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Moving On......After the Flap



  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited July 2014

    Hahaha, Nihahi! Love you, friend! So glad you missed us ;)

    Janet that Bassett Hound of yours is too danged sweet. 

    No new bike today for me, but I'm still hunting craigslist. We picked up a really great, used, kind of beat up looking but great working mountain bike for thing 1 yesterday. He needed a bike for college and he wants to start trail riding, too. I didn't want to get him a brand new, expensive bike because they get stolen at school. Anyway, he took thing 2 up to the trails today and they had a great time. So happy. Such a great way to spend time and stay fit.

    Ugh, work tomorrow .....I need another weekend!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2014

    Nihahi, welcome back. I, too, have tried to stay away with hopes of really "moving on", but I am continuously drawn to this great group of women with their wonderful spirits.  I guess it feeds me.  Can't wait for September, though I still don't have my tickets. I better get on that...

    Janet, I know exactly what you mean about  "being in the moment". I can be walking the dog or riding my bike and I am in awe of the trees and the sun and the clouds, and so very thankful to be a part of it all. 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    Welcome back, Nihahi. I am reading, too, and finding myself deleting posts I've started on other threads, "just because." If I have something to share, I do but I don't feel compelled to do so like before. I walked a few laps in the Am. Cancer Society Relay for Life on Saturday (I felt obligated to help out a friend, the captain). I was surprised how much I HATED hearing the cancer survivor's speech, mostly because she was talking a lot about being butterflies and growing swan wings.....but also because I just don't want to put myself back to the time I was diagnosed anymore. I'm thankful for the ladies here at who helped me so much in the beginning and, of course, for you all who cheered me on for so long. As you ladies know, I need to move on from a lot of carp, if possible! Of course, I want to hear about the challenges and joys of my friends here, that's different somehow. You are my "peeps," too.

    Janet, Tom is enjoying his job and garnering a lot of praise already. After only nine days on the job, he had to present a strategic marketing plan to his boss which went very well. He has been invited to a big meeting in a nearby charming mountain town in a week or so. I would love to go but too soon to sneak along. I, too, am enjoying simple pleasures. I was sitting in my garden and looked up to watch a butterfly, only to see several dragonflies darting around, too. I had no interest in anything like that during chemo and rads. When I get even the slightest bit down on my imperfect body, I mentally hug myself and remember that I am strong in spite of everything, maybe because of everything, and I am never alone.

    Hugs, everyone!

  • GwennyMD
    GwennyMD Member Posts: 68
    edited July 2014

    I don't post much but still try to read a couple of threads every few days.

    FBB - East coast hugs.  You are always in my prayers.  As the others have said, we are here for whatever you need. 

    Bailey - I am glad that you dad is doing better.

    SBE - Get well soon.  

    Bosom - You are a very strong lady and it appears that the yoga has kept you calm and focused.   I have been following your lead.  I took off the wig 6 weeks ago.  Just like you people told me that it looked nice but I was not ready to accept it. I knew that my long hair was part of my prior identity but I don't think that I knew how important it was.  I am finally content with the hair which has helped me be at peace with a lot of other things.  I still have a million things to take care of but I am not getting stressed out. 

    Hugs to all

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited July 2014

    Good morning, all, and welcome back, Nihahi!  Our wonderful group of friends is like a huge magnet...sooner or later, the pull will be irresistible!

    I am 100% well and recovered from the cellulitis. I'll be on an antibiotic until the end of July, just to squash the bugs permanently (hopefully) but life is back to normal. 

    FBB, you're in my prayers every day, and circled by the loving gaggle of friend here. 

    On a long road ride Saturday, a cyclist executed a dumb move and clipped the back of my bike.  Down I went.  My first thought was "is my bike OK?"  and then "did I skin up my potentially LE arm?"  The bike was fine and the arm was too.  But it's a colorful Monday!



  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2014

    Yikes!!  Black and blue you are!  So glad you and the bike are okay!


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    Sbe, I know that must be so uncomfortable, as well as colorful. I'm glad you are on antibiotics. Hope you're back on your bike soon. 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    sbe......our own entry for the Tour de France. Hope it's not as sore as it looks. 

    Personally......I would have instantly worried about the new boob and nipple!!!!! Hubby and I were practicing (because lord knows we need to) some golf skills recently. One of his chip shots went sideways, directly into my ribs, about an inch away from the "new one".....let me tell rage had never come from me until that moment!!!!!!

