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Moving On......After the Flap



  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited November 2013

    Cherrie - Happy birthday girls!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Janet, you are funny! Believe me, my life is not exciting enough for a sitcom. In fact, I am struggling with how to fill it up. I'm not working so there are empty spaces. It's just that "redefining" time of life for me. I'll figure it out, especially since I am done now with OR surgeries and can really heal and start to move on while waiting for nipples. Gosh, I'll be glad to stop thinking and talking about boobs and nips! As for my personality, I am friendly but kind of quiet. Not a chatterer, although I like to be around them. I often tell my husband he fills up a room with his personality, which is a good thing. With him filling it and perhaps me lighting it (I don't really think I do), it makes for an interesting scenario...Thank you, Janet, for your very kind words. I appreciate them and will be thinking about them today with a smile!

    Cherrie, maybe I'll wear my U Mich shirt and sweatshirt just to rile you up when I see you...NOT! JK. My DD and DSIL are so invested there while he is in dental school. He is VP of the dental school in his second year and has just been appointed to the university budget committee for some reason. DD has risen from an admin position at the school of public policy to student advisor in just a year. (They both have master's degrees). She was also registrar for a few months simultaneously. She is also nominated for a university-wide staff award for being enthusiastic and excellent, which is puzzling and embarrassing for her since she is so new. She doesn't even like living in Ann Arbor but is certainly making the best of it. Pardon me for bragging about these kids. I am just so darn proud of them and that's why I proudly wear the blue and gold. Cherrie, happy birthday to your "girls!" What a happy day! I put my stretchy bras away, too, and am enjoying wearing some of my old bras which are much prettier. Too soon to buy new ones although I don't think my size will change much unless I lose weight.

    Hugs to everyone!

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited November 2013

    Jeannie - I had this flash of you taking a ride in the ambulance, and waving, during the opening credits of your sitcom. I know the whole ambulance ride wasn't funny, but you came across as light-hearted in spite of the circumstances. Wilbur would be a guest star, of course. And maybe George Clooney as a paramedic.

  • Kat-ski
    Kat-ski Member Posts: 63
    edited November 2013

    for a "our" sitcom==it has to have Steve Martin and Whoppie in it. Ah, all of the funny antics!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Janet, I like the way you think..Wilbur and George! The ambulance ride still seems crazy to me but I shudder when I think how I traumatized my grown daughter by being in such out-of-control pain. She talked it through with her therapist, it was that bad. That was just four short months ago---I'm so grateful to be in this moment, this time, now.

    Kat-ski, we would surely have some laughs with those two although we are a crazy, silly bunch ourselves!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Jeannie- I am quiet until I know people, but canbe chatty after coffee and wine. You should be very proud of your children. Both of my children graduated as Packaging Engineers and are not in their field. My daughter and husband are opening their second Little Ceasar's franchise. She is able to stay home with her daughter and does all the books for their company. My son is learning how to brew beer at Naked City Brewrey in Ballard. His wife is an assistant buyer for Sur La Table. They are both happy and that is what is most important to me.

    I walked 2.7 miles this morning and have 6647 steps today. My goal this week is 7000 per day on average.

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013

    Cherrie, happy 1st birthday to your girls! A milestone, for sure! I can't wait for my own twins 1st birthday......last year I threw a "No Pity for the Titties" going away party.....maybe this year I can throw a Birthday Bash! (Complete with Show-And-Tell)......

    And good for you! you are really working on building up your steps......If you leave the pedometer on all day, you will be surprised by just how much ground you cover just doing your things! :)

    And as all of you can see.....I am anything BUT quiet.........Nerdy

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited November 2013

    Movie, I also worry about my enamel with coffee. I am addicted! A friend of mine drinks it with a straw. I can't drink hot things with a straw.

    Bailey, your son is such a cutie! That's a great photo.

    Happy birthday to the girls Cherrie!

