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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    2nd , hello nice to see you here, join usand ditto Cami! sassy

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Hi 2nd around ... Welcome.....I just want to say I was perfectly sane until I joined this lot....😳 but these women are the best.....they are good for a laugh, for an ear to listen to your rants or whatever and most certainly here to support you.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited April 2013

    SAS, Scottiee, all... Thanks for the welcome! I know there's lots of support on BCO. It's here that I see for the rants, venting and insanity! Definitely need that! Been insane for a very long time! BC has been a part of my life for a while, maybe that's why!

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726
    edited April 2013

    welcome 2nd....

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    For you Chevy and everyone else who needs a good "whine", rant, vent, whatever you want to call it.  We can turn it into a party with some help from Maxine!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    2nd here's alink to OMG they found a cure for Stupid, I linked to page one. It's ongoing, but OMG willgive you lots of laughs. Allot fromhere are there too.

    Blondie are you feeling better?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited April 2013

    Thanks SAS! I did start reading from page 1 and lasted several pages, even went several pages back. Will catch up slowly (or not).

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    2nd time - Lurked, Landed and now Lauded....feels good to have you here.

    ...and you're absolutely right about the B - it's an ego thing -  got laid off after 25 years  and needed to prove that I am still A-OK..... went back to school, got all A's before and one B after BC - a bowl of alphabet soup....time to move on 💃

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Kinda early but Good Morning Scottie, got my coffee and my cat's been purring like crazy, I think I should feed her--hahaha. Joey will be home today (he's sick) I think this weather fooled us a bit--it's fever time of the year for kids oh and I guess "older" ones too. I hope u'r day goes well and we'll talk later.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Friends Good morningggggg, If anyone has close vision problems, this is oh so going to make you happy. Hit some wrong keys yesterday, then kept hitting them wrong in reverse thinking I was hitting some other ones. Finally got it figuired out.  Maybe I'm the only one that didn't know this , but if you hit cntrl+ ,it makes the typeface bigger and bolder on the whole page. If you hit cntrl-,it makes everything smaller. Keep hitting iy till it stops getting big, then same in revers. So, wish I'd known this when I couldn't see after the brain surgery. It's weird, I'm going to have to get used to not squinting.

    Shell KNow the pain of being laid off when your at the top of your game. They did it at one facility I was at back in the late 80's. I'll try to keep it short(yeah right). The VP of nursing quit b/c she wouldn't decentralize, no notice she walked out that day. The true reason why wasn't fully known till a year later. The next VP started to make her moves. She was a true snake. She promoted 5 women to director status in Sept or Oct. The story went that this was a move to give the supervisors who were performing the same functions as directors of other departments the title and salary commisurate to the others. Great nursing celebration through out the hospital. Finally, recognition. Jan 5th 1988, a day obviously not forgotten, all 5 were laid off. Reason.  The hospital decided to do away with that level and give the duties to each unit nurse manager, under the caption of decentralizing. These women had 15, 20,35,36, and 37 years of service. Gone. Nursing staff were in tears all over the hospital. That same week hospitalwide, many long time directors and supervisors were laid off. The ones-directors-- that were left, it was clear they had made deals to save themselves and sacrifice those under them. I saw the handwriting on the wall and started to prepare to be laid off. This VP made a systematic sweep of tartgeting 1-3 high level/high paid nurses and laid them off over the next two years. I made it till Sept. By then I had another gig lined up. I was surprised I made it that long b/c my pay was very high. None of these lay offs had anything to do with the work of the person or qualifications for the job. It had everything to do with MONEY. Top pay and top benefitted employees. Foolishly, some that were left thought they were special, they ended up GONE too. It destroyed the nursing culture that was very very progressive and cohesive.

    The times you have mentioned your lay off, little details indicate, there were many similarities. cluck'em

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Sassy...the honey is working good, I think!  Actually, as soon as I put it on, my hands quit "burning."    I'm thinking the Fluocinonide ointment, or any other cortisone treatment has somehow been "rejected" by my hands....  if that's possible?  And after using it, and even mixing it with Vaseline, they don't seem any better.... or FEEL any better.

