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Moving On......After the Flap



  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited July 2014

    Before my sister in law passed away we were able to watch her 4 year old granddaughter so the daughter could be with her Mom.  What a happy little girl, skipping around, never still!  By the time we went to bed I was exhausted but smiling.  I am going to try to keep a child-like faith and wonder- why should we let cancer or other problems rob us of that?  At the funeral she was the same, singing, hugging everyone.  Can I say I cannot wait for grandchildren?  My children are 22 and 24 but not currently dating anyone seriously, and I am willing to wait until they find the right person but my husband and I look forward greatly to it!

    BB and Movie, there are times all of us have not been the poster child in either parenting or dealing with our parents.  Forgive yourself, you are not alone, and probably they were not always perfect towards you as well.  Funny how that imperfection is actually present in all of us... ;)

    Have a wonderful Sunday everyone, ((hugs))


  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited July 2014

    Thanks, Bailey. Love it!

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2014

    Thanks, Bailey.

    Chiming in on grandchildren. They are the best thing since sliced bread!!! I adore my 5 year old grandgirls. They are busy, busy, busy and always have a performance when they come. Our driveway is also the prettiest with chalk masterpieces. I've been busy sewing for them so they will be even cuter when they start school. My goal is to have dresses for the beginning of school when it's 10,000 degrees in TX finished Tuesday since surgery is Wednesday. Then I have some fall fabrics for cute jumpers and dresses. My DIL gave me some fabric, but then I bought more in their favorite colors. The picture is from last Halloween, but it's one of my favorites because Melina's expression and crooked veil are her! They are twins but very different. Grandchildren are such a blessing.


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited July 2014

    Wow Teacher, beautiful grandchildren and you are one heck of a seamstress!  They are blessed grandchildren!

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited July 2014

    I sew! Mostly just straight lines, but I sew! Curtains, blankets, etc! Small repairs. Oh and Halloween costumes when the kids were little! 

    The girls and their costumes are adorable, Teacher!

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2014

    Clearing up something...I did not make the Halloween costumes but have made many other things for the girls. I also smock. My next project is a romper for a dear friend's new baby boy. It will be a baseball theme but I'm still working on the design. Sewing and needlework are great therapies and when I've got a needle in my hand, I won't eat!! Two birds...healthier and get to do something creative.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    I like the way you think Teacher! Good luck this week on your Stage 2.

    Off for another hike.....anyone want in the backpack today???

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited July 2014

    What is the temp, Nihahi?  I'm kind of doubtful it is warm enough!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited July 2014

    How can it be not warm enough to hike here at the end of July?  Even in Colorado in our younger days, climbing "Fourteeners"--mountains over 14.000 feet in height--this was the time of year to get with it.  It would be cold above tree line and sometimes the thunderstorms and lightning, which made me feel really stupid for standing out there like a human lightning rod, would make us turn around.  Nihahi, I would love, love, love to hike with you today, mittens, toques, down-filled parkas notwithstanding.

    I used to sew a lot when the boys were small, both for them and myself.  The project that was the most fun was the stuffed bears I made out of red dotted swiss when they had chickenpox.  And they remember the little Easter rompers I made them, with duckies and sailboats and rainbows embroidered.  Good times!

     For Aubrey's birthday yesterday, we went to a local park's splash pad, where she danced and played in the geysers.  This baby was born a mermaid.  She loves the water!



  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    Happy Belated Birthday, Aubrey!

    It better be warmer today, and it's supposed to be. Friday was just one of those wacky mountain weather days, and, we WERE at altitude. Today.....I'm hoping to be sweating in buckets!!!!!

    Later ladies. Have good days.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2014

    Happy Belated Birthday, Aubrey!

    I am hopping into the backpack, nihahi.

  • butterfleyez
    butterfleyez Member Posts: 34
    edited July 2014

    good morning ladies! It's been a minute since I've logged in but I was just telling a newly diagnosed lady how helpful this site was for me last year. Good to see there's still some familiar "faces" here. I had my Diep surgery in October.. Can't believe it's almost been a year.  Since then I've gotten the cutest puppy, returned to work to a new boss, my son graduated high school I mived to a smaller place and we are preparing for college drop off (Ill prob need a support group for that lol) Im just now scheduled for scar revision surgery in aug. right when I start to feel normalish again. I'm not really sure what we are going to do to get the dog ears down but hopefully I won't be down too long. I've read about the binders and that will be torture in this Texas heat

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited July 2014

    Take me, take me! Would love a hike today!

