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Stage 2 Sisters Club



  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241
    edited March 2018

    It's understandable you're still in shock. You're still newly diagnosed. As I said to helplesslyh, each day does get better. You're diagnosis is similar to mine. I do struggle with depression, however I count my blessings my diagnosis, like yours, is early stage. Are you still doing radiation? What about hormone therapy? Also, these discussion threads are very helpful. I wish I would have discovered these forums shortly after my diagnosis. We're here for you anytime.
  • Nas
    Nas Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2018


    Thanks, I know ppl here are amazing, I started my tamoxifen last night, and will get one shot lupron every 3 months, I had 100% er and pr, my mitotic was one and also grade one, that’s why I said no to chemo, didnt do oncotype as I live in Ecuador and there is no oncotype test here, my MO didnt order mamaprit either, I trust my decision as I read a lot here chemo doesnt work well on my prognosis.... what was ur oncotype and er percentage?

  • NVDobie
    NVDobie Member Posts: 122
    edited March 2018


    How did your doc appointment go? Did you get your questions answered about the chemo drug and how you are feeling?

  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241
    edited March 2018
    Hi Nas

    At the time of my diagnosis, I had no idea what an onco dx test was. I was so sure I was going to have chemo due to my positive lymph node. Well, my oncologist told me I qualified due to being hormone positive, her2 negative. From what I understand, the onco test is for anyone with er and pr positive, her2 negative, and 1-3 lymph nodes positive. For both premenopausal, and postmenopausal women. Well, my score was 14, with chemo only helping by 1-2%. My onco said no chemo, and hormone therapy will be my best friend for the next five, or ten years. I take tamoxifen everyday, and never miss a day. I have my alarm on my phone set for 6:00 pm daily. For yours and my type of cancer, you're right, hormone therapy is very important. As far as my er percentage, I'm 97% er, and 75% pr. Did you get your pathology report? I see you have a grade 1, which is a better prognosis. The side effects I have on tamoxifen are hot flashes, sometimes night sweats, and I seem to want to eat anything that's bad for me. Hmmm, not sure if it's the drug, or just me!!!! I've read tamoxifen can cause weight gain, or weight loss. All women are different. However, the side effects are tolerable, considering that's our crucial systematically treatment. Sorry, I hope I didn't overwhelm you too much. I talk alot😂😂😂. We are always here for you.
  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241
    edited March 2018

    How are you doing? I remember wearing my dresses over my drain tubes Lol.😀😀😀. How did your appointments go with your PS and BS? I'm not sure, did you have a unilateral, or bilateral mascectomy?
  • Nas
    Nas Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2018


    I have my pathology report and read all the details, my MO told me my problem is that I have lots of information, which I believe it’s his problem not mine, in the last meeting two days ago I asked him about new staging and if I am restaged?? He said it’s not sth u should know its stm my students should know that starting 2018 they need to stage BC differently, I asked him according to that one I am stage 1a now and it applies for me as i was diag Less than one month before 2018, he said you have one node positive and that means stage 2, he is so arrogant so I didn’t discuss anymore.. so far 3 nights tamoxifen and no SE, lower apetite which im so happy with🤪

  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241
    edited April 2018
    Hey Ladies

    Hope all of you had a great Easter!!!!' Well, I tried to find the perfect Easter emoji, but to no avail. Well, maybe this works, a bunny.🐇🐇🐇, couldn't find dyed eggs, or an easterbasket.


    How are you? Do you have any soreness, or numbness from your mascectomy? Not sure if I asked(sorry my short term memory is bad) but are you having reconstruction? I'm assuming you're finished with radiation. Sorry about your MO, I hate arrogance. If your frustrated about him, you can find another MO. All my medical team are great. My oncogist is patient, listens to my many questions, and answers without using too much medical jargon. I never feel rushed. And, that's how our doctors should be.

    Hi Ruth

    Are you and your hubby back from Arizona? That's one of my favorite states, however, been many years since I was at the Grand Canyon. If you can, please send pics of your trip. I enjoy looking at pics.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,581
    edited April 2018

    Hi All, we got back home (and back to WINTER) last Wednesday. Arizona was lovely. We did lots of fun things and enjoyed just being outside. Jay, never ask me to post pictures unless you mean it Happy.