    But yes the honey!  Ha!  It actually got on my wrists, and then of course on my keypad keys, AND under my mouse, so I've sort of been cleaning up.  I'm not done whining yet.... I don't think.  I've also heard of "Ocean Potion" for burns.... like sunburns, so my mission for today is just THAT....  Find, apply and stop whining.... Ha! 

    Hello again SecondTime!  Yes, that OMG thread is really a kick!  I sort of ran out of silly things to say, because I need to go back and figure out WTH they were talking about, Ha!  I know CHICKENS and the "Cure Guy" and yes.... "puff-puff!"  That, and THIS thread just makes us laugh sometimes, and we all need that.

    Okay gals.... going to shower-up, and see if I can slather enough honey on my hands/fingers to make them feel better!  What if I found the CURE?  I mean for this Eczema!  I would be more than elated, and  un-mortified!  And itch-less!  I am woman.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    I lost you ladies some how - FOund you !!! - Not even going to try to catch up - sorry - I have a big STFU!

    My 2nd oldest sister just emailed me last nigt - She now has breast cancer!!! STFU - ER/PR+ Hers2+ - 2 years ago, on my birthday, my oldest sister called me and told me she has breast cancer, just after I finished radiation and now my next sister has it!!!NO NO NO NO NO!!! What the hell did I start.  Very sad today... I know its not my fault  but man when with this ever stop.. My DD is now is being watched for changes in her breast and is having a 3-D mammo?? This has been one crazy weekend - and all I did was want to enjoy my grandsons... Weekends never go as planned.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    GMF hope your pain is better. Do you think your DD should get tested for the BRCA gene? The National Cancer Institute recommends that those with 3 or more 1st degree and 2nd degree relatives (mother, daughter, sister, aunt) w/ BC should consider testing regardless of their relative's age at diagnosis.

    Sassygirl -that's what happened to about 30 of us - we were at the top of our pay grade after years of working, and were all laid off within a 3-4 yr period. I was replaced with someone 20 years younger at $24,000 less per year. I was upset about it for awhile, but at peace with it now. My coworkers  say the work environment is not good now. I got a nice pension that I won't touch for 8 years, lifetime medical for DH and I (and son until he is 26), and 44 weeks severance pay. I was one of the last to get lifetime medical before age 65 because my hire date was 1984, one year before the cutoff. My coworkers miss me but we get together frequently and have fun - at least once a month for lunch or dinner, birthdays, etc. We're going out this Weds evening.

    Life goes on. I am about to start some serious job hunting as my severance runs out in June, but I'm not worrying about it. Need to get my exchange surgery done and finish 6 weeks of pediatric clinical first. Life goes on, and I'm more at peace than ever.

    Chevy - you have not been up to your usual shenanigans lately,  are you okay? Did your night of gambling wear you out? Is the honey acting like a sedative? ....and where's Veggy? Granny is taking a break but thank goodness Scottie and Cami are here in full regalia.  ...and Phyllis is awfully quiet.  Good thing 2nd Time is with us. Hi Red and Blondie and everyone! It's 4 am in Hawaii - I just got up for a little while until I get sleepy again. You folks are all on your way to Monday morning. I'll be there soon! 

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    Shellshine, My DD and I had that talk this weekend before I found out about my sister.. Her doc was asking if I had it - told her no but now I wish I had - its just so spendy and with no insurance I just couldn't afford to - My daughter might have some insurance but not sure - How one day changes what you thought the day before.  I'm the youngest out of my sisters with BC - they are 66 and 69 years old - I got it at 57 - the youngest of our family. When I orgininally found out I had BC, I only knew of one aunt that had it.  Boy, What I started... geeeeeezzzzzz.. 

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    sas - no, DS has not been caught yet.  He's a great cook!  However, he did edge me out of the kitchen a long time ago.  Not necessarily a bad thing, except for my self-esteem at being gently pushed out. 

    cami - yes, it's the east side porch (front of the house) and it wraps around the house to the north side. It's about 35' on each side.  It's what convinced me to buy the house.  No gun, but sitting on the wicker settee with my coffee and my crabby/cancer-face and soon to be bald head will probably accomplish the same thing!