  • Ally2345
    Ally2345 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2014

    nihahi--  What a great comment...our own Tour de France entry.  Bahahaha!!  Yikes about the golf shot.  Must be the husband got hit on the shin by a wayward shot last Saturday.  Be careful and take care of righty!


  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2014

    Oh no Sbe. That looks ouchy! Heal fast my friend and be careful. 

    MY DH was in a bike accident on Saturday. A guy in his group of five clipped the wheel of another. 4 went down. He spent the afternoon in the hospital with this friend who broke his clavicle and some ribs. Everyone else that fell is fine. He made 20 out of 64 miles. Oh well. 

    We got our plane tickets today!!!!! However, we are sorry we waited. Last week it was $363 each and we paid $448 each today. I am tired of worrying about wether the price will go up or down. Big bummer, but it's done. It is what it is. 

    Nihahi- I felt your presence. I really don't post much anymore, but I miss this site when I am gone. We are all moving on and that is a tremendous thing. 

    Hope Kat is doing well. We haven't heard from her lately. 

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited July 2014

    Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers everyone. I'm pretty scared these days.

    Sbe, OUCH! Thank goodness you were okay.

    Jeannie, loved this:

    When I get even the slightest bit down on my imperfect body, I mentally
    hug myself and remember that I am strong in spite of everything, maybe
    because of everything, and I am never alone.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    FBB.....Of course you are scared....impossible to be otherwise. 

     A surgeon I worked with on the burn unit used to have a saying...... "put a candle in the window"...... when things were looking grim for one of our patients. It's a thought that has always stayed with me....a glimmer of light in difficult times. I've had a candle burning for you ever since your recent news. Heat wave and's there in my window for you every evening. Hope you can see it flicker, every now and then.

  • The1toC
    The1toC Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2014

    nihahi welcome back! Owwy on dh's rib shot!

    Jeanie oh how I appreciate your opinion about the survivor speaker and not wanting to be back there. This year I was invited to be the survivor speaker at R4L and did I ever have reservations. There were a good number of people so hopeful I would say yes but Inreally encouraged them to give someone else the opportunity. I really felt like I had nothing to say....In the end I did agree to speak and eventually came up with a short talk that focused on choosing and living the life you desire-surround yourself with those who support you in livingyour best life. My intent was to inspire and I think I did. But I really feel that even though I am just 3 years since dx, I really have moved ahead in my journey and don't want to wallow in that label; it is a chapter in my life thaat I have found many silver linings from.

    Sbelizabeth lucky the colours are the only injuries!

    FBB sending you hugs and supporting thoughts. Give us your fear so you don't have to carry so much of it yourself. We are all here for you.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited July 2014

    FBB...thank you for sharing with us.  You're in my prayers every day.

    I have ALWAYS loved your quote:  "When I feel fear, I go where the wood duck rests his beauty on the water and the heron feeds.  I come into the peace of wild things who do not live with grief. Above me stars  are waiting with their light. I rest in God’s grace and am free." 

    Thank you for your sympathy over my boo-boo, everyone.  I'm on the mend.  Cherrie, your DH was riding a metric century?  Too, too bad about the crash, and missing the rest of the ride--but I bet his friend appreciated his presence in the hospital.

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited July 2014

    Hi everyone, good to scan the posts and hear what is going on.  I try very hard to pray for all on the boards and for the BC community in general.  After all the power of good prayers and thoughts is well researched.  Thinking of you all often.  

    Jeannie, I spoke to a group about Women and Heart Disease and they liked it and they said "can you speak on Breast Cancer"?  I told my husband, maybe some day I could but I feel weird or something doing it, I guess even though I am blessed thus far I don't feel really qualified to be some kind of BC poster child.  

  • ahdjdbcjdjdbkf
    ahdjdbcjdjdbkf Member Posts: 188
    edited July 2014

    Waiting for the day I will look in the mirror and see that flap and not think twice about it.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    Nihahi, love the candle in the window. FBB, I have six in my window and will now think of you when I light them!

    Well, I'm going to add to the injury report. I just now took a bad fall while stupidly trying to prune wisteria whips while standing on a lounge chair. My foot slipped through the slats, I slowly fell backward, pulling a quad muscle, scraping my back on any number of pots and landing squarely on my butt. It really is kind of funny. What an idiot. I stumbled in and grabbed two ice packs. Couldn't grab a third because I was too dizzy.  Wahhhh! Not the plan for today!

