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STFU (Shut the F*** UP)



  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433
    edited May 2013

    Sas, Its not my Drs. so much as the frigging insurance company. Im in the high risk pool in nc and getting them to pay for anything the least little bit different than their rules tell them is like pulling teeth. They want me to do adrymiacin again, even though it would put me into heart attack range. Onc. is working on it though.Hes the head of Oncology at the medical center that I go to, so he has a little pull. Hopefully Ill hear something tomorrow. Shell, congrats on your grades. Very impressive. So, today was my day to pick gs up from daycare. Spent the afternoon playing superman. He always makes me the bad guy. Today I was some ugly octapus looking thing with 3 eyes. I died about 15 times, and of course had to fall on the floor everytime. The couch wasnt good enough. We had fun though. Then he went home and told his mom I hadnt fed him anything, and he was starving. Really he had chicken and noodles, fruit, 2 pop-tarts and 3 packs of gummy bears. Little stinker....

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2013

    Sas....thank you so much for doing the research.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Sas, I've been using the ctrl + for years.  It started when I was typing tech papers and the shortcut to a superscript number was ctrl-alt-+ so if I made a mistake, I noticed the print got thing I noticed on this thread is that if you want to see someone's avatar without squinting, using the ctrl + makes the pix larger too. 

    Chevy, I love your wasp story.  I always told my kids that wasps wouldn't bother them...and was at a garden center one day with my little girl - told her that the wasps had plenty of flowers and wouldn't bother her...then one immediately made its way to her little leg and stung her...I panicked because I didn't know if she'd be allergic so I ran with her to a pharmacy...she was fine.  But I had lied to her and never would do that again.  You are brave....I do save bugs and throw them outside but not always.  I get away from bees and wasps whenever possible.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Thanks Sas, well I don't use them but I know alot of the ladies need something, I still have the oppisite problem.

    Mary that's so cute with u'r GS--u being th bad guy and him starving. hahaha

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    OK - sitting at the table and a little spider just came down on a string in front of my nose...I caught it (a la chevy) in a bowl with a student's paper on top.  Next step:  flush it or free it?  I opened the door to the yard and put the bowl outside...cold out i am thinking about how it won't find any other spiders out there...but it's not coming back in because it was living over my kitchen table.  I drew the line.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Joan, u'r takingthis to the extreme hahahaha

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Cami, just trying to get out of what I should be doing...LOL

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Ladies...ugh Still feeling lousy.

    Sassy - thanks for your help! The constipation is better today but I'm still having stomach cramps. Hopefully that will resolve soon.

    Had labs today and WBC is tanking. I'll have more labs on Thurs for MO to decide next step.

    87 degrees yesterday and snow tomorrow. Really????!!!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Joan , what's a superscript number?  ah love  new stuff! Particularly if it's easy!

    Mary, I know you originally said you didn't want stuff, just support, but i'm an obsessive butt'r in cuz my little angels won't leave me &^$($^ alone. WTF is going on, things growing in front of your eyes, and the insurance company defines treatment. Well, I wil STFU cuz you have said your onc is working on it, obviously he has more of a clue than moi. Of course, the angels aren't silent and I'm now on to the vodlka b/c the wine is gone and DBF didn't come home. SOOOOOOOOO

    A similar maybe remote comparison, 1996 twin dx'd with ER+ BC. Doc did all the paperwork for approval of ovary/hyster removal, it was denied. I talked directly with insurance person, told them my doc recommened I get the hyster & ovaries out, and if I came up with BC after Wednesday which was scheduled sx date, they were responsible if I got BC.  Next day it was approved. Basically, I lied to the insurance people,  i'd gone to the Gyn doc and said out with it all b/c of her ER+ status. Ovary removal was not a recommened tx at the time. He went along with it. He agreed not enough known, particularly identical twins.

