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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Okay can't STFU---Yesterday in the kids playland. They have one of those 3 story things with tubes and cargo nets. I'm into Bucket listing. So, thought I'd give it a go. Half way up the first cargo net, I realized I'd probably DIE. But getting back was as bad as going forward. I did a drop and roll down the slope, it worked and was fun, and didn't hurt. I did not however do a rollercoaster.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited April 2013

    I'm doing a bit better - problem times are when I'm in the kitchen cooking or washing dishes, walking or standing for a long time and doing laundry.- It seems to trigger the trap muscle and spasm.. PT has me doing a stretch at that point until the pain quits.. Sometimes, it just doesn't stop and I revert to ice.  ,  Just can't stop doing those things - DH does most of the stuff around the house but he has his own troubles. He fixed my dryer though which helped - no hanging clothes to dry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh am I late this morning!!!!

    Scottie I'm missing my morning coffee with u the last couple of days-U'r my first one I talk to, along with my cat. and we both understand that. Now my order of the day is mixed up.

    Shell C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S--U really did it perfect. Now u'd better not eave us u and Sas are going to keep us going good.see Shell if u can't answer it it's a wrong question --I love it. I did get an A once in Sanishe my 2nd year, but I sat next to a girl born and lived in Brazil for 10 yrs and so nice--I think u can all figure out the rest--our desks were very close and again she liked me and very nice. Need I say more.

    Why is everyone picking on me--how do u epect me to remember why I said something at that moment???? LOL But I do say Murphy was an optimist cuz Murphy's Law if something can go wrong it will.

    Mary I love those shoes, ugly as hell but look very wearable. See u'r Dr. has a sense of humor--use it and u'll enjoy u'r visits more, cuz he'll goof around with u and make u feel better.

    Am I welcoming Julianne--I hope u stay with us  a wealth of info and some laughs--it's a good thread and questions now we have 2 women here that can answer anything u wsnt to know so why go to others Well Sas has been for a long time and she's as sweet as she is diligent in helping everyone of us and now we have Shell so we're lucky here.

    April are u ready to try a day at work right now? U had reall a bad couple of days--geeze u are pushing u'rself--but u know best so I hope u'r all right.

    Sas again thank u I really would never put thst together about a supository--they were so used yrs. ago. That's why I asked cuz so many get constipated and I thought of it as a quick fix. Taking a stronger pain med has made me go more normal, but I didn't need any yesterday so my day started with bad diarhea yuk Im always mixed up down there.  Sas if I asked u this before please just put it down with bad memory. I was reading my med reports (never have) and one line said appendix-not swellen orinfected (something like that) do they grow back??? Seriously. I don't know--I had it taked out when I was in my 20's then a full hysterectomy in my 50's (cancer related) so why did they see one.? Sorry Sas I'm always bothering u. oh and Sas of course I tried the ctrl and + good going Sas another winner.

    Granny I really hope u'r at least lurking with us and will post soon.

    Veggie how are u doing?

    Chevy--oh Chevy what can I say that hasn't been said hahahaha--Are u gardening now--it's gardenable weather here finally, but I don't. Although I appreciate the beauty of the work, I just never got into it. When I lived in my condo I had a balcony tht I would put flowers on, but fake-I didn't want bees having their convention there. They looked good from the street. That's as far as I got.

    Well I've kept u guys long enough, Of course if I missed anyone u know I didn't mean to--U'r all great.

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited April 2013

    Are they not the ugliest shoes ever? Mine are dark grey with purple stripes, but they are the most comfortable shoes I own, so Im trying to find them in other colors and am having a really hard time. I am Not spending 90$ on a pair of shoes that ugly. And yay! got an offer on my moms house yesterday. not quite what we wanted but close enough to keep our fingers crossed. We countered back and should hear something today. Should also hear something on my insurance coverage. Hopefully get something started the end of the week. Its scary as hell to watch these things on my chest get bigger by the day...

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    WTH is "gardenable?"  I KNOW what you mean, and that's what scares me!  Ha, ha!  We need bees!  Bees are a GOOD thing.....  We plant flowers so they will attract bees and then THEY in turn will pollinate my tomato blossoms, and any other garden thing!   Except I don't understand how they DO it in a confined green-house.  Where there ARE no bees.  Probably off conventioning somewhere.  Wink

    SASS!  You were on a playground????  You GO girl!  I once upon a time got "in" a huge innertube, at the top of an ice-hill, and with much encouragement, not to mention pushing, went sailing down that f****** mountain, screaming at the top of my lungs.  And THEN, decided it was sooooo much fun, I kept doing it again!    I couldn't let my Grand-sons show me up.  They thought I was pretty cool!   Of course one was only 8 months old, so I just made that up.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Chevy, you are in rare form in the morning!!! 
    Sweeter than ever....but are you attracting BEES???

    haha I have students who are thrilled with a D+ and hang their tests on the fridge...they just want outta here.  Many leave their science requirement to the last semester and then i get them...desperate and groveling...I don't get many who shine like Shell-y ... 