    Happy Birthday Aubrey!!!

    Butterfleyez, so nice to see you here! We both have babies going to college...hold my hand....we got this!!!


  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited July 2014

    Welcome back,  Butterflye! So glad you are doing well and best wishes with revisions!

    Nihahi, I'm in, let me just let the boss know I will be escaping work lol.

    Teacher64, maybe you didn't make the costumes but if you do smocking then you are still in my Seamstress Hall of Fame. :)

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2014

    sbelizabeth - adorable little sweetheart!

    Nihahi - I could have used time outside hiking today.

    Butterfleye - I'm having stage 2 Wednesday and was told I would NOT have a binder, but depending on belly scar revision, could end up with a drain Sad Sure hope not!

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited July 2014

    Oh no.....I decided enough is enough and put myself out on the trail (walking) today. Got about a mile down the road, stepped to the shoulder to get out of the way of a long line of cars and rolled my ankle....bad. Had to call the neighbor to come to get me (men are all at Scouts). Bawling

    Parked in the recliner against my will. I'm so bummed. In the infirmary with Jeannie and Sbel (wouldn't that be a fun infirmary???)

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited July 2014

    we are vacationing in the mountains of WV.  So beautiful, but although I am in shape at sea level at 3,000 feet not so much.  Got a bit of a cardio workout hiking today.  Tomorrow more, but downhill to the gorge.  We will take the tram back up.  It sure is fun to play golf up here.

  • enjoyevrymoment
    enjoyevrymoment Member Posts: 239
    edited July 2014

    Have fun, Marty, good to hear from you.  Sounds idyllic!

    Oh Bailey, sorry you are out of commission and in the "infirmary".  Yes being with those other "patients" would make it much more fun.  Get well soon!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited July 2014

    pics Marty.....I'd LOVE to see some photos!!!!!

    bailey....OH NO!!! Rest...Ice.....Compression......Elevate!!!!!! Hope it feels better soon. Ok....three "patients" in the infirmary is 3 too many..just stop it you guys....PLEASE!!!!

    Ok my friends, sorry about the was a hot one today and I hope everybody in the backpack had enough water, but.....dipping our toes into the river at lunch time sure felt refreshing, eh! Quite the difference from Friday....when I had 3 layers each of pants and tops, mittens and a it was sweat wicking clothing and Tilley hat! We were hiking in Banff, and yes...the water really is that blue. It's a combination of reflecting the "Alberta Blue" sky, and still carrying some glacial silt. Hope everyone had a good day.

    July 25 vs. July 28......


    Spray River...


    Bow Falls.....


    Bow River.....



    Banff Springs Hotel (from the back)....


  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2014

    Nihahi - I told my husband we ARE taking a vacation next year. 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited July 2014

    You've transported my eyes to that beautiful place, Nihahi. I wish the rest of me could follow. No way I could bend my sore self to fit in a backpack! Even though my neighbor told me today that my kind of injury takes 8 weeks to heal--ha! I'll show him. It will be 2 weeks tomorrow and I'm going to see how walking in the pool feels. How fun it would be to push Aubrey around on a float! A real concern is that I got seven insect bites on Sat. while gardening in my own backyard during the day. I think it's 5 mozzie bites on my chest and 2 flea under all my compression on my wrist. Bad places! When you're a lymphie, bites are a no-no. I have to put antibacterial ointment on them, hoping for the best, along with the usual compression and massage, extra fluids. Blah, blah, blah.

    Butterflye, good to hear from you! Teacher, good thoughts for Wednesday! I would much prefer a short time with a drain than wear any da$& compression. It was a nightmare for me.  I used to sew more than I do now. Now I mostly hem pants to accommodate my short legs but I used to makes dresses for my three girls once in awhile and weird clothes for myself in high school. Marty, sounds beautiful. Enjoy, I love your positive voice on this thread---not that you always have to be that way! Thanks, though.

