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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2015

    Wren, they said if we didnt hear from them with either a letter or phone call in a week we should call their office... ffs I couldnt belive it! They should read the test and get back to us in a day, but of course test was on Friday so I am cutting them a little slack.. not much tho. Hope things go ok for your dh, bet his legs do hurt while walking. dh started taking amla or gooseberry powder for diabetes, guess it cant hurt to try. It is supposed to be good for many things too including cancer but I am always very suspious about such claims especially cancer. It talked mainly about lung cancer, it is from India and a local dr is from India and he does recommend it for high sugars... we will see.

    Hope prb is ok too. In the bag for all.. I still am feeling so sad for Bond, wonder how things are going for him? I hate when people fight over stupid material things and money, I am hoping she ordered so much stuff on QVC that it takes every cent to pay off credit cards. Miss DP so much, think of her often.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Same here ND, think of her all the time.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited March 2015

    Hey kids. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm fine...just been down lately and trying to muddle through. Was hoping that not logging in here would help with my anxiety of all things cancer. Of course, that didn't work.

    Thank you Zills for the email. I'll be checking in more often. Hope all of you are doing great.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Yay Dawny, was going to text you, but lost your number, so glad you have good news.

    Spookie, waiting for yours now!

    I don't peel Ginger, just slice as thin as possible and use a tea strainer to catch the slices after boiling and simmering.

    Yay, Glennie, you'll notice the difference when you get custom splints. I have sleeping ones and everyday ones and they make a difference, if I get it together to wear them. Colin has taken a few hits to the head during the night, with the sleeping ones! lol Glennie, Colin is a qualified Ergonomist, if you want to ask about any aids and appliances that may help. He gets all kinds of doohickeys for me to make things easier on my hands.

    Good for you, saving the runaway puppy, it seems to be happening a bit lately! I heard of another one around here the other day, being saved at the last minute before running on the road.

    Fia, I empathize with you with the Goose. I went to United Head Office in Chicago for work and they have an actual Hotel for the overseas or visiting staff to stay in. I went to breakfast in another building and I got chased all the way, by a bloody white swan, it scared the crap out of me, but the other people walking to breakfast had a great laugh!

    I went to Tai Chi this morning and then straight into town to pick up some food shopping and run some errands for Colin. I brought him lunch and a friend turned up, so we ended up sitting out in the sun for an hour. I just got stuck into some gardening and I remembered I hadn't posted this morning.

    Waving to everyone...will be back a bit later...M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    from bond

    Good morning to you! You must be psychic as my last half of my walk this morning all I could think about is you and our BC Girls. I was feeling a little down and that was the only thoughts that seem to put a little skip in my step . your timing and your thoughtfulness is always so perfect

    I think he's having some better days. Thank goodness for the boys. They walk 5 miles a day!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Bond walking five miles a day is the best news I've heard! Less than good news: someone is having a hairball right now.

    Wrenn, in the bag for DH. NDgirl, you too. Agree with your QVC idea. Who cares about all of those 'things'? It's just ridiculous. Hope Bond's walks help, in a small way -- help him to see things clearly. He is such a sweetheart.

    Spookie, in the bag for your results, FFS. Idesim, in the bag for infusion. You are a rock star for going right to work after. Hey -- are you rewarding yourself after each infusion? What are you doing for that? We need to get right on that.

    Z, what is LM wearing today? Oh, wait -- forgot to tell you -- it looks like HW does not have penis cancer after all. Test came out completely negative -- no blood even in urine. But she says she will have two more tests to make sure. Wonder what will happen next once she's finished with this. I did not order any washcloths and did not remark on it further.

    Crazy swan story cheers me up! M, they are going to have 'real housewives of Melbourne' on tv. Never saw one of those shows. But I might watch just because they might remind me of you! XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Hi Z, just getting ready for bed and saw your post. I think about Bond a lot too and I wonder how he's coping. Five miles a day with the boys sounds great! I hope all the other stuff has settled down.

    He really appreciates you Z and so do I, thank you for keeping us in the loop!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Bobo, nooooooooo!!!!!! they are nothing like me, or my friends, well maybe some of my friends, no just kidding. The Housewives of Melbourne is a representation of all things shallow and nasty, not like Melbourne women at all. I don't know any of the women personally, but I do know some women who know a couple of them. I was going to warn ldesim, because I thought she may watch it too. I suppose the people from the other places where this franchise are portrayed feel the same way. I do watch Housewives of Beverly Hills and New York and some of them can be pretty embarrassing too.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Well, I meant the accent would remind me of you!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    OH yes, we must watch for the accent! 

    Hi PRB!!  Thanks for popping in to see us.  Hope all is well.