    How does this apply to you? Am I mixing up things---- you have something growing on your incision lines, Insurance wants you to have adri, was a bx done? Path report?Insurance is trying to overide MO tx.  Hey, try the same thing I did, if they deny. " My MO has recommended this treatment plan and you have denied it. If I die b/c of lack of treatment recommended by a Board Certified Oncologist with specific knowledge of my condition, my Executor will be directed to sue you for wrongful death".  Sounds threatening enough.  AND you have the right to bitch. It's your life.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    Cami agree with Joan, all bugs and spiders can live outside my house and screened pool enclousure, otherwise there dead. Saw a roach yesterday, Slug_a_Bug here today. No NO NO we will not cohabitat.

    Oh buggers gals it reminds me, my bug guy, when I called to get him to come. He's gone. Last visit, he looked like he lost allot of weight--I butted in---had the discussion about weight loss of unknown origin and he should be seen by his doc. He told his company he'd be off work for a year. When I last saw him(Mar) I quessed 25# loss, he said 15(not), his clothes were like the shrinking man. His replacement said when he left he admitted to 50lbs. Not good. *&^%%0

    Can't STFU, I know ya'll get it

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited May 2013

    OMG if any of you saw my posts in the time period I couldn't wear glasses after crani, it was a hoot, All were so tolerant. At one point I went back to find a post and RAN into some of the post-crani  posts OMG, they were gobblygook,yet the dear friends said they could make sense of them.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Good Morning--Sas 50lbs---U know something's up with that---that IS alot. Never worry here how much u talk that's for sure.

    Scottie--call out---I can't find my cat, don't have my coffe yet WTF this isn't the way I like my day to start. LOL But my Katie-Kat slept with me all night on her back-I was laughing--she must have been hot.

    OK it was oo hot for me yesterday--see I whining already about the weather again--It;s supposed to cool off but no snow, and I don't care if it snows.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Morning my Fav Friends!  I just crack up reading about the Spiders and things!  Ha, ha!  And my Daughter in Orlando does the same THING!  And SHE is living in a Petrie Dish, I SWEAR!  

    The first time we went there, I was laying in bed and up on the WALL was this HUGE crocodile sort of thing!  Moving!  I thought for sure I was a GONNER!  I screamed for her.... came running!  She said WHAT????  I just pointed!   She said "You've GOT to be KIDDING!!!"  It was actually one of those Gecko's, or whatever!  As big as a caterpiller!   She just gently picked him up by his tail, he was flailing in her fingers, and she walked him outdoors.  I thought WTH? 

    And once we were all walking, and a BIG one (like the size of a rat) ran ahead of us on the sidewalk!  My Grandson, told me "Look Grams, now that's a good one gone bad!  Ha, ha!  I thought that was so funny! 

    And PRINCESS GRANNY!!!! WTH?????  Did I actually LOSE you?  What is going on???  Little honey, I don't care if you have no teeth, have no boobs, and have shit for brains!  I just miss you!  You KNOW we will keep hounding you until you decide to come back here!  

    Nothing is that bad.... honey, honest!  I will call you Princess Kantalope forever.... just come back!  I won't make you anymore milk-toast or Polenta.  Not even any more beans with rice....I'll just order you stuff you love....  Like Saffron Rissoto!  (I have the best recipe for that.)   Is it because you have just HAD it with everything?   Guess I don't blame you for that.  But if I was there, I would grab you by the hand, tell you to STFU, and we would go walking ..... walking down the street..... to somewhere!   First to Starbucks.... where you will kindly STFU while I order an Iced Coffee!.....  Then we will just go walking ..... anywhere you want! 

    Gotta get you out of that place of yours, out of that dreariness, and sickness stuff that has been going on with you!  By the way.... How is your mouth?  I mean the teeth part....  I mean the part where they took them out?   You will get through this little honey..... HONEST!  Okay, if you are going to tell me to STFU, it's alright..... but I won't.  Because I love you..... little brat! 

    I gotta run.... It's damn snowing here!  I'll come back later to talk to the rest of you hooligans!  xoxoxoxo

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Checking in.......smoke detector still hanging out of the ceiling and beeping........I never saw a battery going dead that had so much life.........

