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Moving On......After the Flap



  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    You go, Cherrie! Just the fact that you're actually doing it will make you feel great already.

    Love the quote, Nihahi! Will approach DH with that question when he threatens to go skiing.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    Hubby's fed......sbe must still be ironing....hey....when you're done, here's my pile for you - why waste a "hot iron" Nerdy!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Gloobsters! Michigan lost to Nebraska, so there is no joy in Mudville around here.

    But...! A fancy restaurant in Beverly Hills is offering free dinners to veterans tonight, so momma and son veterans will bring DH and DIL along, so we have someone we can hammer with our war stories.

    I didn't get ANYTHING ironed yesterday. I feel like such a failure. We jumped on the bikes and got lost in the sunshine, then went to Costco, then came home and watched the game. Today I'll have to hit it hard between church and fancy dinner!

    Cherrie, put on those shoes and walk, baby! My nutritionist showed me a research study in which it was shown that walking at a brisk pace about 5 hours a week significantly decreased the risk of recurrence. I'm hoping that translates into bicycle riding too!

    Happy Sunday, everyone--Katy

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Oh, hey, I forgot to ask...we were at Costco yesterday and they were demo'ing the new and improved Vita-Mix. Does anyone here have one? I would love to make drinks with spinach and kale and broccoli and green stuff, but does the novelty turn into an expensive, unused toy that never gets used?

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    sbe...I'd love the feedback about that too! Living in a condo....I have to be very selective about what I "acquire". We did such an amazing purging job when we moved here, I vowed never to accumulate "unused.....momentarily appealing" items. If its something I won't use often....I don't get it. I have never been a juicer, or even much of a smoothie person, but for some reason it always appeals to me to try. Problem is....most smoothies seem to put banana in (can't eat raw bananas - allergic), lots of recipes now add coconut water (allergic to that too!). Would I just be tossing money down the drain, and taking up space????

    ThumbsUp....There are lots of articles about exercise/recurrence statistics. I think it mainly applies to ER+'s, but could be wrong about that. The exercise helps to reduce body fat, or at least keep it at a healthy level. The prevalent theory is that there is a connection between excess fat and higher estrogen levels, as apparently fat can somehow store estrogen (more specifically..tummy fat in post meno women)....Another reason to get and stay active and stay at a healthy weight.

    I have yet to find any research that says it's a good thing to be a couch potato and put on pounds Nerdy!

    ('s snowing again....must be the weekend!)

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    Sbel, I have a smoothie every morning for breakfast, but I don't see the need for an expensive juicer if you don't plan to seriously juice for every meal. So far a blender with a 100W motor works well enough for me. It has no problem with kale, spinach, broccoli, carrot, celery etc. As long as you cut up the veggies and fruit, and add enough fluid, it works like a charm. It even works well on frozen fruit and ice cubes. My two cents.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    liefie.....what size of "pieces" do you find works best? Do you then strain the mixture?????

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    I just bought a juicer! As a cooked veggie non-lover, I do eat many raw and saw this as a perfect opportunity. I studied the whole thing carefully and didn't want to break the bank (that ruled out my first preference). Although I have a large kitchen, the perimeter counter space is limited (yes, design screw-up and I did it to myself). First I looked at the Hurom masticating juicer - lovely, space saving and down right $$$. So much for that. I hunted among centrifugal juicers and watched Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead - he uses a Breville. My girlfriend has their $99 model and loves it. I considered the NutriBullet (also $99), but wanted more juicing than blending. I considered all of the good stuff you can do with a Vita-mix, but realized that doing soup in it was not something I wanted to do though many foodie friends swear by them. Again $$$ and it is a blending/pureeing action, not a juicing action.

    I ended up with the Breville Juice Fountain Plus - $150. The biggest problem with the machine is that it does take counterspace - from side to side it is about 15", back to front about 8". If your upper cabinets are hung lower than normal, it won't fit under them. I bought the more expensive Breville than my friend because my DH asked me to get the higher wattage model with the high/low speed control (helps when juicing flimsy/soft items like spinach, oranges, lemons, etc.). Yes, they are a pain in the arse to clean, not mind bending but it does take a few minutes to wash everything thoroughly in warm soapy water. After you do it once or twice, it really is pretty easy. I have been juicing for about 2 weeks. I am trying to get us to drink at least 1 a day as a meal replacement. I don't notice any miraculous results as yet (a bit more "regularity"). I can honestly say that I am getting at least 5 servings of fruit and veggies each day. I also try to adhere to a 20/80 rule with 20 for fruit so I don't overdo things.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    Marty.....sounds like a good system for you. My concern is that I think I need the fibre in veggies/fruits to feel like I've "eaten something"....and my understanding is that juicing takes away most of the you feel "satisfied" after drinking "juiced veggies", or is it more like drinking a glass of regular juice????

