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Moving On......After the Flap



  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Just wear underwear over your crotchless compression and you WILL wet your pants at least once!!! Hee Hee

    It is great to have our loved ones home and SAFE. What a celebration on Veterans Day.

    You are right Nihahi. I am in Seattle in 2.5 weeks and I have let my walking go. Time to get in gear. I think my energy is a vicious cycle of sitting around too much lately and lack of motivation. My husband does not walk with me and none of my friends are retired yet. I do so much better with others. I live in a small farming town and am at least 30 min. from a Y or any Yoga classes. It boils down to motivation. I need to do more soul searching to see what is holding me back.

    On a good note, my insurance company has agreed to pay My doctor more. This is a first in Michigan. I called my doctors office and they were thrilled. It made my day!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    haha! Cherie's right! I peed my pants again yesterday because I wore them over compression! Cherrie, I understand and sympathize with you and your exercise dilemma. Great insurance news!

    Sbel, you sure do provide great visuals!

    I'm so thankful for all of our veterans. My dad is my favorite.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Yay, Sweetpickle!!

    By the way, we had yummy chili last night, perfect for a stormy day.

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013

    Nihahi....please tell your nephew thank you from me as well. glad he made it home safe and brother is a USAF(Ret.) Colonel....... He spend two tours of duty flying F4Phantoms over Vietnam....and we were SO grateful to get him back home. I take every opportunity I have to thank a Vet........In fact, did anyone see the NBC article about the 13 Afghanistan vets flying home on American Airlines? There were 6 open seats in First Class, and the Airline put 6 of the vets in them, and when the other first-class passengers found out what was happening, SEVEN more got up and offered their seats to the remaining 7 Vets......I was really touched by that......Sad

    Sbe...please save your antics for our dinner date......I will film and put on here so ALL the ladies can enjoy it!Nerdy

    Sweet.....I guess you picked up that there is no love lost between the massive fir trees in my neighborhood and myself.....we have ZERO trees, and yet our pool, and our yard are COVERED in Fir tree doodoo......Shocked

    Cherrie.....I get the need to be motivated.....I am reading every morning on the elliptical at the gym for about 1.5 hours(that's how I get my "Me" reading time in).......I do about 12,000 steps, so anything over that during the day is a bonus. Try getting yourself a pedometer, and pushing yourself to see how long it takes to get to 10,000....then 11,000....etc. I would bet with all the walking you could be doing in Seattle, that you will be surprised how easy it is to reach that goal! Do you have a treadmill at home? If you do, you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home.....just grab a book, and hop on, and go! The time will fly by if you are immersed in something besides thinking about the walking.......

    Well, my Oregon Ducks laid an egg last night.....Bawlingbut all was not lost.....the Portland Timbers beat the Seattle Sounders in the MLS cup playoffs......on to the conference championship game! It was a fun game to be at......very high energy.....LoopyJeannie, tell DH sorry......

    Well, as usual....I am procrastinating.....MUST get moving!

    Love you all!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2013

    oh, Movie, what a wonderful story about the vets. Aren't people wonderful?

  • hwhranch
    hwhranch Member Posts: 126
    edited November 2013

    Life after flap!!! Awesome. Finally feel like all the recon is behind me and ready to get myself back in shape. I have been to yoga 4 times now I think and am really figuring out how to do it without killing myself, lol. Figuring out just how weak I am in places and it feels great to be in charge of getting myself back in shape after 3 years of treatments and surgery's.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    Hi there,

    Back from the first snowshoe of the will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm pooped. Came within a very few whiskers of hitting a huge bull moose on the way home..S....C.....A......R......Y! ShockedShockedShocked. the airline story....shows there are many good people out there, eh?

    cherrie.....exactly right..if you are struggling with motivation, get something that holds you accountable. Pedometers are not pricey, and you can start with much smaller goals than the "magic 10,000" steps. I bet it helps you, big time. Give yourself some credit for all the surgeries you have been through, in a relatively short time. You now have a good "looking" body from your surgeries, now is the time to make it a "healthy" body by your own effort. The hardest part is getting can do it.

    jeannie....hope hubby got home safe and you're glad to have him back.

    Have good nights, everyone.....catch up with you all tomorrow.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013 anyone else finding the "typing" wacko today???? If I go back to correct something, it keeps deleting the next letter...have to keep retyping the entire thing??????? NOT FUN!!!!!!!

