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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited March 2015

    Morning, I feel like going to Tai Chi, shoulder much better, so will dash in a minute. I will be watching the 3 part program, it is the History of all cancer, the book has excellent reviews.

    Hanging for a Hair story!

    Z, glad kids are better, I wish you could get a rest! I'll Be back!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited March 2015

    Yes there is supposed to be a spa day in NOLA! But I don't think Z is going :(

    M, enjoy your Tai Chi :)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited March 2015

    Glad you are feeling better, M!   I read the book and found it quite fascinating. Hope the series will be good. It will probably be a week before I get a chance to watch it.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2015

    First episode has kids. Warning: very sad

    Tonight's episode is supposed to talk about bc

    Last episode is cures? Hopefully!

    Time magazine had an article about two women with brain cancer. One is waiting to see if rads/chemo worked. She's in nd. The other was in NY. Had genetic testing. On experiential drug.

    So tonight I changed the air filter. Do it every three months. Asked the kids to watch and not let the cats under the house. Two got in. Argh! Last time one snuck in and was locked up for a few days. As I was shutting the door, something stung or bit my finger on my bad side.

    I'm freaking out. DH doesn't understand why. Can't see anything on my finger. I wash it. Put on steroid cream or antibiotic? Don't want to borrow trouble.

    Asked pharmacist when I pick up boys meds. She gets it. Thank you! Says silver cream and if it looks/feels worse to go to ER tonight!

    Self medicated with ice cream. It's been about 4 hours and swelling seems to have gone down.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited April 2015

    Z take a Sharpie or magic marker, draw a circle around the original bite. If the redness or swelling spreads beyond that, get to ER and tell them cellulitis, and don't take no for an answer!!!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited April 2015

    What Spookie said,,, silver cream or antibiotic cream,,,,  and ice cream is a big help. Glad swelling has gone down.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2015

    Oh Z, getting bitten is a PITA, we have bloody European Wasps in the garden at the moment, I am scared shitless of those things. I hope your finger is better soon and no more swelling. I agree, ice cream will fix most things.

    I had the loveliest morning, the trip across on the Ferry was so nice and the stroll to the Hall was nice, there are Koalas in the trees along the way. Tai Chi was good. I came straight home because the couple who help with the garden were here, so I made a nice morning tea and we all sat outside and chatted for an hour. I just got back from town, where I had my eyes tested and found out I need the second cataract done. boo, I don't want to go to Melbourne for days to have it done. The guy tweaked my prescription a bit, but I just couldn't find frames that I like, I hate the new styles, I wore those in the 80"s, not going back there again, next they will be telling me to wear shoulder pads, like Crystal in Dallas! Seriously, they put some hard work in trying to get me to go for these frames, by the time I get the lenses I like and the transition I wasn't getting any change back from $700.00, I told them sorry, I ain't feeling the love for these. I have never been a dedicated follower of fashion, always wore what I like, so these ugly things, are not going to happen.

    Home again and the kitchen looks like a bomb hit it. I must tidy up and get some washing done.

    Take it easy ladies....M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2015

    Happy April Fools!

    It's my dx two year anniversary.

    Finger not swollen and doesn't hurt. Still a red spot. Hope that's normal.

    Off to dentist. Need to pay bills. Fun stuff. Poor boy. Asked what fun are we doing today.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited April 2015

    Z:  Happy anniversary.  Boy is right, what fun stuff are you doing today?  I think cake and ice cream might be in order for the day.  Good that finger is not swollen. Red spot probably normal. Give it a day to go away,, maybe put some more silver or neosporin on it. Won't hurt.

    M: sounds like you had a lovely day.  Koalas in the trees !!  I just can't imagine. I so want to come there one day and see everything.  I hate it when old ugly styles come back.  What are they thinking?  And the glasses place hate to reuse your own frames,,, **it's cheaper to buy the whole thing new**    How is it cheaper?  I only want new lens! I too need new distance glasses and I've been putting it off forever!

    Slept well last night. I think I was exhausted from the crappy night sleep the night before. I'm trying to not take the Lyrica cuz I think it gives me brain fog,,, but it seems if I don't take it then I wake up in the middle of the night with nerve pain. screaming hot nerve pain.  Not fun. So now I'm keeping a diary about it,,, and see if it is really my "off" nights that I have the pain. So I took the Lyrica last night,,, no nerve pain. Kind of groggy.  **sigh** But it's my day off, and I want to get some garden work done before it starts raining,,, so back later!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2015

    Yay to 2 year anniversary! Have some well earned ice cream, Z! I hope there was some good fun today!

    Boo, hiss to the nerve pain Glennie, it's a horrible decision, take the pain or have brain fog from the bloody medication. I hate that feeling.

    I had planned to bath Dex today so he was clean soft and fluffy for Bec coming this evening, but it's freezing and raining. I should have forced myself to do it yesterday. We had a great long range forecast, but now it has changed to wet and windy over the long weekend, so we will just stay in, no matter really.