    Was gonna ask the UPS guy to come in and change it for me yesterday, but was afraid he might report me as a "sexual predictor"........

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    Ah Geez Ducky!  You missed your chance!  UPS, USPS, what the hell?  If ANY one comes by, drag them in by their jacket!   Just show them the problem.... oh wait.... NOT in your loose fitting house-coat....  SHOW them your bucking feeper, and tell them it is driving you crazy. 

    Is it a loud beep?  Or just a piti-ful whiny one?  Is the battery still IN it for Gods sakes?   Can you spray the damn thing?  Do you have a neighbor or ANYone that trusts you, I mean that YOU trust? 

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    love the entertainment ROFL

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited May 2013

    Lol....can't reach the friggin thing....too short even on my 2 step stool......and the frigger is loud and shrill.......sucker as Ben beeping since 2am.........

    Kids all know....guess it's a contest to see who feels the guilt sooner for not running to my far........we don't have a

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    Get a spatula and knock it off - that's what I do Wink

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    Good morning compadres...or is that commadres?  My Spanish isn't so bueno.  I'm up this morning after a lovely night's sleep.  I took an Ambien about midnight and put in my earplugs (the wind was howlinghowling!) and slept thru anything that might have happened.

    I'm here at my big girl computer so that my recliner does not suck me into it so early.  I swear, it's just like a drug dealer. "Come on, 5 minutes won't hurt.  Really?  You can get up any time you want."  Know what I mean?  Today I plan to show it who's boss.  ME! The sick, whiney person who can't get comfortable anywhere.  It better not mess with me!

    Today is my kiddo's last day here.  He was supposed to go home on Sunday, but I was feeling very puny and had labs and a surgeon follow-up yesterday so I asked him to stay.  Anyway, I absolutely love having him here and will miss him dreadfully.  oops, enough of that before I tear up.

    My port incision is healing nicely and the surgeon was interested in the idea of the temporary tattoo to cover the scar.  Well, he's also the one who wondered if he could buy compression socks in the patterns like on my lymphedema sleeves.  OH, he's also the one that my sister and I double-teamed on the first visit.  He seems to have gotten over it ... except when he called me his "problem patient".  I thought, "really???  I'll show you problem!"  but my son was with me so I just laughed and said ""Can you say that?"

    So my plan for today is to do everything I'm told - drugs on time at the right times; constipation plan-water,fiber, etc.; exercise, lymphedema stretches; avoiding recliner.  Wow sounds like a full time job!

    Chevy - we will get your snow in another few hours. You may keep as much as you like.

    Well, I'm off to eat something healthy and then take my first 11 pills of the day.  Have a great day!

    Phyllo - PinaMinaPianStinaDendron

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909
    edited May 2013

    ducky - sexual predictor?   I'm dyin here!  Too funny!!  I would LOVE to predict some sex here.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Ducky I'm done predicting sex, I've been revirgined. It's possible u know.

    Phyl I'm glad u taking u'r own advise and doing what u supposed to do---and it is a full time job--keeping all the meds straight. I do the excercis the pt's taught me for my LE every morning --I still need the sleeve so I don't know why I'm doing it- but gotta get the remaining nodes movin' around.--they say--Who the hell are they to judge me.

    WTF are u guys talking about--S N O W--now like today or tom. it's 80 here and feels miserable ---Now it supposed to cool down but it etter not that much and rain.

    Chevy u'r right (this time) Granny where are u? I hope u'r not that sick cuz u'r not talkin' and we all worry about u. and no one knows WTH is going on and we want and need to know. U'r so secretive I feel so bad for u with all that's happening to you. Let someone know. Chevy put a BOLO out for Granny.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    edited May 2013 sorry that i was away for so long...still sooo much goin on...went to allergy dr on monday....didnt want to post yet cause after 5 hrs. of being in his office and all kinds of tests i will find out tomorrow (hopefully) what the hell im allergic to.

    I have been lurking all the time but pulling myself up has been a great big gettin there,,,very slowly..

    I read every post so i know whats goin on here....I love all of you very much and im gonna stay...