    OMG, M,,, Colin is an ergonomist!!  I will PM you so not to bore everyone here.

    Glad to hear from Bond and that he is walking 5 miles a day! Go Bond!!

    Off to take Ava to get her bath.  Back later.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited March 2015

    So glad to hear from Bond again, 5 miles good for them, best therapy. Zills you are just so amazing to us and he realizes that too, thank you so much for updating us and staying in touch with him.

    Idesim, well we got some snow last night.. Bummer! Very windy today too, not much snow but ground is almost white again, hope yours is all gone, this won't last long but hated to see it!

    Dawny, bet your are celebrating the good news. In the bag for all,

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    ND, I have been forgetting to tell you: I made my own pickles! One jar!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    Do tell more!!!! What kind of pickles????

  • fiaranch1
    fiaranch1 Member Posts: 259
    edited March 2015

    Hey All !

    Yes Bobo what kind of pickles

    ND girl hoping you hear good news soon re your DH

    PRB good to hear from you

    Idesim - I am only motivated with the exercise thing to try and get some energy and feel better ............It was either that or start binging on potato chips and cheese !!

    As I have said I have been beyond nasty lately............... but I guess I am lucky . My DH posted the following on his facebook page with an intro that said "I have lucky I have one of these".............


    Bottom line is after everything we all have been through..................... We need to tell ourselves that we are all "Good Women" especially you Zills . I so appreciate you keeping us in the Bond loop.............. I miss DP and I hope Bond can continue healing . It has to be so hard...............................

    Have a great day/night all !! Ok off now for the morning exercise..............Hope that damn goose finds someone else today !

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    So, much to reply to... I won't be able to now.  Waiting for herceptin... just finished with MO... she said I  looked so good she doesn't know why we're meeting. I said so we can  see each other once a year.  Echos have dropped from every 3 months to 6. I get excited over these things.

    Am I evil for hoping the goose is waiting for Fia?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    I'm glad she doesn't have cancer but she's quite looney. Does ins pay for these tests? Doesn't sound necessary. Glad the wipes have been tabled.

    What kind of pickles?

    How's the pain? Tea bag or aspricream help?

    LM wearing polka dotted pants and Grand Canyon tshirt. No tutu. Tried to take cheese to school for her and Morgie, her BFF. Has been sleeping naked. It's an epidemic in my house. But at least they are staying in their beds. Knock on wood. Believe boy is brewing something. Spring break next week.

    Yes ldesim what are your treats? Something we can't live without?

    I've been walking with other mommies after we drop off kids. One had a baby. The other a divorce. She wants to look good at hearing. I had to beg off after one mile today. Tired. But made it to yoga!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    Sic the goose on HAIR.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Z, I like the sound of your mommy walk. And yoga! You are the very best one. Love my LM outfit report. What is boy brewing up for Spring Break? Have not got aspercreme yet. Tea bags... I am going to have to get big ones. I have been doing Weleda Skin Food cream, to try to keep the skin healing and strong. I switched to that from Silvadene.

    Idesim, I am SO PROUD of you for your good report and your longer periods of time between echoes! You are greatness! You are a warrior princess! Does Herceptin infusion suck today? Or is it okay? Will you have a special treat waiting for you when you get home? A pudding pie, maybe? I loved talking on phone with you and hearing your adorable voice. Love love love.

    Fia is right, she is right like Sia: Z, you are the very best good woman, it is obvious, we all know it, and you have beautiful blonde hair. In the bag for husband Dr Reports. Spookie, are we still waiting?

    I am pretty impressed with the pickles. There was this super simple quick pickle recipe in my macrobiotic cookbook, and I thought, 'could I do this even without our ND?' And I had an extra couple of cukes, and I just sliced them thinly on the mandoline, then put them in mason jar with some caraway seeds, I think two TB umemboshi (sp?) vinegar, salt. They are not sweet pickles. Anyway I did not 'can' them -- did not boil jars or anything, I don't know how -- but I just sealed up the mason jar and left it on a shelf for four days. I shook it each day. Then, after I served them, I refrigerated them. Hooray me! So, there was not much brine. The pickles made their own brine.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    I reply to myself, FFS. I am hoping for goose update. How bad could it be if Fia is pecked by a goose! Fia, FFS! Get pecked a little bit, and we will all pee ourselves. It will not hurt too badly! Come on! :)

    Z, yes, HW has insurance up the wazoo. I am sure the tests are paid for. I am just trying to stay as far away from everything as possible regarding HW and my brother. I don't know that I can even do special events anymore.

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited March 2015

    hahahaha, "get pecked a little bit, come on!" Hahaha

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited March 2015

    Come on Fia! Take a few pecks for the team!

