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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    Ava could really use a fan too.  She gets overheated easily.  Doesn't like water though.  No pool for her.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    I'd be in that Glennie!

    My Dex hates water, if I walk him on the beach and the ripple of the water comes near, he moves away. The other dogs all love to swim and run in the water, but Dex is a wuss!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    Dex and Ava sound a lot alike !

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    that reminds me if the beach dogs in Hawaii. They would run from the water one second, then turn around and chase and bark at it the next. It was precious.  

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited August 2014

    All this dog talk has me missing my two dogs. I guess tht is my "silver lining" of having to end my vacation tomorrow.

    So sad to be leaving my family behind..

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    sorry it's over so soon Andrea but yay for dogs!  

    Today was a very challenging day at work. It's BS piled on top of more bs and a little new thrown in for good measure. I decided last week that I'm really done. Really really really this time. I've always known I could take the angle of the job being too stressful. Lord knows it is, aside from the fact that I don't have time to make appointments or so anything in order of taking cAre of my health. But last night I realized how much anxiety it actually causes me to have. The last two weekends, when I realize it is Sunday night, I have had severe anxiety attacks. It makes me shaky just thinkin about it right now. I have had a real job since I was 15 and putting in hours and hard work has meet bothered me. That's not what it is. I had an epiphany that working for who I work for actually feels like it is eating away a little piece of my soul each day. Doesn't that sound dramatic?!  It really feels that way though. Not that cancer has enlightened me it something but it has made me see some things a little differently. Whereas before, I could keep my head down and work, ignoring the fact that it will always be a thankless, not so rewarding job, but it was ok, just keep working. But now I can't help but think that if I am going to put my time and energy into something for the rest of my life - that I sure as hell don't want it to be for this company or this management. It is not worth my time or worries. And u am ok with that. Some other idiot can do it but not me, not now. I'm going to call the MO tomorrow for am appt, which I've been meaning to do for a week. And also call the financial counselor who helped me in the beginning. I need to find out how ssdi works and what it will mean for insurance and all. Also training my brain to live like I dont have expendable income. Boo. The worst!  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    Well DP, that is a really well thought out, major decision. Everything you say is absolutely right, why should you continue if that is the way it makes you feel. No one should have to feel that way before the work week begins. Not dramatic at all, a very good description!

    I hope everything can fit into place for you and you can do it soon. I'd love to be in your purse, or a  fly on the wall, when you tell that clueless bitch you're leaving. 

    You just never know, what will present itself, after the block of that negative energy is gone from your day.

    I know you may think me nutty, but please just humor me! Have you been noticing the time is 11:11 a lot, when you check the time? It happens to me, and always has, when there is a big change coming. Just wondering...

    We can share the super bargains, news to keep you out of a shopping slump! Hugs, I really admire you! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    oh I just love you ariom!  That clueless bitch. You made me laugh out loud for real. Negative energy is exactly what it is! I will totally humor you on number patterns. I have not noticed 11:11 but I know I will now. Ha. Because my brain constantly runs 1000 mph, I have a tendency to file things like that in my brain and conduct my own little studies on statistical probability.  For example, I have what I call an irrational fear of triple sixes (see I can't even write it out). But it actually is not irrational or superstitious. I have studied it for years and it is statistically a bad omen when I are those numbers. When they would come up in peoples social security or phone numbers a lot, when I was hiring people - I would inevitably have an injured employee that day. I would flat refuse to hire some people bevause I didn't like their phone number (eeoc eat your heart out). For some reason lately, a lot of license plates have it. I will break 27 traffic laws to get away from one of these cars. Girl in my office got a new car last year and sure enough. I joked that she had to park across the street but true enough, I refuse to park next to her or ride in her car. The day I found my lump, I made an appt at the dr without having insurance. I checked my bank balance before I left for the appt to make sure I had enough money to pay and I instantly knew I had breast cancer.  You can guess what the last three digits were. On the way to the biopsy, I saw three bad license plates. Any time before I have had bad news on a scan - they are everywhere. Interestingly enough, a few months ago I noticed, hey I haven't seen any of these lately. Next scan, all clear. A lot of people think it's evil, mark of the devil, etc. but I know that it is just a plain bad omen for me. I of course now have anyone who has ever worked with me, almost just as scared of it.  It's just because they see the pattern now too. I say that's why I like to play $5 slots, no sixes!!!

