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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2013

    Oh the last one for would go great with bald, dont you think? Make me look like a bird that got caught in an airplane engine!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Ok, went to the GI Doc today...first time since being discharged.....he said they are calling it "Ischemic Colitis".........he referred to it as a Stroke to the colon.....whatever the hell that means.....oh well it is what it is.........I go back to him in 3 weeks.....still on Delzicol......the whole thing is one royal pain in the ass.........just glad it wasn't cancer......actually he explained what it was (or could have been), but there are also other I's all bullshit.....and "screw Ischemic Colitis, and the horse it rode in on.....ok, tell me to STFU......

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Awww Ducky, I think it is good that at least you know. Here is a link with the definition so you don't have to explain it all to everyone. Actually, a "stroke" in your colon is somewhat accurate.  It is better than ulcerative colitis which might mean a colostomy as my uncle had that as did my ex husband.

    Mary, a big huge hug for you and for all of you ladies who are suffering and in pain.

    I have completed 8/10 of my speed zapping and tomorrow I will be 100% done with my rads. This clinical trial while intense sure beats 33 trmts! I do it twice a day for 5 days and I am done! I am pretty tired though and my boob is getting pretty pink today and will likely continue to do so for a few weeks.

    Ok, gonna go rest. Just wanted to see what the troublemakers were up to but it looks like they have been behaving.  Phyllis is a little bit of a wild child though with making up code words for cursing. (my kind of gal!)

    Camillegal and Scottiee, I have a beautiful kitty too. I love my boy. He is all black with big green eyes and full of mischief but he doesn't care if I look like shit so I love him for that

    DH bought a nice rotisserie chicken (which is kind of how I feel after all this radiation all week) from the grocery store so gonna make some sides and done with dinner. Works for me!

    Talk at ya later ladies...time for me to STFU.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Hehehe....             ~JSG~

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Phil I can't catch up either . LOL We all are just a bunch of cackling hens. Damn wrong thread again.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Hi guys!  Okay Blondie....  Can you get your plate sticker without getting your car emmised?  Or whatever I mean?  I just sent the emission test proof, and the money, so I'll be getting my sticker!  What a pain in the butt for us!  But it's over, and yes, "Three Margarita's" was great!  We didn't even have a Margarita though... Food was good!


    Yes, steroids will do a number on you...  So watch any extra caffeine also!  I slept good until 2:30, and it's like you start thinking about something, and you can't get if off your mind! 

    It was about the Vet, and Lacee's "allergies" with her "hot-spots".... So I figure that MUST be what is going on in her furry little ears TOO!  It looks the same... pretty yucky!  So I mixed a little hot-spot med in with the ear cleaner, and will alternate the ear med which cost an arm and a let, with the mix I made up.  I'll see if it works.   Those Vets like testing the same as OUR Docs?  And damned near as expensive!


    Veggy.... cute styles, and shoes, Ha~!


    Hi Cammi!  Yes, I agree.... Shell must be the teenager around here!   She must be the Energizer Bunny! 

    Okay, if they tell you to stop drinking, tell her "Okay, I'll stop when you stop."....  See is she thinks it is as funny as I would! 

    So why is your back feeling like shit?  And your side?  Wait.... I could give you Lacee's Vets # and she could run some more tests on you....


    So Mary....  see, if you wear something rather simple, same as make-up, THEN if you wear something to highlight your attire, like a LOT of bling, or like a trampy purple Boa, no-one will see anything but your trampy little Boa!  Or wear those rubber boots, what are they?   I think they are called Wellingtons!  And if they are loud enough, and bright enough, no-one will notice your sparse hair!   And it's in a pasture?  Well see now???   You could bring along your own hay-bale.


    Ducky..... little Ducky!  Damn girl!  So you have a pain in the ass you say?  And you have a horse?  Well I think Mary needs that for the wedding! 


    April.... I had rads also, but it was with the MammoSite device, implanted.... and it was for 7 days, twice a day...  Not externally... This procedure must be something new?   My radiologist told me that current research IS coming out with so many new ideas on how to treat breast cancer... and treatments! 

    My breast didn't get pink...  but I know about the tired....  Just take it easy.