    As far as speakers at cancer events, I think it's great and worthwhile to be a speaker. Our own Sbel gave a fantastic talk that, I'm sure, touched many. My experience with the speaker on Saturday was colored by many things. First, she is a lovely woman, I'm sure, but she had no connection with most of us as she talked about butterfly wings, etc. My Livestrong group was in silent hysterics. Anytime a speaker starts with "I was given two minutes but I have a story to tell so please get comfortable" she is in trouble, especially if she is talking to a group standing on a hot high school track in 90 degree weather...Also, I have been through so many things in addition to FBC these last two and a half years that I just feel like putting my fingers in my ears and saying, "lalalala," sometimes. This was one of those times. I applaud you who talk about your experiences to groups. We all have a life story worth telling. I am open to telling my story sometime, even though public speaking scares the carp out of me! 

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2014

    I am toying with talking to a group if women at work about breast reconstruction. October 15 is BRA (Breast Reconstruction Awareness) Day, and there are still so many women that aren't told all of the options available or that perhaps they might be a candidate for immediate construction. I guess I should just chedule it with the wellness coordinator and then I will have to follow through. 

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited July 2014

    Well the lady called me an hour ago and I agreed to speak!  It will be on detection and testing and prevention but is only 30 minutes long.  And the good news it is not until October.  Yay!  You all are right, if we can help one person who either gets it one day or if we can help people be healthier it is worth it.    Nearly laughed out loud when the lady called.  Here I had just said to you all I was leaning away from it.  hee hee

    Zen you would do a beautiful job, you are pretty inspiring as all of you are. :)

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited July 2014

    Bailey, so glad to hear from you.  Hope all is going as well as possible with your folks.  Jeannie, that is great that things are going so well with your DH's new job.  Sounds like it was the perfect fit!  Sbe, hope the infection is gone.  Sorry you took such a spill.  Those bruises look quite painful.  Congrats to all of you that have become spokespersons for us and those like us that may hear what you have to share.  BB, you do sound so strong!  May the force be with you as you go forward.  FBB, may you be comforted and strengthened as your friends here lift you up!  Love to all.  ...Julie

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited July 2014

    Jeannie...honey...standing on a slatted lawn chair?  Really?  I'm so sorry you're aching, but I would pay $$ for a video of today's activities.

    Enjoyeverymoment, I'm with Jeannie here.  Someone who's been in the trenches with us is hopefully NOT going to be talking about butterfly wings.  And we need speakers who have been in the trenches!  So you go, GF, and anybody else here (that's you, Zenful!) who can speak to a group, be it two or two thousand, about the experience of breast cancer.  I do a lot of teaching and committee work for my job, so speaking to a group feels ok to me, but sharing the part of myself that slogged through BC diagnosis and treatment was wonderful.  I really enjoyed the opportunity to talk about breast cancer that was NOT pink, coy, or silly.

    Maria, me too.  I'm looking forward to being done, done, done...nipples tatted, flaps settled...done.  But it's a process, and I think about the months when I wore a silicone ham in my bra and had to think about necklines, and I'm very happy to be on the other side of my DIEP.

    Off to put ice on my boo-boo's!  I'm wearing skirts to work so I can show off what a burly mountain woman I am. 

    Keep the rubber side down.  And Jeannie, buy a stool.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    Okay, okay, Sbel. I did say I did a stupid thing and was an idiot! A very sore idiot, too. On the bright side, the loppers I was using and the lounge chair didn't suffer a scratch and are A-OK. Time to decide which body part to ice next.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited July 2014

    Have you made ice packs with ziplock bags and isopropyl alcohol?  I cup alcohol to 2 cups water, in a gallon ziplock, and freeze.  It makes a great semi-solid ice pack.  You feeling better today?

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    Thanks for the ice pack idea! Sounds a lot more comfortable than frozen corn....I am sore but I will live. I can hardly wait to get back to my pool workouts but it will be awhile.

    BB, you sound good. You have come a long way since diagnosis. I'm glad you enjoyed the body image "quote." Those are just some words I came up with because I found myself being self-critical and, frankly, I was tired of it! We have amazing bodies and we are strong. I am never alone because I believe God is with me....and you guys, of course!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    YOWZER!!!! Jeannie......there I was reading your post, dreaming of wisteria.....then BAM......tsk, tsk, tsk.....then major hugs. So glad no major injuries happened! How come no pool workouts yet???? Is it still tat related or have I missed something. I didn't realize tats were so long in resolving. I am now on the waiting list.....likely will be late Oct or early November to have it done.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    Nihahi, no pool workouts because I can barely move. I got all ready to take the dog for a short walk but, nope, no-can-do. I finally got into the pool last week after the tats healed. It was glorious. Now I have to wait again. My friend tried to cheer me up by recounting an incident: She was a teacher, attempting to hang a mobile while standing on a chair with WHEELS! Of course, she fell but her feet landed in the wastebasket! 911 was called. I am in good company.  So glad you got your tats scheduled. Finish line! You have run a marathon, that's for sure.