    And yes im still very upset that i missed the sistas in GCS.

    hugggs princess kantalope.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    OK Granny at least u posted--but I am sorry u'r having more difficulties just et us know what the Drs. says when u find out.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013
    Okay Ducky.... so you say your step stool is too short.  Get a rake, and slide that sucker right underneath it!  Should do the deed. 


    Tell those kids of yours that your MOTHER is going nuts... or will they even notice? 


    Hi GMA.... Yes.... just knock the damn thing off with SOMEthing.  But I still think the UPS guy sounds like a better idea....  Knock off SOMEthing anyway....


    Phyllisisness....  just show that computer who is boss! 


    It's STILL snowing here!  But so pretty out!  Not sticking on the streets yet, but it will.... supposed to be 20 degrees tonight!


    So what is "Phyllodoughminapianstinadendrom.... with no capitals?  Am I missing something here??? 


    Cammi!  It's possible?  You are KIDDING!  Right?  You have been "re-virgined!"  You've GOT to be kidding. 


    I am right "this time!"..... Ha, ha!  That was good!  But yes, we have to get that Granny person up and moving....


    Okay little duke-head....  One post will not last us long, you know....We need more than that.  but at least you ARE there.  Did you get those skin tests?  I know how long they take....  But it WILL work.... 

    Oh by the way, I am making that WW home-made cabbage vegetable soup for you....  Oh wait.... you can't eat it???  Then you can take a bath in it..... 

    Do you have to go IN to find out what is going on?  Ask about the soup.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited May 2013

    Chevy is that u'r soup? Yuuummmy or is it a glorified picture of SOUP. Well it makes me want soup. I really only like soup if it's loaded with veggies, I mean loaded so u'r not drinking it. Oh chit Chevy now I want THAT soup. with warm bread and butter. Yes now we know margarine isn't good for us, bananas not so good, soy bad and a few other things that were good for us---of course that study will change within a year. Well veggies shouldn't change right??? Or will they?

    Yes Chevy one can be revirgined, I chose it therefore I am. LOL my rules.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited May 2013

    cami, you would love the veggie soup I serve at our Senior Center.  There the joke is that it's the only place they have ever been served heaping bowls of soup!  Wink

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013

    You "chose it" your butt!   "Therefore you am?" 

    NO, my soup isn't even done yet.... but it smells soooooo good!   But my soup will be even better than that one in the picture!  If you believe that was my soup then you will believe THIS.....

    Dang~!  I can't get the picture to post...  Just look up Elizabeth Tayler.... I was her body-double....Wink

    Yes, this is me.... yesterday, with my mink wrap on....  and my crocs.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited May 2013

    Chevy, I need a bowl of that, too, please. Do you have the recipe? I'm staying at my friend's house after surgery Friday and she said she will cook anything I want!

    Granny - thank you for letting us know that you are reading the posts and THANK YOU for checking in. I think of you daily, wondering what we can do to help you feel better.

    Joan, Mary, Sas  and Red - thank you for the kind words, and everyone else, too. Today is the first day I woke up without having to study - feels so good 

    It's a beautiful sunny day here - plan to work outside for the first time in months, then we have a potluck at our last class at 4 - making peanut butter chicken, then meeting my former co-workers for drinks and puu-puus downtown. Sigh.... life is good. 

    Phyllis - you are doing all the right things and have such a great attitude.             Scottie, Ducky, Chevy and Cammi - thank God you were placed here on this planet and we all have you on a daily basis. You bring so much light to our lives.

    Greetings GmaF, Chabba, Wren, Cheryl, Kath, Veggy  and Blondie. I always worry I will miss one of our family. Does anyone remember the TV show Romper Room, when the teacher would look through her Magic  Mirror and say "Romper, bomper, stomper boo. Tell me, tell me, tell me, do. Magic Mirror, tell me today, have all my friends had fun at play?" ...and she would say all the kid's names? 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited May 2013


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2013

    I do! I watched it every morning! And Captain Kangaroo right after!