    Hi Sassy!  What?  Did you forget how to type or something?  That sure was a short one!  xoxoxoxo
  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    Im takin steroids for the rash 40mgs.a day along with 3mgs.of endicort for my colitis.I have coliginis(sp) colitis.Get this I have it for years and i know that the rads brougt it back cause i was in remission for quite some time.After the stomach surgery it came back bad,but the endicort(used to take 3 before surgery)works well.Ducky my dear you have my sympathy.This is another shit disease.and yeah it suks.

    hello still on and off with this damn funk.lurking and have nuthin to say except tomorrow is our reunion in grand Central Station and im goin...funk,mask and all.

    hugggs to all my sistas. kantalope.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Like that one Kath---it's true too. we were driven there.

    Ducky what the hell, do they make up these names as they go along?? I often wonder where all these rare names come from. And when they got named. U and Granny are in pain with that shit, that's awful--I'm so sorry. I swear all these stupid things are going on, cuz (my theory) is all the junk that went into our bodies and still going--yea I know itdoes well on the cancer, but if it's killing cancer doesn't do other things to u'r body too. And rads another thing they have all bells and whistles going when their is a tiny radiation leak but just shove enough in our bodies to get rid of the rat bastard, then the meds one takes care of one thing, then another takes care of reaction to the first one, and so on and so on. U can tell I' pissy right OK I'll STFU about this

    April I'm glad it's about over--that is brand new, now they are saying they can get rid of tumors with no operation oon the breast or brain so at least u'r body isn't drained at all and u can have it done in the morning and go back to work in the afternoon. Wow Except I'd stay home from work anyway, if I worked.

    Oh Chevy why did u ask April about u'r sticker---That what I did for over 20 yrs--stickers, Title and reg. and emission problems and divorce proceedings with new cars, and wils and new cars and u didn't ask ME? I'm upset now--LOL

    Scottie I can't drink coffee in the stupid morning with u-GRRRR but I'll catch u later when I come home with Starbucks hahaha

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Cam.....your right .....all I had in 2007 was a mild heart attack.....was great after that......cancer in 2011, and life went down the shit tube.........felt great after the problems........all the friggin CT scans preparing for Rads.....then 38 Rad between Rads and Femara my life fell apart......aches, pains, hair thinning, dried up skin, trigger fingers, ostopenia, and now ischemic colitis........fucking sick of feeling like shit.....

    Exercise to keep cancer......WTF.....are they kidding......who has the 78 they call these the Golden Years...........I say.......Fuck the Golden Years.....sorry whoever I just offended........have never been known to hold back my words.......Now I will STFU...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Cami, there are sooooooooo many cause of cirrhosis, which is what that doc implied by saying to quit drinking. Tells me the doc hasn't done there homework, erhhh learned in med school and or residency what they should have, will be back with a list of studies. Get Iron panel for sure(1 /12 people carry the gene)(hemochromatosis), Copper should be tested(wilsons). Rare doc that realizes that long term chronic congestive heart failure can cause Cirrohsis. Not implying you have CHF, just pissed that docs don't know what we can google in seconds. Be back lovey. 

    SEEE all below in seconds, being bitchy, but a pox on the docs that aren't interested in finding a cause and assume only one diagnosis. Only added as much as I did to prove what a STFU idiot of a doc you had. AND AND b/c this idiot FUCKING doc didn't do there job, you may have damage that is treatable. All below was googled in < 3 minutes.

    Other causes of cirrhosis include:

    • Chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C
    • Inherited diseases, such as cystic fibrosis
    • Autoimmune inflammation of the liver, when the  body's own immune system attacks the liver
    • Blocked bile ducts
    • Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, where inflammation and  fat deposits build up in the liver and cause scar tissue to form
    • Metabolic disorders of iron (hemochromatosis) and  copper (Wilson's disease)
    • Medications or being exposed to toxic  substances.

    Source: Follow us: @UMMC on Twitter | MedCenter on Facebook

    rt Disease

    Cirrhosis is one of the top causes of death in the United States. As of 2005, it was number 12 on a list researched by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As the liver is injured over a long period of time (from many different causes), the liver replaces damaged cells with scar tissue called "fibrosis." Extensive fibrosis is called "cirrhosis," which can lead to serious liver problems as the liver loses its ability to function.

    Why Is the Liver Important?