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    I don't think you are missing the fibre. Yes, the pulp is removed, but drinking the juice is different. There is definitely more in it and I do feel very satisfied after drinking. I can generally go several hours before needing more food.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    What's your favourite combo's?????

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    I am still learning and have been saving whatever I find that looks good into Evernote.

    All = 2 servings

    2 c raw cranberries, 1 large orange (peeled), 1 c blueberries, 1 thumb ginger root, 4 large carrots, 2 small apples cored

    5 carrots, 1 large beet with stems, 4 stalks celery, 1 cucumber, 1 green apple cored, 2" ginger root, 8 - 10 leaves kale

    1 handfull kale, 1 handful spinach, 5 stalks celery, 1 apple cored, 1 lemon peeled, 1/2 bunch parsley

    1 green apple cored, 1 pear, 1/2" ginger root, 1 lemon, 1 cup kale or spinach

    2 green apples, 6 handfuls spinach, 6 kale leaves, 4 carrots, 1 thumb ginger, 1 lemon peeled

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    hmmmm.....I must say...some of those combinations sound amazingly good!!!!!! You are defo starting to tempt me to somehow try some version of them.

    OK, another question.....where you and sbe, (and others) live, access to fresh veggies/fruit that haven't been picked unripe a month before or spent ??? days on trains//planes/trucks is way more feasible than where I live, at least for the majority of the year. What do you think of using some frozen veggies, slightly thawed, in place of "fresh"??? I've always heard that the nutrients in frozen veggies is often closer to "just picked", than the trucked/transported/canned versions.

    I more question......what do you do with all the pulp? If I still had a garden, I'd compost it, but not happening on a 3rd floor condo! Is it usable in anyway (foodwise)??????

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    Hmmm, I lived in Alaska when I was very young. I am the only person to have nostalgic memories from Sterno - the power went out often in the early 50's. Powdered eggs were as close to fresh as we got most of the time. I think frozen fruits and veggies are fine. I would skip canned (BPA). Get whatever you can that is fresh. I am sure some of the produce I buy takes days to get from field to my local groc. I do buy organic according to the dirty/clean list. All produce comes from Whole Foods or Trader Joe's, though I don't always know its provenance. Just can't get my head wrapped around everything. Age, you knowSmile.

    As for the pulp, there are actually recipes out there for the pulp. I haven't done anything more than send it to compost, but might try something. Actually might try to use it in my Bone Broth next time. There are small indoor composters, but that would eat more into your space. Do you have a friend who composts? You could put the pulp into a large ziplock in the fridge and then take it to him/her once a week. Perhaps you would get some compost back for your house plants or for a small garden on your balcony. Or maybe there is a community garden needing the pulp for compost?

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    Hey Marty....I think I may try some of your combo's using some frozen veggies and a blender....probably end up more like a smoothie, without the leftover pulp! If the taste/texture are good....that works for me....!

    re: "pulp passing on".....thanks....but truthfully.....stockpiling pulp just ain't happening for me! Loopy! Thanks for your suggestions today....time for me to get busy....I've been down in the gym, time for the rest of my day's "to do" list to be worked on. Since sbe declined to do my ironing, better go set up the board!!!!!!

    Have a great day.... many steps today??????

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited November 2013

    I have a smoothie every morning too. I don't vary it very much, but one thing I have learned is that you can freeze the giant bags of kale, and spinach since it's hard to use that much without it going yucky. I have found that it does not stick together, and the leaves actually grind up better when they are frozen.

    I have been very tempted to buy the Vita Mix every time I see the demo at Costco, but my old Kitchenaid is hanging in there, and will grind up anything I put in it. I measured, and the Vita Mix would not fit under my cabinets. and I really don't want that big thing on my island, so for now, me and my old Kitchenaid blender. When it bits the dust I have been spying the Ninja, which Costco also has. It is a knock off of the Vita Mix, but at 1/5 the price. And, if I don't like it Costco will take it back, no questions asked. Then, I will finally get my Vita Mix....hehehehehe

    Oh, one more thing I get at Costco for my smoothies is their bag of frozen organic three berry combo mix.

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013

    Hey all......have had a busy BD weekend for DH.....(his BD was my 1st Cancerversary yesterday)......

    Popped in to say hi.....

    Julie, nice to hear from you!

    Cherrie, you can do it girl! I have gotten to the point that when I DON'T exercise (elliptical) I don't sleep as well.......we are right behind you....pushing!