    Well, G coulda eaten with us...Sheila had flaky salmon and I know G could handle that.  I think I had better take her out for some soft-serve lunch...she deserves it. I like the iHop idea...on National Pancake Day I got free pancakes for dessert.

     I miss you Granny K Innocent

    I also vote a big LIKE for Pineapple Queen's porch.  I always wanted one...

    Scottiee, do you have a retirement target in mind?  (I am torn between picking a date or a dollar amount...but the date is more realistic since I spend all my $$)...I plan to work another 7 years...that is how long my union has negotiated for free medical insurance...I want to retire before they change the rules.  However, I will have a zero at the end of my age before that, and am not sure this is a good plan...One day at a time...and hoping to stay healthy. 

    Back to work...early day today; a million errands to run.

    Now it's my turn to stfu...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Joan hahaha for that picture--love it.

    I just made my yrs in work when I retired to stay getting ins. Of course my Medicare -orcaid, whatever is my primary but Cigna is now my secondary so I hung in till then somehow-so I got lucky.

    Yes Chevy I do make up words but thay sound good to me so I use them--says alot about me. As soon as I retired I thought I was entitled to my own vocabulary--and I do realize the value of bees, still doesn't mean I want them around me LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Cami :). Hmmm appendix's don't grow back So, first request is to the ordering doc for a reread of image. I'd ask for a different radiologist. No question this is important. Possible scenarios, rad doc was looking at the wrong films or dictated report on wrong patient, transcriber did the mix up. Another way out thought is that your appendix was never taken out. If the rad doc did actually see something and interpreted as appendix, then they need to determine what it is.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Phyl went to get constipation link, and see that you've been there, 8 pages talking poop, if you can't find sumpin to get you going let me know and i'll do a search. BTW your taking calcium because of? Calcium as you likely know is a constipator,  add that to opiods-narcotics, it's like mixing cement. If your taking the calcium b/c of ostopenia/osteoporosis, a talk with your doc is in order to see what they recommend. The problem is not just the pain and discomfort of constipation. Prolonged and or severe constipation puts to much stress on the colon wall. Can lead to troubles like diverticulitosis(condition of pouches on colon wall) diverticulitis(inflammation of the pouches). Pg 1 on C thread I did a thing on divertic. Not recommending you change tx w/o talking to doc, but chat with them about not taking the two on the same day, or reducing calcium dose when taking narc. Watch your diet for things that can bind like cheese i.e high calcium foods.  Is there any food in your past that only caused loose stools that you removed from your diet? Cabbage soup for me is a true thing to cause diarrhea Ugh. So, the thought being if you had a food trigger that caused diarrhea in the past that isn't contraindicated( definition--Do not use) with present drugs, re-add that to your diet and see what the outcome(pun intended) is. Actually measure for several days how much fluid your drinking. Calcium+ narcs+ to little fluids= reinforced concrete.  Discussion of high fiber diets has fallen into disfavor by the American Society of Gastroenterologists. BUT BUT it does not mean that all GI docs agree with it. This position is very contraversial at this point.Good luck with outcome sassy---Transferring this to constipation thread :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Cami, ctrl+ and ctrl- total serendipity. Hitting keys wrong turned into a beautiful thing. it is so NICE not having to squint LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Mary, Why are they taking so long to get you evaluated??? If you can see them expanding, are the docs understanding your message that they are growing before your eyes?? Girl, lighting a fire under there butts wouldn't be out of line.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    Oh Sas great---now it's something else that's stupid---I know my appendix was taken out cuz it was so infected that was in just one operation and I have (still) a scar all the way down.Now u get little scars but those days not so much. That was by far the worst operation I ever had due to the fact of where it was and they had to really open (they said) cuz it burst. And no ne has seen one since--Oh chit they're going to think I'm really crazy now. hahaha But I will put my detective pants on and go for it. Thanks Sas. And yes I can see everything clearly now---THE RAIN HAS GONE LOL