    Bailey, you, Sbel and I would have a good time in our recliners, that's for sure. I'm thinking Sbel is off and biking again but not on the road! Take care. I hope nobody else here gets hurt! A friend of mine broke 3 rubs, tripping over a tree root while camping. At least we were all out and about when we got hurt. Oops, except for me....I must have been trying to forget when I posted that!

  • GwennyMD
    GwennyMD Member Posts: 68
    edited July 2014

    Nihahi - As usual the pictures are great.  They make me forget about the humidity here in the DC area.

    Jeanne - I have been spraying the Deep Woods OFF formula on my legs and arms every time I go into the yard.  The bugs are really bad this year and this spray seems to work. 

    Butterfleyez - great to hear from you.  We had surgery on the same day. I have not finished my reconstruction either.  My next step is fat grafting to make the girls even.  

    Sewing is definitely a lost art.  I made a lot of clothes when I was young. Now I only hem.  Since I am 5'3" petite pants are usually a little short and regular pants are usually a little long.  I would love to take a class so that I could learn how to do alterations.  Oh well, I will add this to my list of things to do after I retire.

    Good night ladies.

    HUGS to all. 

  • butterfleyez
    butterfleyez Member Posts: 34
    edited July 2014

    thanks for the welcome back! Teacher I hope I don't end up with drains AND a binder. I'm kinda confused how cutting my scar again is going to make it look better but ill find out at my next appt. I was hoping to get a fipple at the same time but no such luck. 2 more surgeries to go. 

    Nihahi, The pictures are beautiful. I remember your winter wonderland pics too! 

  • lahela
    lahela Member Posts: 145
    edited July 2014

    Welcome back Butterfleyez  :)

    Hugs to all those in the infirmary!

    DH, the youngster and I are off on vacation today - two weeks wandering around the countryside in Ireland and Wales. Will be thinking of all of you!

  • The1toC
    The1toC Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2014

    Nihahi thanks for the beautiful photos! Brings back great memories of seeing same scenery when I was 11. It seems hardly changed at all and I can almost feel the wrm sunny cool air on my face!

  • The1toC
    The1toC Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2014

    Teacher wishing you a succesdful stage 2 tomorrow

  • The1toC
    The1toC Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2014

    How to add signature:

    Go to My Profile - upper right you will se the link.

    Once there choose a tab and start entering i n the dx and tx info. It will just populate on your posts so long as you make it public. On the most right tab scroll down and you will see where you can add a signature quote or whatever you want to write.

    Hope that helps.

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited July 2014

    Nihahi, I think those pictures could get me to go hiking!  BEAUtiful!  Sbe, I can't believe that Aubrey is a year old. Time flies whether or not you are having fun. Bailey, sorry you have joined the recliner group. I hope all of you heal quickly. Good thoughts for you ladies with upcoming surgeries. Happy vacation to Marty and Lahela! It was a nice day for a lunch time walk in central Indiana. ...Julie

  • Kat-ski
    Kat-ski Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014

    Healing prayers needed!!  I am trying so hard to move but the body has it's own mind.  The fall on my backside on June 28th has literally keep my in constant pain.  I saw a physiatrist today.  My PCP told me my x-rays were fine.  Well, she compared them with some scans from 2012 and in the x-rays the L1 has a compressed fracture.  (Plus cellulitus has paid a visit as of Sunday).  She injected some muscle and pain meds in three area of the back and put me on morphine.  She also said no prolia until the fracture heals.  My BIL has offered to take the pain with him when he goes back up North and on the way will throw it out the window!!  LOL.   I wish I could see all of the spring flowers in bloom again.  I know I will get through this and let me know if I have to go to another thread as I don't want to "Rain on your ladies' Parade".  Sure, wish I could be on the plane in September.  I guess I will have to shrink-wrap and find someone close by and pop in their pockets!!  I think a little bit of "Wilbur" is making me lightheaded!!  Everyone have a great day and you all are in my thoughts everyday.


  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2014

    Kat, you take a nap and let Wilbur take care of you. Sending healing vibe to all in the infirmary.

    It was a great view from the backpack, enjoyed the ride very much and will be hopping in on the next hike. Good luck with your stage 2 teacher. I wish I was going on a vacation instead of working...Scared