    Kiddo agreed to stay until Thursday to see if I need neupogen shots.

    mary - very sorry about your stinking, thieving visitors.  Very sad to let go of the home you grew up in on top of all of the other crapadoodle you have to deal with.

    shell - wow, congrats on your test! You are the wizard!

    joan - your get together sounds fun!  I would have fallen asleep about 1/3 of the way in.

    chevy - sorry about the eczema.  Sounds really annoying and irritating. Keep us posted on the honey treatment.  Hope it's better SOON!! My son has psoriosis.  For some reason he just ignores it.  I can't imagine how that is possible!

    Hi 2nd - Don't mind me, I just come here to blather on about nothing important.

    red - hope you're having a good day!

    I know I left some of you out and I apologize for sucking.

    Yesterday I spent the whole morning with stomach cramps wishing I could just for the love of Pete, POOP!  The cramps are like a wave of icky painful cramp from right to left.  Then NOTHING! 

    The Zelda and Impreza give me bad aches and pains in joints and muscles and also in my abdomen.  I'm trying to manage it with tylenol and ibuprofin so the stupid oxycodone doesn't make me MORE constipated than just the chemo and zofran and calcium.  Fer cryin out loud!... OH wait, I did that too.  I scared the pee out of my sister, I think.  She stopped by to check on me and i was sitting the the recliner and felt too bad to get up and let her in.  It made me cry.  I had to call her later and tell her I was better.

    Today I AM better!  I took a sleeping pill last night and woke up about 7:30 a.m.  Had some tea, ate some breakfast, took 11 pills, POOPED!, showered, dressed, and just got my sleeve and gauntlet on (without smacking myself in the face)....and it's only 12:38 here!!    All in all a very successful morning!  Tongue Out

    I love you ladies, have a wonderful day!

    Phyllipina, the pineapple queen

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Glad to see some of u.

    Gm how awful to have all this cancer in u'r family, I know what it's like and it sucks--My niece (sister's dgt), my sister and I all had it at the same time--we couldn't even hep one another--my cousin got it first. I had the Braca cuz of all this--and I have no memory of what the Dr. tole me- But it has made both of my DD's (in their mid 40's) very vigilante-It sucks

    Question---when anyone here has constipation why don't u use a suppository, or is that not allowed anymore--I mean I remember yrs. ago we all used them and worked fast instead of waiting and being so miserable, but I don't know the new rules.

    Sas I remember that cuz my GF was caught in the midst of all that layoff crap and at first had to do 2 jobs and it was awful for her.

    Chevy what a simple thing sas told u and it helps--Drs., they're getting more annoying than usual.

    Oh Phyl well u hve returned --I'm sorry u'r having such a tough time--when it's over u'll look back and say WTF it was awful, I was miserable and I hated every minute of it---but everyone is different. As u've heard 100 times--different nothing we're all miserable. Now did I cheer u up? Unfortunately cheering up is not a stron point for me. I'm one of those people that think Murphy was an optimist.

    But the weather is nice enough not to hot not to cold--just right I wrote Goldilocks but someone else took the credit.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2013

    Well, just got back from doing my ekg. Heart appears to be functioning well. So onto Ixempra if insurance will pay for it. Dont know much about it but according to some on these boards its a bitchFrown. Oh well if it helps,I'll deal with it. Went to see onc. again,I actually got him to smile. It was my shoes. They"re the water shoes that look like they have the toes built in. The real ones are like ninety bucks. I got these at wal-mart for 10. Anyway , he asks just what kind of shoes are those? I say they're water shoes. He says are they real shoes? I say yes. I know they're ugly, but they're the only thing I can wear with my swollen toes. He says I didnt say they were ugly, they're...........interesting. I say well its your fault I have to wear them your the one who gave me the shit that made my feet swell anyway. He actually cracked a smile. Miracle of miracles.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617
    edited April 2013

    GMA foley: my heart goes out to you and yours. Brenda

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Lol mary, glad you got his attention

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013


              IT'S SO WONDERFUL!!!

    ..........and I'M GONNA KEEP YOU IN SUSPENSE!!!!!!!!!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    clicking heels icon

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Ok, enough suspense. 

    The professor took off the question that half  the class missed because it was not material the exam was supposed to cover. She adjusted the grades and I got an.............................A

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited April 2013

    Shell, yippeeyippeeyippeeyippee!!!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Shell, Great news!!! Congratulations and hang this on the fridge!