    I had an absolutely, wonderful surprise, Vi's best friend, who has been living back in Vietnam for 8 years, is back here in Aus, for good. He found me on FB and he called yesterday, we were on the phone for over 2 hours, catching up. He was the one who Skyped me, for virtually 3 solid days, for Vi's Vietnamese Buddhist/ Catholic Funeral, he's a gorgeous boy, well man, who has a bad disability, from Polio, as a small child. He is married now with 2 beautiful boys, so we will be catching up, some time soon.

    I have to dash out, by 10am, to draw the Easter Raffle that the Opp Shop has been running for the PInk Ladies.

    Have a good evening ladies! I hope everyone is well and enjoying the start of Spring! M x.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited April 2015

    Happy April Fools to everybody... I feel weird saying Happy DX Anniversary for some reason lol. What a shitty day to get dx. Hope the finger is ok Z, sounds like you have taken every precaution, including the ice cream :) Hope LM is feeling better and boy got to do something he considers fun.

    Oh Glennie, having the nerve pain sounds awful :( Hope you are enjoying the garden today.

    Yay! Bec is coming!! I'm excited over you reconnecting with Vi's friend too, that is wonderful. Good luck on the raffle.. what is the prize?

    Have had a heinous work week.. we're just so busy and I come home with horrible headaches and my eyes get so strained. I'll be glad when this week is over and everybody is back from vacations. The sun was out today and the temperatures were a bit milder... we're not quite out of the woods with the cold, but we are getting there. Have yet to file my taxes.. I usually have them done by February.. I guess I can blame the weather this year. I hate having things hanging over my head. The cats are overdue for their vet appts too. Ok, done bitching lol.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited April 2015

    ooo, M. how exciting about Vi's friend. You will have such fun catching up with him.

    L: I hope things calm down at work for you soon! And it warms up!!

    Had a good day in the garden. Neighbor helped me trim some bushes and I did more raking. Got that stump pulled out too. YAY. Then neighbor helped me with tile choices for the bathroom redo. I have made a decision! Woot! Got estimate on part of it, and the shop lady will call me with the rest, as part of it is not tile they keep in stock. So far,, looking like it is in my budget. Good productive day off. Ava had a chance to visit with several neighbors too, so she had a good day.

    Wondering what Z made to eat for April's fools day and hoping her boo-boo is ok.

    **waving to all**

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited April 2015

    Knowing Z, I imagine it was something fun and creative. Glad you got that stump taken care of.. I am living vicariously through you, cannot wait to get out and mess around in the yard with the sun shining upon me! Soon!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2015

    You all are going to be disappointed. My snot making machine turned into a snot yesterday afternoon. Between him, paying bills and the dentist, I was done. Made spaghetti. Baths. Sent them to bed at 7.

    Boy crashed. LM trashed room more. He was up at 5! Wheezing. Going to skip shots. Debating about antibiotic. Would have thought prednisone would have kicked in.

    Finger a little swollen.

    Got to gird my loins for more phone calls to the ins co. Received approval for CT. Not sure about pet and bone. Why is everything so difficult!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited April 2015

    FFS like it's not difficult enough having to face those tests... as if you should have to beg for the privilege with the ins co.

    sorry boy was  being a snot. Was LM trashing  her room for wardrobe changes?

    Better work day for me so far... everybody has has  left me the "f" alone.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited April 2015

    Z:  sorry that Boy was a snot,, and LM trashed room! OMG,, what's up with that?  How is finger?  Still swollen? Any redness?

    hi L,, glad you are having a better day.   I went to yoga, had lunch with co-workers and now it's work time for me.  But I'm off tomorrow! YAY!!

    **waving to all**

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2015

    Morning all! Well Bec finally got here at about 6pm, damn long trip, left at 1pm with a train and then a bus, as our part of the train line is being updated again! She sent me a text from the bus, met this wonderful family with 2 beautiful girl who are funny and so smart, but the driver is a fucktard, who just pulled over to the side of the road to make a call to a friend to ask if the barbeque is still on! She was so tired when she arrived, but we still stayed up till midnight laughing and eating chocolate!

    Nothing planned. The boat is fixed and ready to sail, but it looks like it won't be warm enough and there is rain predicted too, so that may not be an option after all. We will just play it by ear, she only has till Monday afternoon, so the time will fly.

    Be back later...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2015

    It's tough, waiting for Bec to wake up!


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited April 2015

    poor Dex,, just waiting,,,,

    M:   your house is SOOOO lovely!   I want to move in!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited April 2015

    Poor boy! Me too Glennie.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited April 2015

    OK, I haven't been writing much here because I'm having some health issues and am worried....but I had to share some awesome news that happened 4 hours ago. Came home from work and there was a registered letter from Italy addressed to my FULL name. I almost didn't open it because WTF? What could this letter be? But I decided to open it and was just floored, excited, over the moon happy when I read it. If this all checks out, it appears that DD has a biological brother who lives in Italy!!!! OMG, I just couldn't believe it. I seriously feel like i have won the lottery because up until today, all I knew about dd's history was that she had been abandoned on a street corner and there was no chance of finding her family. Just stunned and so happy that dd will have a connection to her past. How unreal lucky is that?

