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Moving On......After the Flap



  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2014

    Congratulations, Cherrie, on both 36 years and 10 miles!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,504
    edited July 2014

    Yay Cherrie, congratulations to you and your DH, sounds like you both had a great day!!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    Congrats cherrie!

    FBB.......sending hugs.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited July 2014

    Just to update everyone, I'm headed into round 6 of this fucking battle. It's been 17 months of hell and one round after another. Despite having a complete response to chemo last year, 3 months after radiation finished I had a brain tumor. It was removed by craniotomy and I had brain radiation but my MRI last week showed new lesions. My lungs have been feeling awful since I developed pneumonia back in April, so there is probably something going on there as well. 

    Needless to say I'm pretty devastated. I told my husband that I was done fighting but he broke down and asked me to do it for him and the kids So I will.  

    Meeting with my oncologist tomorrow to discuss treatment which will probably entail whole brain radiation and chemo once again. 

    I bonded with you girls over surgery and your life stories and I'm sorry to drop this dreaded news that makes everyone who has moved on feel bad. But I'm not giving up just yet and will polish my wings once more. 

    Love, hugs and prayers to all.


  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2014

    Kristine-  My heart hurts for you but I so admire your spunk and your spirit--  you are a fighter and you are fierce!!  Take it one day at a time and know that we are praying for you.  We will even help polish those wings with you.  As Christopher Robin told Winnie-the-Pooh: " You are braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."  

    Much love your way,


  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2014

    Congratulations on the 35 years and 10 miles Cherrie, great picture of you and dh. Nice to see you and pup out kayaking, FBB. Jed is so cute, Janet, but I can't imagine having his ears at the ends of tummy incision. Have fun in your cage, sbe! Great to see you checking in nihahi, you are truly moving on. My ankle is getting stronger, knee is less painful, so after work, I am on the tennis courts more than at the bridge table. 

    I starting this Graston Technique on my tummy scar. Will let you know how it goes.

    72 days to W3!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    FBB, I wish my arms were long enough to reach all the way to where you are to give you a giant hug!  I'm sorry you are suffering so. You are always in my prayers and in my thoughts. We all care about you so please don't be afraid to post here. I am hoping you have peace in your decisions, at the very least. You are fierce and wise and I'm confident you will make the best choices for yourself. Love and hugs to you.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2014

    Oh, Kristine, we cross posted. So, so sorry to hear.....

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited July 2014

    Kristine - Take all our warrior wings to help raise you up! I will flutter like crazy to send you some strength and calmness. I we will gather our warrior shield to protect you. And raise our warrior weapons to fight off anything that might hurt you, and we'll protect you as much as we can. 

    Your are a strong, brave woman. Do not give up! Please fight for yourself, and your family, and for your love of living, and all the beautiful adventures that await.  You are meant to be on this planet, with nature, and your family, and the people that love you. 

    I know you are walking through hell right now - but keep walking. You have the strength, and I'm sending you mine.

    Love and hugs to you too,


    PS Fuck Cancer.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited July 2014

    You all mean the world to me and Janet I will take your fighting words to heart. BelleRuth (imagery)calms my fears and I picture all the positive friends beside me as she suggests.  

    Cross country hugs all around!

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited July 2014

    Fierce - 

    I don't  post often - but I think about you all the time. 

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2014

    Cross country hugs

  • Kat-ski
    Kat-ski Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014

    Hey Ladies!!  All is well here.  I have been taking  breaks from posting here but I do read.  I have reached the point with xalerdo of where it is just one 20 mg daily to prevent blood clots.  Time is a confusing thing for me right now.  Sometimes it is so slow and other times it just flies by and as we all know when we look back to where we were and where we are now, it flies.  I am nursing a very bad muscle pull on my back.  It hurts really bad but no OTC meds help and norco doesn't work.  I haven't had this kind of back pain for 12 years!  Just another blip in moving forward.  I am well and looking forward to October.  August is just around the corner and we just can't seem to get the house ready for daughter, two toddlers and two extra cats.  It is really overwhelming for us and this house is a challenge to make the room.  So, I guess, it will be what it is and take it one day at a time.  Edward, the 4 year old wants to be here like yesterday will be awesome to be around.  I will be occupied with this so the time will fly!!