    Cami, ahem...what did you mean by "Glad to see some of u." Cool

    Phyllimina, as if walking around for hours wasn't took me over 3 hours to drive home. 
    Hey, we have a pineapple and a kantaloupe on the same thread...

    Chevy, I didn't want to say much 'cause K might get jealous...all over again....
    (shhhhhhh) we went to La Fonda Del Sol Spanish restaurant.  i went there in high school with my Spanish club...that was a little ways back....  Yes, I have pix...maybe tomorrow they will magically appear....

    Am yawning myself to sleep....have a good night & better tomorrow!


  • juliaanna
    juliaanna Member Posts: 575
    edited April 2013


    Great news!! But you are going to be an excellent NP no matter what the grade.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    I am alive...just not feeling up to posting but I am lurking.

    G'ma Foley, I am so sorry about your sister. Stupid cancer...

    Shell, congrats on the A! You deserve it.

    Ok, gonna try and go to work today although not feeling it. See you all later.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Good morning Cami and all other early birds.....Life is good again ....kitty is back and we are together here drinking our so sorry to hear about your sister, yeah C just sucks!!! I know you will be there for her all the way.

    Shell.....yay......I knew all along you were destined to get an bloody deserve it

    April.....We'll talk, but ending "treatment" hits a lot of us ...I crashed and burned myself...

    anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds plus not retiring and keeping busy does it for me

    now, most of the time. I said, this too will pass....❤

    Everyone else.....have a great day....gotta get into that shower now....oh quiet time over..


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Okay, morning kids!  I'll post this, and then I'll REALLY talk, Ha!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013
    GMA, how could you "lose" us?  We didn't go anywhere, (in my worst whiny voice)! 


    But I'm really sorry about your Sisters.....!  Damn!  I'm sorry....

    Yes, they will probably watch your Daughter pretty close.... make shre she gets that mammogram... do they advise just once a year?  I don't know about a 3-D Mammogram either... Has your Daughter been tested for that BRCA gene?  Tell us after she gets that Mammogram...


    Okay, Shells asked the same thing...she is on top of it more than I am.   Did YOU get tested for that gene GMA?


    And Philisisnes.... WHAT???  Oh yes, I too love your beautiful "away from it all" place to sit!    I love your house! 

    Yes, I'm annoyed!  Everything is sticky around here!  But I think it's working better than anything else I've tried!  (Fingers crossed)...  I still wear gloves most of the time, but again, it COULD be worse.


    Your cramps!  Is it a 24 hour bug?   Those cramps just plain HURT!  Did you figure out what it was?  It was a bug.

    image alt="" name="fdsA1TDkL3BjmM:" />

    Probably that one.

    Just go to bed...what does the pineapple queen mean?  NOW what did I miss?


    Oh, I see!  Yes!  What does that mean miss Cammi?  "Some of U"???

    What?  Is that a mis-print?  Boy, we won't let you get by with THIS one! 

    Cammi, I read about the honey on the never-ending search on the Internet.  I ALSO read about rubbing polish remover on my fingers about 6 months ago.  THAT shit does   NOT work!  I thought my hands were on FIRE!   I just ran them under cold water for days, I think.  I'm like that commercial.... "where did you hear that???"  "On the Internet." Ha!   But Sas and I have this "thing" about hands/fingers.  

    Sas, with YOUR knowledge, you could CHARGE us here....


    Cammi, yes why NOT suppositories?   Was that a "rule?"  Damn!   WTH is "Murphy?"  And he was an optimist?   Goldilocks?  I'm totally lost, yet again.


    Mary!  Do you mean those actual shoes that DO have room for your toes?  I saw those at REI, and could NOT figure out how you could wear them?  Not with MY toes....  an actual hammer toe!  I wear Crocs, but ... wait....

    THESE????  Yes, they are lovely.....  So now do I get to call you Flipper? 

    Okay... now with Crocs, you can call me Daffy, Ha!


    Some of though, are actually cute.... even stylish! 


    Shells you are such a brat!!!  I saw what you almost posted!  And caps even!!!! 

