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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone--

    Shell u'r probably done with testing by now, aww I hope (and know) it went well--u've worked so hard. And smart doings about u'r eyes--good timing--they will no doubt be healed in time at least u can rest for a while--what a ways to rest.

    Ducky I'm LMAO about u'r beeper thingy, but I'm glad the ladder isn't there-to dangerous. Get the broom woman and smashe the crap out of it.

    Phyllis is that u'r porch? It's just so lovely and relaxing looking Good place to recharge. BTW do u sit out there with a gun like u told Ducky to get?? Good son u have, u'll miss him.

    Did Chevy win a fortune and leave the country-cuz her cover got blown or is that a secret?

    Sas I got my med records so easy--I asked the lady in nuclear meds (where I got my test) where it was and she said I'll print them out for u-zap I had them in my big old hands thinking of u. Thanks again----good post about hospitals.

    I got home a little while ago and I missed my coffee with Scottie this morning--I slept by my DD's house and my cousin came over and a fun time was had by all. But my GS came to sleep with me by the end of the night cuz he said he wanted to make sure I was al right---we don't ever talk about me being not well or feeling sick--but he's such a goof -in fact u know how most kids have something they like to sleep with well he like to sleep with the remote for the TV under his pillow and tells me to wake him up when I want to change the channel--I told u he was goofy and my SIL says he's just like me. OK

    Scottie I came home this afternoon and my cat was mad at me at first and my DD said she kept them up during he night going in their room licking on them hahaha but after I was home for a little bit she's right by my side now--cats really love too except they show it differently than dogs much calmer. My DD made me iced coffee this morning Yummy she makes good coffee and early in the morning she came down to lay with Joey and me and we all fell back to sleep for a while.

    So that was my night and alot of today and I'm tired like usual. So I'll be back later. BTW the weather is beautiful today.

    Red U better a little--I really hope so.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Oh more stories PLEASE!!!!!! I'm gonna have to wear diapers when I read your're should have been a comic writer...😜 fingers are crossed, but I know not necessary.....the way you've been studying girl....straight A's all the way.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    Don't GS find strange things to sleep with? My youngest sleeps with a cold water bottle inside his pillow case.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Wren I love it hahahaha

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Wren has GS shared why the water bottle? DS had to sleep with his first two wheeler.

    Cami sounds like such a nice time. Sweet!           Yes, thanks, that article is an eye opener. Worked two jobs ago on some of the items mentioned. Catch word for some ofthe safety stuff is "guardrails".

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited April 2013

    Shell.....had that done back in paid for it since it was medically eyelids were droopy, and my eye doctor suggested it be done.....when the Plastic surgeon saw it he said..."I am going to run a test on you"......,.took about 1hour by putting your heat into a gizmo, and each time a buzzer sounded you had to push a button to let them know where you saw a flash of light.......well I failed the test, and he sent the result to the insurance company, and they deemed it medically necessary.......they did top and bottom........what a difference.......I looked wide awake, and so much younger in the eye area.........well worth doing.........

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2013

    Just checking in... lurking but not writing much.Must have a rip me off sign on my back these days, first was gs shoes from his birthday party and then one day this week somebody stole patio furniture and planters off my moms back porch. The house is empty, we just finished redoing it to put on the market. Bought some cheap plastic adirondack chairs and a glass table with some big planters to put on the back porch for a little curb appeal. Did that on Monday,my sister went over yesterday and it was all gone. Dont understand people these days, but keep your fingers crossed, we're supposed to get 2 offers on the house tomorrow. Its a great house. the one I grew up in. My parents lived there for over 40 years. Will miss it terribly, but its too much house for any of us to keep. We had to sell their beach house this past fall. Couldnt afford to keep that either. I just hope whoever buys it will love it and take care of it...not much other news, still moping around nursing my new wounds. getting a grip on having to start this chemo shit all over again. onc. says no rads either so chemo is all I can do. Oh well...hope to be back to my usual nutty self soon, I miss Love you guys...

