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Moving On......After the Flap



  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    jeannie....that's awesome! Maybe your "role" could be tweaked enough to still let you connect with the clients, without the physical strain....why not go a bit early and talk to one of the "in charge" people???

    I finished my last "on-line" assignment for the Red Cross tonight...phew...Saturday is my first "in-class" training session. Can't wait!!!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Thanks, Nihahi. Everybody is really accommodating of me but it gets so busy that it's just hard. We will probably have over 100 families come through in two hours or so. There is the set-up before and the restocking for the next day but I don't plan on doing too much of that.

    I didn't know the Red Cross training was so intensive! Makes sense, though. They are lucky to have such a compassionate encourager on the team!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    jeannie...they are lucky to have YOU. Hope it goes well for you. How long has it been since you've felt able to help out there? Volunteering is so rewarding, isn't it!

    There are other areas of Red Cross work that aren't nearly as "intensive" in the training, but the area I'm being attached to is Disaster Management. That means in many situations, we may be among the first responders on scene to deal with the actual people affected, or may have primary responsibility for caring for people in acute stress situations...hence the special screening, training, etc. It's interesting to learn how involved, "behind the scenes" the Red Cross is, that people are rarely aware of, until they have need of the services.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Nihahi, I helped once or twice in the three months between DIEP and Stage II. Appts. and other things got in the way a lot because our food bank is only open every other week on Monday and Tuesday. I have helped out there for four or five years. I used to help out at another one, too, pre-bc but haven't been back there. It is very challenging, rewarding work. It tests me to be loving and nonjudgmental, both with clients and volunteers!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    Gosh....just wanted to make sure I haven't offended anyone by my comments to kuka! She has been so over the moon happy about this new "life experience" and I want to be supportive to her. Doesn't mean I think that stay at home mom's are "less" of ANYTHING!!!!! We all have different needs and ways to have happy, balanced lives...I hope everyone has the opportunity to choose what is the best scenario for them, because certainly.....working or stay at home.....we are all pretty spectacular women!!!!

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013

    hey all....been an exhausting day celebrating DH's birthday.....spent the last four hours with five little ankle-biters running hither and yon.......whew!

    will post more tomorrow , but wanted to respond to Jeannie on the lemon in the water......the lemon oil is not is tooth enamel is safe.......keep drinking! :)

    XO to all....

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    movie, I sometimes put actual lemon slices in my water. Don't have to now with the oil!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    What lemon oil? Y'all got me totally confused. I squeeze a lemon into my water bottle, add a packet of pure stevia and filtered water. Some mornings I have hot water, lemon and ginger before my coffee. I think lemon is a bit confusing as it is alkaline in the body. So what lemon oil?

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013


  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    Thank you, Veterans past and present.


  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited November 2013

    Marty, maybe they are using this kind of lemon oil.

    I have only used the kind of lemon oil you polish furniture with...but I am willing to try something new.

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013

    Marty....the lemon oil I was referring to was essential oil. It is made from the lemon rind, and therefore lacks the acidity of the lemon fruit. I put it in every glass of water that I it!Smile

    Goldie, thanks for posting that info on the oil.....very useful!

    If anyone wants me. Not trying to push product.......

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    Can't wait to try the lemon oil. Thank you for the info. Right now I am fixing to cook up a big batch of bone broth (beef).

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    my salmon just gets salt, pepper, lemon, and blue cheese. We love it!

    I will be walking in the morning again tomorrow. I snuggled into my chair too long today with a book. It is snowing!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Happy Veteran's Day, USA!

    I took myself to Applebee's today for my free lunch--they have an oriental chicken salad that I really like. I sat at the bar and chatted with other veterans, young and old. I realized that everyone I was chatting with were Army, Navy, or Marines. Of course, there's no Air Force base close around here, but sheesh!

    So on leaving, I paused at the door, turned around, and yelled, "GO, AIR FORCE!"

    ...crickets chirping...

    Apparently I'm the only Air Force veteran around here.

    Movie, I can't wait to try the lemon oil, either--the blue oil works a charm for me! And the Mexican restaurant sounds great, no matter where it is. PM me with the name and address and what time you want to meet.

    Babysitting Aubrey tonight! Life is GREAT!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited November 2013

    Cherrie, you go girl. Keep up the good work. Snowing here in Toledo, too, which is almost Michigan!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited November 2013

    Thanks for your service sbel!

    I have a Ninja blender and LOVE it! I got it on clearance for $49 and it came with several blades and "to go" cups for smoothies. You can just blend and put the lid on and run. When I bought it, it was missing one of the cup lids. I called the company and they sent out new cups, new lids and new blades for free! It doesn't take up much counter space, but they do have a new bigger version out that may not fit under standard counter heights. I love frozen kale smoothies. I freeze bananas when they start getting too ripe, and add a handful of kale leaves and "green powder" vitamins. I freeze blueberries and strawberries when they are in season and use them throughout the year also.

    I've been using it to make aloe burn gel and it turns Vitamin C tablets into powder. It's really powerful for such a little blender.