    The good news is that many types of cirrhosis are completely preventable. Here are many of the known causes of cirrhosis. Of these, the first six are the most common in developed nations, such as many European countries and North America:

    • Alcoholism
    • Chronic hepatitis B
    • Chronic hepatitis C
    • Autoimmune hepatitis
    • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Also called "steatohepatitis," this is a problem tied to the obesity epidemic in many Western countries.
    • Biliary cirrhosis. The health of the liver is closely tied to its bile ducts. This means that problems with your bile ducts can cause liver disease in a number of ways. Examples of this type are sclerosing cholangitis and autoimmune cholangiopathy, a type of biliary obstruction.
    • Cardiac cirrhosis. This is liver disease caused by right-sided congestive heart failure. It's very rare, but it's caused by a long-term increase in venous blood pressure that leads to an enlarged liver with poor circulation.
    • Inherited metabolic liver disease. There are several of this type that can lead to serious liver problems. Examples are Wilson's disease, hemochromatosis and alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Ducky that's what I mean--my mom had a BMX in the 50's no rads, no chemo nothing----she died in  Oct. of 2000--Her Dr. didn't believe in all that then. My Aunt had cancer removed in her late 70's no chemo, rads nothing she lived 10 more years feeling good. So I know I'd still do it all no doubt but I don't get it.

    Sas I don't think much is going on with my liver, I'm trying to explain to them my side is in pain on the right and goes into the stomach part. and it doesn't connect with my middle back whiched is all Fu'd up from deteriation they say. Oh yes let's walk --I walk for 5 mins and my side and middle back have me walking hunched over and to the right side--like the crooked old man, oh yea got a mustache I have to remove hahaha--So I get xonfused with all these tests. Can I ask to see my ultra sound from the emergency room, is that on file--that's what started all this shit.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Cami go to Medical Records with photo ID. You sign a release form and viola they give you what you want. By law they can charge a per page fee. Interesting(which means I haven't got a clue)...".I walk for 5 mins and my side and middle back have me walking hunched over and to the right side--like the crooked old man"

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh sas that's me OMG what have they told u about it anything?

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    I make YOU people tired!      YOU make ME tired!!

    ......and very, very amused

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Shells, you are coming up for a few moments of air. God love you. So intense. I so am not going there EVER again.  Go girl an ace that friggin test!!!!!!!................. How's DH. I've been bad, doing lots of stuff that would make the vertigo stuff not get better, but IT IS. I could be delusional. But it's definitely better.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Cami, no just seen many people not be dx'd and treated right b/c of blinders by docs.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    There's a lot of chatter here...I cannot keep up...but I need my smiles.
    Tomorrow us New Yawkers and some Jersey girls and a Texan will try to meet in NYC.
    Granny, you are coming no matter what...
    Have a great nite...sleep well everyone.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Have a great time Joan and I know u will. Hope the weather is good for all of u and let us know how it all goes.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Thanks, Cami...been following your ups and downs...and saying a prayer for have such a great spirit and you deserve some days without thinking about medical stuff.
    Same goes to you Ducky...and Granny...and others who are going through unpleasant days.
    I hope someday there will be a STFU meet-up...and we'll order Tshirts for the group.  What a sight we'd be....Laughing

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Everyone going to the reunion have oodles of fun and eat allot of good food, hugs all around :) sassy

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    There is no way I can keep up with this gang, even when you are undergoing chemo, radiation, terrible pain, hair loss, colitis, dental surgery…you have this amazing ability to think of others and send a good word to all.

     Scottie, Cami and Chevy: you 3 are so precious with your morning coffee and your cheerful outlook AT THAT UNGODLY HOUR…from a night owl who is trying to reform and reset my clock, you l are my role models! 

     Phyllis, Veggy, Mary  – you have such a good attitude through your chemo, I don’t know how you do it. And April, you find a way to celebrate your radiation countdown.

    Gma – I hope your search for pain relief finds success. It’s terrible to think of you suffering so much

    Wren – always a good word.

    Red, you are just a pure angel. You deserve the best DH here is. When you write about your son I feel exactly the same as you. Mine is the light of my life. Blondie, you are a pure angel, too.

     Ducky – THANK YOU for finally giving us the flying story. I had to ask SEVERAL TIMES! Sas – don’t you complain about not keeping up – you are doing better than me. Yes, My DH’s vertigo cleared right up with those Epley maneuvers.