    "Sunburned" and snowing here in NJ. Want to go cool my skin off but I'm sure the authorities would frown upon a red Unaboober in public.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Cherrie, maybe we should toast with a glass of wine at lunch? You are doing great with your exercise! After my hour walk/food bank day yesterday, I could only manage 30 minutes on the elliptical today. But at least I did it and now I'm off to a big "grocery/everything else, too" store so I'll get a lot more steps in.

    Movie, I'm glad you aren't quiet! Keep it up! That must have been a great party.

    Bluebird, I'm sorry about the burning. I remember it well but like everything else, it will pass. I'm sending a gentle (((hug))).

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    cherrie...give yourself a huge pat on the back!!!! It may take a few weeks, but I bet you start to notice some improvement in how you feel, physically and "mindset" both. And then....the reward will be a wonderful visit with your son, and maybe a bit more energy to explore his new environment with him! Again.....awesome job!!!

    I'll never have bragging rights for "mainstream" accomplishments for my kids.....but....we are so proud of our daughter lately. She has now been living on her own, getting to her appointments, taking her meds, independently for 6 months (minus the flood disruption). She has also controlled her diet enough to bring herself out of a "pre-diabetic" category, has lost 20 pounds, and has stuck with her CPAP regime enough, that she has reduced her sleep apnea episodes from 25 to 30 per hour, to one!!!! These are HUGE accomplishments for someone who suffers from significant clinical depression, anxiety disorders and chronic migraines. My son, has gotten his ass in gear, put his IBS/colitis issues in semi control, found a job he enjoys, and has stuck to it longer than any other in recent years....again, doesn't sound like much to hubby and I, gives us a ray of hope, that maybe.....this time...... Just as we are different, our families are different too. We should all celebrate the big things and the small things...they each have meaning.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    In the end we all just want our children to be healthy, safe, independent and happy. We can all be proud of our children as they try to reach these goals. (Big or small) They are all celebrations eh! It can be very difficult along the way.

    I am keeping my pedometer on all the time. I am more of a sitter, reader, and am not high energy except for in the mornings. I was never that way when younger. Working on this!!

    Yes Jeannie. Wine and seafood for lunch sounds like heaven. Can't wait to meet you. If we want to go away for a couple of day where would be a good place. We love to sight see and enjoy nature. Are there whales near the islands this time of year???

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    Nihahi - applause to your kids. Even though they have issues, kids often don't want to manage and accept them. It sounds as if your kids are reaching that wonderful point of brain maturity that will allow them to do it for themselves even if Mom is not there to nag. We can only hope and yours are proving it might just be possible!

    Cherrie - I, too, love to sit and read. I learned bad lessons from my mother on that. "Just let me finish this chapter" was her mantra. Her last 10 years of life were on dialysis (caused by type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure) 3 days a week. She fought her weight for years, but no one ever explained to her about "bad" carbs. They did suggest exercise which she interpreted to mean walk to the mailbox and back. I really don't want to go there!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    I hear you Marty. I had just over 6000 steps at 9:30 this morning and only have 7,051 right now. This is an improvement and I will keep adding steps each week. On the 22nd I am doing a 5k walk with four friends. We will be in red, white, and green. It is called Silver Bells in the City. Tree lighting and fireworks over the Capitol Building in Lansing, Michigan.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    Bailey, that boy is sooo cute - pity I don't have another daughter!

    Cherrie, you are on your way. Are you feeling proud of yourself yet? You should be! I hear you on the sitting and reading - that's me too. But I have changed my ways, and I'm much more active than I have ever been before. Benefits are just overwhelmingly favorable. I will even run laps around my kitchen island to up my steps for the day. DH laughed at me, and now he is doing the same. Wonder what the neighbours are thinking - last night we were both doing laps at the same time, and my kitchen windows don't have any coverings. They probably thought DH was chasing me . . . LOL.

    Nihahi, so happy to hear your kids are doing well - hopefully they have turned that corner where they realize that they are adults now with adult responsibility. Some kids just take longer to reach that point. It seems that all my kids are in a happy place at the moment. My youngest DS finished his studies, and got to adulthood way before his brother who is 3 years his senior. DD has never given me any trouble - a model child.