    First, here's where I ate breakfast every morning.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,581
    edited April 2018

    We went to a spring training game (Dodgers vs Oakland). It is mandatory to have a hot dog and beer at a baseball game!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,581
    edited April 2018

    A little hiking.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,581
    edited April 2018

    We spent a day in Tuscon where my cousin, who winters there, and his friend took us to a Desert Museum


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,581
    edited April 2018

    and a beautiful old Spanish mission.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,581
    edited April 2018

    We went to a spectacular Pompeii Exhibition at the Arizona Science Center in Phoenix.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,581
    edited April 2018

    Lorne Greene, of Bonanza fame, built a home for himself in Mesa that was a replica of his T.V. ranch, the Ponderosa. It's now a Historic Landmark.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,581
    edited April 2018

    One more picture; you need to add cactus to any virtual Arizona vacation!


  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited April 2018

    ruthbru- thanks for sharing the lovely pics. Everything looks so peaceful.

  • Nas
    Nas Member Posts: 76
    edited April 2018


    Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing with us🌸🌸🌸


    I had implant reconstruction in the same day of mastectomy surgery, well so far all is good the only thing is that some part of skin are dark and my PS says they may go or not🙁 well that’s the medical team I have to deal with unfortunately , I live in Ecuador and small city and medical teams are like small mafia here so not a big chance to be able to find better options (every one says my MO is the best in the country) I have learnt a lot in this site , more information than my medical Team🙏🏻😊🙏🏻

    Radiotherapy went so smooth on me, a bit light red skin for few days and all is good now, started tamoxifen and no SE in the first two weeks, got my first Lupron shot last week and also was so easy on me , no pain at all, so far all is good , the only thing is my anxiety over every little pain in my body, I hate it, hope it will get better by time..

  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241
    edited April 2018

    Great pics. I love pics. Been that way since I was little. When I go to someone's house for the first time, I'm immediately drawn to pics. You must have read my mind, because I always want to know what pics are about. Thanks for sharing. I remember Bonanza, and Lorne Greene. Had no idea he built a house as a replica of his. Spanish mansion is beautiful. And of course, the cherry on top, cactuses.👍👍👍

    What's the temperatures in ND? If you don't mind me asking, do you and hubby ever think of moving somewhere warmer? Is he retired as well?
  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241
    edited April 2018
    Hi Nas

    I'm sorry. I hope I didn't offend you regarding your oncologist. I should know other countries are different. I'm such a believer in a good bedside manner. Now, I absolutely want a doctor to be confident, and self-assured, but arrogance, no way. Don't like arrogance in general.

    I did fine on the radiation, also had some pinkish red skin color. I just had extreme fatigue. Now, you said you had implants at the same as mascectomy. I had an expander put in at the same time as my mascectomy. Six weeks after, I had to see my plastic surgeon every week to get fills until I got to the size I wanted. Well since I had to do radiation, I had to wait six months to get my expander out, and put in my silicone implant in. I had reconstruction on the other breast to match. Had this just six weeks ago. Still healing.

    So, you got immediate implants at mascectomy without the expanders? Wow!!!! Lucky you. I don't think I've heard of immediate implants. You're doing ok with the implants? How often will you do your Lupron shots, and how long? I'm surprised my onco didn't recommend it to me. We have the same type of breast cancer.

    I'm just like you, any pain, or ache I get, my mind takes me to that dark place of reoccurance. The further out I am it gets better, but I still have that cloud over me. So, your anxiety is normal. Right now, my biggest concern is getting 30 pounds off. Sighhhh😂😂

    Nas, I should know this, but doesn't the shots supress the ovaries? Are you premenopausal? When I was diagnosed last year, I was still having periods, so premenopausal. I haven't had a period in 9 months, so I think I'm in menopause due to the tamoxifen.

    Glad you're doing good. Keep me posted.
  • legomaster225
    legomaster225 Member Posts: 356
    edited April 2018

    I know what you mean about every little ache or ailment making you think of recurrence. I thought fir sure I had eyelid cancer while I was going through chemo. Turned out to be a blocked duct caused by the dryness during chemo. It resolved but I was sure it was cancer for a couple months.

    I had immediate implants above the muscle. I really like them. Well, not as much as my real boobs but they look good. I was happy to be don with surgeries for now.

