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Moving On......After the Flap



  • GwennyMD
    GwennyMD Member Posts: 68
    edited July 2014

    Movie - Please take care of yourself.  Two of my best friends are doing the same thing and even though they have some help from family, it still takes on toll on them physically and mentally.  I will keep you and your family in my prayers.  

    FBB - I too will light a candle.

    Healing thoughts for all of you who have decided to get yourselves battered and bruised.

    I admire those of you who are able to go out and speak publicly.  I know that I am not there yet.  However, I have been able to speak about it with friends and family.  I recently found myself talking openly to friends at a couple of cookouts recently and I did not stop when I noticed a few people I did not know also listening.  I never started the conversations but I will always answer questions.  While I never wanted to be known for fbc, I have run into a few women who did not know about treatment options or reconstruction options.  Their doctors just gave them a diagnosis and told them what they were planning to do.  So I believe that every time someone asks me a question in that type of setting, there is someone there who needs to hear the answer.  

    Have a great day ladies


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited July 2014

    Kat, as always good to hear from you.  My large family growing up (6 kids) all worked crazy hours as we were in college and I had to leave for work by 6 and the fam told me to stop making noise at all since they worked late.  One morning I came down the stairs only to step on a still warm squishy dead mouse the cat had graciously left for me.  I tried so hard not to scream.  Thinking of it still makes me giggle.  I would pay big money to see you and hubby with alternating ice packs and you sweeping up the poor little chipmunk while trying not to gag.  I know it isn't funny in one way but the picture sure is.... Kat you always make me smile.

    FBB I too love your quotes

    Jeannie!  Oh my gosh I too am thinking of you and hoping you are soon on the mend.  We have all done something like that where as the fall occurred you think "hmm maybe that wasn't the best idea"?!!  Get well soon!

    BB I too agree, I think you are way stronger than you even think you are and have done a great job dealing with all that life has handed you.  Keep the faith, I am always glad to hear from you on here.

    Movie, glad your sister is stepping up, that is such a classic situation, for some reason I don't understand families don't seem to rally around and all take equal responsibility for loved ones.  Sometimes it is a geographical issue but the poor person doing it all needs a break.  Sending you hugs.

    Nihahi, hope the tattooing and final work goes well, I am looking forward to being done with Stage 2 and tattooing as well.

    Hope you all have a great day!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    Enjoy, thanks for the nice words.

    GwennyMD, thanks for the good thoughts. That's cool that you have a willingness to share when asked. I just remembered that I may not have given a speech but I have done a couple of other very public things. I documented my journey on CaringBridge mostly for myself, family and friends, but friends of friends were soon reading it, too. Also, an FBC friend and I were interviewed by our local paper after our fly fishing trip for FBC women. We were on the front page and the article quoted me a lot describing my FBC experience. Somehow when you're talking to a reporter while sitting at your kitchen table, you forget the whole community will be reading your words! It was a little jolt when people came up to me and said, "I read the article about you." I am glad to educate and encourage but I hope FBC isn't all they're thinking when they see me. It probably isn't, because I'm wearing these $&@% compression sleeves which draw a lot of attention on their own. People think my arms are tatted up. sigh.

    Movie, words fail me. I am so impressed and inspired by your selflessness. I'm hoping hospice can help you out more? Thank goodness for your older sister. There would be no trip without you.

    As for my parents, my younger brother just repaid them a boatload of money so apparently now they think they are going to move "back," to what I don't know. My dad desperately wants to drive even though his license expired. We desperately don't want him to. There is too much traffic for him to drive in San Diego so moving back to their small town is their answer. They have periods of forgetfulness and confusion. I will not be participating in any move because they are living where they should be now and are safe there and near family.

    I'm perfectly comfortable laying (lying?) in bed. (It's 8:10 here) I wonder how I will feel when I get up. i know I'll feel hopeful and thankful for another day!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    Tennis anyone?????