    Everybody else, a good day to you all!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    My problem is consistency. I love a day with 6000+ steps, but too many others are under 1000. DH & I need to really make this a priority. I think it will be easier when I am done with surgery. Right now I still feel like I am in a holding pattern.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Cherrie, I know the orca pods have been nearby lately but I'm not sure where they will be when you are here. I have only camped or stayed with friends in the San Juans. The ferry ride from Anacortes is beautiful. You can check ferry schedules/cost at The most well-known resorts are Rosario Resort on Orcas Island and Roche Harbor on San Juan Island. There is a state park with a nice viewpoint (Moran State Park) near Rosario. The islands are not highly populated. You would definitely be getting away! They are beautiful, though. I stayed with a friend on Lopez Island this summer. There is a very small town there but she took me around to the beautiful beaches. Friday Harbor on San Juan is probably the "biggest" town. It has a whale museum there (no live whales) where you can learn about their travels, I'm sure. Maybe Mammalou can tell you where she stayed? I know she is a little busy at the moment.... Whidbey Island is a short ferry ride from Mukilteo. It has resorts/motels/b&bs, also. Langley and Coupeville are the towns closest to the ferry and where we usually spend our time. We don't often spend the night there, though, so let google guide you if you're interested. If you want to go east to Snoqualmie Falls in the Cascade foothills, there is Snoqualmie Lodge right there, too. I don't have any idea if you can get rooms at these places or not. You are doing great with your exercise. The 5K sounds fun! I have about five pedometers. I guess I should put one on once in awhile!

    Nihahi, I celebrate your children's achievements with you, great or small. Like Cherrie said, we as moms just want them to be happy, healthy, independent and safe. I will add "nearby", too, since two of mine are so far away! I'm sorry if I bragged too much. My kids certainly aren't perfect.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Jeanie! We are looking at some of the places you mentioned. The San Juan Islands look like a long travel, but look beautiful.

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2013

    Cherrie, congratulations on the exercise! I just got my drains out, so now I am ready to get active. But wouldn't you know, the day after getting my last drain out, I woke up with a pinched nerve in my shoulder. It's slowly resolving, so I hope to be on my elliptical by next week. Do you live in Lansing? I am in Toledo, which is only 2 hours away. Maybe we could get together sometime.

    Nihahi, you must be very pleased with your children's progress. Those milestones are huge in a mother's eyes. My children have not followed the easiest paths, but they have managed to find happiness in their own way in their own time. It may not have been what I envisioned for them, but that has been a great lesson. It's not for me to envision. It is their path, and they will find their way. So happy that your daughter's health is improving.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    I live west of Lansing. Basically, between Lansing and Grand Rapids. It would be nice to meet up sometime.

  • sweetpickle
    sweetpickle Member Posts: 185
    edited November 2013

    Bailey- So funny, we called our twins thing one and thing two when they were toddlers.  He is adorable!

    Cherrie- Congrats on one year!!!!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013 the saying goes....."you've come a LOOONG way"! I hope you respect the strength and courage it took you to get through a very tough year. That walk sounds like fun! It sounds like a nighttime thing??? I LOVE Christmas lights, carols, etc.

    Thanks for the heartfelt comments on what I shared re: my kids. Life gives us all different challenges.....what is a "pfft - no big deal" for one person, can be a very major accomplishment for another. Yep, we can't measure our children's "success" by our expectations.....we are all on our own "path".

    cherrie and marty....I'm a big reader too!!! I have found I have to save that for my "reward" in the evenings. That's my "low energy" time of day. If I let myself pick up a book during the daytime....I wouldn't do ANYTHING for the rest of the day!!!

    zenful.....take it slow there grasshopper, maybe up your walking before you hop onto that elliptical....hope the shoulder pain eases off quickly.

    hey sweet.....the news tonight said it was snowing in North Carolina!!!!! Are you getting any?????

