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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited July 2014

    Thanks Glennie, I had such a long drawn out process the first time 11 days till biopsy result, over a month to get the Surgeon I wanted and then 3 weeks till final Path because of Christmas.

    I don't do waiting well, but I know it is a challenge sent to teach me to be less impatient, I am trying to relax about it. Fortunately my move here, to the country has actually helped me shake off the "Want it Yesterday!" attitude I always had in the city, so I am getting somewhere!

    Massage hurt like the dickens, even saw stars, but I feel so much better now! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited July 2014

    hugs ariom. The waiting stinks. I hope you find lots to stay busy with. 

    Just got in from the Dallas show. Tired!  It was a lovely evening. Picked BF up at his office and left his car there, then we had dinner and trekked to downtown Dallas.  The venue was beautiful. Looking forward to getting out of town tomorrow, for a little while anyway. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2014

    Did you do more concerts? You've been Mia. Have your scan yet?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    How are you doing Ariom? I keep forgetting you are 16 hours ahead. I was thinking of you last night, so that would have been Monday for you. I hope it went well and you can put this behind you.



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    Hi Andrea, thank you for asking!

    It went very well, it turned out to be a Vacuum Assisted Stereotactic that was needed, not the FNA, after the lump was seen on the U/S, but it actually exploded, so it was a cyst. I can't tell you, what a relief it was. I still have to wait to get the final Path, but the Doctor who did the biopsy was cautiously optimistic that it would be fine. 

    I didn't feel a thing, with the procedure because I am very numb, but this morning it is a bit tender on the part of my chest that I can feel. I haven't removed the dressing, but I think there is some bruising.

    I felt so great after it was over, I went out for lunch and went shopping! M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    Definitely sounds promising!! I remember my relief watching my lump disappear when they did the biopsy...and it was B9. 

    Even when we are sure it is nothing, it sure is a relief to hear it from the pathology!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    hi guys. I'm here, slammed back into reality this week. Fed up with work today. What's new?  Didn't go to any more concerts but Dallas was good and Austin was awesome. The B&B we stayed at in Austin was lovely and we wandered around the city a little on Thursday before heading back. My back did not appreciate all that driving though. I think the giganto silicones I've been wearing are part of the problem. 

    Are you back home zills?  So glad it was good news and also not too painful ariom. Well deserved shopping!  

    No scans yet. I found out I was mistaken about the date of my MO appointment. It isn't until August 25th. I am going to call this week about my symptoms. The cough is still hanging on and my fatigue is off the charts. Among all the other things. Maybe I can get the pet pushed up a little. I've been trying to keep my mind on other things but it's tough. 

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    DP sorry to hear you are still dealing with the cough. I hope you can get answers and relief soon.

    I don't know how you get so much done with the fatigue. You are my hero :)

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    I am going to confess here, because I feel you would get it (at least some of you):

    I spent too much money on purses this summer. My daughter was selling Grace Adele bags and they were on sale so I thought I would help her out. So I made a huge order (biggest box she has ever seen in all her parties-blush).

    Well it should have ended there.....

    But then things went on sale for 80% I placed four more orders. Good thing they have closed the company!!!

    Now comes the hard part...I am in Canada on vacation... But the boxes are on their way to my home....and my husband. He is going to flip. Hmmm maybe it is a good thing I am 2500 miles away right now!! Lol.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    oh no Andrea. But seriously, who can resist an 80% off sale?  I can't anyway. Lol. Perhaps you can convince your husband that you are becoming a distributor!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    Maybe. Lol. Some are actually gifts for the lady who is dog sitting for us. And I could sell some on ebay, or give some for Xmas gifts ... Who am I kidding? I will probably keep them all!! 

    No more impulse shopping for me... For a long while!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    see Andrea, you were really just bein thoughtful, as well as planning ahead. I say, good job!