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013

    Nihahi...Oh no! On the Bull Moose.....for both you and Ade AND the Moose!!!!That would have been tragic......I just told Jeannie today that I have a HUGE problem with dates, and getting them right.....thought my haircut was's tomorrowLoopy

    I thought that your snowshoe adventure was TOMORROW! Either way, I can't wait to see the photos..........

    hwh......welcome! This is a GREAT group of chatty women!



  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Movie, funny tag line!

    Hwh, glad to have you here!

    Nihahi, so glad you are safe. Scary!!! My dad has hit deer twice and thankfully lived to tell the tale. My hubs arrived home safely, thanks.

    Happy weekend!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Nihahi, is the "insert" key on when you type? That makes it so that you type over whatever's already there.

    With the darkness descending early and not willing to give up our evening bike rides, we bought fancy bike lights and took them out for a spin tonight. One of our usual trails was mysterious in the dark, with different wildlife and the crescent moon overhead. We found three toads, many birds that rest in the middle of the trail and flap upwards when they see the light, and a huge, horned cow. An escapee from a farmer's fence. She was almost all black, so we were careful to not hit her coming back the other way, going faster downhill! ("Yes, doctor, I crashed my bike when I ran into the cow on the trail.").

    Tomorrow's a big day...IRONING! Whew, gotta get to bed for some pre-ironing shuteye.

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited November 2013

    Hello ladies! I've missed you all. Just too much going on lately! This is a good thing. I wish I had read this sooner. They did mammo my right foob. I didn't know they shouldn't. It was to check for necrotic tissue when they didn't think the US provided the clearest results. Everything seems okay.

    I know I'm late to the party, but Jeannie, the article was GREAT. It is SO true. We all share and understand each others' emotions in a way others never will.

    A great big thanks to your nephew, Nihahi! He is a true hero.

    Bailey, you and Sbe will have to represent us in those high heels. I'm so in love with flats and fitflops.

    My husband asked me the other day when I will feel like they are my breasts and not want to show them to others. I said I don't know if they will ever not feel like some sort of technology that I can show to someone that is interested. Maybe if there are ever nipples and areolas...

    Liefie, I'm hoping your words of wisdom that fat produces estrogen will help me stay away from the white carbs.

    Have an great weekend. I love you all! ...Julie

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    I leave you guys alone for one day, and I am so many posts behind! Read them all though.

    To all you Americans, I have to say that your patriotism is very touching. Still remember during that harrowing time after 9/11 how I would tear up every time I heard the 'Star-spangled Banner' because of the incredible way you came together as a nation united, not being intimidated by this enemy, and picking up the pieces. I greatly respect and admire that.

    Cherrie and Jeannie, enjoyed your stories about peeing yourself in that crotchless compression. At the same time grateful I was not expected to wear it. If I'm not careful about how much I drink before running on the treadmill, I spring a leak - lol. It's way better after the hysterectomy, but still there. Small price to pay for 3 kids, I guess.

    Movie, I admire you for being able to read on the elliptical. Saw a lady in the gym the other day who was running full-tilt on the treadmill while reading. If I attempt that, I will break my neck. Can't even text in a moving car without becoming nauseous, and I may just forget that I'm on a treadmill when I read, and stop walking - LOL. Purr machine Suki baby on my lap is saying miauw to you!

    jlbloom, yes, I have to admit fear of recurrence is what it took to motivate me to get my weight down to a healthy BMI in the lower normal range. Incorrigible Sweet Tooth Liefie doesn't have sugar cravings any more, and do not even get that urge that I want something, and I want it now, raiding the fridge/cupboards, and scarfing down something unhealthy more often than not. Yesterday I had a cheat day. We took DH's secretary out for an early Christmas lunch before we leave for S.A., and the special was tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. . . just could not resist. I went for it, savoured every bite, and also had a small piece of cheesecake which I found really too sweet. Amazing . . . my kids still tease me for secretly eating condensed milk when they were little, hiding the empty cans in the drawer of my nightstand, thinking nobody knew - LOL. Today I'm back on track though. Good luck on your efforts! If I can do it, you can too. Once you start seeing results, you will be even more motivated.

    Sbel, better running into a cow than into a moose bull like Nihahi! But yes, the outcome would not be good - lol.