    SBe.....if you can hold off until our dinner meetup, my DD and SIL have a new Vitamix and LOVE can ask them lots of questions. I have the Hurom blender and I love it. We don't follow any set I am throwing in 2 gala apples, 2bunches of red table grapes, a big box (costco sized) spinach, 5-6 unpeeled carrots, celery, and purple cabbage.........will let you know how it tastes.....speaking of meetup....DD says there is a fantastic Mexican restaurant in north North Hollywood....maybe that could work??

    Nihahi.....loved loved LOVED the snowshoe pics.....wish I was there....snow and all.....

    Liefie, I must have missed a post about DH and skiing? How are trip preparations coming? Is dress ready?

    I am having DD#2 and DSIL and 5 DGKs over for DH's BD dinner.......making a slow-cooked pork loin roast marinated in puréed garlic, salt, rosemary, thyme, and allspice, mixed with EVOO and marinated overnight......don't normally do pork loin.....but a friend made this Italian recipe for me after stage 1, and it was the only thing I could stomach for several weeks...nothing else tasted good to me......she lived in Italy (northern) for a year, and this was her favorite recipe as well......yummmmmm! Smells SOOOOOO good!

    Nice segue into my on going shopping for compression for stage2b......PS has patients get their own, following guidelines.......hate hate hate this!

    Well, THIS post has only taken me 30 minutes to complete.......hope dinner isn't like this!

    Love to all......XO

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    I got on the treadmill first thing today and walked for forty minutes. I got in 2.2 miles and 5,287 steps. I am going for 7000 today. I am at 6085 right now.

    Juicing just doesn't appeal to me. I like cooked veggies, not raw. I am lucky to get in a sip of water all day. I know I know. That is probably why I have a lack energy, but I just don't like it. I have squeezed in lemons, limes, and drops. It helps. I eat more caveman. organic meat, frozen veggie and salad or fruit. I could never be a vegan. It must be my Midwest roots and my hunter father. Trying to eat beef only two times per week, fish, and chicken. No meat at least one time per week. Tonight is salmon. I am not a cook and like to eat out too much. I have gotten better about this lately. I try to eat great 80% of the time. Look up ON TARGET LIVING. it makes a lot of sense.

    Started baby quilt for my unborn grandson. Starting to think about our Seattle trip in two weeks.

  • Kat-ski
    Kat-ski Member Posts: 63
    edited November 2013

    Hi to all of my "Sisters"!! It is a nice autumn day here in Rockford. I read the posts everyday and I would love to comment on all of them, but that to me would be like,'there she goes again being Chatty'. And my husband did buy me a "Chatty Cathy" doll for Christmas a few years ago. lol.(I had the original but I loved that one until she gave up on me).

    I will be leaving for San Antonio next Saturday to visit with my daughter and her family. On Monday I will be having a ct to make sure my abdominal veins are working. On Tuesday, I have the consult with the doctor at PRMA and will know what kind of flaps he can do. I have to stay the course this time as I want to get this finished. I know all we have to do is show up but my scared meter is running on overload. I don't say much to my husband now because he is just feed up with my chatter!! He is my rock but I want him to remain strong for me when February comes so I just keep my fears to myself. The blessings with PRMA being in SA having family I can depend on.

    Cherrie, great news that the insurance has paid your doctors more. I have BCBS MN. I have had the conversation of why I was going out of state. I told them that I have researched all of the options and the DIEP(bi-lateral) is the way I want to go. The person did ask why I didn't want here in Michigan and I explained why. Believe it or not, it was okay. I did say if they had a doctor in MN that would do the reconstruction the way I wanted it with the support issues to be addressed, I would go there. She said they did not have a doctor that would do both breasts and to go ahead and do what I have to do. I am glad that I did not have to beg to get it done.

    I can't wait to see and play with my grandsons in SA.

    Ok back to being quiet again. Thanks for being here. Kat

  • Kat-ski
    Kat-ski Member Posts: 63
    edited November 2013

    sorry wrong forum

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited November 2013

    Cherrie, way to go! I'm impressed!

    Nihahi, to answer your questions - pieces can be around half inch by half inch, or just a little bigger than that. I don't strain the mixture, and drink it pulp and all just like that. Does not bother me. As long as there is a little sweetness from some or other fruit, I drink it as it comes.

    Having 9 people for dinner tonight. Beef sirloin roast, warm quinoa and autumn veggie salad, a cold spinach and beet salad. DH is working on a veggie dish of his own that I think is unnecessary - hoping for the best - lol. Meringue with raspberries, blueberries, whipped cream and chocolate for dessert. Will defo stay off the scale tomorrow morning.

    Movie, trip prep is coming along nicely. Hem of dress is pinned, but still have to sew it. Maybe tomorrow. We're leaving tomorrow in 2 weeks - so looking forward now! Only problem is still DS' S.A. passport, but hopefully that will be sorted out within the next day or so. Happy birthday to Dave from us - I missed it somehow.