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    I've been using ctrl+ for a long time. Never needed the ctrl-. Now if they could come up with a way to use it at the drug/grocery store. Who's letting them write the ingredients with white letters on clear? I need a BIG magnifying glass. One company had a brochure next to their cosmetics that listed each item and ingredients. Why can't more companies do this? Couldn't be they want to hide the ingredients, could it?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Cami, the approach for your appendix was exactly what was needed, they had to explore the whole abdomen, then they put your whole abdomen through the wash with tons of flushing, likely had antibiotic mixed in. IV antibx's for multiple days afterwards. Since you didn't say you had any further abdominal problems( I won't get graphic), your doc at the time, really did a GREAT job.       Ok Sherlock, go get them

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Wren yeah what's that all about. The big bad one for me is drug inserts. Duh they want us to read them, but put it in microprint. "" has all the drug inserts and there readable

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Cammi!  I think I maybe understand something of what you are talking about!  When I was about 14, I was sick....  They thought it was the flu, like my Dad just got over.... But the PAIN in my stomach, was just enough to double you over.... I got VERY sick that next night, and remember just barfing all over someones shoes.   And then I got a searing pain across my stomach, and I felt better!  They think that is when my appendix did "rupture."  But by morning I could hardly even move.   So the old Doc came out, said I had better get to the Hospital rather quickly....

    By noon, they had it out, and I thought I was going to actually DIE!  I was so sick.  And the tube, and I just wanted to go home....   Peritonitis was everywhere...  But yes, that scar was 4 feet LONG!  Wink

    Sass, I think they DID use some sort of vacuum cleaner, like a Dyson of some sort, to clean it all out!

    So did someone tell you about you having "another" one?  What did I miss?  YOU need to change doctor's girl! 

    Joan, that cartoon was so funny!  Ha, ha!  I liike bees.... I don't like wasps, but they are probably need for something TOO, except I don't know what!   One time I was so thrilled watching these wasps build this little "nest".... I mean like a "paper" round hive on our front porch!  They didn't BOTHER anyone, but it got to be the size of a basketball!  

    So I figured I would go out there, real early, before they woke up, and slide a cardboard UNDER the top of their hive, and hold a big plastic pot under the whole thing   and do this rather quickly, blocking their way OUT with that cardboard!  I ran to the ditch, and carefully laid the whole thing down, and stepped back in a hurry!  The hive collapsed, and I grapped the pot and ran.  I just didn't want to kill them....  and that's the end of my story. 

    And that's what it looked like!  I just couldn't think of spraying them all and killing them!

    I will be more observant from now on.... No more wasps nests around here.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,922
    edited April 2013

    Chevy, the bees in the confined greenhouse are people with long artist-type brushes. They move pollen from one flower to another. Probably a very tedious job.

    You were lucky with the wasps. I would be afraid to take that chance.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited April 2013

    Dear Beloved STFU Sisters,

    I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a great support - you are all so very dear to me. And "NO!" - now that I am done with  coursework I am not leaving you - although I will probably slowly drop out of some of the other threads. You feel like family to me. 

    I took my last make-up exam today, did well, all finished with classes. Last year's 4.0 GPA went down to 3.6 but I am very pleased. If I ever threaten to take a college course again - admit me to the nearest psych unit, call the National Guards, the bomb squad, women in white coats, whatever it takes. that the !@#$%^&* class is done, am I:

    Doing the 4 loads of laundry that are in a pile?   NO

    Cleaning up the sinkful of dishes?                      NO

    Changing the dirty bed linens? Getting my oil changed? Vacuuming? NO NO & NO

    Letting my parents know the good news?           YES!

    Hugging my husband?                                      YES!

    Writing my STFU Sisters                                   YES!

    Doing a Happy Dance?                                     Yes! Yes! and Yes!  

    Dancing animated emoticon

    OK - ENUF with the grades already - time to STFU!!  Be back later 💛


  • redheadinwv
    redheadinwv Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2013

    Yay! So happy for your A and being done with classes. So very proud of you!

    Feeling a little tired today but ok, won't whine any :)

    Ope everyone else is hanging in

    Talk to everyone soon


  • cheryl1946
    cheryl1946 Member Posts: 62
    edited April 2013


    So happy you got the A; you worked hard and deserve it.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Shells, you sound  SO happy little sweetheart!  I love that!  Yes, celebrate.... you deserve it.