    Invited 9 people for dinner tomorrow night seeing that Monday is a holiday. Now I'm so lazy, and just want to lie around. Have not even thought about what to cook for them - better get my backside in gear pretty quick.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013 had me going for a minute! There I was, reading your "night bike" tale, thinking about night birds like owls, etc....and my "eyes" read ......."huge, horned CROW"....HOLY CRAP, I say to myself, California crows have HORNS??????.....then I take another slug of coffee, and re-read it....OK, horned COW.....big diff!!!!!!! Too funny, and now hubby thinks maybe I hit that moose last night after all!

    movie....Ade wasn't with me....she has a very short ride home, I have a much longer one. It was dark, visibility wasn't great, some jerk in a hummer was right behind me, and his headlights were blinding me in my mirrors, and moose don't reflect light! I literally saw this monster moose at the LAST SECOND, and he turned away instead of towards me. Still get jittery thinking about it! FYI.." movie..I love your "quote" line too! Loopy

    hwh...glad to have you here....join in the journey of "life after"! I'm still trying to find the yoga body I had before....not sure where I left it?????

    I agree with IS possible to change your food habits and "cravings".....takes time, but it happens....something so positive we can do for ourselves AND our families.

    cherrie....walk walk walk CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

    The light yesterday was hard for photo taking....very "black and white"...felt like we were snowshoeing in an Ansel Adams scene. But, here's a liefie.....if you can can snowshoe....!!!!!!! Have a wonderful day everyone!

    fyi....sorry about the sheep "bums"...they wouldn't co-operate for photos yesterday, too busy licking salt off the road.!!!







  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited November 2013

    Liefie, thanks again for the encouragement. Condensed milk, huh. You did have a sweet tooth!

    Cherrie, I forgot to ask how you were able to get your insurance to pay more to the PS. I have BCBS of Michigan even though I live in Indiana. They reimbursed a pitiful amount for the DIEP.

    My DD told me that baked potatoes are complex carbs. That's not what I was told. Any opinions?

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    jbloom....I'm no expert, but I think the "complex" fits baked potatoes if you eat the skins too, as that is where the "value" of that food is. It also depends on how much "goop" you put on the potato too!!!!!

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited November 2013

    jbloom - Sometimes I fee like my four month old boobs are just a science experiment too. Sometimes they feel like me, but other times it feels like I'm wearing a snow suit. I don't show them to everybody, but - I will show my belly scar to anyone that expresses the slightest interest. It's pretty fun to see people's reaction. It ranges from 'It's not that bad!' to their eyes popping out of their heads.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Bloom, I remember looking at a list of the glycemic index for foods, and a baked potato was pretty high. That would mean it's absorbed quickly by the GI tract and stimulates rapid insulin spikes, something we all want to avoid.

    Nihahi, what breathtaking photos. I called DH over to look at them. You live in a magical place, even with the occasional moose-ducking.

    On Veteran's Day (which is NOT a holiday for my office) I'm going to wear a plain blouse and pin my one medal to it. I'm a marksman! I'm not sure why the Air Force would pin a marksman medal on a nurse, but I earned it in basic training, and it's MINE! LOL....

    Happy Saturday, everyone!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2013

    sbe, happy Veteran's Day. Thank you and other veterans on this board for your service to our great country.

    Nihahi, those pictures are amazing. It's certainly true that you have to do the work to get to the most beautiful sites. We are so fortunate that you were willing to do the (snowshoe) work!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    Nihahi, just imagine how many mooseballs I could have made if you killed that big bull - hahahaaaa! Pictures are breathtaking, and I will try snow-shoeing in the new year. DS wants to downhill ski again with his bad right knee after quite a few years of never skiing, and I'm trying to talk him out of it. Wish me luck - he is one stubborn dude.

    Sbel, wear that shooting medal with pride. You've earned it! Don't want to be an intruder in your house - lol.

    Re: potatoes in any form - I'm avoiding it for now, but will eat yam or sweet potato once a week or so. Yams contain way more nutrients than potatoes of which the bright orange colour is an indication. But I do love my taters, and will go back to them now and then. Nothing like a crispy, oven roasted potato - yummy!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Liefie...correct me if I'm wrong, but if Nihahi bagged a big moose bull, wouldn't she have just two moose balls?