    Nas, I hope your skin heals well.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,581
    edited April 2018

    Jay, it is about 30 degrees BELOW 'normal' in North Dakota right now; we still have snow on the ground, and more in the, yes, we do think of moving somewhere warm. Ha! But, DH & I love our lives right here; we are very involved with our community, have a son who lives in town whose life we like to stay in touch with etc. etc. We are too lazy (and don't have enough money) to have two different homes 1700 miles we like to travel to different places. So, going away for awhile and coming home again is working good for right now.

    The rule for aches and ailments is to not worry about them for two weeks. If they are still there after that, then you get them checked out (unless you are in acute distress, of course).

  • opt4life
    opt4life Member Posts: 111
    edited April 2018

    Ruth, wonderful pics. You look great and happy and that put a big smile on my face.

    Jaymeb, I’m doing well. 1 month post BMX and DIEP and I am walking without hunching albeit very slowly. Still seem to be bloated in the area were the drains were. Last drain was taken out about 3 weeks post surgery.

    My path report came back great. No node involvement and the lump was actually smaller than was seen on MRI. I am awaiting the onco test results but not expecting any surprises.

    Taking my aromasin without complaint now as it is obviously very important to do so.

    Just booked a cruise to Bermuda in July. My reward for this crappy beginning to 2018.

    I’ll hopefully head back to work in a few weeks.

    Everyone, peace and blessings

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,581
    edited April 2018

    Bermuda? Yea Opt! In July it will be your turn to post fun vacation pictures!

  • Nas
    Nas Member Posts: 76
    edited April 2018

    Hi jaymeb

    My lupron shot is every 3 months and yes they are for bringing down my estrogen as I am premenopausal 39 years old, I didnt ask my MO how long should I take them and he didn’t explain either... it was not as bad as I was expecting, a big injection in my tummy with no pain at all, my doctor told me he should bring my estrogen as low as possible as I was 100 percent er positive.. I have already started my hot flashes at night time, it wakes me up but I can handle it

  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241
    edited April 2018
    Hi Ladies


    How are you feeling? You mentioned you might go back to work soon? You're a better woman than me. I'm still not working after a year. There's other reasons for that. Be careful, and please don't over do it.🙏🙏🙏


    Are you getting any hint of spring weather coming soon? I remember my ex mother in law telling me ( they live in Wisconsin) that it's always cold on Easter, and snow is no surprise. In NC we pretty much have a good change in seasons. When we get snow, it's a big event, and the grocery stores are ramsacked🙄🙄🙄🙄. I'll never forget about 17 years ago, we went to a wedding in Milwaukee in late May. I wore a halter dress, and froze. Was so sure it would be in the seventies, nope, more like the high forties. I think some of it was the effects of Lake Michigan. I will admit, I miss going up there. Outdoors, four wheelers, etc.

    Oh, have you ever been snowmobiling? I always wanted to try it.


    How are you? Each day getting better?
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,581
    edited April 2018

    No hint of spring here yet. Today's paper reports that we are having a record low April. Sadness.......BUT we are missing out on a huge winter storm which is just missing us (there are blizzard warnings 100 miles south and east of us both).

  • Nas
    Nas Member Posts: 76
    edited April 2018

    Thanks jaymeb for asking, I’m doing very good..

    I have recently started reading about Gernan new medicine and it says that mets are totally new cancers following theshocks and conflicts coused by diagnosis .. any idea ladies???

  • jaymeb
    jaymeb Member Posts: 241
    edited April 2018
    Hi Nas

    I'm intrigued. How did you find out about this? I will tell you someone who might know something about it. I'm also on the insomnia thread. The lady who started it, Sas knows a lot about medical stuff. You can lurk around in the forum. It's busy all day, and night.
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,581
    edited April 2018

    Mets are not totally new cancers. If you have a certain kind of cancer (lets say ovarian) and the cells show up elsewhere (for the sake of an example, lets say the lungs); they will show up as ovarian cancer in the lungs, not lung cancer. Which is not to say that a person couldn't get a totally different cancer unrelated to whatever cancer they've already had.

  • Nas
    Nas Member Posts: 76
    edited April 2018

    But my question is that how can we donate blood if doctors says we may have cancer cells lurking around?????? How is it possible???