    Granny – I can’t wait until you are healed up and back to feeling well. I WISH I could meet you folks at GCS – that would be so wonderful. Joan – please give Granny a big hug for me. You sound like the only sane one in the bunch. I hope you have SO MUCH FUN.

    Chevy – you don’t drink? Why do I find that so hard to believe? OK – fess up – what are you on? It’s gotta be something. YOU are the Energizer Bunny.

    You Morning Glories will be up soon with your coffee and cheerful  greetings.

    This is how I feel right now:                   Time for bed! G'Night

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013


    Cammie, I had the beginnings of cirrohis when I weighed 160 pounds more than I do now. The doctor called it "Fatty liver" and mine was mild and reversible. Now that I lost weight, it is back to normal. There are a lot more reasons as Sas so aptly pointed out than alcohol.

    Ok, day 6 without smoking and really jonesing for a cigarette. Yesterday was my toughest day and I almost told someone to STFU for reals. In essence it was ME who should have STFU! They have valet parking for rads patients at Yale since there is no parking lot near by that entrance, and when I went to leave rads, I gave the guy my "yellow ticket" and usually in less than 5 mins the car comes. Not yesterday. Lots of "orange ticket" people came right after me and their cars magically appeared (they pay, mine is validated and free when they see your name on the rads list) and mine didn't.

    I was not feeling my best and finally I said to the valet "Did you call this in at all or are only the paying people going to get their cars" and he realized he had called it in but never got an answer from the woman in the booth who gets the cars for the yellow ticket people. Since we aren't there very long, they park us in the small lot adjacent to the entrance and one woman gets all of our cars. Anyway, long story short, I apologized for being a witch and they were very nice about it. They have been really excellent. I usually give her a buck twice a day but today I am slipping her a 10 spot since she has been so nice and after day one remembered my name and never had to look at the list again.

    Chevy, my rads are partial breast rads too, directly to the lumpectomy cavity. I am getting 38.5 centigray over 10 txs so over 8 a day where most people get 1.8 a day. Over 4 x the amount each day of a normal rads patient. So, tired is an understatement. But, they hope this will be the norm going forward. Other countries have gone to shorter protocols already. UK is 16 tx's and Canada too but they are still doing whole breast. Also, MMSK in NY has gone to a 20 tx protocol. So, rads are trending that way already.

    Love that I qualified for this clinical trial. I can't imagine going there for 33 days. Twice a day x 5 days and done.

    Hugs to all. Coffee has me chatty but need to get in the shower to get going. All of my early rads appts have been at 7:30 and my afternoon ones at 1:30 (must be 6 hours apart) but today, they have me at 7:00 cause I have an 8:00am doctor's appt. This afternoon, I get to ring the BELL! Done! Zap Zap Zip!Cool

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning--Scottie where are u, I can't have coffe but I was going to say GM to you.

    April I was laughing when u said 10 spot, haven't heard that in a while, it sounded so cute. And zi like thst 2xa day and done. They are getting new things really going on now.

    NO COFFEE--Yet-OK (in song) I;m off to see the liver , the wonderful liver of Oz---so I'll catvh up later ladies

    Oh have a fun day.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    Morning all!  Getting late here.... almost 5:30! 


    So Princess Granny, you are probably more than likely, almost ALWAYS in bed at this time.  The day is 1/2 over!   You MUST get up early so you can lay your eggs and scratch your dirt!


    Just maybe your colitis will go back into remission again, once your stress settles down!  Ever since I have known you, it's been one awful thing after another...


    I just remember your GS and that awful motorcycle accident, and the hub-bub with hour DDIL, then came your stomach surgery, and you had to finish off a bad year with your dental surgery!  You have gone through a LOT girl!


    And then you quit carousing with the BOYS, and THAT is probably what put you into a funk!  So go find your dancin' shoes, and find a place to USE them!


    Cammi!  You need a good soak in the tub.... oh wait!  If you are like me, getting up and down in that tub is just too hard!   And when you get IN, the water runs over the top!  Ha, ha!  So just screw it, and take a shower... maybe WITH someone...  Ahhhhhhh... just the THOUGHT of it all...

    So now there's no excuse!


    And so how was I supposed to know you were Ms. STICKER person?   Of all time?  We should all list our occupations here.... Ha!


    Morning Ducky.... so are we having a bad day?  Go out and kick a wall or something....  !  Then go get a Starbucks, and you will feel better.  You mentioned trigger finger.... yep, done that, even had surgery, so now I am "straight!"  Yes, back surgery.... and this was all before BC. 