    But you little shit, you got an A after all!!!!!  We knew it anyway!  You are probably actually SMART!  Damn!  Will you stay with us, with this new found illuminate knowledge and all? 

    Okay an "A"....  I NEVER got an A I don't think.... Except in "cooking"...


    Joan!  That sounds yummy!  Don't tell her....  Actually I don't think she could eat there anyway.... or not anything Mexican...  Okay, yes, send pics.  You could go to Ihop, or somewhere plain, maybe.  And she could order a poached egg on toast... with Spam.... Yes, that's it, SPAM!  I love that stuff.


    Hi Julianna!  Morning to you!  And even April is "lurking"..... Sometimes you just have to lurk.... that's okay....  And sometimes you feel like a "nut"....I think that's a commercial.


    Little Scottiee!  I'M here!  Us early-birds!  You gals, have a nice day... Hope to hear from you soon Kantalope! 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Notes from pg 95.

    Did anyone use the ctrl+, or ctrl- to change typeface size?

    Chevy- didn't do search on Honey yet . but will do. Another memory, we used to use it on bedsores, sugar too. Sweet butts. They both worked. Medical Grade Maggots are even being used on wounds. Sounds AWFUL, but they only eat diseased and dead tissue, they can clean up bad wounds quick. There's even Medical Grade Leeches. Your right about fluco etc. Did a search for someone else and there's other stuff in these drugs that can cause trouble. SO hope the honey continues working. There are so many things that were used in an earlier time that our orthodox medicine and BIG pharma have rejected. Not all old treatments were good, some were lethal, but the outright negation of anything old is a loss.

    Kathy, yes RE: Maxine. Never saw one of her cartoons that didn't nail the problem.

    2nd, Duh isn't OMG the first place we met? I now the second was 101. Someplace, memory issues LOL. But nonetheless, this is a nice place to be.

    GMA wondered where you were? Sorry, about your sisters and now DD's concern--it sucks. I was going through the elective process for BMX b/c BC and CA numbers on paternal side are off the charts(12 of 21 women), all that were tested were BRACA negative. Genetic counseling showed paternal grandmothers side likely source of genetic influence. Clean mammo, then 4 months later follow up MRI which was next step for elective, dawdled getting it done b/c mammo was clean. BINGO a clear MRI signal. LONG story, but had I not been going through elective process, I would not be writing this. Can you imagine with 12 of 21 women and my family thinks I was overreacting to the numbers? Google "DR Christine Neal" She had an elective based on family history.                 Hope your pains better  with the PT.

    Shell, these types of lay offs and or firings we know happen in other industries, but in nursing, as we are nurses it's so shocking. Only so much can be learned from books. The knowledge that clinical practice brings. There were at least 2/3(naybe more) of top level nurses laid off, so, that's maybe about 45-50, with your 30,  Say 70 total, times an average 20 years experience. 1400 years of knowledge with clinical application. All for money or ego.  Shellshine YEAH, LOVE ITEM ANALYSIS AND A TEACHER WITH SENSE. CONGRATUALTIONS WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PHIL........The dreadful effects of drugs. Glad you finally had a go. Did you look at the Constipation thread? So, many members offered ideas, just maybe there's something that may help. I'll get the link. See response to Cami.    So, wish I could be at your reunions, can't wait for the pics :)

    Cami, Suppositories and enemas are still used for normal people. BUT anyone with a comprimised immune status i.e. chemo,radiation, AI's, Tamox, are at risk for infection caused by micro tears in the tissue lining the rectum/anus. In a low immune state thes micro tears can lead to sepsis and or death. Just another damnable BC problem. Thanks about the lay off stuff, I got over it years ago. Thought it might help Shell to know that Nursing was as bad as the rest of societies leaders that put money ahead of knowledge. She already knows it, but it helps sometimes to here from someonelse.

    Joan same as phyllis, boo-hoo wish we all could be there. Hope you feel better.

    Jullianna-----welcome here sweetie, join the fray.

    April and Scottie ((((((HUGS)))))))))))

    Ah Chevy, can't wait, it's always something good. I've been reading and typing for two hours and you just pop thes things out. Your my hero.

    GRANNY and Veggy ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))

    Went to Sea world yesterday with cousins. There was a 4 y/o and 19 month what atreasured memory, now will STFU sassy