    Tennis ball sized hailstone

    yep.....that's a hailstone......thankfully we're just getting the rain and wind here.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited July 2014

    Nihahi, holy moley.  Is that photo somewhere even near you?  I'd be worried about head injuries with hail that size!  We used to get hail, on a much smaller scale, in Colorado.  It ruined a roof once, and did a lot of damage to our car, but no busted heads or broken noses.

    Movie, I wish we could all take turns spelling you off with the care of your mom.  I know you're exhausted and I'm so sorry.  Somewhere inside your elderly, helpless mom is an ageless woman thanking you for your kindness.  (((hugs)))  Jeannie, it must be frustration itself helping your folks get settled and then have them want to turn around and un-do it all.  If your dad is no longer safe to drive, he's not safe period--San Diego or a little town anywhere.  But how do you help him understand that?

    My husby is SO the best.  He came home with dinner fixings and is tossing together teriyaki sirloin and corn on the cob.  We eat red meat about once a month so this is something special, indeed.  Pass the Lipitor.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2014

    that's a big one!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    sbe.....yep, about 20 minutes drive from us. We've been in a heat wave (for us), and the air is full of smoke from forestfires, and that is a recipe for hail around here. The storm has moved off from around here now, sadly, still have the smokey skies.

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited July 2014

    Hey friends, my dad walked about 50 feet today. So grateful. Things are looking good so far!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    bailey......gosh, that's wonderful news!!!

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2014

    Great news about your dad, bailey.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited July 2014

    I'm here.  I'm really here - reading posts.  Sharing joys and sorrows.  Kind of like Nihahi's little vacay from bco.  A bit of burn-out.  So today I decided to let a few threads go.  They really don't need me anymore.  The 2013 and 2014 girls are getting the hang of this and seem to be doing a great job of helping each other.  This should make bco more manageable for me and I can maybe post a bit.  It really is getting to be time to move on even though I am not quite finished.  Nips in August, then on to tattoos.  

    So, Bailey - yeah for your daddy!  50 steps is a mile in his shoes.

    SBE - enjoy that red meat - it really is good for you (no comments gals, I eat paleo).

    Nihahi - does that little bit of hail indicate that you summer is almost over?  Sure hope not.  You have lots of hikes still to take.

    Jeannie - I am so thankful that you really are okay from that little fall.  One of my bridge friends was changing a garage lightbulb when her feet left the ladder and her fanny hit the mulch.  Serious wrist fracture (surgery next week); fractured vertebrae (3 level fusion yesterday) and a big ole hematoma on her backside.  Really not good.  Some gals will do anything to miss a bridge game.

    FBB - always thinking of you and praying for you.

    Miss you all!!!  Good to be back here.


  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited July 2014

    Sad to say I'm back in hospital again. Having trouble with internet here but as soon as I get home I'm putting a candle in the window and I'll write a proper post. 

    Love to you all. I may be escaping tonight. They've agreed to let me go home with oxygen despite all the grim news and poor prognosis. But if there is a glimmer of hope I'm taking it and giving it a try once more.

    Love and hugs to all,


  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2014


  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited July 2014

    FBB-wasn't going to post today.......but when I read your post, I had to.......

    Putting my arms around you here on the left coast.........we have the life raft ready....climb aboard and let us lift you up..........


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014


  • Ridley
    Ridley Member Posts: 95
    edited July 2014

    Popping into say hello and send some prayers and good wishes to Kristine and others that are hurting or healing from scrapes, bruises, or any other worries.  I've been reading but not posting too much other than to try and help some of the newbies on the other threads.  In a bit of a funk, which I'm wholly attributing to tamoxifen and the "overwhelm" of this past year.   I remember a post or blog entry from Janet that noted something to the effect that some days were better spent looking up at a duvet cover -- that seems to fit my state of mind, except for the fact that hot flashes are miserable right now and I have a job that I need to be at! 

    Kristine -- I'm going to light a candle for you as soon as I get home -- hopefully you will be resting comfortably at your home by then, feeling surrounded by the warmth of everyone who is pulling for you.