    Doesn't that mean before Christ?   We're not THAT old!  Old, yes, but we can party with the BEST of them....  well, maybe not so much.

    You WILL get better....  Just put a sign out front of your house, that says no more shit allowed, and you will be okay.


    Sassy.... yet ANOTHER article for me to "save" and print off!   I think my Dad had cirrhosis of the liver, but it was also old age, and grieving after my Mom died.....

    I know about alcoholism, but SOME men think that ONLY means if you drink "hard liquor".... say for instance whiskey.  But if you only drink mega-amounts of BEER, you will never have a problem!   This theory CAN'T be true!  More research is needed here.... but not today.


    Hi Joan!  Wish I could see you all!  WHAT are you all going to do?  Lunch?  Drinks?  Tell us all about it!


    And little Shells!  You never forget ANYbody, Ha!  And no little missy, I don't DRINK!  Except when I do!  I will have a glass of wine today because we are going up to Blackhawk to gamble.  THIS time I am taking $40 and a BOOK!  When THAT sparse amount is gone, which should take about 2 minutes, I will bide my time and read!  I'LL show those machines!   And oh, a Starbucks in hand, and money tightly in my other hand, I will wander aimlessly amongst the throes of losers.


    I do not like to go up there any more!  I don't like the drive, back and forth, AND the losing of my money!   But DH loves to walk all over hell and back, having conversations with people, having a little cigarillo and his few beers!  So I'll probably be sitting there, reading my book, and waiting for him.  The only time it's FUN is when you can win something! 


    It used to be so much fun!  And I can afford to lose more, it's just not so much fun anymore.  I'd rather go to the mall, or the flea market, or even the damn GROCERY store!    But I will put on a happy face and do this deed.  This dastardly deed.


    Morning April...Glad you got your parking people straightened out.   So YOUR type of radiation was what they were talking about 3 years ago!  Good for you!  And nothing "implanted" like I had.   So comparing the two types, mine was given "internally" to that spot, and yours was given "externally" to your spot!   I'm always amazed at the new techniques they come up with.....  I almost fell over when they sent the statement at how much that weeks worth of radiation WAS!  I mean with the preps, pictures, and treatments, it was over $17 thousand!  I only had to pay 2 thousand... I wonder what the standard treatment of radiation costs?  But it must have worked! 

    So congratulations on getting to ring the bell, Ha, ha!  They all came out after I got dressed, and were clapping and gave me a huge balloon!


    Okay gals.... guess I'll leave you all asleep, and get busy.... xoxoxo
  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Hi to the breakfast club...playing hookey from work...we have no plan for NY...guess we'll be googling restaurants?
    More's a beautiful day. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Gorgeous in the Philly suburbs............I hate meds when the dosing is 1 hour before meals...or 2 hours after..........WTF.........what a way to screw up someone's routine.......will be so glad when I'm off this shit...........they said it was not ulcerative colitis.....but the med is for ulcerative colitis..........but was told to continue it for 3 weeks..........go least my GI Doc admitted even they are confused with the Ischemic colitis diagnosis.......but they eliminated all other possibilities........gonna tell my Cardio Doc, and get his take on it......since it could have involved a clot in an artery in the stomach area......and even that is uncertain........feel like I'm playing ....button, button, whose got the

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Last night - mild nausea, abdominal pain and cramps, muscle pain, joint pain, shakes, sweats.  Crap!  This is not the fun stuff.

    Today I have all of the above with a mild headache and random shooting pains to different body parts.  Crap!


    (bowing)  Thank you for listening!  Yell

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Ph Phyllis---did we always say this was crap, well u'r in it, but it will be better.

    Oh Chevy the not so much of a gambling woman---U'r a trooper going.  I hate to go unless I have enough to loose and hope I win--which I don't have any to loose so it's no fun for me--when my GF's go I pass on it, well someimes I go have dinner and then just sit around and people watch and thst's ok sometimes.

    OH I'm having my coffee and the tech said I was alot of fun, I warned her I was going to be a bitch, she must have a different meaning for that word. Now I feel like havin liver and onions for dinner. I'm so sick minded. Liver scan)

    OK i'll check in later--Hope u'r feeling better Phyllis--I have to catch up.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Like if you would wear!