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    SAS, He likes it cool. Says he's too hot without it. Have to confess that I often wish my pillow were cooler, but not enough to stick a water bottle in it.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Shell, good luck on this test! 
    And upper eye is the only thing I really want 'done' ... if ever ...
    Good luck with that too!
    The Grand Central sisters did meet but without Granny....she did not feel well the day before, and still wasn't up to it yesterday.  We really missed her....she was on eof the original planners.  There were 4 of us and it was a great day.  We met by the clock as planned; and it was like we knew each other for a long time...guess we did not stfu for hours....(((Granny)))
    We decided to get Junior's cheesecake after lunch...then a long walk around the blocks outside Grand Central.  I'm hoping we can do it again soon so we can have Granny with us.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Mary people are ao disgusting stealing things of a porch--so stupid. U'll feel better really, u've got alot happening now and I remember when our home was sold--it was so sad for all of us--well I don't think my brothers so much but my sister and I took forever going thru even old books, being sad to get rid of things we forgot we ha. LOL and my brothers law books and they weren't even laws anymore but it was loads of memories all wrapped up in one house. So try to relax and u'll be all right. But I'm sorry u'r feeling that down, blah feeling--it;s sucky.

    Ducky I forgot, but u'r right if the Dr. explains it right the ins. will cover it.

    I'm sorry Granny didn't make it to the luncheon, I know she said she was planning on going--Again one day at a time. And Juniors chessecake ordered it 2 times---wonderful. Most of the Chgo are doesn't get it so it has to be ordered.The Christmas ones are excellent--prety to look at.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Good morning Cami and fellow early birds....😜

    Cami how are you doing in the pain department, better I hope. ❤ Kitty has taken off again to join one of the boys so it's just me and my

    Mary, so sorry that happened....keeping my fingers crossed it sells quickly.

    Sent Granny a PM and she is "soooo pissed" she missed the get together but she was so sick the night before.....she is really going through a rough patch. A favour ladies..

    For those of you computer savvy here (I'm useless) could you send some nice flowers

    to cheer up our princess????

    Chevy....where are you?'s not like you to be so quiet.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Not feeling well enough to post individual stuff but this is for Granny Dukes! Have a great day ladies.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh WHAT???  I don't think I have an excuse.... I've just been doing nothing special....  But I finished another book by Danielle Steel, Season of Passion.  Her books are just really good!  And yesterday, I got to where I wanted to finish the damn thing, so I finally DID!  Just 2 days for this one.  I have a great collection of paper-back AND hard-cover books, besides my Nook, so instead of crochet-ing, (because we have no more room for scarves or blankets) I'm reading..... Ha! 

    Ducky, that WAS funny, and you guys that told her those ridiculous things to DO with the thing, were hilarious!!!  Ha!  Yes shooting it's brains out would have been MY thought.... I have one too!  But it's just hanging on the wall, with it's little battery door open!  I prefer it better that way.  Our little house is...... well little!   So if all hell breaks loose, we just have to GO... 

    Cammi, I love cats too!  AND dogs, and I'm even liking the chickens next door!  They are getting BIG, and I have to go feed them and change their water this morning!  I don't think I was "afraid" of them, as much as "what the hell do you DO with these things?"  But they seem friendly enough, so I said I WOULD feed them, and water their little beak things, and feed the cat as I normally do.  They are coming home today from Winter Park.   These PEOple.... it's like they go LOOKing for winter!  For SNOW!  They went to Winter Park for the night, for all that winter stuff you do.  Just give me a warm day so I can work in my gardens!

    Wren, how cute!  Those rubber water bottles?  Man, I remember those!  I like sleeping with a fan on also, just so my face stays cool!  As long as it doesn't muss up my hair.  Wink

    Granny!  You couldn't go?  Ah MAN!  Was it because you weren't feeling well?  Or was there some sort of problem with you getting out from under a great night in bed???  With ..... oh never mind..... I don't think you are in any mood for silliness from me.....  Although I DO have my own thoughts here. 

    So just in case you really WERE feeling puny!  

    Or was THIS it?  

    I don't know much about plastic surgery, but if I COULD, I would have SOMEthing done with my damn neck.... I mean necks!  I could make a whole new PERson with this much skin!  I MEAN!  So I don't think there is any medical condition that would warrant them removing 104 centimeters from my neck....There's alway Duck tape!