    Just a little background: When I was adopting dd, I noticed that the newspaper articles that list the kids who have been abandoned (you must submit these documents as proof to the embassy that the child is abandoned) had a boy who was found on the same day and in the same location as dd. He sort of looked like dd too. I even asked the agency facilitator if dd had a brother. He said 'no'. Once we were home, dd would often talk about family members and I would drill her for information ... but I never knew if any of it was real or just her memories from the orphanage... but I always wondered if that boy was her brother. He was 5 at the time (she was 2 1/2), so old enough to know what was going on. So, apparently after he was adopted, he told his parents he and his sister were together in the orphanage and then one day she was gone. He didn't know where she had gone (I had adopted her). They said that he never forgot dd..and now that he is older, he wanted to find her. Apparently the papers are sealed to everyone but the adoptees.. so he requested information from the orphanage on who had adopted his sister and they gave him my name and address.

    I'm in the process of writing an email to them and sending some pictures. Now that I know that adoptees can petition for their files, I will have dd send for the information and see if it adds up. I have no reason to believe it wouldn't be legit (even though my sister's friend put that bug in my ear - damn her). This child was at the orphanage at the exact time that dd was... plus I know that Italy was one of the few countries besides the US that was allowed to adopt from dd's birth country. I believe there were less than 100 kids adopted from there that year.

    OK.. that's it. Happy news for today. Unreal happy news.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2015

    Thank you ladies, you know you're welcome any time! That's Dex's spot in the family room, he can see the hallway that leads to Bec's room, he sits and waits for the door to open!

    We have the most spectacular Autumn day today, I have been taking photos this morning, while I wait, for Bec to get up! LOL


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited April 2015

    OMG, PRB!!!  That would be so amazing!!!  I am excited for you and DD and I hope that this works out that he is her biological brother. I am over the moon for you both.

    Also concerned about your health issues.   In the bag for any appt's. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2015

    These are shots of the back garden this morning with the fantastic light we get in Autumn. the trees will be bare soon.



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2015

    PRB, os sorry you are having health worries. You know we are here for you!

    That is the most incredible news! I can understand your feelings of being of being over the moon for your DD. I hope it all works out for her. The wonders of Skype, can put them together any time they want! The distance doesn't matter any more.

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited April 2015

    Hey M, I think you need a few more pillows on that sofa. Dex is adorable.. waiting for his sister to wake up. I'm glad you have Bec for a couple of days :)

    PRB.. that is SOOOO exciting!!! I really hope this turns out as good as it sounds :) I hope you're ok... please know that you can talk to us about whatever.. worried about you now.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited April 2015

    OMG, Ldesim, you nailed it, I am the pillow queen! I can't help myself. You should see the beds! I have a huge laundry cupboard, but it is full to the brim, because I have pillows that match every bed set and a winter set, for the sofas and chairs too. I adore decor stuff that coordinates. I know, I know, I can hear you snorting from here! hahahaha or is that Bobo?

    Bec is still asleep it is after mid day, I am going t have to wake her, I can't stand it. Dex keeps going and sniffing at her door.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited April 2015

    Yea PBR! That's wonderful. So happy for you both. So sad too. Poor little fellow. I can only imagine how he felt. I hope it works out.

    Sorry about your health. We are here if you need us. Anytime. No matter what. Promise.

    Not wardrobe changes but I found lots of evidence of those:) too many toys she doesn't play with. Will she ever?

    Boy better behaved today. But snotting something terrible and wheezing. Magic wand broken:(

    Talked to ins and dr office. I've never had a pet so dr office person doesn't see the need for one now. Didn't see anything in my notes from last visit. Not sure I imagined it but probably can't get one scheduled got next week either.

    Still watching my finger like a hawk.

    Texted with bond today. He's going to the dog sitters house for Easter.

    Glad Bec is there.

    Any Easter traditions?

    Mine sunrise service at historic pioneerchurch. Egg hunt with kids. Family dinner.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited April 2015

    Cool news about a possible brother!! My DD has been searching on for my family. I don't want her going farther into it. Apparently I have a huge family, and none of them know about me. And most are in Indiana. Just be sure it's what SHE wants.

    Z, if you were to have problems with finger, probably would have appeared by now. I've had some cuts, bites, stabs on my LE arm. When it gets done leaking and seals, I figure it's ok. I have a LOT of lymph in it. Ugly!!!

    Gotta keep the dog happy M!!!!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited April 2015

    Easter? Bah humbug!! I hadn't planned anything, then DH says he's been invited to a Seder Sunday. I can't even take myself out for dinner, most will be closed, or open, reservation only and too damn expensive. Phooey!!!!