    Start paying attention to 3:33 and see what you think. A movie some years ago said it had something to do with aliens. I don't know about that but it sure creeps me out when I wake up at 3:33. Bf told me about a flight attendant who used to date who, after 9/11, said it was 9:11 every time she saw a clock. His answer was easily, it was always 9:11, but now you just notice it. Like when your car shopping and suddenly notice everyone driving the car you like. So now that you all know what a freak I am, I will start my 11:11 study and let you know what I find. :-)

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited August 2014

    DP, I think you'll be much happier. I burnt out on a job once and it was taking all my energy just to get myself into my chair each morning with none left for the job. Later, when I worked for a health organization, I saw a stress level test which was left on the copier. When I left the former job, I was in the category of go to the nearest ER immediately. It took a long time to stop having nightmares about it. Do give the financial counselor a call. Hugs.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    oh gosh wren. I would love to see that test!  

    Ok I couldn't resist google, mostly because I don't sleep, but anyway, I found this interesting tidbit on the concept of synchronicity. I just love the video, reminds me of visiting the planetarium in grade school. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014


    something bad happened to my link. Boo. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    OH Wow! DP, Colin and I have always had numbers that follow us, my 11:11 has been with me as long as I can remember and reading on numerology I discovered it heralds "New Beginnings"!

    3 6 & 9 follow us everywhere, house numbers and phone numbers, so lucky numbers for us, include your unlucky ones.....interesting!

    I find a lot of Jung very interesting and Synchronicity is a favorite! That vid was just like the Planetarium! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    it's 12:05 and Mosquitos ate biting the carp out of my ankles grrr. Does that mean anything? Lol

    Does anyone else ever see airplanes and wonder about how the passengers' day is going? Or where they are going or why? Low flying planes tonight...

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    I hate mozzies! That is the one thing I don't look forward to, about Summer, then we have a run of scorching hot days that kills them all off and the cycle starts again!

    Yep, I do that with planes too!

    I have to admit to being like someone who is living on an island, if a plane goes over, I actually run out to see it, because it is such a rare occurrence. Moving from the City, I actually occasionally miss the hum of the city and being under the flight path. lol 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    oh my gosh.  So many posts and I'm on tiny screen!  Hard to type! 

    DP: best of luck with your planning.  You will feel so much better getting away from that job.  I salute you for making that decision.   

    About numbers: my ex-husband has a thing about 11:11.  He called it the magic minute. (Meaning it was time to get stoned).  

    And my college boyfriend had a thing about 8's.  He said years with 8 in them had bad things happen.  I can vouch for a couple of those years.  And I think it rubbed off on me a little cuz 88 was the worst year of my life. Several very bad things happened to me. We were broken up by then, but I wonder if he too had a bad year. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2014

    Good for your DP. I need to dump my negative energy too. Unfortunately I'm scared for my kids. It's kinda like our initial diagnosis, once we have a plan, we'll feel better. 

    It takes 6 months to get first payment from last day worked. Stage IV are fast tracked so you should know something quickly. Ins kicks in after 2 years. You can get obamacare.

    We have to out ourselves first for a change and enjoy life. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    sorry zills. How infinitely more complicated this all becomes when you have other little people to think about it. I still get to be selfish. Insurance denied pet scan so I have a ct on Monday. Fun times. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2014

    this is what I found out today after nearly passing out due to lack of food, stress and that nasty stuff. 

    You can eat 4 hours before. The 4 hour window is so you don't hurl during contrast. 

    The drink contains iodine. The fruit flavored is disgusting with artificial sweeteners and flavors. The chalky banana can stop you up. You ask for just iodine in a glass. Yes thank you Jesus!  

    Wear nothing with metal or you almost strip. The room and drink are very cold. The scan itself takes less than 20 min. Little noisy but nowhere beer an MRI. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    ugh Zills. That drink sounds awful.  Glad you managed to choke it down but sounds like a rough day.  