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013

    Awwwww....Nihahi......I probably sounded like I was bragging.....and I guess I was.....but the two DD s I was talking about have given me no end of grief over the years, and haven't stopped you said, I am just celebrating the good I can hang onto! The strides your children are making are a testament to your nurturing...I really do believe that kids eventually get it right, but as. Zen says, in their own time.....,

    Spent the last hour chatting with a woman in her 50's who was just DX with IBC........had to welcome her to the ever-expanding BC club......tired bed is calling my name......

    Oh.....I read an article in the WSJ today about how stores like Whole Foods are jumping into the vegetable juicing market and they are finding out people are willing to spend up to $10 for REAL veggie/fruit juice.....better get out the juicer........ :)

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    Thanks, y'all. He is adorable. He wears that hat a lot, Katy.  

    Ok I caught up, I said hi. I am SOOOOOO tired. Gnite friends!

    Your kids all sound great :)  I think they are all challenging and worrisome and heart breaking and wonderful in their own special ways. I know mine are.

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013

    thnx Miz Bailey................. :)

  • sweetpickle
    sweetpickle Member Posts: 185
    edited November 2013

    Nahahi- I think its awesome news about your kiddos, yes we got a few flakes but it was just a dusting.  Having just moved from the mountains where we got a ton of snow, this was just pretty to watch falling.  It is cold though, twenty-five degrees this morning so I had to actually break out a

    I have to paint the rock at DD's school for her birthday but our high will only be 45 which means it will take forever for my basecoat to dry. Fun, fun.

    I am looking forward to yoga today though.  Happy Wednesday everyone!

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited November 2013

    Bailey, love the pic. What an adorable young man! Jeannie, I wish I craved celery. Chips and dip, and many a sweet tooth in my mouth. Have a good day, ladies!

  • kuka21
    kuka21 Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2013

    bailey, very handsome boy!!!

    I went for a run last night and I nearly froze to death!! I need to get something to wear around my ears. They were hurting so bad after my run because of the cold. I'm right at my 6 month mark since my DIEP and here I'm sitting here waiting to see my BS. You ladies have a wonderful day!!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    cherrie, marty....PUT THAT BOOK DOWN!!!!!! Happy!

    sweet....back in my days....painting the "school rock" was a big no-no!!! Shocked. It belonged to the senior class, and if anyone dared messed with it aside from the "official" logo of the class....DETENTION!!!! Of course, that was high school....big rocks in elementary school were just things to climb on!!! Nerdy.

    kuka....I'm sure the appt will go well. Bet your BS is impressed with your new Br'st!!!!

    gosh, ladies.....I was just presenting a different "side" of things when I posted about my kids....didn't mean to upset those with "happier" need to apologize for being proud of the uber achievers...again....sorry, didn't mean to rain on anyone's parade.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Nihahi, dear one, no one's parade is getting wet! We all have different journeys and stories for our kids, and they make us proud in so many different ways. Please don't apologize for being proud of hard-won accomplishments!

    I had never heard of painting the rock until I visited my DS and DIL at U of M. The "rock" there is so thick with paint it was probably twice its original size. I learned that people sometimes line up, waiting their turn to paint the rock, and it never keeps its layer for long. My DS and DILs friends helped them paint it with the UCLA logo after they learned they were coming here for residency. It lasted long enough to take a photo...then..

    DH and I took a couple of days off and drove to San Diego for a short vacay. We're going to stroll on the beach and ride the bikes around Mission Bay. The motel room here is pretty crowded, we're sharing it with our bicycles, and they're blocking the TV.

    Sunscreen and the beach, and it's almost Thanksgiving. California is such a strange place!

    Have a beautiful day, my friends!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Katy- I may have put a slash of GREEN on that rock in my much younger days.

    I had my full body massage today. A gift to myself. She took it easy on my inner thighs. I wasn't sure whether they should be massaged only 8 weeks out of lipo. A great way to celebrate. I'm also feeling pretty good about my new real bra. 36C Same as before. Not too big or too small.

    Nihahi- I could read all day. My steps are at 8322 today. Above my goal. Yay!!