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited July 2014

    Sbe, I hope the cellulitis is on the run.  Cherrie, love the picture. You look fabulous!  Kat-ski, hope that back gets better soon.  W3 ladies, I am getting excited!

    Kristine, this is a time when words fail me.  Please don't hesitate to post here.  This is our safe place where we can say what needs to be said.  I'm sure there isn't one of us that can't understand your frustration and wanting to say, "No more!"  But we do what we do for the ones that we love.  I pray the One that loved us first will give you peace and comfort.  You are still our Fierce Blue Bird.  Love, Julie

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited July 2014

    Dear ladies.....I read every day, and post mom is taking up a lot of my time these days......

    FBB-you are ALWAYS in my heart and mind.......I will hold your hand ANYWHERE....XO

    Sbe-SO sorry about the cellulitis.....I am glad to know you are doing better!

    Cherrie-you look FAB!  and congrats on your anniversary!  

    Janet-LOVE your dog......(and you)

    Kat-sorry you are still having issues, but your optimism and love for life is amazing!

    Julie-you are a sweetheart....looking forward to meeting you in September!

    To everyone I have missed-it's not on mother is having a difficult day.....I have to go....

    Love to everyone!  XO

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2014

    movie- So nice to hear your voice again. We miss you and Bailey. 

    Kat- sounds like you are on the mend, but take care of yourself. I know your daughter is coming and you are a little nervous about all of this change. You need to come first as stress does naughty things to us.

    FBB- I am at a loss of words. Hopefully you feel this is a place you can turn to for uplifting as you go through this. FBC!  We are here for you and our thoughts are with you everyday. You are in control of how you decide to move forward. We can all respect the decisions you make and SUPPORT you along the way. Your family is there and we have circled the wagons around you. (((((((Hugs)))))))

  • lahela
    lahela Member Posts: 145
    edited July 2014

    FBB, intercontinental hugs! Our arms are circling the world to hold you in their embrace.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited July 2014

    Have not been on for a while, but FBB, I've always admired your spunk and spirit, and once again I am in awe of you. Please do not stay away from here. You can share whatever with us, we are in this together, and will be here for you no matter what. My heart goes out to you sending the most positive vibes, prayers and the best thoughts. Thinking of you all the time, and so happy you are getting out on the kayak. Nature with her beauty and serenity go a long way to calm our fears and worries. ((((((((FBB))))))))

    Cherrie, congrats on the 36 year milestone. What an achievement! I will really have to start exercising seriously, or will be left behind on Mt Hood . . . LOL. Beginning to look forward to that now - woot Wilbur woot!

     My 12 visitors are arriving on Monday. These last few weeks I cleaned out every closet in my house and kitchen, gave away, threw away, tidied, and kept only the stuff that I need and really use. It feels so good that all the bedroom closets are now empty, and to be rid of all the junk that I never used. Will do a final Costco run on Sunday to get fresh fruit and veggies, and then I'm ready for my family. Looking forward to having fun with them. Weather here is just glorious, one sunny day after the next, and temperatures around 30 C. Jeannie, all of us are coming to Seattle next Thursday on the Victoria Clipper for two days. Boys are going to see the Boeing factory, and the girls will be in the stores, little Em and all - LOL. 

    Wishing all of you the very best, and take care. Will not be able to check in for the next two weeks, so will see you on the other side. TOWANDA!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2014

    FBB, loving arms outstretched, wings flapping and sending you as much love as I can possibly muster. I hold you close to my heart and walk beside you as you battle again.   Be strong and fight hard. Check in when you feel up to it. ((Super Hugs))

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2014

    Bosum- it will be so nice when all of this is behind you. You are already a winner with your warrior woman strength. You are moving on girl, stronger than ever without him. It doesn't matter if he can't see it, you still come out on top. It sucks that you have to continue being dragged into this, but you will overcome!!!!!!!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2014

    Bosom, you sound great!  Keep up the prayer, meditation and exercise.  I can hear a strength in your "voice", and it sounds good on you!  Keep fighting, girlfriend. 