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    I have to go pick up some steroids to take beforehand for a few days since I had a reaction the last two times. I was hoping that would be good enough reason to have pet instead. Guess not. I don't have too much trouble drinking the contrast any more. I am so thirsty by the time it is time that it isn't too bad and I pretend it is water. Ha. The banana has always looked disgusting. Also the mocha. Yuck!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    fiscally irresponsible update: in the last week I bought a new pricey bronzer that I didn't really need, but it's so pretty, went to the casino, but I won, which is good because I just ordered an aeropilates machine. Hmmm I think I need a support group. Qvc presenters can make anything sound like you can't live without it but after watching the presentation for an hour while laying miserably on my $100 mattress topper and $40 pillow - that have yet to make my back feel better, I was willing to pay almost any price for some relief. I think the pillow is actually giving me headaches but that's another story. So in 7-10 days we will find out if I can do Pilates. They make it look so fun on tv. But I think the gazelle always looked super fun too. Whoosh whoosh whoosh. 

    I used to work with a girl who cut up her credit cards. She didn't get rid of them but her theory was that if she was ever in bad enough shape to get past the embarrassment of using a card cut in three pieces, that surely the purchase was worth making. Too bad that concept won't work for online purchases. I will do better now. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    DP, I am having a deja vu moment! I too, fell in love with the idea, of the Pilates machine, not saying it won't be fabulous for you, it may be a wonderful thing, for you, but for me, not a good idea!

    How could I be glamored by the presenter? I really don't know, I have Rheumatoid arthritis, so pulling my own body weight, with my arms above my head, legs akimbo, was just never going to work for me! I tried doing the push with my feet flat against the end board a few times and then the sum total of my exercise from that machine, was the sweat I raised, while dusting it!

    Great news that you won, at the Casino! 

    You'll get used to not buying everything you see, I had to slow down when I stopped working, I know you'd never think so, but I have! I have embraced the Yard Sale, Opp Shop and Ebay. I have always shopped that way, but now I do it first, and if I can't find what I want, I will go the regular shopping route.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    we have this great place in town called The Repurpose Project.  It has tons of stuff that people donate.  If you find something you want, you just pay what you want. Not much on clothes, but tons of other stuff. The guy who runs the place is big on recycle and reuse.  

    DP. I heard of freezing your credit cards in ice.  That way, it has to thaw out before you can use it. But may not help with online shopping. Just wanted to mention.  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    Glennie, I love the sound of that  Repurpose Project, I hate to see stuff go to waste. We have  a shop at the local dump where they sell stuff that people have brought to the dump, but they charge too much for it. M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2014

    Hey DP. Did you get your appt changed? My scan was good but going back in two months instead of three. Nurse doesn't know why.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    what a cool shop glennie. I hate throwing away anything that could have a use. 

    MO appt is still on the 25th. They called to schedule my ct before I called the dr. And I have to have the scan first anyway, so I only ever thought that they might move up the scan. But Monday will be here quickly now. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited August 2014

    ariom- I was and am very skeptical of this machine and how much I will use it. But I convinced myself that I have to try something. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited August 2014

    An aeropilates machine??  DP,, I'm ready to hear more about it.  Post a pic when you get it!! I'm trying to "maintain" before my hysterctomy,, but then I gotta get down to business and get in shape. Being on vacation, and going up and down stairs at the hotel (it had a wonky elevator) showed me how badly I was out of shape!!

    Bobo wants me to join the gym,,, it's pricey and involves a contract,, so I'm really hesitant on that.

    Edited to add:   DP I hate throwing away potentially useful things too. I send everything either to a charity shop, used books to the library for their twice a year sale,,, or to the Repurpose Project.   People there use jar lids (!) to make art projects! Who would think???  So now I save all my jar lids for them.  Mike, the guy who runs it, also has weekly craft "classes" for kids. They had a little table set aside and come in to make a project at no charge. It's pretty awesome.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited August 2014

    M, have you had a look at  You can give away items, swap them, sell and buy.  Worth a look.

    Dawn  xx

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited August 2014

    Check your local YMCA for a Livestrong class. Free three month membership plus twice a week classes personalized for you. I did it. Loved it.