    Another sleepless night, when I really must get up early tomorrow. So since I'm awake and probably because I was so annoyed and agitated all day - all the things people do that piss me off, are just running through my head. I know, that's a terrible attitude. I know, it doesn't do me any good to let people irritate me. I know I know I know. But since we are now in the subject, ha, how about this really innocent thing people do that is so effin annoying... And before you say it, I KNOW people just don't know how to deal or what to say. But seriously, at what point does a person realize that what they are saying is so freaking stupid that perhaps they should just shut the f up?  Ok, are you ready?  "How do you feel?"  Seems nice. Maybe it might even make sense, directly after a treatment or being sick or something. But when a person continually asks this question every time you see them. Even after you have told them 389 times that you feel like shit every day. And as a human, you want to say "fine" or "good" but that's not the truth. I don't really feel like whining every day about every pain and rehashing it over and over. But clearly dilusionally, you think if you tell somewhat of the truth, that maybe one day, this person might wake up and stop asking how you feel. But they don't. And then I just walk around wanting to slam their head into a wall. And then I'm a bad person for having mean thoughts like that. 

    Maybe everyone could start wearing "status" signs around their necks. So people wouldn't feel the need to say stupid shit just to make conversation or act like they care. I'll start a pilot program and let you know how it goes. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    oh and as a sub-topic: what about when you just answer with "not too good" or something and then the follow up question is "oh really, why???" Hmmm, I don't know, let me think about that and get back to you....

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    Hi DP, your time away sounds like a lot of fun. Sorry the cough is hanging on though.

    Giganto silicones? I don't think you mentioned them.

    Who knows what the answer is, to the stupid comments? Why do we always try to justify what they say. I am constantly amazed at how some people treat Colin, because he's in a wheelchair. Some shout, he's not f'ing deaf, or they speak to me over the top of him, as though he can't understand, that just sends me into a, dance of the humpy-back spider. It galls me, but he is far more accommodating of their stupidity.

    I have a couple of friends doing chemo at the moment, one for a recurrence and one I have just met, who has just moved here, doesn't know anyone, really, and has recently begun treatment. I desperately don't want to offend, by saying anything stupid. I told both of them that if they want or need anything, I am there, just ask and if I say anything that irritates tell me to STFU, so far, so good!  

    You crack me up with the status sign! One of my fave comedians Bill Engvall does, "Heeeeeere's Your sign!" he always makes me laugh, with the stupid shit people say and do.

    DP, I am with you! WOW! Andrea, join us at the shopping Frenzy club, 80% off sales are what we like to see. DP even does "sleep shopping" on the TV! I even watch US TV shopping for entertainment!LOL

    That's some serious purse shopping you got up to, I hope you can explain that lot away, to your Husband! I am still laughing at the visual, of the delivery truck pulling up at your house and your Husband wondering what it is!

    I have just had the best massage and then I bought Fish and Chips for dinner, we ate them out of the paper, yummm Flathead tails and crispy chips with lemon, don't do it often, but love it!

    Take it easy ladies...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    DP, I don't think Zills has left for home yet, later this week, I think.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    Lol, Ariom, that made me chuckle. It is even worse than that....I have some ebay parcels coming too. I don't usually do this. The good news is that he will be flying out here Friday, so as long as nothing arrives in the next three days my dog sitter will look after my parcels.

    Crazy part is I wasn't really into purses before this sale. I might have to post pics of my "Collection".

    We will be heading home a week today. It has been a wonderful summer with my family, and it will be so difficult to leave :(

    DP: somedays I want to wear a sign that simply says: DON'T ASK!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited August 2014

    DP, I had a client who always replied "Hanging in there". Or you could try "ditto yesterday". They probably don't really want to know unless they're a medical person.

    Andrea, Ooooooo! Purses are my downfall. No one, including me, knows how many I have.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    yum fish and chips, super yum with vinegar!  

    I've had the silicone foobs I got off eBay for a couple of weeks. I swear they are the size of my head. They are amoena size 11.  The fitter had brought me size 12s to look at before I told her to forget the whole thing. Still not sure what I think of them. 