    Mary, that's just a rotten thing to do!  Yes, I understand eye-appeal, but I just HATE when little bastard thieves do that!  We were walking one time, and found all of these little outdoor walk lights, someone had apparently stolen, and threw them around for about 4 blocks!   It made ME mad, and they weren't even mine!  I had a huge split-leaf Seloum?? stolen off of our front porch one time.... I went looking up and down the block for the rotten little culprit, but I couldn't find it!  So we put up that lattice work, on two sides, then added a wooden gate, so people couldn't come up on our porch....  So when I put up pretty little things, they are inside the yard now!   (The "gate" is not an "iron" gate or anything, just a few boards nailed together, with space in between, so it isn't "sealed".... Ha, ha!) 

    But we don't get any sales people!  No friends either....Wink  YES we do, just kidding!

    April.... I hope you are feeling better....  I'm just sorry...Undecided

    And Scottiee!  You silly girl!  I LOVE how you talk about your kitty!  And your damn coffee!  Ha!  Yes, I'm having some right now!

    So fun Joan, to read how you all got together!  Did you take pictures, and where did you have lunch?  Just TELL us, so we will be jealous!  Wink

    Okay my lovely ones!  Love all you little kiddles! xoxoxoxoxo

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    April.....sorry...missed your post.....sooo sorry you're feeling crappy......I wish I was savvy

    enough to send YOU flowers...(((())))

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Crapola....didn't do as well as I had hoped on the exam - will find out grade by Weds, one more make-up test- double crapola, and Granny missed her reunion - TRIPLE CRAPOLA

    photo a7bddf01-c72c-48d3-b65a-7917192e6a9b_zps596f3c71.jpg

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Test results are back - I got a B and I am ok with that. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited April 2013

    Thanks for the flowers.

    I appreciate all my sistas.

    I will be back...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Granny sometimes I have limited computer skills and sometimes I don't so I'll send (((HUGS)))

    Scottie I missed u again this morning, I was up 1/2 the nite then fell asleep and my kitty was with me so I feel comfortable.

    Boy Chevy u do read alot and I'm glad u kept control with Granny--soon enough u can go back to u'r old self. Literally LOL

    If I missed anyone--which I did_ I'm sorry I'm still recouping from my night out..

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Cami HUGS you never know where a word, or a sentence may save or change a life. Rather than corny this is regrettfully to true. What's great about this being in AARP, is the membership is so vast and diverse. What was fairly hidden is now OUTED. I should put this on my Pinktober Revolution thread. How about tees that say" is Your Hospital  Killing People?" "Is your hospital Killing and Maiming It's Patients". PO is big into tees that are very graphic LOL. sheila

    Granny, see above sweetie. I know this will get your blood up. Mini's already posted and would love to see you jump in and give them hell!

    Shell, A's are nice, but considering the obscurity of many of the questions that even specialists in their own field might miss. YOU done GREAT, enjoy that manhattan GIRL, you oh so earned it SMILES all around

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    Shell.....congrats.....absolutely nothing wrong with a B.....considering everything you have been through, a B is amazing!!!!
    Cami.....not only is my kitty deserting me, you too now....was it something I said .....😜 If you are on FB, I just posted a pic of Kitty.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Wren I'm checking in on the HOT FLASH FORUM. There was a whole discussion on COOL pillows. may be Walgreens , but seeing what the crew remembers. :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Shane YOO-HOO, are you lurking?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Shell u crack me up, u souded like oh did I do bad---And u got a B--u brat that's wonderful--It's wonderful Shell!!!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Thank you for putting it into perspective - I studied SO HARD for that damn test and got tripped up on one question. We were given clinical scenarios and had to write out diagnosis, differential diagnoses, tests to order, treatment plan and rationale. I did really well, otherwise, and would have gotten an A. I need to count my blessings that I will pass the course, probably with a B, after failing a test and mid-term right after BC diagnosis. Got all 26 multiple choice questions right. I finished it at 7:30 pm and the instructor graded it on-line at 11:15 pm - wow, guess they want to get their grades posted. On with the day - I need to get out of this house and see some sunshine, so going to a friend's open house of her new hair salon with another close friend, then plan to work outside in the yard for the first time in MONTHS.