    I'm not sure how great they would be for dinner, either.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    Sbel, I'm more thinking along the lines of making the mooseballs of minced moose meat - hehehehehe - it is a particular favourite dish of Nihahi's. The two of us actually met each other here on another thread during a discussion of mooseballs when she chimed in. I fully agree that the balls you are thinking of would not be great, no. LOL. Some people will eat those though - grrrrr!!!!!! Watch 'Chopped' on Food Channel - the contestants are regularly given these unmentionables to cook with.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Nihahi- stunning pictures.

    JlBloom- my doctor started the appeal because they get so little from them. The insurance company interviewed me by phone. I told them that implants were not an option for me as there is a 70% failure rate on the radiated side. There had also been skin damage. I broke down and told her I should have the right to have natural breast recon and it was not my fault that Michigan Doctors have very little experience with this procedure. One doc near my house did them, but had only done 7 at the time I interviewed her. My doc had done hundreds. I said this through tears. When the insurance company called me yesterday I was shocked. Dr. Massey's office was floored. This is the first time BCBS of Michigan approved more money for an out of network doctor. It may be peanuts, but it is a start.

    Ok all- I have the pedometer and got new batteries for it. I am going on the treadmill tomorrow. I don't enjoy walking outside in the cold weather. I CAN DO THIS!!!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    haha, the moose ball convo was too funny.

    Nihahi, gorgeous! I did notice the one goat beyond the barrier looking right at the camera. Cute.

    Liefie, I can't imagine reading on the elliptical, either. I would get eye strain before I fell off! I try to watch tv while I'm on it even though it is usually pretty boring. Anything to make the time pass!

    Confession: on my list of favorite foods, potatoes are near if not at the top! You can prepare them so many different ways and they taste so good. I don't eat them that often, though. My DH is currently on a no sugar diet which is great. Well, no sweets diet, to be more accurate. He was eating more and more. I'm not in the right frame of mind to restrict myself more than I already do, so I still have a hot chocolate or mocha occasionally. Maybe when I'm not in recovery mode I'll kick it all in gear and "get after it!" True confessions!

    Sbel, thank you for serving! I'm sure you deserve that marksman medal! How's the ironing going??

    Julie, thanks! Good to hear from you again but good, too, that life is keeping you busy.

    Most of the time my boobs feel like part of me and I enjoy having them. I enjoy them much more in clothes than I do nekkid, though. I am wearing some of my pre-bmx bras now and that feels good!

    Cherrie, good for you for being honest with the insurance company. They can be so intimidating and you told them like it is. What a great result! You have paved the way.

    DH and I went out to brunch with our DD and DSIL this morning. So fun! I did have a small portion of hash browns........with my half an omelette. Nerdy

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    jeannie.....hubby and I went out for breakfast this morning too....and....I had an omelette and hashbrowns too!! OMG....we're plate sisters!!! fyi..didn't finish the potatoes or the omelette, passed on the toast!

    sbe...DON'T BELIEVE LIEFIE....MOOSEBALLS ARE NOT A FAV OF MINE!!!! She is teasing you with a long standing joke from Benny's thread! I bet you got the marksman medal for hitting the vein, with the first stick! 're right on the potato info too!

    cherrie....way to go girl....YES....YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! Don't waste an drop of energy comparing yourself to anyone else, either, that is sooo not the point. Bet being more active helps break your "doldrum" frame of mind too....sure helps me!!!!

    omg..I can barely manage to change the volume on my IPOD while exercising....if I tried to read....might as well call 911 before I start!Loopy.

    liefie....just had a thought....ask hubby if downhill skiing is important enough to him, to jeapordize his love of waterskiing.....that might make him reconsider!!!! If he's looking for a workout.....shoeing or xcountry skiing is the way to go!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    hey, plate sister! I skipped the toast---and bacon----too! Lots of black coffee...

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    jeannie....if you have a drop of "Scanda hoovian" in you, coffee is a no brainer, eh!!!!!!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    One last "thought" before I get busy....(for some unknown reason....hubby wants supper...sheesh!!!) Anyway....I saw this saying today........

    "Ours is not a soft, grassy path, our path takes us down into the valleys, over the boulders and up the mountains. But do not lose faith.....because.......

    Our path leads us towards the sun".

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    Nihahi - ThumbsUp ( looks like we got a like button of sorts!!!!)

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Great quote Nihahi!

    I love potatoes too! Any kind.

    I am WALKING tomorrow. Thanks for the support.