  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2014


  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    vector glowing candle -

  • Sharon1942
    Sharon1942 Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2014


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    I just realized my boobs are one year old today. What a year!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2014

    FBB- My candle is lit. (((((Hugs))))

    Jeannie- happy boobiversary! 

    Bailey- great news for your father.

    I am leaving tomorrow for a two week camping trip with seven families. My daughter and family are coming for one week and my son and wife for three days. I am really looking forward to this. However, there is NO electricity and I will be totally off the radar. I should be back around August 3. So see you in 2 1/2 weeks. I brought a big bag of tea lights and will continue my candle lighting for Kristine. 

    Marty- nice to hear your voice hear. I am only posting on a couple of threads now. I agree the 13/14 site is going well with the new veterans taking the helm. We are truly MOVING ON. 

    I have a picture coming of grand babies. 

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2014


    Couldn't get it clear. Elly is almost 3.5 and Carter is 5 mo. today.

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2014

    Just found this thread and I'm 12 days from being past "flapping issues." I hope it means being able to get off this roller coaster and putting the bc care organizer away for good. 

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited July 2014

    Kristine, my candle's lit here in California too.  I pray its light drifts with all the others to you, so you can see their hope and our love for you.  You are truly a Viking, strong and brave.  (((hugs)))

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    Bailey, happy for your dad! Cherrie, cute. Have fun camping. My DD really enjoyed the UP of Michigan. Hi, Marty! I deleted threads today, too.  I thought of you, Kristine, as I lit each candle. They are glassybabies, made here in Seattle. The owner of the company had cancer several times and these candle jars came out of that. She dedicates certain ones to cancer research and has donated tons of money. As I sit here in their warm glow, I think of you and your struggles, praying for you and sending you strength, peace and love. You are being supported on our raft by many loving arms.


  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    jeannie......Happy birthday to your new breasts, and, of course, to our very special friend, WILBUR!!!! Did you make him a birthday cake??

    teacher!! so good to see you here. I have read many of your posts on the 2014 thread, and find myself nodding in agreement, smiling at your humour, and applauding your attitude and gumption. I'm wishing for wonderful results for you with your next "stage", and hope you find the compassion and craziness of us here helps you to put that binder away for good!!!!'ve been missed......good to hear from you....I hear you on the "vacay".....we all need it now and then! Sorry about your friend though, must be some pretty intense bridge you ladies play, to drive her to such lengths to avoid the game!!!! No worries, summer is still here....shouldn't be snowing for at least a couple more months...........

    cherrie.....beautiful pic...enjoy camping!

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited July 2014

    Blue....for you.....


  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited July 2014

    Kristine - Yes, keep trying. We are all behind you, and with you, and around you. I am sending you love.


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    Nihahi, I forgot all about Wilbur! I think of him fondly....

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited July 2014

    Good morning!  Here I sit with my healing bicycle crash boo-boo's AND my foot in a Frankenstein-looking post-op shoe...I FINALLY got my hammertoe fixed yesterday!  The procedure had been on the books three times.  First I had to cancel on the day Aubrey was born.  Then my podiatrist had to cancel because he had extensive back surgery.  Third time's a charm, I guess, and I was almost ready to cancel again because of this last bout of cellulitis and the Technicolor of the bruises and abrasions on my bike-crash knees.  But everyone said it would be OK, so here I sit with ice on my ankle and Downton Abbey re-runs.  One more medical $$$ to check off this year's list of "last year we pay the maximum out-of-pocket" procedures.  Maybe I can get a colonoscopy and my appendix out before December 31.  Urgh. 

    Truthfully, there's been absolutely no pain, but as the husby says, "wait until the secret sauce wears off."  They shoot the whole area full of long-acting anesthetic and it takes a couple of days to wake up.  I have to say...minor toe surgery is almost laughable compared to what we've all been through.  True to tradition, though, I baked molasses cookies for the staff and taped a thank-you note to my leg, where they would find it after I was asleep. 

    Well, no bike rides today, but it will be a relaxing Saturday in the recliner with icepacks and ginger ale.  Any great Netflix streaming movie recommendations?