    Andrea, you reminded me of when I was in the hospital for a week with my lung surgery. I had made a few purchases before going in and continued to order things while in the hospital on IV pain meds. Yep, even from ICU.  Anyhow, the packages came every day that I was gone. QVC has a nifty app though. It texts me every time I have an item on the delivery truck. So I at least get a little warning. When I came home, the living room looked like a ups truck crashed through the house. 

    So I got a talking to at work today. I knew it was coming. You know how poor my attitude has been at work all year. My boss wanted me to know how concerned she is about me. She feels I am disconnected from her and from work. I told her not to be offended because I am pretty disconnected from everything right now. With wide eyes, she asked "but why!?"  In case I have not said it enough, she is the biggest problem I have with being engaged at work.  I won't even go into all of her dramafied medical drama that she continually compares to what "I have been through". Yes, she had an elective weight loss surgery last month. Life is hard. 

    Good for you ariom for not punching someone in the face for acting stupid around Colin like that. Also, I can never imagine you saying something stupid or insensitive to someone. You have always seemed to say just the right thing to people in need of support, in my book anyway. 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    Thanks Wren. Crazy thing is I was quite happy wearing a fanny pack (at my family's sheer horror, lol) because it keeps my hands free!!

    But now I am loving the purses and all their variations (clutches that fit in side pocket to change up look).

    I think I will tell my hubby that it is a side effect of my  cancer meds...wonder if he will believe me? Lol

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    DP, I would buy your "status signs"....but then we know my shopping issue! Lol.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    I like fanny packs too. If I could find some prettier ones, I'd use them more often.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    Wow, DP,, I admire your ability to NOT punch your boss in the face.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    if you need backup documentation of excessive shopping being a SE of bc treatment, Andrea, I will be happy to provide a letter.... And receipts...

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    glennie my years of HR training have always frowned upon workplace violence. Darn it. 

    Tomorrow's status:  I see your mouth moving but I don't hear any words coming out.  Are you talking to me?  Don't. Ok?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    that's true,, it is frowned upon.  Good on you to uphold that.  Even under that kind of ridiculous banter.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    DP my kids wanted to know what I was laughing about just now. You are so funny :)

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    glennie, if I quit first, then it wouldn't count right?  Or even better, maybe it could support my theory on the need to take my LTD due to not being able to handle the stress of these crazy bitches. See how stressed you make me!? I just punched you in the face. Not fit for work. 

    Glad your laughing Andrea :-)

    I am ready to admit that I am officially addicted to YouTube. I sit up at night laughing my head off at some of these girls. Second confession, I have some serious YouTube girl crushes right now. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    I love you DP! You crack me up every time.

    I think I would like to give your boss what we call a "Glasgow Kiss!" ( I was born there) that's a very quick head but to the forehead, she won't even see it coming! I'll do it for you!

    I  am laughing very hard here at all this talk of "Fanny Packs", where I am, in Australia, how can I put this delicately? A fanny, is not at the rear, but at the front of a lady! When I worked for United Airlines, I would board the inbound flight to welcome passengers to Australia, one morning one of the flight attendants was doing an announcement over the PA about having found someones Fanny Pack and that it could be claimed at the door to the aircraft. Most of the passengers, who were Aussies, and all of our ground crew, were crying with laughter.

    Just thought I'd fill you in, because when I see that someone has fallen on their fanny or forbid, been slapped on the fanny it sends me into hysterics!

    Size 11 silicones are wow, pretty big, I can imagine them feeling pretty heavy!   

    I do YouTube too, my ex puts up lots of stuff. What are you watching?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    M. You totally cracked me up with the Aussie meaning of  fanny!  I'll never be able to call it that again!  

    Yes,    DP use. It to show you need LTD!  Go for it!  

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited August 2014

    DP, My silicone is size 6 and it is heavy. I can't even imagine how heavy size 11 would be. What size were you before?