    Okay, the stove is calling . . .

  • kuka21
    kuka21 Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2013

    so this is where y'all been hiding, eh? Well, I'm only 25 pages behind in this forum, so I better get busy and start reading.

    I'm really going to try to keep up. I just can't stay away from all of you

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    KUKA!!! How's is going kiddo????? So glad you've found us and can't wait to have to join in the conversation. It's so wonderful that you are such a perfect fit in your job....are you still finding time to be a gym rat???? Spoiler alert for you though, the topic today seems to be veggies and juicing!!!!

    cherrie....give yourself a huge hug and pat on the back!!!! Way to go girl!!!! You should be uber proud of yourself NerdyNerdyThumbsUpThumbsUpThumbsUp!

    Salmon sounds did you fix it???

    Pork tenderloin with apples and onions, steamed carrots and baked potato for us tonight....I split the potato, 1/3 me, 2/3 hubby. Sheesh...he is SUCH a meat and potato guy!!!!

  • Cuetang
    Cuetang Member Posts: 173
    edited November 2013

    I have both the Vitamix 5200 which I got from Costco and an omega juicer. The Vitamix has been great in making both my fruit smoothies and the veggie ones. I haven't been as disciplined lately in making my smoothies, but it like it a lot compared to my old school blender I had before. Does the job quickly. Unfortunately I usually am not a fan of the green juices/smoothies, so I've fallen off the wagon on that...

    Liefie-- do you have a good quinoa recipe that you'd recommend?

    Cherrie-- I am so with you about the eating/drinking water! I've turned to sparking water lately in hoping that the bubbles with make me drink more. :).

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Yes, it's hard to drink cold water when it's cold outside, too! I think for me it's a little rebellion on my part after having to drink gallons of it during seven+ months of chemo/rads. But I'm trying. I put lemon in it but hope my tooth enamel holds up!

    Cherrie, you'll have to eat salmon when you are here! So fresh and good.

    Liefie, I love quinoa, hot or cold. We hardly ever have rice anymore unless it's Chinese food. I do have some black rice I'd like to try. Has anyone tried it? I only know it takes longer to cook.

  • kuka21
    kuka21 Member Posts: 19
    edited November 2013

    nihahi, it's great to be able to be here with all of you. I have actually been talking to my coworker about juicers. I think I want to get one for my mom and maybe one for me. Of course I would only use mine to make me fruit juices. Would that be worth it? You know I don't do those veggies, lol. What juicers do you have? I haven't done any research yet, but would really like some input.

    I haven't been at the gym in a while, but I have been running outside now that the weather has cooled off. I really want to get back into cross fit again, but I just need to find the time to do it, and the energy! On clinic days I work around 10 hours, so by the time I get home I just want to go to bed. But I really love it. I consider myself very fortunate to have found this job. I've become a woman again, not just a mom.

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    Hey friends...just catching up before bed so I don't get miles behind. Kuka, so happy to see you here and that your job is going so well :) Proud of you!

    We had fish with a strawberry lime salsa and steamed veggies tonight. The salsa was interesting....fresh lime juice, fresh orange juice, red onion, chopped strawberries, cilantro, salt/pepper.....served over the fish.I will make it again, but not on the "regulars" list lol.

    Ok sweet dreams, friends, I am out!

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited November 2013

    I just found out this evening that The Livestrong Foundation and the YMCA hooked up and sponsor a free program for Cancer patients and survivors. It is free, and it sounds awesome. I am attaching the link about the program. On the info page there is a link to a video that you can watch if it sounds like something you might be interested in. Now that it is cold outside in a lot of the country, this sounds perfect if you want to get moving.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    I've become a woman again, not just a mom. ThumbsUp

    kuka!!!!.....such powerful and empowering words!!!! I also totally believe, that for you, it makes you a better mom too, because you are so obviously happy!!!!

    I don't have a juicer...likely won't ever, but am considering trying to throw a few veggies into some smoothie type of concoctions, to see what it's like. I'll let you know if I come up with any "doable" combinations, or if it all turns out to be "just shoot me now" type of tastes Loopy.

    hmmm....looks like I'm getting a bit carried away on the icons...though I DO love the "thumbs up" one!!!

    sweet dreams well.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Goldie, I so wanted to do that program when it was offered at my YMCA but I was going through chemo when it was offered so couldn't do it. They haven't offered it since. Bawling

    Kuka, what are your duties at work?

    I am going to show my face at the food bank tomorrow but don't know how long I can work. I love waiting on the clients but the bending over to get some things they need might kill me! I really miss it, though, so I'm going.