mile high denial is root rot--she was always a wild women and now too.

    Oh someone said they had a sinus infection I hat those they're miserable and not much u can do--well I would get antibiotics to help anyway,

    I was at the Drs. 2 hrs. today--blood work, pee thing and I need a liver scan Friday/ all I kknow is my white counta are high--whatever that means--and I need to see a back Dr. and urologis soon. blah to all these effin Drs. I have to tell u this was a first for me--My blood draw she took it from my finger and squeezed out 2 of those viles, I was laughing so hard, I mean I felt like she put a leech on me and drained me. hahaha

    Sas and Shell u 2 are fantastic for all of us. Thank u for the time and the knowledge-

    And Phyllis what a screwed up day u had and now u hve to do it all over again. chit.

    I'm really knocked out so I'm going to try to relx--I'm going out with my 2 GF from HS for lunch tomorrow--so I'd better feel good--aww I'll just take meds like usual.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Cammie - your day sounds awful too! Hope you have a glorious day tomorow.


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Hi all, I went back and caught up....and was LMAO. Chev, I've been dealing with those lost posts like you - I either just copy the whole thing (and hold it in cyberspace) and go back a page or whatever, then paste; or I open a Word document and copy in there.
    Thanks for being my will end up telling me to stfu, am sure.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    K - just finished 9 straight hours of studying - going to walk the poor dog who looks like she needs an anti-depressant.

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Chevy and Joan, I need to figure out how to do that on my Nook tablet. I tried the reading the manual but I fell asleep.