    Hi little Red.... You doing alright?    You can whine.... although none of the rest of us do..... ever!  About anything.... Ha! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited April 2013

    I take suppositories for my this a no no????....yikes what am I going to do because Letrozole gives me nausea quite often and I can't take gravol orally....just bring it up....HELP!!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited April 2013

    Scottie, doesn't mean suppositories shouldn't ever be used, but care must be taken to gently insert them. Once had a nurse not take gentle care with a fleets, yohhh. Hey, they used call me the enema queen cuz postop surgicals under my care had poopin when it was time, on the top of the problem list. I know what previous searching has said, let me go look and then have stuff you can ask your docs about.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2013

    Oh Thank God for Sas..... xoxoxoxo

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667
    edited April 2013

    Shell, for you and all the other ladies who work and have stress in their lives!  You deserve a spa day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2013

    YYYYAAAAYYYYY Shell u did it, u'r done--it's official--we always knew how smart u are but now u know--u go irl do nothing but celebrate, celebrat and dance to the mu u sic--corny I know

    Scottie don't panic--it can't be that bad--sas will come back with news for u. Just relax. Wouldn't they say never, never ever use one??? I was never consripated thru this so I never really talked about it.

    OK Chevy either u'r very very brave or--well about the wasps OMG what a thing to do u silly girl u. U'r so funny.

    And Sas it was on an US report not that clear and clean one. Oh how silly this is

    Chevy I have to tell u (and everyone) this story I woke up (I was in my mid 20's) One morning and told my husband I had to see the Dr. that day cuz my appendix was going to have to be taken out. OK what were my symptems nothing--I just knew--well he took me to the Dr. and he said if anything u might be coming down with the flu.-I went to another Dr. said the same thing--still no symptems--Went to another sent me home--It was 5PM and this one Dr. was ready to leave and I begged him to see me and he agreed since I had no symptems to go home rest and call hime the next day--I said no what test can I take and he said well I can send u to the hospital for a blood test and rhen just go home and I'll have it done right away and u can rest easy. So did thst and I wouldn''t go home--now my hisband was furious he had a poker game that night. Well we waited about n hr maybe the nurse came out and said they called the Dr. and I was going to be operated on right away. So of course I said I told u so--Oh no I don't want anoperation let's go home--well I was stuck--they got the surgeon and my Dr. and before I knew it I was being put out. The next morning the Dr. sat down and told me my appendix had ruptered so I had a huge cut and they cleaned me out so I stay with him and his partner until I moved out here last year.  I miss that commraderie that I had with them.  I don't have it now, yet my Drs. are vigilant with me and take tests which I know I don't need but they think I do. I knew my back would show something now I need a back Dr. but I feel that everyday hahaha Oh what a boring story I should delet it I know, but u'r all sruck with it. LOL

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami AMAZING storey. First rule of medicine is "DO NO HARM". Most have heard of that one. A doc in the 70's taught me that the second rule of medicine is "If you LISTEN to your patients, they will tell you what's wrong with them".Your's certainly did!

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    FOUR physicians, and finally one did a CBC? HELLLLLOOOOOOOO - oops - that was a while ago - they didn't have the knowledge and technology available today. You're lucky you didn't die, Camigirl. Your husband missed a poker game but kept his DW.

    Kathindc - I'm having my upper eyelids worked on when I have my breast reconstruction exchange surgery this Friday - so that picture of me with the cuke eye patches is pretty realistic!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Scottie and Cami and all, I reviewed multiple articles with changing keywords. Keywords as we all know change what we pull as responses. The words I put about the immunocomprimised person are the same. I did find a nicely written article about "Rectal Administration of Medication"

    The significance of this article is that is directed at nurses as to how to do it correctly. For us as patients, it gives us a guide to know what is correct. For those of us that need to have a home guide, it is valuable for self use, or training someone to do this for us. The ideal would be to have a nurse train both you and helper to do this. Again what I like about this internet article is it covers all the basics , just like I learned it.


     The significance of this article by Mayo clinic is they teach about the drugs by name and then talk about use. Trying to keep the name of the drug attached to it's use is hard let alone how it works. These instruction pages do a good job. FYI, I didn't use keyword Mayo Clinic, but Mayo should be a first go to site for info on all things medical. They have teaching info on everything. Analogy, BCO main board is a first go to site for all things BC, thats what Mayo is to all other stuff(glad I can use slang versus prettified language).

    Tired now, no more searching. Please review links, if they don't satisfy your need to know question, post question :) sassy

    Your review of these links and the questions you pose ARE IMPORTANT, it will identify flaws in the search. Once no other questions are received , I will then add this to the Constipation thread.