  • Kat-ski
    Kat-ski Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014

    Hey Gals!!  I come on here and catch up when I can.  Things have been ever-so crazy here!!  I am enjoying the cool nights(62 and below) because the air is off and the windows are open!!  I love fresh cool air and then the house gets aired out(a bit dutch here).  The a/c is okay but the good old-fashion air is the best!!  My back is still sore but it is healing.  My belly incision aches now and I am thinking I must have bruised my insides too--hooray-hooray!!  I just move slowly.  My hubby dropped a long piece of decking wood on his leg, I think he lost his hold and ouch!  He bruised it really bad so the doctor has him do hot/cold(frozen peas at my house) on his leg.  So, we are a sight to be seen!!  We are managing.  I guess the healing just keeps going in our house!!  I lay down for a couple of hours a day just to give the back a rest.  

    With the cooler air, we leave a screen slider opened enough for Snickers to go in and out.  She gave us a present today.  Poor little chipmunk was on our family floor gone to animal heaven but in one piece.  Y'all would have been laughing belly laughs because I couldn't take care of the little guy.  I can do field mice with heads gone but not chipmunks.  A dust pan did the trick but I am glad had an empty stomach.  So, that is number 2 chipmunk in four years.  Please no more surprises!!  (Our kitty Kaitlyn did all of the hunting and giving us surprises but I guess Snickers has taken over)

    Last Saturday was a fun day(my back didn't like the hour drive there and back) as my brother from Arizona was visiting his son here in Michigan.  My mom was in heaven as all five of us were there.  Family pictures and all of the funny stories topped the evening off.  It was cloudy and we managed to get our plates full of food before the light rain came. We had to retreat to the garage for the rest of the evening.  It was great fun and the memories that were made will be forever cherished.

    I think of you all and I am glad there are updates even if some are not so great!!  It is funny how we can move on but yet come back to see how everyone is doing.  September is just around the corner now.  Take care. Kat

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited July 2014

    Well...the past 5days have been pretty tough.....Mom is incontinent and has absolutely NO CLUE on top of that that she needs to go......I have re-entered the diapering workforce (big time) and am changing/hosing her off 2-4 times a day.......<sigh>Loopy

    Thought I was having a problem getting a sibling to come and stay with her in September......I almost  came unglued.......luckily older sis is coming (or I may have murdered her!)Nerdy

    Jeannie, I have nothing to say......but your story  did make me laugh out loud..(sorry). Hope things are getting better.  Same for you Sbe.....

    Nihahi, as long as your Nip appt isn't the 3rd weekend in September I can support that......I still haven't. Made my appt.   (I am doing something MUCH more fun.....having a Colonoscopy....Yay!Shocked)

    FBB.....much love and tons of Movie (((hugs))) to you, my friend.

    Everyone else....XO

  • Kat-ski
    Kat-ski Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014

    Moviemanic, you, your mom and family are in my prayers.  Taking care of our parents and keeping our own families going are the most challenges that life can bring.  I know there are other ladies on here doing the same.  Please take time for yourselves.  Kat

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2014

    Movie- you are a saint for helping your mom out like this. When my mom started messing herself, my sister and I had to put her in a nursing home. Neither of us could do it. My tummy just couldn't handle it. She had dementia on top of this so didn't really seem sad about it. I admire anyone that is able to provide this kind of care. My hubby and I no longer have living parents. You need more respite than just September. Are you getting help from others so you can have a break?

    Jeannie- You made me laugh only because you are alright. I pictured you on that chair and landing on your butt. Hope you heal fast and can get in that pool.

    Katy- Yes, it was a long ride that got cut short. His friend broke his collar bone in 4 places and two ribs. 

    Kat- nice to hear your voice again. You sound great.

    Nihahi- I love your candle idea and mine is lit also. I am going camping soon for two weeks and will keep a candle lit.  It makes me think of FBB and all of you. 

    I was asked to speak at our Relay for Life last year. This is a small town and I just couldn't share my story with everyone I knew. Many were students of mine. I declined. Being a respected teacher here in town, they were disappointed. It just didn't feel right to me. I love that Zen can reach out and let women know there are other options with breast reconstruction. I never knew there was until someone directed me to the NOLA site and the rest is history.