    Thank you again, everyone, for your perspective. Feeling a little disappointed after all that hard work but you are right - need to be thankful and move on. One last minor test to take on Tuesday, then it is PARTY TIME!

    Granny I am so worried about you - is there anything any of us can do to help you?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Yes Shellshine!  SUNshine for you little scholar!  I think a B is just GREAT!  I mean WTH???  I hardly ever got a B on anything!  Except for Home Economics, which was cooking and sewing!  You know, FUN things! 

    The last time I saw a B was my Bra size!  And that was aWHILE ago!  

    April.... are you alright?  And Cammi?  and little Kantalope?

    Sassi, my hands are a  mucking fess!  So I read online how putting honey on them, really helps eczema....  I've had honey on my hands, and vinyl gloves for about 2 hours now.....  Wish me luck.  I know the cortisone ointments/creams do NOT help long term!  Only greasing them up, and wearing little polyester gloves.... which I do.  I even cut an  Aloe Vera  leaf.... I'm trying things I have not tried before. 

    At least the honey does not make them burn.... like for instance the medicated LOTION does.   They ARE better than they were.  I didn't do ANYthing to rile this mess up.  They were just itching.... I mean ITCHING one morning when I woke up.... THEN the burning, blisters and peeling!  I feel like a garter snake.   They just look "burned"....  So I am trying the honey!    If nothing else, I am much sweeter..... Ha, ha! 

    The PC AND the dermatologist can not stop this from happening....  it's just eczema, and I might have this affliction forEVER!  Okay.... that's my Sunday whine..... xoxoxo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Chevy I'm so sorry this has turned into an explosion on ur hands and u can't do anything with the Drs? SScience can go to the moon, but try to clear u'r hands "I don't know" that has to be so agrevating. And now u can't even give the finger properly. U have tried so many things u'd think something would work. Hmmmmm Anyway u whine all u want just make sure u finish with wine.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited April 2013

    Been lurking for a while, didn't have much to add to the conversation till now...

    Wren and SAS... Walgreens has the forever cool pad. I have two so I switch between them during night hot flashes. Find it helps a bunch to have the two.

    Shellshine.. You're such an over-achiever!! (Reminds me of my DD - for a long time, if it wasn't the best or perfect, she thought it wasn't good enough. Had to drum it into her head, many times that good enough is GOOD ENOUGH!). Especially In your case with all you've been through! Other than for personal reasons, would an A have gotten you more? (Other than ranking in the class? Will the B on that test cost you a job or more money? If not, be so happy with all the recent past you've been this successful! Way to go! (Edited for grammar & clarity)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    2ndtime---I'm glad u lurked and then landed. What do u mean u have nothing to add---We're not much for adding here we just talk, vent, rant and laugh. So something caught u'r eye. So drop in more and be part of this insane group.---Sorry ladies but let's face it....

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Chevy, mine flared last two days, but calming down. For me,I thought I saw a connection between tomatoes and flares,but not sure. Had a weeks flare awhile ago did the chlorine baths, but can't ventilate the area well enough even with two fans. So, saving them for worst case scenario. Did you know that honey has natural anitimicrobial properties? I'll dr. google it and see if there are any other things.    Reminds me of a time in the late 70, >>feet hurt from work-very very bad. >>laid absorbant cloth on stairs>>washed feet>>sat on floor and pasted honey all over feet to above ankle>> laid back on floor with legs going up the stairs>>dear lovely dog licked my feet for a very very long time. Heaven.

    Have an idea about the burn presentation, I'll have to study it. I know that's the usual, but have a thing thinking of crossing to unrelated thoughts, I'll have to see if I can find a linkage between them.

    April, Mary,Phyllis, Cami, Red Shell, Scottie, Granny, and anyone I missed, big hugs and VEGGY MUah, sassy

    Nice mellow sunday night.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Camiilegal... Definitely fit the insane part!