    Here it is with Vitamin C pulverized to powder while Mr. Turkey looks on. :)

    Regarding alkaline diets. My background is chemistry and I did research work on blood pH. Our bodies are designed to operate at precise pH levels. From the hydrochloric acid in your stomach to our buffered blood, all food gets converted and pH does not change by what you eat. Eating an "alkaline" diet of fruits and vegetables works simply by eating a healthier diet of fruits and vegetables. You can affect urine acidity but as far as changing the chemistry of your body, I've yet to see valid studies showing it can be done. And yes, cancer can grow in an alkaline environment. In fact a tumor can create an acid environment in which to grow to combat alkalinity.

    I do love lemon water though. And lemon and honey tea when I feel a cold coming on. So I guess the bottom line is whatever makes you feel healthier, go for it!

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013 be more precise, I don't believe that acid/alkaline diet fandango. However, I do not like what the acid from the lemon fruit does to my tooth enamel, so when I found the lemon essential oil, I jumped on it, and it is wonderful. The fact that it comes from the rind and not the fruit is's the fact that it won't ruin my teeth that I care about! :)

    SBe.....Salsa and Beer, North Hollywood? Do you want me to bring you a bottle of lemon oil when I come?

    Have fun with your adorable Aubrey! :)

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013 is definitely moving on....son is a senior. We are heading to a scholarship competition at Central Michigan University this weekend (prayers, please, this is for a full ride which would be so stinking amazing). Been drilling him on writing and answering interview questions. He is also finishing up his Eagle Scout requirements in the next few weeks. Work is crazy busy. Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up fast. Oh, and I have surgery coming, too. Seems like a minor distraction at this point.

    Thanks for your service, Katy! Go Air Force. My son's friend is going to enlist in the Air Force next year!   

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    Forgot to say....I don't have so much of a sweet tooth as I do a salt and crunchy tooth....especially at night when I am reading. I love nuts and seeds.....but a little go a long way (on my hips!)  So I have been chopping celery into small pieces and adding a sprinkle of sea salt and harmlessly munching while I read. Really satisfies that salty crunchy craving for me!

    Also it's snowing and 30°…ugh.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    OK....if the first attempt is any indication....I will defo NOT be joining the "chunky veggie smoothie" brigade!!! Sick.

    I suppose I could try bailey's trick of celery and a sprinkle of salt ( not a sweet tooth in my mouth), but.....I may just skip the salt and on occasion, eat a few potato chips, lick my fingers, smack my lips, and smile. ahhhhh.

    Hang on for the ride, bailey....isn't "normal life" great!!! Got everything crossed for you son to do well.

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013


    I just had to share this photo from Thing 1's Senior photo shoot this past he cute, or what?

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013

    Son is adorable, Bailey..... :)

    Good luck this weekend......DD#3 & 4. Both got full rides......hallelujah ! One for soccer, one for grades, etc. Absolutely the best thing ever to happen to us since we started sending kids to college! I will send lots of positive energy and prayers in you direction!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    What a cutie! No full rides for our three.....would have been nice. Best wishes to your son!

    Now I am craving celery but don't have any!

    I walked for an hour outside today and worked all afternoon at the food bank. Great day!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Bailey, what a fabulous photo! It belongs in a magazine! He is totally wonderful. I bet he has a string of adoring girls following him around. And what a cool, hip thing to wear a cap like that for a photo. He's my hero.

    Movie! Salsa and Beer is one of our favorite places! There's one about three blocks from DS's and DIL's house, and we go there a lot because it's so close. I love their food, and so will you. I can't wait! And I love your new quote in your signature line. It's funny...and REAL.

    I'm not bragging, just sharing the radiologist son got a full ride to U of M medical school. I think it was because they look for applicants who are personable and have a lot of "lifetime experience." Not someone who has done nothing but study since kindergarten. He feels extremely blessed to have been given this wonderful opportunity, to graduate without a boatload of student loans, and has lots of plans about how to pay it forward.

    Aubrey just went home, after chewing on my fingers for a few hours. She is so adorable. And Sammy, our little rescue woofer, loves her enormously. Whenever she's playing on the floor, he cuddles next to her. Photos coming.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013're a good person. I bet the people at the food bank know who you are and know you're helping out of the love in your heart.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Ah, Sbel, thanks! I felt such joy being back at the FB today. Everyone is very solicitous of me, especially since the newspaper article, which is nice for now. I do hope they treat me normally soon, but I guess I'll never be "normal!" LOL. The clients missed me and one even said he'd been praying for me. It's an honor and joy to spend time there.

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited November 2013

    Bailey - Adorable! I want print his picture and hang it in my locker! Well, I don't actually have a locker, and if I did that would be weird - but his personality just shines. I'll be keeping fingers and toes crossed this weekend.

    Speaking of Shiney personalities....Jeannie, without having met you I just know that you light up a room. Sounds like good things are coming from that article. Your town, family, food bank, friends, and Wilbur, are lucky to have you. Sometimes when I read of your adventures I think you should have your own sitcom - 'Everyone loves Jeannie'

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Great picture Bailey? My children didn't get scholarships either. My son got $500 for being athlete of the year. Ha ha! they did both graduate from Michigan State University where I met my husband. ( So did there spouses) we are very very GREEN In this family.

    Well I made it. One year ago today I had my mastectomy and DIEP. I bought them a couple of new bras. no underwire though. I still want to be careful. These are the first real bras I've had. Happy Birthday girls!