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited July 2014

    Ohmyword YES! I've missed you all! Much too much!

    But here I am, having the most normal Saturday morning. Laundry, coffee, kids, dogs, cleaning. No parties to plan, no trips to prepare for. At the end of my months of running marathon. 

    My dad is doing well. We walked into his hospital room last week Friday and he said, I am going home (to the house in Merida) today. I asked if the doctor said so or if he was saying so. He said, "I say so". Ok then, I'll make it happen. He was ready. Fortunately the doctor agreed lol!!! I was very happy because I had no idea how to leave my mother there alone in the house, unable to communicate. I had gotten Mexican cell phones and she could call or email the concierge for the house, but computers and cell phones are very confusing for her. Somehow she often ends up on screens and I can't figure out how she got there and she doesn't know how to get out of it. Anyway, him coming home to the Mexico house made me feel so much better about having to leave.

    He has not stood up on the "new" side yet and that's perfectly fine. This is his last chance, let it heal. 

    My brother-in-law was there from Wednesday until early this morning. Now they just have 10 more days and they will leave for home early in the morning on the 23rd.

    Cherrie, congratulations! Liefie...hang in there! Sbel so glad you got sprung from germ jail! 

    Movie--hugs to you.....I took care of my parents all last care for your mother every day. It is exhausting. My heart is with you.

    Bluebird, dear girl, what to say? Blasted *uckery. We stand beside you and love you and pray every day. 

    I've missed people I am certain, my heart is with you all! 

    Glad to be on this side of my marathon!

  • Justinac
    Justinac Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2014

    just recently diagnosed with dcis, will have srugery soon. Nice to know that there is new life after this. 

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited July 2014

    Justinac - welcome, so sorry you are here! There is life during treatment and after treatment.....things will change and you will change but it's all, every day, your life. Don't stop living and enjoying whatever you can. You can do this. What treatments are you expecting and what surgery are you having? There are lots of discussion groups on and lots of very good information. Knowledge is power, use it!

    Good morning, flapper sisters! What is everyone doing today? I'm a gonna ride my bicycle....and look for a NEW bicycle, too! 

    Love to all!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    Yay for you, Bailey! A bike ride sounds great. It's going to be a hot, muggy one here today, so they say. Good to hear from you and good to hear your dad is doing well so far.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2014

    Bike ride, way to go bailey, I thought it was sbe's post until I read what Jeannie wrote. So glad your dad is doing better. Justinac, sorry you have to join us, hope we will be able to support you any way we can. Belleruth be with you FBB.

    I worked out in the early morning and played bridge all day today. It's workday tomorrow Scared

    Love to all.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2014

    I wish there were like and comment buttons on mid visual posts. :]

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2014

    Argggg! Individual posts is what I meant to say. Wilbur is not here. 

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited July 2014

    FierceBluebird - How did your appointment go? Yesterday I dedicated my yoga practice to you. I may not be very bendy, but I'm really good at harnessing energy. 

    Bailey - Nice to hear from you. Talk about moving on. I love it when us gals get 'too busy'. I also love that your dad is doing well. Still get inspired at the thought of the photo in Germany when he was hanging on to those bars, and taking a few tentative steps. He looks like a lovely man.

    Jeannie - How are things under your roof these day (or did I miss some posts) . Is Tom happy with his new job? I sure hope so. It's crazy humid here today too so I took Jed and his friend to a park, and just sat on a bench. It was great. Sometimes when I feel the wind blowing through my hair I'm just so so grateful for all the things we take for granted. Like hair, and just sitting doing nothing. 

    Jim's just strolling around with a plate of barbequed chicken - and I have to go toss a salad. I love summer!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    Ok......I admit it.....I'm weak. I've tried to stay off the bco site, and have managed to not post, but not successful in not reading. I don't do facebook, likely never will, and I feel like I've lost my "people". So.....I'm back. Still going to try to not post EVERY BLINKING DAY LIKE BEFORE.....but....I'm back. 

    Love you all............