    **peeing myself** Betty, you are a bad influence!


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    Bobo, if you ever do pickles, or anything else like it again, CHECK THE LID! It should not pop up and down in the center. The food will be ok to eat, but should be kept in fridge immediately. I've been canning all my life.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015


    Just got call from pcp, L5 is getting worse, but no surgery at this time!!!!!! Yay me!!!!!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited March 2015

    The vinegar should retard spoilage, just be safe and check lid, keep in fridge. Please

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Fia: what a wonderful DH you have!  Love the sign.    I do not have one of those. Thinking: should I advertise on e-harmony:  anyone interested in a book/gardening/dog-loving uni-boober?  Bet there would be a zillion hits, right?  Also wondering if the goose found you again??  Please report in.

    L:  very excited to go to 6 months!!  YAY!!  That definitely deserves a treat!!

    Z:  excellent on walking and yoga!  I have yoga tomorrow. I look forward to it all week. I need to walk too, but haven't gotten around to it yet. What is Boy brewing up?  Love LM's outfits.

    Bobo:  great job on pickles!! Excellent!

    Ava had a bath today,, she smells really nice.  BFF and I went to see movie: 2nd Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.  We liked it. Hard to go wrong with Maggie Smith and Judi Dench.

    **waving to all **

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Spookie, that's the best news, made my day! Sorry bout L5, though.

    OMG, Bobo, you make me pee myself, poor Fia, just take a bit of a goose peck, for the team! LOL Do you know how scary it is to be chased by one of those big birds, shit getting pecked would be awful? But really, really funny....OMG I am sorry Fia, I don't know what's gotten into us!

    ldesim, you started that one! LOL

    MD/HW must have been so disappointed, to not have a reason for "chemo in the Spring", truly, that woman just defies belief.....fuckwit! I think you're very wise to stay away Bobo, from your brother too. We haven't had a cougar update in a while, what's she up to?

    ldesim, so glad your appointment went well and you can back off some of the tests, that's great news! Is the Herceptin still awful?

    So you and Bobo have been talking on the phone, I am jealous, i want to Skype!

    I have been getting messages from my friend, the one I told you about who moved here, on her own, just after being Dx with TN BC. Well, she is the most amazing woman and we have become firm friends, my massage therapist introduced us, when she told her she had BC and was pretty much alone here. She has a sister who lives on a farm not too far away. Anyhoooo! She is on the most amazing adventure st the moment and each morning I receive a pic and a message, so far from London, Spain. Portugal and she's in Morocco right now, soon she will be going to Scotland to visit relatives and then home.

    Z, good for you, with the Mommie walking and yoga. Whatever i a motiivator, had to smile at the woman who wants to look good at the divorce hearing.

    I love the outfits LM comes up with!

    Fia, I love that pic of the couple. Bec gets all sentimental when she sees pics like that, reminds her of my parents.

    Glennie,ok, just the accent on Housewives. The only one I really like is Gina, she looks a bit like a Drag Queen in her presentation, but she's the only one with brains, she is a Lawyer/ Barrister, I know, I know about lawyers, but she is a criminal lawyer, who fights for the rights of kids, so I like her.

    Well, windy and cool today, sitting here watching the leaves from next doors giant Maple tree, flutter into my garden again. Sigh... soon I will be filling bags again.

    Shower time and then Opp back later...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Oooh, Glennie, I loved that movie!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited March 2015

    Boy brewing up an infection. May go to my sisters for part of the week. Depends on volunteering schedule. I feel bad I'm just now getting started.

    Now LM is "swimming". Pool closed for repairs at school. She must be having withdrawals. Polka dotted panties, solid peach boy shorts, green tissue paper for a shirt and a purple buzz light year helmet.

    I've been flogged by a rooster. Can't imagine a geese pecking you. They get kinda nasty during breeding season. I am skeered.

    Yoga helped hip but not knee. Still hunting t root. Does it taste/smell like curry? That might be a deal breaker.

    Yea for spookiesmom news!

    Need to soak in the tub. Wondering if I can ignore laundry one more day. Must see if boy has socks. I swear they disappear.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    YAY Spookie!!!  Excellent excellent news. Boo on L5,, but hey,, it's not cancer! 

    M: sounds like your friend is on an exciting adventure. Good for her.

    Awwww, LM wants to go swimming. Z:  I cannot imagine how you keep up with the laundry with all of the outfit changes! Poor Boy,,, hope it doesn't brew up an infection.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited March 2015

    Poor Teddy. Looks like his vaccinations knocked him out. He couldnt even walk. But he is better now.image